Friday, December 13, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Measles Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

by Barbara Loe Fisher
mother holding baby
Following is a short summary of a longer special report “What Is Going On With Measles? The Science and Politics of Eradicating ...

Drop in Measles Cases in 1960s Coincided With End of “Baby Boomer” Babies

by Marco Cáceres
Baby Boomer period
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that, prior to the introduction of the first measles vaccine in ...

Scientists Conclude Pertussis Vaccine Causes Permanent Brain Damage

by Barbara Loe Fisher
blue glove and vaccine
BACK TO THE FUTURE: Following is an article from TVR’s historical archives published in the Spring 1990 print edition on a ...

Virus Enzyme Found in MMR Vaccine

by Barbara Loe Fisher
Virus Enzyme Found in MMR Vaccine
BACK TO THE FUTURE: Following is an article from TVR’s historical archives published in the November/December 1995 print edition.  Swiss scientists ...

OPV Vaccine Plus A Shot of Antibiotics Equals Polio

by Barbara Loe Fisher
girl receiving oral polio vaccine
BACK TO THE FUTURE: Following is an article from the historical archives of The Vaccine Reaction newspaper journal. It was ...

Back to the Future: Shalala Takes Away Compensation for DPT Injured Children

by Barbara Loe Fisher
boy staring
In a calculated move designed to bolster the federal government’s claim that the DPT vaccine does not kill or injure ...

The Smallpox Vaccine Was No Silver Bullet

by Marco Cáceres
The Smallpox Vaccine Was No Silver Bullet
Modern beliefs and opinions about the validity of vaccine science are based on the thinking and observations of British physician ...

Oral Polio Vaccine Was Contaminated with Monkey Viruses

by Barbara Loe Fisher
Oral Polio Vaccine Was Contaminated with Monkey Viruses
Public health officials in the United States today recommend that infants in the U.S. receive four doses of an inactivated, ...

Bernice Eddy Warned of Defective Salk Polio Vaccine

by Marco Cáceres
Bernice Eddy Warned of Defective Salk Polio Vaccine
During the Republican primary presidential debate on September 16, 2015, CNN moderator Jake Tapper noted a U.S. Treasury Department announcement ...

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