About Us
Editorial Staff
Marco Cáceres | Managing Editor
Carolyn Hendler, Rishma Parpia,| Staff Writers
Theresa Wrangham | Website Editor & Designer
James Lindo | Assistant Website Editor
The Vaccine Reaction, or TVR, is a free online subscription journal newspaper published by the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a 501(c)(3)H nonprofit organization. We do not accept advertising. Become an e-mail subscriber to the publication here.
NVIC is funded by individual donations and philanthropic foundations. We do not receive funding from government health agencies, drug companies selling vaccines or medical trade associations and other non-governmental organizations receiving funding from vaccine manufacturers and government health agencies. NVIC Newsletter subscribers, donor supporters and registered users of the free online NVIC Advocacy Portal automatically receive a subscription to TVR.
Guiding Vision
There is a growing awareness and deep concern among people in the U.S. and around the world that human health, the earth’s environment and our freedom to make informed, voluntary decisions about how we stay well is being compromised. The global search for better ways to protect the environment is mirrored by the personal search of individuals, young and old, to find more effective ways to improve physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.
In America, profound questions are being asked about the role of corporations, medical trade associations, government health agencies and lawmakers in creating public policies and laws that affect the ability of individuals and communities to choose how they will maintain optimal health and long term well being. This historic challenge to the status quo is prompting a public conversation about whether some public health policies and laws are causing harm by failing to acknowledge and respect the importance of biodiversity, the precautionary principle and the human right to informed consent to medical risk-taking.
TVR provides a forum for readers to engage in critical thinking and participate in an enlightened conversation about reaction to one of the most important public conversations of our time: the relationship between vaccination, health and autonomy. This online weekly journal offers an opportunity to analyze the broader contemporary and historical issues that affect public perception, understanding and opinion about how public health policies and laws affect individual and community health, freedom of thought and speech and other civil liberties.
Editorial Content
TVR publishes original analyses, news summaries and opinions, as well as highlights articles, analyses and opinions appearing in professional and mainstream media publications to provide a mechanism for public discussion about a range of scientific, medical, ethical, political, cultural, social, legal and public policy issues that intersect with the topics of health, vaccination and autonomy. A special focus is the impact of vaccine research, development, regulation, policy-making, promotion and mandates on:
* human and animal health
* ecology and the environment
* autonomy and privacy
* freedom of thought and conscience
* practice of medicine and public health
* media and public opinion
* business and finance
* politics and government
* U.S. and international law
* other trending topics
Anchoring News and Opinion with References
TVR features a selection of news articles, analyses, opinions, videos, books and other information highlighted, analyzed or critiqued by editorial staff. In order to ensure accuracy, transparency and accountability for information contained in analyses, summaries and opinions written by TVR staff and guest writers, we emphasize that articles contain references and/or links to original reference sources.
TVR Content Corrections Policy
A correction to a referenced article published in TVR will be made and noted in the article’s Comment Section or at the end of an article if an article contains an error that affects the accuracy or clarity of the article’s content. Minor errors, such as typographical errors, will generally not be corrected unless they substantively change the intended meaning of a word or sentence.
TVR Comment Policy
TVR staff monitors comments made to articles published in our journal newspaper. We welcome comments, whether supportive or critical of TVR article content, which contribute to an enlightened conversation about vaccination, health and autonomy. TVR is dedicated to providing a place for a civil and constructive discussion and off-topic statements or links, spam, abusive and offensive language, profanity, vulgarity, personal attacks and hate speech is not welcomed and will be deleted. Those who repeatedly violate this policy will be blocked from commenting on TVR.
TVR Editorial Staff
Barbara Loe Fisher is co-founder and President of the non-profit charity, National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) and founder and Executive Editor of The Vaccine Reaction journal newspaper, which is published by National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC). She is co-author of the historic book, DPT: A Shot in the Dark (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1985), and worked with Congress to secure vaccine safety informing, recording, reporting and research provisions in the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. She served as a consumer member of the National Vaccine Advisory Committee (1988-1992); Institute of Medicine Vaccine Safety Forum (1995-1998); FDA Vaccines & Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (1999-2002); and the Vaccine Policy Analysis Collaborative (2002-2005) and the Vaccine Safety Writing Group (2009) sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. She graduated from the University of Maryland with a B.A. in English and was a writer and community relations professional at a teaching hospital before becoming a mother in 1978. She has three grown children and a grandson. Barbara’s longer CV is here.
Marco Cáceres is Managing Editor of the The Vaccine Reaction online journal newspaper, launched in 2015. He is responsible for managing the editorial staff, guiding the selection of topics covered, identifying guest writers, and promoting the publication online. A regular TVR columnist, he specializes in analyzing trending vaccine-related news for which he writes a series of articles. Marco is a professional writer and market forecast analyst. He has worked for three decades in the space industry analyzing and forecasting the market for satellites and rockets. He has conducted specialized market studies for both the U.S. government and major defense and aerospace corporations. He also has extensive experience on Capitol Hill as both a legislative correspondent and legislative aide in the U.S. Senate. In addition to articles published in TVR, Marco has written articles that have appeared in Aerospace America, Aviation Week & Space Technology and The Huffington Post. Marco graduated from the University of Richmond with a degree in history. He is married and is the father of two daughters. He is fluent in Spanish.
Carolyn Hendler, JD researches, analyzes and writes about vaccine policy and law and other legal issues. She is a graduate of Rutgers School of Law class of 2000 and the University of Vermont. Her legal background includes civil litigation, business law and real estate transactions. Carolyn managed a family law practice in New Jersey for 10 years and her court experience includes both trial and appellate court cases. Carolyn has worked as a volunteer for political campaigns and for women’s rights issues. She continues to recover from reactions to a series of HPV vaccinations, which prompted her to research vaccine risks. Carolyn joined NVIC’s management staff in 2018 and is Director of Legal Affairs and Community Outreach.
Rishma Parpia has been a staff writer for The Vaccine Reaction since the spring of 2015. A research consultant, she has conducted research for more than 10 years at universities and for non-profit organizations with extensive experience in qualitative and quantitative methods. She has served as an investigator on several international and domestic studies to evaluate immigration policies for human resources for health and has authored peer-reviewed articles for publications. Rishma has a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in Sociology. An advocate for medical informed consent and vaccine safety, she lives in Virginia.
History of The Vaccine Reaction
In 1995, NVIC published the first The Vaccine Reaction newsletter, edited by NVIC co-founder Barbara Loe Fisher. The newsletter was printed and mailed to NVIC supporters until 2006, when NVIC began producing the online NVIC Vaccine E-Newsletter.
More About NVIC
A non-profit (501c3H) charity founded in 1982, NVIC is dedicated to preventing vaccine injuries and deaths through public education. NVIC serves as a clearinghouse for information on diseases and vaccination and advocates for the human right to informed consent to medical risk-taking and respect for the Precautionary Principle in public policy-making. We are a consumer-led educational organization and does not give medical advice about whether or not individuals should or should not use vaccines or other pharmaceutical products. We encourage everyone to become educated about health and vaccination, including the risks and complications of diseases and vaccines, and consult one or more trusted health care professionals before making vaccination and other health decisions.
NVIC’s website at NVIC.org is the largest and oldest consumer-operated website featuring information on diseases, vaccination and health on the Internet. NVICAdvocacy.org was established in 2010 to advocate for inclusion of informed consent protections in state public health laws.
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