Friday, July 26, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


There’s No Need to Ban These Vaccines

by David Bell | Guest Writer
Opinion | Individual sovereignty means that people can make their own choices, based on their own assessment of risk. It means that ...

Stanford Epidemiologist Says COVID Vaccination is Primarily a Matter of Personal Health, Not Public Health

by Eric Brakey | Guest Writer
vaccination is a personal choice
Opinion | As one-size-fits-all COVID vaccine mandates sweep government, academia, and corporate America, new data are emerging that undermine the ...

National Vaccine Information Center Opens Vaccine Conference for Free Viewing Online

by TVR Staff
NVIC online vaccine conference in 2020
On Feb. 2, 2021, the U.S. non-profit charity the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) opened the Fifth International Public Conference ...

Face Masks to Prevent COVID-19: Conflicting Facts & Advice

by TVR Staff
woman wearing a medical mask
In a media briefing on Mar. 30, 2020, World Health Organization (WHO) officials confirmed that facial masks for the prevention ...

Chinese Taken from Homes by Police to Coronavirus Quarantine Camps

by Barbara Loe Fisher
Chinese woman on her smartphone
The New York Times on Feb. 6, 2020 was the first mainstream media outlet to report that Chinese government authorities ...

Children Taken From Parents Who Refuse Vitamin K Shot

by Joseph Mercola, DO | Guest Writer
newborn getting vitamin K shot
Opinion | Since 1961, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has recommended that all newborns receive a vitamin K1 injection to ...

Bodily Autonomy and Halacha

by Michoel Green | Guest Writer
father carrying daughter on shoulders
Opinion | Is bodily autonomy a Jewish value? Freedom of movement and personal choice is at the very core of liberty ...

Why Does the Medical Community Want Access to Our Kids?

by Jefferey Jaxen | Guest Writer
Why Does the Medical Community Want Access to Our Kids?
Opinion | In 2016, MSNBC host Melissa Harris Perry made a concerning statement. Discussing public education, Harris Perry said, “We have to ...

The Vaccine Industry Drives Big Philanthropy, Big Media and Government Agencies

by Barbara Loe Fisher
mixing chemicals in lab
The following article is the third of three excerpts from a report, WHO, Pharma, Gates & Government: Who’s Calling the ...

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