In an effort to get the U.S. government to recognize the value of natural immunity in providing effective protection against COVID-19, U.S. Representative Diana Harshbarger of Tennessee introduced the Natural Immunity Is Real Act in the House of Representatives on Oct. 18, 2021. The bill, H.R. 5590, requires U.S. federal agencies to take into account naturally acquired immunity from previous COVID infection when issuing any rules or regulations aimed at protecting from the disease.1 2 3 4 5
Scientific Evidence Shows Effectiveness of Natural Immunity
“There’s ample scientific evidence from numerous peer-reviewed studies that natural immunity from previous COVID-19 infection is effective, durable and long-lasting, Rep. Harshbarger said. “[T]he Biden Administration must ‘follow the science’ and be open, honest and transparent about the millions of Americans who have natural immunity against the COVID-19 virus.”
Rep. Harshbarger added:
I’ve always said we need to use all the clinical tools as protection and treatment options to combat COVID-19. However, my bill is a necessary and timely legislative action resulting from President Biden’s continued politicization of COVID-19 which continues to create deep divisions among Americans, such as when he chillingly said his national vaccine mandate requirements are ‘not about freedom or personal choice.’ Now more than ever, we need to pursue every scientific measure—such as natural immunity—that can help mitigate the pandemic without threatening people’s jobs, our economy, or denying Americans access to everyday life activities based on COVID-19 vaccination status.2
H.R. 5590, which has been referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, has been co-sponsored by Reps. Daniel Webster (Florida), Jeff Van Drew (New Jersey), Chris Stewart (Utah), Bill Posey (Florida), Mary Miller (Illinois), Mariannette Miller-Meeks (Iowa), Dan Bishop (North Carolina), Mo Brooks (Alabama), Madison Cawthorn (North Carolina) and Chip Roy (Texas).5
“Too many medical leaders are refusing to publicly recognize what overwhelming data has already shown—protection afforded to individuals with natural immunity is real, robust and durable,” said Rep. Webster. “Denying science only contributes to existing confusion, misinformation, and mistrust among the American people. This bill helps restore trust and faith in the Public Health system, while maintaining our fight against COVID-19.”2
“No American should be forced to choose between getting the COVID vaccine or keeping their job, particularly when the Biden policy fails to recognize that millions of Americans have immunity because they’ve already had and recovered from COVID,” said Rep. Posey.2
Federal Government Urged to Respect the Science of Natural Immunity
A companion bill to H.R. 5590, S. 2849, has been introduced in the Senate by Senator Mike Lee of Utah and referred to the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. “This bill does not say that vaccines are bad or unhelpful. It merely asks the federal government to respect widely available science,” Sen. Lee said. “The bill would allow us to keep Americans employed and help us beat the pandemic in a smart way, in a reasoned, rational way… in a compassionate way.”6 7
In a recently published retrospective observational study, researchers at Tel Aviv University and Maccabi Healthcare in Israel found that unvaccinated individuals who came down with a SARS-CoV-2 virus infection and developed natural immunity to it were 27 times more protected against the virus than those who had been vaccinated for COVID.
The authors of the study, which compared the outcomes of more than 800,000 people from Mar. 1, 2020 through Aug. 14, 2021,8 9 concluded:
This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity. Individuals who were both previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant.9
On Sept. 28, 15 members of the Doctors Caucus in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives wrote a letter to the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Rochelle Walensky, MD, urging the CDC to “acknowledge natural immunity and work with other federal agencies to ensure all future guidance, policies, and federally-funded research take this evidence into account and build off it.”10 11
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Click here to view References:1 Gilliam B, McAvoy D. Harshbarger proposes changes to mandate timelines based on immunity from previous COVID cases. WJHL 11 Oct. 18, 2021.
2 Press release. Congresswoman Diana Harshbarger Introduces Bill to Require Federal Agencies to Acknowledge Natural Immunity to COVID-19. U.S. Representative Dana Harshbarger Oct. 18, 2021.
3 Romboy D. Conservative politicians: Let natural immunity ring. Doctors: Get the COVID-19 vaccine. Deseret News Oct. 19, 2021.
4 The Ingraham Angle. Diana Harshbarger introduces bill to require federal agencies to recognize natural immunity to COVID. Fox News Oct. 27, 2021.
5 H.R.5590 – Natural Immunity Is Real Act. Oct. 15, 2021.
6 Fox 13 News Utah. Utah Sen. Mike Lee wants mandate to consider natural immunity. YouTube Oct. 8, 2021.
7 Hal S.2846 – Natural Immunity Is Real Act
8 CBN News. ‘Natural Immunity is 27 Times More Protective’. YouTube Sept. 14, 2021.
9 TVR Staff. Israeli Study Finds Natural Immunity to Coronavirus Far Superior to Vaccine-Induced Immunity. The Vaccine Reaction Sept. 5, 2021.
10 Hobley N. Senators, Doctors Urge CDC to Recognize Natural Immunity. The Vaccine Reaction Oct. 25, 2021.
11 Press release. Sen. Marshall Leads Doc Caucus Letter Urging CDC to Acknowledge COVID-19 Natural Immunity. U.S. Senator Roger Marshall Sept. 29, 2021.
21 Responses
there are now 14 co-sponsors (all Republican…) for H.R.5590 – Natural Immunity Is Real Act
Well that would be a step in the right direction. No mandates period!
This is hopeful but much more needs to be done, people need to speak out and fight for our freedom NOW!!! We have three children who are fighting for their jobs and one child we will have to pull out of school soon.. it is exhausting and horrifying to fight this battle . My heart breaks for the young people who have families and are being ripped of jobs, for the first responders who have kept everyone alive for the past year and a half and now are being told they have no jobs!!
Natural immunity? Like innate immunity? There goes half of the vaccination table for children. These politicians do not understand the scope and breadth of the vaccination industry.
A day late and a dollar short. People have already lost their jobs in these fascist corporate government partnerships. Hundreds of millions already vaccine injured past and present, unaware of the fact.
This bill falls short because people should also have the option to wait for exposure so they can acquire natural immunity. As well as the predictable debacle of ‘testing’ being inadequate on every level. We’d all have been past this by now if the government did absolutely nothing. When will the discrimination end? We have no obligation moral or otherwise to consume pharmaceutical products. Pharmaceutical products have nothing to do with truth, justice, and the American way.
‘Covid’ may very well have been the most substantial drain of brain power and man hours in human history. This was never about health and safety. Absent of crimes against humanity, racketeering and violations of the RICO act, with associated Monopoly rule corporate structure disillusions, totalitarian edicts are unlikely to abate. He whom shall not be mentioned was right, they’ll never let you take the masks off. Mask adoption was merely a stepping stone to condition the masses for more pervasive and more restrictive edicts.
Sadly, the vast majority has either forgotten or never learned about ethical principals that could have protected us immediately, such as opting out on principal. We don’t have to pick a side, but we can opt out on principal until they figure it out and can come to a consensus universally agreed upon. Good ideas do not require force. Good ideas take time, they are not implemented by the force of government. Opting out on principal has it’s benefits and can protect you from a broad array of threats against liberty. We are living in a new age of legal plunder.
Bastiat; “Sometimes the law defends plunder and participates in it. Thus the beneficiaries are spared the shame and danger that their acts would otherwise involve… But how is this legal plunder to be identified? Quite simply. See if the law takes from some persons what belongs to them and gives it to the other persons to whom it doesn’t belong. See if the law benefits one citizen at the expense of another by doing what the citizen himself cannot do without committing a crime. Then abolish that law without delay – No legal plunder; this is the principle of justice, peace, order, stability, harmony and logic.”
We are not living in an age of law, we are living in an age of chaos under the illusion of law, which the veil of illusion has recently been lifted. Re establish law or be prepared for chaos and tyranny to reign supreme for generations. Now we need someone to serve justice. The time for debate has passed, the plunderers will never stop lying. Their followers will never be convinced, they are completely propagandized. Accept that. Move on to justice. Bills like the ones mentioned fall short of justice. The indignity of urging plunderers to stop plundering. To request opt outs from those whom do not respect choice. How about severe penalties for anyone trying to force medicine on an otherwise healthy person without their voluntary consent? Put an end to it with real law and real justice.
NO MANDATES! Where there is risk, there must be choice.
I came unto the genetically engineered virus called COVID-19 in Dec. last year. Got out of the hospital in Jan. 2021. My Dr. has been checking on my antibodies and they are there. I have natural immunity, so what do I need to add something onto my natural defense that would probably destroy or weaken them.
NO MANDATES! Right to Choose.
It’s clearly not about the virus or vaccines. It’s about control, and the Great Reset. For truthful info: Dr. Mercola (follow his rererences for leads), America’s Frontline Doctors, Dr. Tenpenny, WI Gov Johnson
yes you are correct this is criminal!!!!!
Finally! Reasonable and sane dialogue and action that I can fully support.
Thank you Shan, and everyone else participating. The propaganda has grown so illogical while being so prolific, it is truly a night and day difference between what corporate plunderers are shilling, and what We The People, the majority, actually believe. When powerful entities turn to censorship, that is because they are losing power. Good ideas do not require force.
NVIC home page has an excellent summary article on covid vaccine legislation this year which everyone should read.
Another voice of reason is the good Dr Ron Paul. We watch his sensible videos often nightly, he has a channel called The Liberty Report, which is on YTB. He pushed an article recently on the Unique Patient Identifier, aka Unique Patient ID. This is chilling and looks like a federal end run around against all the protective laws individual states are trying to enact. This may be something important to keep up with and having worries of this one day being enacted, many have been extremely limited regarding what we have been willing to disclose to Dr’s and other medical services providers. Who in their right mind would want to be tracked and traced by these governments? Opt out of all data tracking systems as a standard operational mode, whenever possible. Privacy Badger, it’s super easy and fun to use.
Thank YOU, Diana!!! However, why is government involved in individual health at all???
‘Public health’ is a creation of Big Pharma, supported by Fake Science!
I hope this works, although the “Powers That Be” are going to fight it tooth and nail. I regard myself naturally immune. In 2019, we had 4 grandchildren come down with COVID, three of them living in our household. My husband and I, in our 70’s, never suffered a sniffle. One year later in January of 2021, our DIL and her two daughters came down with COVID symptoms, our DIL tested positive for COVID. Our DIL was sick for 3 weeks and granddaughters in our household only 2 or 3 days. Our son, along with my husband and I, again never a symptom. If that does not prove natural or acquired immunity, then the whole world is corrupt in their thinking and have become mindless automatons.
I will not be ruled by anyone! My Family and I will never get vaccinated!! They can shove this big pharma money grab vax up their blow’s not happening! Especially now they have some evidence that shows people that got covid then got vax’ed are at risk of tissue damage and or serious illness due to hyper immune response..that makes me really want to run out and get vax’ed! This is absolute tyranny that we are being forced against our will to put poison in our system and not acknowledging age old science of natural immunity! it’s refreshing to know people are fighting for us and there may be a chance our corrupt government will acknowledge the evidence and overturn this ridiculous mandate!
Right on, Frank!
Ooh, ooh! I really want to go get the death shot…I’d like to get myocarditis or permanent nerve damage, maybe mix some Guillane Barre paralysis in there too, and to top it off I want to become magnetized and emit my own “barcode” EMF please!
I will not be ruled by anyone! My Family and I will never get vaccinated!! They can shove this big pharma money grab vax up their blow’s not happening! Especially now they have some evidence that shows people that got covid then got vax’ed are at risk of tissue damage and or serious illness due to hyper immune response..that makes me really want to run out and get vax’ed! This is absolute tyranny that we are being forced against our will to put poison in our system and not acknowledging age old science of natural immunity! it’s refreshing to know people are fighting for us and there may be a chance our corrupt government will acknowledge the evidence and overturn this ridiculous mandate!
Many have natural immunity and don’t even know it. Even if you got sick you may have exposed multiple times and have natural immunity without even knowing it. The other problem is that many REAL researchers say those that have natural immunity and get the shot are in great danger of death or adverse reactions. PLEASE PLEASE call your US Rep. and ask him/her to support this bill. Even if your Rep is a Democrat call. The Democrats need more push than the Republicans. But they have kids too and not all of them believe in this vaccine.
I had COVID in January 22 of this year. I go every two months to test for natural antibodies. It’s been almost 11 months and I am still going strong! I will not take the vaccine. University of Georgia is mandating vaccination for any departments funded by federal government. But other departments on campus don”t have to take a vaccine.
Hi Frank,
I am interested in the evidence that shows people that got covid then got vax’ed are at risk of tissue damage and or serious illness due to hyper immune response.
Can you share any article and supporting evidence?
I only can thank Representative Harshbager for introducing the Bill. However, government CANNOT do what it’s best for us. Let me choose and live, period. I’m getting tired of lots of regulations.
washington d.c. = sewer pit of corruption