Sunday, February 09, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Half of Americans Will Be Diagnosed With Cancer by 2030

Man undergoing an MRI scan

Cancer is an “abnormal growth of cells.” That is perhaps the most succinct description of the disease, which is really more a group of diseases since there are more than 100 types of cancer. Cancer cells are malignant—meaning that they can invade and spread to different parts of the body, forming solid tumors (masses of tissue) that can damage organs and tissue.1 2 3 4 5

The 13 most common forms of cancers in the United States are breast cancer, followed by lung, prostrate, colorectal, skin, bladder, lymphatic, kidney, uterine, blood, pancreatic, thyroid and liver cancers.6 In fact, cancer is the second leading cause of death in the U.S.7

A study by the American Cancer Society (ACS) published on Jan. 8, 2019 estimates there will be 1,762,450 new cases of cancer in the U.S. this year and 606,880 deaths caused by cancer, or nearly 1,700 deaths per day.8 9 The number of new cancer cases in the U.S. has been steadily increasing during the past decade. There were about 1.5 million cases in 2010, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) projects the rate will reach 1.9 million by 2020.10

According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the number of new cancer cases of cancer in the U.S. is 439.2 per 100,000 men and women annually. About 38.4 percent of men and women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cancer “at some point during their lifetimes.”11

The NCI estimates that the national expenditures for cancer care in the U.S. in 2017 were $147 billion, compared to $137.4 billion in 2010. It believes these costs are “likely to increase as the population ages and cancer prevalence increases.”11 12 In fact, it projects that U.S. expenditures for cancer care will reach $174 billion by 2020.13

The ACS estimates that new cancer cases in the U.S. will increase by as much as 50 percent by 2030. This means that, within the next decade, approximately 1 in 2 Americans are expected to be diagnosed with cancer.14 15

Because of this growing and alarming epidemic, there has been a kind of quest by the vaccine manufacturing industry to produce a “universal cancer vaccine” that would treat and help cure cancer by teaching the immune system to attack cancer cells. Even Google has joined the quest by investing millions of dollars in venture capital to help finance start-up biotech companies doing research on a cancer vaccine.16 17

There have been some breakthroughs in recent years on the development of an effective therapeutic cancer vaccine but, thus far, this “holy grail” of the vaccine industry remains elusive.18 19 20

Scientists maintain that human exposure to environmental toxins can cause damage to DNA that alters the way our cells function and leads to cancer.21

Ironically, one toxin identified as a known carcinogen—formaldehyde—is an ingredient in many vaccines.”22 23 24 25 A total of 26 vaccines licensed in the U.S. list formaldehyde as an ingredient.”26 Many package inserts published by pharmaceutical companies state that vaccines have not been evaluated for “carcinogenic potential.”27


1 Cancer Overview. WebMD.
2 National Cancer Institute. What Is Cancer? National Institutes of Health Feb. 9, 2015.
3 Cancer A-Z. WebMD.

4 National Cancer Institute. Cancer Types. National Institutes of Health.

5 CTCA. What’s the difference? Benign and malignant tumors. Cancer Treatment Centers of America Dec. 26, 2017.

6 National Cancer Institute. Common Cancer Types. National Institutes of Health Feb. 21, 2019.

7 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Leading Causes of Death. Mar. 17, 2017.
8 Molina B.The U.S. cancer rate has been declining for 25 years, study finds. USA Today Jan. 9, 2019.

9 Siegel RL,  Miller KD, Jemal A. Cancer statistics, 2019. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians January/February 2019; 69(1): 7-34

10 CDC. Expected New Cancer Cases and Deaths in 2020. Aug. 16, 2018.

11 National Cancer Institute. Cancer Statistics National Institutes of Health Apr. 27, 2018.

12 National Cancer Institute. Financial Burden of Cancer Care. National Institutes of Health February 2019.

13 National Cancer Institute. Cancer Prevalence and Cost of Care Projections. National Institutes of Health.

14 Crow S. This Is How Likely You Are to Get Cancer in Your Lifetime. BestLife Jan. 31, 2018.

15 Global Cancer Facts & Figures. American Cancer Society.
16 Carroll J. Google backs $27M launch round for Holy Grail R&D work on two targets: a cancer vaccine and a universal flu jab. Endpoints Jan. 15, 2018.
17 HemOnc Today. Cancer vaccines targeted by many as the ‘holy grail’ for tumors. Healio Sept. 25, 2011.

18 Ireland T. Is a cancer vaccine on the horizon? Science Focus Dec. 13, 2018.

19 National Health Service. Research raises hope of a ‘Holy Grail’ universal cancer vaccine. June 2, 2016.
University of Montreal. Major breakthrough in quest for cancer vaccine. Medical Xpress Dec. 6, 2018.
21 National Cancer Institute. Cancer-Causing Substances in the Environment. National Institutes of Health Dec. 28, 2018.
22 CDC. Vaccine Excipient Summary.
23 Formaldehyde. American Cancer Society.
24 Raines K. Formaldehyde: A Poison and Carcinogen. The Vaccine Reaction Nov. 9, 2015.
25 Cáceres M. Embalming Fluid in Vaccines? The Vaccine Reaction Apr. 30, 2018.
26 Cáceres M. Formaldehyde Doesn’t Always Kill Viruses. The Vaccine Reaction Jan. 22, 2018.
27 Package Inserts & FDA Product Approvals. Immunization Action Coalition.

7 Responses

  1. Yes the potential for vaccine toxins in causing Aneuploidy (chromosomal scrambling) thus cancer is valid. To say cancer is a group of diseases though is misleading because all cancers start by chromosome chaos, whether in the colin, breast, brain etc., and not gene mutations.But that these numbers of expected cancer cases certain to come are real, should be met with caution and skepticism. The cancer industry is hugely conflicted between finding a cure and keeping the flow of billions of dollars directed at research, cancer drugs (which themselves cause cancer) and lifetime of medical care. Given that more and more Americans are changing their diets and lifestyles to vegetarian or Mediterranean protocol and exercising, these numbers again, deserve scrutiny. There is no cure for cancer coming from the very corrupt and self serving cancer industry. And the idea that a vaccine could have an affect is dangerous as cancer cells are immunogenic because they are derived from the mother cell. Sounds like forced autoimmune engineering to me. Iatrogenic dollar driven madness.

  2. Cancer is an “abnormal growth of cells.” Nothing could be further from the truth. Proof is that when you remove toxins from a cancer patient’s diet, their body is able to dissolve the “abnormal” growths. Aajonus Vonderplanitz reports that when he did so for his clients, their bodies dissolved the “abnormal” growths and health was restored. No drugs. No side effects. Doctors want you to believe that a cancer patient’s body is “out of control”. Not so. It’s in perfect control. That’s why it formed the growths. See Vonderplanitz’s book “We Want To Live” for the details. His diet isn’t for everyone, but it is if you want to skip, or heal, cancer.

  3. Vaccines are causing cancers (if we bother to look into it) How in a world will vaccines prevent cancers?

  4. Just another scare for Big Pharma to come up with another vaccine. It is soon coming to the point where the only way people can live will be filling their bodies with more and more vaccines and drugs. And that’s the way Big Pharma has it planned. It’s ALL about money.

  5. the beginning of the book BEHOLD A PALE HORSE by WILLIAM COOPER, a chapter titled SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WARS will help you understand.

  6. I’m still waiting for acid rain, the hole in the ozone layer, the swine and or avian flu, killer bees, AIDS, Zika, Y2K or an end to the world in 12 years. I’m not sure I have time to wait to be 1 in 2 to get cancer.
    (What a joke)

  7. April Johnson what is that supposed to mean? People aren’t dying from acid rain. People are getting and dying from cancer (Me personally!) I am young and otherwise healthy and have no idea how this came to be. Your comment is immature and hurtful.

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