Wednesday, January 15, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Mask Mandates Return to California With Fines and Prison for Violations

Mask Mandates Return to California With Fines and Prison for Violations

Mask mandates have been reinstated in California’s San Francisco Bay area and, depending upon the county, will include health care workers in medical settings, patients and visitors with fines and prison time for violations. Beginning on Nov. 1, 2024 and through the spring of next year, masks will be required in health care settings, including but not limited to, hospitals, dialysis centers, infusion centers and skilled nursing facilities. Santa Clara, Alameda, Napa, San Mateo, and Contra Costa counties have issued the mask mandate.

While the mandate only applies to health care workers, Santa Clara and San Mateo counties will require visitors to wear masks, and Santa Clara will also require patients to wear masks. Only Santa Clara will exclude children under the age of two and those with certain medical conditions from the mask mandate.1

All other counties will require all people, including very young children and those with medical conditions, to wear masks. California’s initial mask mandate which extended until March 2024, was the third longest in the country.2

The health officials who ordered the masks mandates claim the mandates are intended to halt the spread of influenza, SARS-CoV-2 and other respiratory viruses. Alameda County’s health order reads:

The fall and winter of 2023-2024 saw substantial waves of RSV, flu and COVID-19, and a similar pattern is expected this year.3

The order added that any violation of the order “constitutes an imminent threat and menace to public health, constitutes a public nuisance, and is punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both.”4

Other Counties Across America May Mandate Masking If CDC Issues Warnings

Currently, California counties are the only areas in the country to set mask mandates at this time. Other states, however, may follow suit should the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issue warnings that COVID cases are rising. In August 2024, counties in Massachusetts and Arizona issued mask mandates due to rising cases of the disease.5

According to the CDC:

Generally, masks can help act as a filter to reduce the number of germs you breathe in or out. Their effectiveness can vary against different viruses, for example, based on the size of the virus. When worn by a person who has a virus, masks can reduce the chances they spread it to others.6

Critics of mask mandates argue that mask wearers may be more likely to infect themselves with the SARS-CoV-2 virus by transferring infectious material from their hands to their face when adjusting their mask.7

A 2023 study by the independent non-profit organization Cochrane, which reviewed 78 studies, concluded that there was “little to no” evidence that SARS-CoV-2 infections were reduced by masking at the population level and that there was “uncertainty about the effects of face masks.”8

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Click here to view References:

1 Pandolfo C. Mask mandates return for health care facilities in deep blue state. Fox News Oct. 13, 2024.
2 Schrupp K. Limited healthcare mask mandates return to California’s Bay Area. Washington Examiner Oct. 12, 2024.
3 Philips J. Mask mandates set to return in several California areas. The Signal Oct. 15, 2024.
4 Ibid.
5 Ibid.
6 Higham A. Mask Mandate Map Shows Where They Are Coming Back. Newsweek Oct. 15, 2024.
7 Anderson JH. Masks Still Don’t Work. City Journal Aug. 8, 2022.
8 Tayag Y. A New Turn in the Fight Over Masks. The Atlantic Feb. 13, 2023.

47 Responses

  1. There is no way that the CDC can prove there is a rise of covid cases. The PCR test is fake and the existence of viruses is highly presumptuous at this point. Cally has always been a prison camper’s wet dream.

  2. There have been multiple studies showing that masks don’t do anything (even from the CDC) except to provide a delivery system for micro plastic particles. These health authorities are clearly psychotic. First, the CDC must demonstrate the existence of these alleged viruses before they can claim they filter them out. If it is as they claim, then we should be able to do samplings of the used masks to find all these filtered viruses. But they can’t. Again, this is about control of populations and not about health. There is something severely wrong with California and their “health” authorities.

    1. They actually increase your risk of infection by increasing your carbon dioxide levels.
      Covid is 1/5000 the size of the weave in most mask therefore NO protection from covid
      These mandates are stupid and should not be obeyed!!!!!!
      Going along with ignorance and tyranny only embolden the oppressors!!!
      Stand together and fight !!!!!
      Don’t be a sheep !!!

  3. Hasn’t any California health official read the latest Cochran analysis supporting the view that masks don’t limit the spread of viral diseases, even the N95 mask??!!

  4. Your journalism is ill informed. There are presently NO mandates in the state of Massachusetts. The state recommends people to make up their own mind. Get your facts straight

    1. It said nothing about Massachusetts, they are strictly speaking about Ca and yes, their facts ARE correct. I live here.

  5. So in California, if you kill someone, you’re out on the street without bail, but don’t wear your mask and it’s a fine and jail time?? Jeff Foxworthy was right…….you can’t fix stupid.

  6. PLEASE! Let’s get the legality straightened out first:
    First and foremost and what makes their “case” destined to fail is that:
    A “mandate” is a COURT ORDER instructing either an individual or group to do or not do a specific action based on EXISTING LAWS.

  7. Mass formation hypnosis works very well. Remember though; Mass formation hypnosis does not exist.

    Just in time for the presidential election cycle, again. Be afraid, be very very afraid.

    See how this works yet?

  8. If only they could have a mandate for therapies that helps people boost their immune system instead!
    We need RFK in Washington!

  9. When did we hear that the masks don’t work? When did Anthony Fauci admit that he was wrong? When did it become public knowledge that the Covid vaccines and masks were not only useless, but dangerous? Answer: Last year we heard these things, and there was no rebuttal by anybody. But people have short memories and so here we go again with the government messing around with peoples health and making “rules” which are blatantly totalitarian. We don’t live by “rules” set down by cheap bureaucrats and cheap politicians all without knowledge. We live by the rule of law. Laws are passed in legislatures, and signed into law by a chief executive, like governors and presidents. Therefore, any arrests because of these “rules” will be false arrests, and any jail time, or prison time will be false imprisonment. Once again the democrat party is public enemy number 1.

  10. I 100% support the wearing of masks.
    prison? not so much
    but there needs to be a way to protect people from those that will not follow safety precautions. Masks are common in other cultures in the world and they only make sense with our close living conditions and the spread of disease. Don’t want to wear one? Don’t go out where other people are!

    1. Why don’t you “follow the science” there is no evidence that masks stop the transmission of any virus. No evidence to support your opinion. Ask Dr. Fauci. Maybe too indoctrinated to think clearly and logically

      1. The answer to your question they don’t know or DON’T WANNA know the science, or even the Jeff Foxworthy principle someone here has referenced. Specifically: “You can’t fix stupid.”

    2. Mariah, I’m glad you see the nonsense of prison for not complying but do some research about how damaging wearing masks are to everyone. There was a reason that certain limits to CO2 were set on submarines. And then those limits were even lower when women of child-bearing age were included on the submarines. Inhaling expired air over and over again has some very dire health effects and this is exactly what happens when you are wearing a mask. Just because something is common doesn’t make it right or good. Masks don’t stop the spread of disease and only hurts the person wearing it. Get educated on the facts.

    3. Masks are a violation of OSHA laws. The concept of masks was originally for tuberculosis, which is spread through large droplets. In medical facilities, they were supposed to be for surgeons to protect their patients on the operating table.
      However, the problem was that they actually had side effects in that tiny droplets that escape the masks are actually much worse that if the surgeon wore no mask.
      Follow the science. While masks may prevent some droplets, unless other precautions are taken (ie proper donning on and off; gloves worn when putting on and off; men must be clean shaven; spirometer tests; proper disposal, etc. they are really useless for the spread of viruses.
      A better idea – how about hand washing stations? Drink more water? Breathe fresh air? Stay home when ill? Use a tissue when sneezing and properly dispose and wash hands? Standard precautions go a long way

    4. Clueless much? How many studies came out proving the harm effects of them your mind is compromised if you approve. They are controlling you. Masks prevent no viral transmission period

    5. you seriously need to research the above mentioned studies. Masks are actually harmful, for various health reasons, mental and physical. small children are injured by delay in speech and problems deciphering facial emotional cues. Chemicals are added to the masks as well as possible fibers being inhaled and many facilities are not clean where they are being manufactured. This is simply an exceesise in fear and control. Please, Please, Please, Do Not Comply. A mandate, requirement, policy, a rule is not a Law! Are they still under EUA? If so, you can not be forced to take or use any medical treatment or device under duress or force.

    6. Masks are common in other countries that have high levels of pollution, like China, where the air is filled with particulate matter, not for virus protections. You are living in fear for no logical reason. It is you that should remain enclosed in your apartment while the rest of us live our lives, breathing like normal humans. How did you survive your childhood without wearing a mask 24/7? Ask yourself why you suddenly need to be breathing through a piece of cloth of plastic to survive.

  11. Proven…Face Masks DO NOT WORK. Viral particulates are smaller than the weave of a mask. (idiots)
    Proven: SARS-CoV-2 does not exist. Never has. This is a manmade epidemic, plandemic. Driven by gvt, cdc, MSM and fear porned thruout the media.
    Proven: Diagnosis of common ailments, accidents, other diseases especially cancer were rolled into a faux covid diagnosis for profit by hospitals & doctors. Big bonus payout by gvt. Sickening.
    Proven: Treatment for this plandemic in hospital ie venting and remdesivir kills more patients than it far.
    Proven: The Vaxx weakens/.disables the immune system, does NOT protect against ‘Covid” does NOT lessen symptoms. Turbo cancers, diabetes, heart issues have sky rocketed with the Vaxxed.


  13. Hi. I’m a nurse in Santa Cruz County. We have received notice of a mask mandate in our county as well. Children under two are spared as our diktat is written. Is it asinine? Yes. Do these “Health” officers consider the whole picture when spewing these kinds of orders? No.

    1. And you comply. Then what a vaccine. Till you’re dead. That’s the end game. You’re the wrong race. The un wants all Chinese in this world as they make compliant slaves.

  14. California has officially become a communist state!! With Grewsome Newsome leading the way. The nephew of the witch Nancy Pelosi!!!

    They have lost our constitutional rights!!!

    1. Correction: Nazi state, not communist! Nazis have been running the world since WW2. We the people had better unite to take them down & de-fang them. Say NO to masks & fight…our lives depend on it! They are testing our determination!

  15. Please explain to me how we made it this far in not taking the jab and masking up
    back in the 20″s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s etc and the population was not experiencing
    the health issues they are dealing with today? It’s called “decreasing the population
    and total government overreach and control by keeping us sick. America wake up!!!
    We are experiencing absolute tyranny and they are working on controlling not only
    your health but your finances and your family. The next step is our food source.

  16. I did not wear the mask the last go around of the phony virus. I am 82 an no way am I wearing it again. Be strong, it’s all about control. It has been proven they don’t work.

  17. Let’s see how long those man-dates will last if we all stay away from any and all facilities requiring them. ⚡

  18. And then it will a vaccine yearly then bi yearly then monthly till you die. When will people flat out refuse? F. This government they need to be overthrown and fitted with hemp neckties and made into wind chimes in the court yard.

  19. No one to this day has ever proven that Covid exists. Not one scientist or virologist can produce evidence of this so-called virus. People are getting sick from all the toxins that they are poisoning us with. It’s all a scam!

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