A recent analysis done by Cynthia Cox of the Kaiser Family Foundation for The Health 202 newsletter of The Washington Post found that approximately 58 percent of the people who died of COVID-19 in the United States in August 2022 had been vaccinated or vaccinated and boosted for COVID. Earlier this year, it was estimated that 42 percent of deaths attributed to COVID were among vaccinated or vaccinated and boosted individuals.1 2 3 4
This “troubling trend” is something that has been developing during the past year, according to an article published in the Post on Nov. 23, 2022. “As vaccination rates have increased and new variants appeared, the share of deaths of people who were vaccinated has been steadily rising,” wrote Post health researcher McKenzie Beard.2
San Diego County Offers Case Study of Health Impact of COVID Shots
Cox’s analysis, which used data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) COVID Data Tracker, follows the release of data by the California Health and Human Services Agency (CalHHS) revealing that 41 percent of the COVID deaths that occurred in San Diego County during May-July 2022 were among fully vaccinated and boosted individuals. There were 104,288 confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection in San Diego County from May to July. Of that total, more than 68,000 San Diegans who received COVID shots became infected with SARS-CoV-2 (about 65 percent), 2,417 of them were hospitalized for COVID symptoms and 88 of them ended up dying of COVID.5 6
Of the San Diegans hospitalized, approximately 1,600 of them (about 66 percent) were fully vaccinated or fully vaccinated and boosted. Of those who died, between 41 and 67 percent of them were either fully vaccinated of fully vaccinated and boosted.6
If You’re Vaccinated, You’re Not Going to Die of COVID. That’s a Myth.
The phenomenon of people who have been partially or fully vaccinated (including many who also received one or more booster shots) dying from COVID has likely perplexed many Americans, given assurances from leaders within the U.S. government over the past two years that if you get the COVID shots, not only will you not be hospitalized for COVID, neither will you die from the disease. There have been many instances of such assurances, but perhaps the most high-profile and blatant one was uttered by President Biden at a televised town hall forum in Cincinnati, Ohio on July 21, 2021. President Biden said:
You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.7
If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the IC unit, and you’re not going to die.7
This public guarantee by President Biden came only a few days after the director of the CDC, Rochelle Walensky, MD, stated at a White House press briefing that more than 97 percent of Americans being hospitalized for COVID symptoms were unvaccinated. The figure apparently served to justify Dr. Walensky’s highly publicized claim that COVID had become a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” which was subsequently repeated countless times by governors, legislators, journalists, news commentators, public health officials and health care providers throughout the country. Perhaps most of all by the President of the United States.8 9 10
The phrase “pandemic of the unvaccinated” was carefully being seared into the American psyche and became an invaluable marketing tool for encouraging people to rush and get the initial COVID shots and then, eventually, the requisite booster shots.
The analysis by Cox for The Health 202, as well as the data from San Diego County—the second largest county in California, with a population of nearly 3.3 million—should effectively put to rest the notion that those vaccinated for COVID can avoid being hospitalized for the disease or dying from it.6
“We can no longer say this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” Cox said.1 2 3 4
The “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated” Was Another Myth
Of course, the problem with this declaration by Cox is that it was never a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” from the start. The idea that people who dutifully went out and got vaccinated for COVID would be protected from getting infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus or at least being hospitalized for COVID or certainly from dying of COVID was never based on scientific fact.
The 97 percent COVID hospitalization figure cited by Dr. Walensky at a White House press briefing on July 16, 2021 and again at another White House press briefing on Aug. 5, 2021 was, at the very least, deceptive and most likely woefully inaccurate. The figure implied that people vaccinated for COVID made up less than three percent of those hospitalized for COVID in the U.S. This led many people to think that the COVID shots were responsible for the extremely low hospitalization rate, leading to the inevitable conclusion that the shots were working nearly to perfection.8 9 10
That conclusion might have been valid had there been a relatively equal number of unvaccinated people versus vaccinated people in the U.S. during the January-June 2021 timeframe from which Dr. Walensky’s data was derived in order to make a fair and balanced comparison. But there was not.8
The reason Dr. Walensky and countless others (including President Biden) who took their cue from her were able to make the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” case was not because unvaccinated people were necessarily more susceptible to becoming ill with COVID, but because through at least April 2021, there were still relatively few people in the U.S. who were vaccinated.8
As of Jan. 1, 2021, only 0.5 percent of the U.S. population had been fully vaccinated. By Feb. 1, the figure had risen to 1.8 percent of the population. By Mar. 1, it 7.6 percent. By Apr. 1, it was 16.8 percent. By May 1, it was 30.9 percent. On June 1, 40.6 percent of the U.S. population had been fully vaccinated. By the end of June 2021, it was 46.3 percent.8
By Aug. 31, 2022, 79 percent of the U.S. population had gotten at least one COVID shot; 68 percent were considered “fully vaccinated;” and 33 percent had gotten a booster dose.11
For the record then, it has never been a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” From the outset of the pandemic, vaccinated (and boosted) people have been among those contracting the SARS-CoV-2 virus, being hospitalized for COVID symptoms and dying from COVID. The size of this segment has likely been larger than the CDC has led the public to believe, but it’s hard to know just how much larger because the agency has admitted that its access to COVID-related data from state and local governments has been limited.12
Public Health Data Not Collected Uniformly
Public health data in the U.S. is not collected uniformly. “We have over 3000 health departments in this country, all of which operate independently,” notes David Fleming, MD of the University of Washington School of Public Health in Seattle.13
Dr. Walensky herself has acknowledged that her agency can request health data from states and local governments, “but we can’t compel or mandate data from those jurisdictions. That is shocking to many people.” This comment is consistent with the following statement on the CDC website: “CDC does not have direct authority to require data reporting.”13 14
The CDC website further states:
CDC receives data from 50 states and 3000+ local jurisdictions and territories. Each jurisdiction creates their own data sharing agreements with CDC and with each other. For the most part, it is up to each city, county, and state to decide what information is collected, as well as how and when it can be shared with CDC. These decisions can vary widely, leading to big differences in the data CDC receives.14
It is not hard to imagine how inconsistent data coming from such a system would be, and that is the system the CDC has relied upon for the COVID information it has been providing the U.S. public over the past three years.
Because Cox’s analysis is based on data from the CDC’s COVID Data Tracker, it is probably no more than an educated guesstimate of the percentage of Americans dying from COVID who have been vaccinated or vaccinated and boosted for the disease. The analysis, however, does seem to offer a more balanced, and possibly realistic, perspective. Certainly a sobering one to those who have placed so much confidence in these experimental pharmaceutical products.
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Click here to view References:1 AFP. Vaccinated people accounting for majority of Covid deaths in the US: Report. WION Nov. 24, 2022.
2 Beard M. Covid is no longer mainly a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Here’s why. The Washington Post Nov. 23, 2022.
3 O’Mary L. More Vaccinated People Dying of COVID as Fewer Get Booster Shots. WebMD Nov. 27, 2022.
4 Pandolfo C. Vaccinated Americans a majority of COVID deaths for first time in August: analysis. Fox News Nov. 23, 2022.
5 U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Rates of COVID-19 Cases or Deaths by Age Group and Vaccination Status and Booster Dose. Oct. 21, 2022.
6 Cáceres M. Lots of Vaccinated, Boosted San Diegans Die from COVID. The Vaccine Reaction Sept. 5, 2022.
7 Woodward C, Yen H. AP FACT CHECK: Biden goes too far in assurances on vaccines. The Associated Press July 22, 2021.
8 Cáceres M. Is it Really a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated? The Vaccine Reaction Aug. 29, 2022.
9 White House. Press Briefing by White House COVID-19 Response Team and Public Health Officials. July 16, 2021.
10 White House. Press Briefing by White House COVID-19 Response Team and Public Health Officials. Aug. 5, 2021.
11 USA Facts. US Coronavirus vaccine tracker. Aug. 31, 2022.
12 Mahr K. CDC director orders agency overhaul, admitting flawed Covid-19 response. Politico Aug. 17, 2022.
13 Jaffe S. US CDC begins agency-wide changes after pandemic failures. The Lancet Nov. 19, 2022.
14 CDC. Where does our data come from? May 6, 2022.
30 Responses
Article states “41 percent of the COVID deaths that occurred in San Diego County during May-July 2022 were among fully vaccinated”. TRUE BUT it doesn’t mention that 80% of that population is vaccinated. That means the 59% of the deaths were among unvaccinated people yet they only represent 20% of the population. So the unvaccinated are dying at 3 TIMES THE RATE as the vaccinated. It’s so easy to mislead people with statistics.
I think the more important point here is the realization that people who have been vaccinated or vaccinated/boosted are, in fact, dying. It’s hard to tell how accurate the data is to begin with… either way.
Right. More are dying, and many have already died, from the vax itself. Watch the Died Suddenly documentary on Rumble. Embalmers from all over the US, Canada, and other countries are reporting strange fibrous clots that they are pulling out of those they embalm who have been vaccinated. They are concerned but the media is being very quiet about it. Big Pharma makes a lot of money from their vaccines, it’s a huge multi-billion-dollar industry. Follow the money, It is very corrupt.
Follow the directive, the Georgia Guidestones. How in tarnation can they make the total global population go down to only 500,000,000? Well, let’s see, maybe it’s the shots? That, and every other poison they’ve been pushing on this planet for the past 80 plus years.
Unless people wake up and see how toxic they have made this planet, while worrying about non issues, they will continue to sleep.
Two considerations, Jim: (1) The Cox analysis implies that the vaccinated are becoming more susceptible to covid over time. That’s perfectly in keeping with a number of studies showing quickly waning immunity after vaccination, including even negative immunity with time. Putting two and two together here, it’s not difficult to realize the possibility that the shots may be making people more susceptible in the long run than if they had never got the shots. In the best possible light, the shots become ineffective fairly quickly. (2) This article says nothing about overall mortality, only covid incidence. It is very possible that the vaccinated have already long been having a higher overall death rate than the unvaccinated. There’s quite a lot of evidence for that, if you care to consider it. Possible reasons for a higher death rate among the vaccinated include not only vaccine injury but also vaccine-induced vulnerability to new strains of corona and indeed other diseases, via original antigenic sin. Both of my points (1) and (2) should be uncontroversial in a non-politicized scientific atmosphere, and are quite obvious to honest researchers. Considering these points, it’s clear that the Cox analysis and the San Diego County analysis do not even attempt to be any sort of risk/benefit analysis. They are clearly important only for showing that the covid shots were not nearly as effective as promised, and that our public officials, including Biden, were engaged in misinformation.
True. No vaccine can match natural immunity from natural antibodies acquired through having the actual disease. There are those who are reporting that the vaccine is actually causing the immune system to become compromised. Again, the media is ignoring (not reporting on) the situation.
is it 3x or 6x?
No Jim, that is NOT what the data suggests. Most Americans Dying of Covid were ALREADY vaccinated. So no, the unvaccinated were and are not presently dying at a 3x rate or a 2x rate or even the same rate. The vaccinated are dying at nearly a 2 to 1 ratio. Perhaps you should look at a few other sources. More disturbing is dozens of reports with photos that embalmers from around the nation are speaking out about strange blood clots they have been finding in the bodies of the deceased in 2021 and 2022, and they did not officially die from Covid. Clots usually are found in 10 to 15%, but 50 to 70%?? And in the cases where some of the embalmers inquired, before they were told to stop asking, the deceased had been vaccinated. The CDC data suggests Myocarditis Cases could be 2x higher after vaccinated for Covid and two COVID-19 vaccines are associated with VITT and blood clots, according to t the University of Utah. If you want to learn the facts, they are not hard to find.
Right on, Johnny!
Fascinating leap of illogic Jim; the shots provide ZERO efficacy against Covid as it compromises your God given immunity by changing your DNA with mRNA forcing your body to create Spike Protein’s which are what your body is supposed to fight. This in turn can either kill you outright or cause the body to reignite repressed cancers, or other maladies, perhaps turning into autoimmune disorders. The shots have varying amounts of whatever the manufacturer included; some lots are worse than others. Check yours at howbadismybatch.com. Worldwide Government Reports confirm COVID Vaccination may have killed .75 Million People across 38 major Countries in 2022 so far & Pfizer Documents prove this may lead to mass Depopulation
The unvaccinated are the control group you, government and Big Pharma want to get rid of as it would prove that our immune systems are far better off w/o any of these shots. The powers that be have demonized real treatments like Hydroxychloroquine & Ivermectin and yet they’re used with magnificent success mostly in Third World nations. It’s all about control, compliance and $$$$; not to mention the elephant in the room of depopulation.
Wake up before it’s too late for you.
You are right, Ed!
41%vaxxed deaths/80%vaxxed population = 0.5
59%unvaxxed deaths/20%unvaxxed population = 3.0
So the unvaccinated in San Diego were dying at 6x the rate of the vaccinated.
If we extrapolate from the claim that 58% of all US COVID deaths in Aug 2022 were among the vaccinated. 80% of the general population were vaccinated (https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccinations_vacc-total-admin-rate-total). 58%/80%=.725. 42%/20%=2.1. The unvaccinated died at 3x the rate as the vaccinated in the general US.
There does appear to be a downward trend suggesting waning protection from vaccines (which is to be expected) but the flipside is they STILL WORK giving three times survivability.
These survivability rates should have been highlighted along with “most COVID deaths are in the vaccinated” but they weren’t. You know how gullible and stupid people are and want to cement their bias. You’re spreading potentially misleading information.
Fascinating leap Jim; the shots provide ZERO efficacy against Covid as it compromises your God given immunity by changing your DNA with mRNA forcing your body to create Spike Protein’s which are what your body is supposed to fight. This in turn can either kill you outright or cause the body to reignite repressed cancers, or other maladies, perhaps turning into autoimmune disorders. The shots have varying amounts of whatever the manufacturer included; some lots are worse than others. Check yours at howbadismybatch.com. Worldwide Government Reports confirm COVID Vaccination may have killed .75 Million People across 38 major Countries in 2022 so far & Pfizer Documents prove this may lead to mass Depopulation
The unvaccinated are the control group you, government and Big Pharma want to get rid of as it would prove that our immune systems are far better off w/o any of these shots. The powers that be have demonized real treatments like Hydroxychloroquine & Ivermectin and yet they’re used with magnificent success mostly in Third World nations. It’s all about control, compliance and $$$$; not to mention the elephant in the room of depopulation.
Wake up before it’s too late for you.
If you factor in the use of ventilators, which kill many patients who have COVID, and you factor in the multitude of false COVID diagnoses, then, really many vaccinated are still dying, whether due to the COVID, the vax, or mechanical ventilation. One of the points over the past year has been that the vaccinated are those who are getting sick with COVID, or sicker when they get it, and are more in need of hospitalization than the unvaxed. The saddest part of all this is that people were so lied to, being told by the POTUS on down to the health departments that if one got vaxed they would NOT get COVID. And I don’t hear many of those folks apologizing to the public for their careless claims.
What are the demographics on the dead? Ages, races, underlying conditions, etc.?
Free documentary on vaccine related deaths. “Died suddenly.”
Scroll down for rumble link to larger vid player if wanted. Looks downright frightening. FYI.
For the article, the data was always obscured. People actually bought this nonsense you’re not vaccinated, even though you were vaccinated, but it had not been 2 weeks yet. Then there is the 1,2,3,4 shots, and the moving target of what constitutes ‘vaccinated’. Newsflash, if you had even one, you should have been receiving benefits, if there were benefits to be had. Really thankful to have long since been skeptical of the vaccine industry, to have opted out long since.
1 hour interview on died suddenly documentary. Best case worst case scenarios regarding volume of deaths, actuary figures. They changed the course of humanity forever.
It’s o.k. to simply stop trying to prove anything, and brace for what’s to come. Those whom have eyes to see and ears to hear, are no longer in need of convincing. The rest, they’ll be forced to see the truth eventually, the excess effort used to trying to convince them is no longer a necessary effort.
Exactly. More to the point, is statistics on the health and condition of those dying from Covid, BEFORE they contracted Covid, whether vaccinated or not.There is very little discussion about the Elephant in the Room: The general ill health and bad diet of most people in this country, and how THAT effects people who contract the virus!
Yes, yes, yes!! Many in the “first world” are so caught up in a pill (or vaccine) for the ill mentality, that they fail to get back to basics with nutrition and lifestyle, which is really the key to building resilience and strengthening your immune system so that when these novel viruses appear, the body is ready to fight it. I am unvaccinated against COVID, and rarely get the flu vaccine(I have had this vaccine twice in my life). I had COVID in January 2022, and it was such a mild case that I barely experienced any symptoms. It was over in three days at most. I cannot even recall when last I had the flu. We all must take responsibility for our health and immune system, which starts with what foods and beverages you put in your mouth every day. As we have seen, these “vaccines” are not all they’re reported to be. My rule is and has always been that I do not or will not put any manmade pharmaceutical into my body until it has been on the market for at least 5-10 years, depending. Do your homework, and think logically and critically.
The idea that over time most vaccinations become less effective is well known. Yet it is also obvious that despite Covid strains that are far more transmissible we currently do not see the overwhelming level of hospitalizations that we had in 2020 when almost no one was vaccinated. What is the largest contributor to the significant drop in hospitalizations other than having 80% of the population vaccinated?
virus has become less virulent and the vast majority of the population has now been exposed to or had covid, do not count out natural immunity from the disease
Jim, do some deep research. Nurses and doctors were reporting that many of the COVID diagnoses in 2020 were false positives. Many people were being tested 2, 3, 4 times until the PCR would seem to “show” it was COVID when it was not. The inventor of the PCR test, before he died a few years ago, said the PCR is not made to (cannot) detect what virus a person has, just that there is a virus present. Strangely, statistics for the flu when way down in 2020. Many people had the flu, not COVID. Also, the CDC later admitted that thousands upon thousands were misdiagnosed as having COVID when they did not. People who had died of a non-COVID related death, like motor cycle and car accidents, etc., were given cause of death: COVID if a PCR falsely detected a virus in their system, even though they had not been ill. There is so much corruption from the top down it would make many people’s heads spin if they really realized it.
Safe and effective…the greatest big pharma lie of all time.
Just take the letter “P” out of “Pharmacy” and you get the truth.
vaccine won’t stop ? the pandemic.
and hospital were never over run by COVID cases.
let’s move past vaccine effectiveness and go to risk/ benefit.
Health insurance has millions of medical records.
enough to do a all cause hospital, and death compare of ?vs ?? .
For people of same age and health.
I believe that most risks benefits have already happened.
“The general ill health and bad diet of most people in this country,” does not qualify as a statistically accurate statement. Although there is some truth to this, it seems still another excursion into blaming the victims of a lab-created virus and the experimental mRNA vaccine that has proven ineffective and dangerous. When have we used “the elephant in the room” to blame people for diabetes, heart disease, obesity or cancer? Covid-19 patients are now unashamedly being blamed for their own deaths. The actual “elephant in the room” is an entire herd of pachyderms including Dr. Walensky, Dr. Fauci, the Wuhan lab, the WHO, the CDC, the pharmaceuticals and the current administration, who have done their level best to cover up the truth.
“Pandemic of unvaccinated people” has been a big joke. I never buy it since I knew it wouldn’t be truthful. ?
Three words: ‘All cause mortality’. Look it up.
I don’t like seeing the vaccine reaction promoting potentially misleading info like this. I care about the vaccine safety issue. You’ve inspired an embarrassing fact-check article:
Every comment misses biggest Pharma/NIH/CDC sleight of hand which is
merging the large # of single shot vaccinated with the unvaccinated. Because single shot vaccinated have high # of deaths, the scheme simultaneously lowers the true # of deaths that should count as ‘vaccinated’ while inflating the # of deaths in unvaccinated group. A true apples to apples comparison is: 1 shot 2 shots 3 shots or 4 shots = ‘vaccinated’ and no shots = ‘unvaccinated’. This is the game that has been used to fraudulently inflate the death rate of the unvaccinated and conflate the actual huge death rate #s of people that got a shot of the poison.
Several people I know who got the shot got very very sick afterwards. Then they (ha ha) test “positive” for COVID. Do people need a piano to fall on their heads to knock some sense into them???
THE SHOT GIVES YOU ‘COVID”. And spreads gunk around to the rest of us who weren’t daft enough to trust these evil and vile Harm a ceutical companies.
I mean really, TRUST BILL GATES?