Saturday, February 15, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Media Reaction to CDC Guidance Demonstrates Global ‘Madness’

What if none of this has ever been about the science? Maybe it’s always been about politics and control. It seems to me that there was this surprisingly negative reaction from so many people who bought into every rule that they were supposed to follow to what should be received as welcome news. … This just demonstrates a madness that is going on in America and around the world about this. There are people who are seriously disappointed at the CDC’s new guidance. Any normal, reasonable person should be delighted that the CDC has said that a quarantine period has gone down from 10 days to five.

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10 Responses

  1. So what you’re actually suggesting is that we’ve been deceived and manipulated by our OWN government? What? Are you serious? Here in the land of the free and the home of the brave from sea to shining sea where the bombs burst in air and the flag was still there? Where troubles melt like lemon drops away above the chimney tops?

    Oh jutht thtop you thiwwy conthpiwithy perthon!

  2. People have sacrificed so much only to see their loved ones sicker and sicker and even die from these injections and the CDC changes the rules without accountability for the deaths and injuries – All people need to read the book recently published The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.and they will find out that US is on the bottom of all industrial countries for public health and infant mortality on Fauci’ s watch. We are in this predicament because Fauci is about using taxpayer money to enrich himself on patents and vaccines and the deaths of those experimented on – He needs to be investigated to see if he has committed crimes against humanity and if so, the Nuremberg Trials are where he should be held to account for any alleged deaths of infants, wards of state in New York, women etc.

  3. The CDC is a private company that owns vaccine patents. Why are we listening to guidance from them? Oh right, because the Globalist enabling media whores keep pushing the pandemic narrative. These are Crimes against Humanity. This is not about health.This is about sickness and or death.These bioweapons disguised as vaccines are for the Globalist New World Order Madness Genocidal agenda. Nuremberg 2.0 NOW!

  4. There is a revolving door between Big Pharma and the US governmental health agencies – the FDA, CDC and HEW — and the academic research community. Very few medical or professionals or scientific researchers are able to stand up to the Big Pharma agenda for fear of being cancelled and losing licenses or research grants. The Pharma/Govt. agenda has been to promote expensive and experimental vaccines to the exclusion of even the discussion of possible early treatment methods – which are being increasingly deployed by physicians in their private practices to give their early Covid patients some relief and keep them out of hospitals. The vaccines have proven to be ineffective, yet the Government continues on with its push for booster and child vaccinations. These mandates are not based on science, but on control. Hopefully people are starting to wake up to this fact.

  5. There is a revolving door between Big Pharma and the US governmental health agencies – the FDA, CDC and HEW — and the academic research community. Very few medical or professionals or scientific researchers are able to stand up to the Big Pharma agenda for fear of being cancelled. The Pharma/Govt. agenda has been to promote expensive and experimental vaccines to the exclusion of even the discussion of possible early treatment methods – which are being increasingly deployed by physicians in their private practices to give their early Covid patients some relief and keep them out of hospitals. The vaccines have proven to be of limited efficacy, yet the Government continues on with its push for booster and child vaccinations. These mandates are not based on science, but on control. Hopefully people are starting to wake up to this fact.

  6. Oh so what is Fauci trying to save face now. What a douche. Buddy it is clear that you gave f’d up royally and you are gonna have to pay in the end. Unless of course you find a fall person…it’s not over yet, the fear in peoples voices still, I just can’t understand it.

  7. Wake up, everyone! The so-called vaccines are a precursor to “the mark of the beast,” which apparently will be a microchip–or could be a “quantum dot tattoo” which has been developed by Bill Gates and scientists at MIT. Why should we not take “the mark of the beast”? Because it has to do with mind control–you will lose your free will and therefore your soul! This is a spiritual battle. It’s better to lose your life than to lose your soul. I can’t understand why people believe the government, the media, or the medical system.

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