Sunday, January 19, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Vaccine Strain Measles from MMR Vaccine?

measles virus

There have been at least two reported cases of children with measles in the United States this year that have turned out not to have been wild-type measles after all. The two cases involve children in Oakland County and Washtenaw County, Michigan. Both children had exhibited symptoms of measles and initially tested positive for the measles virus. However, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services conducted additional genotype lab testing of the virus identified in the children’s blood and determined that it was actually the attenuated (weakened) vaccine strain measles virus from the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine the children had recently received.1 2 3

In other words, the symptoms observed in the children by health officials were reactions to the MMR vaccine. The children did not have wild-type measles infections, as originally diagnosed and reported. According to a news report by the Detroit Free Press, “The MMR vaccine can sometimes cause a mild rash and fever. That, health officials say, is a vaccine reaction, not the measles, and people who’ve been immunized are not infectious after vaccination.”1

Susan Ringler Cerniglia, spokesperson for the Washtenaw County Health Department, was quoted as saying, “It [the vaccine strain virus] can give that false positive, but it can’t be transmitted and spread. You cannot get measles from the vaccine.”2

But are these statements that “you cannot get measles” from the MMR vaccine totally accurate? You may not be able to get wild-type measles from the MMR vaccine, but it is pretty clear you can get vaccine strain measles from the vaccine.

In its ProQuad (MMR-V) vaccine product insert, Merck & Co. states that serious complications were reported during post-marketing surveillance of ProQuad, which combines measles, mumps, rubella and varicella zoster vaccines into one shot. Those serious complications included both measles and atypical measles, as well as encephalitis (swelling of the brain), sclerosing panencephalitis, aseptic meningitis, pneumonia, respiratory infection, infection, varicella (vaccine strain), influenza, herpes zoster, orchitis, epididymitis, cellulitis, skin infection, retinitis, bronchitis, parotitis, sinusitis, impetigo, herpes simplex, candidiasis and rhinitis.4 5

Apart from Merck’s acknowledgement of reports of measles following MMR vaccination, the reality is that vaccine strain measles is associated with receipt of the MMR vaccine, as was demonstrated by the results of the genotype testing conducted by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.1 2 3

It is important for doctors giving vaccines and parents of minor children or adults, who are getting MMR shots, to be aware that vaccine strain measles can cause symptoms that look just like the symptoms for wild-type measles. A 2014 report published  by the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), The Emerging Risks of Live Virus & Virus Vectored Vaccines: Vaccine Strain Virus Infection, Shedding & Transmission, noted:

There have been published reports of vaccine strain measles with clinical symptoms that are indistinguishable from wild-type measles. There are also a few reports of measles vaccine strain virus shedding and lab confirmed infection in children following MMR vaccination. In 2002, there was a published report by researchers in France of “a child presenting with fever 8 days after vaccination with a measles-mumps-rubella vaccine. Measles virus was isolated in a throat swab taken 4 days after fever onset. This virus was then further genetically characterized as a vaccine-type virus.”6

It is disingenuous for health officials to say that the MMR vaccine cannot cause measles but, rather, only measles-like “reactions.” The vaccine has been found to cause vaccine strain measles. The question that should interest anyone concerned about measles outbreaks is, “How does a measles vaccine that contains an attenuated virus have the ability to cause a measles infection in someone?” The following observation by retired neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, MD may offer some clues to the answer:

We know that when you inject live viruses in people, in a certain percentage of those people that virus will live for the rest of their life in their body. And they did a study on elderly people looking for measles virus in their tissues, and what they found is that if you looked at their brain, 20 percent of their brain had live measles virus in it. And if you looked at their other organs, about 45 percent of their organs had live measles virus in them

Now, when you make a live vaccine, what you do is you attenuate the virus so it won’t cause the measles. That’s the whole idea… that you take  this virus and you run it through tissue cultures until the virus loses its ability to produce the measles illness. And you call that an attenuated virus, and you inject it into the person… hopefully getting an immune reaction and develop resistance.

Well, the problem, and this is discussed in the virology literature, is that when this virus enters your body and it doesn’t die, because of what we call a persistent virus, and grows there for decades, because your body is producing free radicals all the time, particularly when you get ill from something else, those free radicals bombard that virus’ DNA and it can attenuate it back to a fully pathogenic virus and even produce new diseases.7

This article or commentary provides referenced information and perspective on a topic related to vaccine science, policy, law or ethics being discussed in public forums and by U.S. lawmakers. The websites of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) provide information and perspective of federal agencies responsible for vaccine research, development, regulation and policymaking.


1 Shamus KJ. How 2 Michigan kids tested positive for measles, but didn’t have disease. Detroit Free Press Apr. 12, 2019.
Slagter L. It wasn’t measles, Washtenaw County health officials say after false positive. Apr. 11, 2019.
3 Headapohl J. No Measles Outbreak in Ann Arbor After All. Detroit Jewish News Apr. 12, 2019.
4 National Vaccine Information Center. Can Measles Vaccine Cause Injury & Death?.
5 Merck & Co. ProQuad® U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
6 Fisher BL. The Emerging Risks of Live Virus & Virus Vectored Vaccines: Vaccine Strain Virus Infection, Shedding & Transmission. National Vaccine Information Center 2014.
Russell Blaylock, MD on Attenuated Viruses Becoming Pathogenic Again. The Vaccine Reaction Mar. 7, 2019.

26 Responses

  1. Why are links to footnotes not active?

    This would be a better article if it was no adequately referenced and cited.

    1. Read this:
      How ‘Measles Virus’ is isolated for a Vaccine.

      The entire paper from the government is in her book “Fear Of The Invisible”.
      When the WHO heard about a radio interview Roberts gave on this paper, which was on the WHO website at the time, they removed it and replaced it with what is currently on there today. Fortunately Roberts had maintained a copy when she found it and out it in her book.

    2. The report is garbled. Lanka challenged the Robert Koch Institute, the German CDC, to comply with a recent German law that requires the RKI to scientifically establish disease aetiology, which has never been done for measles. As part of the challenge, he promised to pay €100,000 to whoever proved the existence of the measles virus by a scientific publication, including an electron microscope picture accurately describing the size of the virus – there were about seven conditions.
      A trainee physician, Bardens, submitted six papers which taken together, he claimed, provided proof, and claimed the €100,000. Lanka refused, saying his conditions had not been met. Bardens sued, and initially won, but it was immediately reversed on appeal and the reversal was confirmed by the German supreme court.
      It is very clear that Bardens satisfied none of Lanka’s seven conditions.
      Lanka is a serious if quirky virologist, and this was never about proving the measles virus does exist – that is not Lanka’s contention, and the court never ruled so. It’s about the very tenuous science at the basis of the vaccine programme.

  2. ………,” those free radicals bombard that virus’ DNA and it can attenuate it back to a fully pathogenic virus and even produce new diseases.7″

    Why wouldn’t the immune system (healthy one) select and destroy, especially an attenuated version of measles virus….you’d think it’d be an easy target. Persistent virus? HSV2 is persistent? It is said that it causes the trademark sores, but then hides in the central nervous system. Is this why there is no herpes vaccine? Why no HIV vaccine? I really don’t think these virologist know what the hello they’re doing.

  3. My son (born 1959) was administered the measles vaccine and became seriously ill with measles. Had high fevers for 10 days and major discomfort. Shortly after his recuperation he developed Epilepsy. Had grand mal siezurs so often he needed to wear a helmet to protect him from falls. After a year I changed his diet and put him on mega doses of B vitamins.i did not want him on all the drugs the doctors prescribed. His seizures gradually subsided and he was fine until the age of 36 when he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. My husband passed 2years ago from a reaction to the pneumonia vaccine. A nurse mistakenly gave him the shot in hospital. The neurotoxins in the vaccine destroyed his brain and he became a vegetable within six weeks. Vaccines should be outlawed until they are proven safe, if this is possible.

  4. There is data that 73/194 of the 2015 CA measles cases were also vaccine strain. See the peer reviewed paper: Rapid Identification of Measles Virus Vaccine Genotype by Real-Time PCR. Journal of Clinical Microbiology March 2017 Volume 55 Issue 3. a quote from the article, “During the measles outbreak in California in 2015, a large number of suspected cases occurred in recent vaccinees (3). Of the 194 measles virus sequences obtained in the United States in 2015, 73 were identified as vaccine sequences (R. J. McNall, unpublished data).”

  5. they know exactly what they are doing, they are getting the majority to give up their health so the weakest among us won’t suffer the measles experience.

  6. I believe many of the new measles cases are coming from illegal boarder crossers as there are more then 4000 per day coming into the USA.

    1. I have not seen reports of measles within the detained community of immigrants or undocumented immigrants identified as case zero in any outbreak. All unaccompanied minors in detention are routinely given vaccines upon arrival regardless of vaccine history.

  7. My granddaughter got the MMR and got a measles rash. She didn’t just have the dotted rash, she also had the raised welts. Generally, my daughter is against vaccination and my granddaughter wasn’t vaccinated for the first three years of life, but after my daughter’s divorce and this draconian environment against non-vaccination, she was forced to go along with her X husband when he vaccinates. Fortunately, she has a good pediatrician who agreed to test the antibody level before my granddaughter gets more vaccinations. That is the only choice we have now in California. What a strange situation this is, that a child is deliberately infected with the measles by a shot but can’t get it naturally.

  8. I’m 61, and when I was 1 year old I received a measles vaccination and I GOT measles! My mom told me the doctor said it was the worst case of measles he had ever seen.
    Does this mean I’m immune to wild measles, or just the attenuated kind?

  9. Indeed.

    In the following study when they sampled “measles” cases from the Disneyland outbreak they found that 38% of them were vaccine-strain measles…CAUSED by the vaccine itself.

    Rapid Identification of Measles Virus Vaccine Genotype by Real-Time PCR

    “Since approximately 5% of recipients of measles virus-containing vaccine experience rash and fever which may be indistinguishable from measles (9), it is very important to identify vaccine reactions to avoid unnecessary isolation of the patient, as well as the need for contact tracing and other labor-intensive public health interventions.”

    “During the measles outbreak in California in 2015, a large number of suspected cases occurred in recent vaccines. Of the 194 measles virus sequences obtained in the United States in 2015, 73 were identified as vaccine sequences.”

  10. May be somebody can explain it to me. My son has high titers to measles for years now. It means that virus is constantly replicates in his body. Measles virus suppresses his immune system to the point where we have to do immunoglobulin infusions from time to time. (especially when he picks up something else in addition). In spite of all my efforts to eradicate it nothing seems to work so far. What can be done? If he gets sick with a wild type measles will it help him to shake vaccine type off or it will make it worse due to :so called” heterologous immunity? I would appreciate any suggestions.

    1. A titer indicates the amount of immune cells your body has against a virus, not the presence of the virus. Those with a high titer to a certain disease have been previously exposed to that microbe. Those antibodies will recognize the invader when exposed again. Your immune system will fight that disease before the viruses have a chance to multiply and overwhelm the body’s ability to fight off infection.

      Some viruses, like herpes, hide from the immune system in nerves. A high titer is helpful in this case because a person is able to fight off the infection more quickly usually resulting in a shorter and milder infection. My husband had shingles and his flare up was quite mild compared to some I’ve seen.

      But the measles virus is destroyed in the body.

  11. I guess my question would be about the possibility of the NY outbreak happening because of exposure to recently vaccinated kids?

    1. Interesting question. The idea is that the attenuated virus isn’t transmissible or strong enough to survive outside the body, unlike wild-type virus. But I’m not sure what research has been done. And by whom asks my internal cynic.

      1. If it’s a virus it’s transmittable.

        In 1995, Golding and Scott, published the need for strategies to make vaccines that would generate the “required” Th cell to the corresponding microorganism. Since that time, attempts to produce vaccines that would generate a “natural”- type response have failed. So, we are left with vaccines that generate “protective” responses as a second choice. How does this work? In vaccine-induced Th2 responses, called humoral responses, the body produces large quantities of specific antibodies that block the virus from entering cells.

        This response is why a vaccinated child doesn’t get a full blown infection and why the child won’t spread as many viruses into the environment.

        However, antibodies cannot get into cells to eliminate viruses once the viruses are in the cells or cannot kill infected cells themselves. Therefore, the body has no choice other than to internalize the virus and be chronically infected when the body is forced into a Th2 antibody response. The body is essentially constipated with viruses that it cannot expel!

        Spread AS MANY VIRUSES into the environment.

        The Disney 2015 measles outbreak, 38% were infected with a vaccine strain virus. So yes, people vaccinated with an attenuated virus can shed.

        Golding S., Scott DE., Vaccine Strategy: Targeting Helper T Cell Responses. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 754:126-137, May 31, 1995

        D, Maurice Hilleman in the well researched book on vaccines by Janine Robert stated they (industry) never know how or if a virus is attenuated.

  12. Redpill,

    Antibodies come from B cells not T helper cells.

    1. Read your sources before posting
    2. NCBI and pubmed have great RECENT sources that provide research showing many vaccines are safe and effective. with the technology we have today, we prove time and time again that vaccines do and have always contained an attenuated virus.
    3. Viruses are generally attenuated with heat or UV.
    4. In 2018 GSK recently did safety and effective testing on their MMR vaccine and showed that only 2 % got a Serious side effect with 0.09% resulting in a seizure. That to me is a safe vaccine given that before the vaccine millions of children got seizure, encephalitis and death !

    1. “Viruses are generally attenuated with heat or UV.”

      -Yes that is that process however:
      You Can Transmit Live Vaccine Strain Virus After Getting Vaccinated.
      Smallpox, for example, is transmitted via body fluids. And, when you get a live attenuated smallpox vaccine, which contains live attenuated vaccinia virus, you can develop vaccinia virus (VACV or VV) strain infection, which you can then transmit to others. The same is true for polio and the live oral polio vaccine (OPV). Whether you have the viral infection or you get the live attenuated vaccine, you shed live virus in your body fluids and you are able to transmit the virus to other people who come in contact with your body fluids. Here is an example: Toddler survives smallpox vaccine reaction (picture released by hospital) (article)

      -Outbreak of Measles Among Persons With Prior Evidence of Immunity, New York City, 2011. Oxford Journal.
      Of 88 contacts, four secondary cases were confirmed that had either two doses of measles-containing vaccine or a past positive measles IgG antibody. All cases had laboratory confirmation of measles infection, clinical symptoms consistent with measles, and high avidity IgG antibody characteristic of a secondary immune response.” This report of measles transmission from a twice vaccinated individual. The clinical presentation and laboratory data of the index were typical of measles in a naïve individual. Secondary cases had robust anamnestic antibody responses. No tertiary cases occurred despite numerous contacts.

      In 1995, Golding and Scott, published the need for strategies to make vaccines that would generate the “required” Th cell to the corresponding microorganism. Since that time, attempts to produce vaccines that would generate a “natural”- type response have failed. So, we are left with vaccines that generate “protective” responses as a second choice. How does this work? In vaccine-induced Th2 responses, called humoral responses, the body produces large quantities of specific antibodies that block the virus from entering cells. This response is why a vaccinated child doesn’t get a full blown infection and WHY THE CHILD WON’T SPREAD AS MANY VIRUSES INTO THE ENVIRONMENT.
      However, antibodies cannot get into cells to eliminate viruses once the viruses are in the cells or cannot kill infected cells themselves. Therefore, the body has no choice other than to internalize the virus and be chronically infected when the body is forced into a Th2 antibody response. The body is essentially constipated with viruses that it cannot expel!
      Golding S., Scott DE., Vaccine Strategy: Targeting Helper T Cell Responses. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 754:126-137, May 31, 1995 (abstract is on pubmed)

      -GSK, the sibling company of Merck did a GSK study paid for by GSK with GSK scientist.

      HHS stated in their literature:
      In undertaking a clinical trial, researchers don’t want to leave anything to chance. They want to be as certain as possible that the results of the testing show whether or not a treatment is safe and effective. The “gold standard” for testing interventions in people is the “randomized, placebo-controlled” clinical trial. … A placebo is an inactive substance that looks like the drug or treatment being tested.

      The use of placebo control groups is essential to protect society from the harm that could result from widespread use of ineffective or unsafe medical treatments. There are enough un-vacciated children in the world to do a safety study to satisfy ethical concerns. After all isn’y the mad vaxxers push for more vaccines because they say there are over a million un-vaccinated children in the US.

      On the clinical trial page:
      The safety and scientific validity of this study is the responsibility of the study sponsor and investigators. Listing a study does not mean it has been evaluated by the U.S. Federal Government.

      What can be expected of the US government. The same thing the government, specifically Health Human Services has done with all vaccine studies for the last 32 years-NOTHING. They have not conduced any safety studies:
      Health and Human Service has violated US Code 42 USC 300AA-27C since 1998.

      Live virus vaccines shed which is why cancer wards tell people not to visit if they have had a live virus vaccine in the last 4 weeks. Here is an example:

      Some vaccines are made from live viruses, which can pose a threat to the health of St. Jude patients. Visitors should not enter the hospital:

      If they have received the oral polio or smallpox vaccine within 4 weeks; or
      If they have rashes after receiving the chickenpox (varicella) vaccine.

      1. After all isn’y the mad vaxxers push for more vaccines because they say there are over a million un-vaccinated children in the US.

        OK. That should have said: After all isn’t that why the mad vaxxers push for more vaccines because they say there are over a million UN-vaccinated children in the US.

  13. Some of the questions here really need responses! Including but not limited to whether you’re going to fix the footnotes. Thank you.

  14. Why aren’t the footnotes linked? And why aren’t the many valid questions here answered??? Disingenuous reporting is not supposed to be a hallmark of the vaccine-questioning side!

  15. If someone is going to cite a vaccine safety study on this forum, why don’t you go ahead and do the obvious to eliminate any back and forth debate. If a study you cite didn’t use a true placebo but instead used something else – the vaccine’s adjuvants, other ingredients besides the standard, just list the study weaknesses as you cite them so we can avoid that debate.

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