Thursday, January 16, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


New Human Fetal Cell Line Available for Vaccine Production

human fetus surrounded by test tubes

Since the 1960s, a number of vaccines have been manufactured using “human-diploid fibroblast cell cultures”—cells from tissue of aborted human fetuses.1 2 3 4 5 They include the following 11 vaccines listed on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary table:

  • Adenovirus
  • DTaP-IPV/Hib (Pentacel)
  • DTaP-IPV (Quadracel)
  • Hep A (Havrix)
  • Hep A (Vaqta)
  • Hep A/Hep B (Twinrix)
  • MMR (MMR-II)
  • MMRV (ProQuad)
  • Rabies (Imovax)
  • Varicella (Varivax)
  • Zoster (Shingles – Zostavax).6 

The aborted human fetal cell cultures are used for growing viruses, which are then used in the preparation of inactivated and live virus vaccines. Viruses for vaccines are also grown on other kinds cultures such as chicken embryos or from cells from different animals and bugs, such as army worms, but, according to the National Network  for Immunization Information (NNii), “human cells are preferred because cells derived from animal organs sometimes may carry animal viruses that could harm people.”1 5 7 8 9 10

There are two specific human cell lines that are used in vaccine production. The first one is known as the Wistar Institute-38 or “WI-38”. The second is the Medical Research Council -5 or “MRC-5”.

The WI-38 cell line was developed in July 1962 from “lung tissue taken from a therapeutically aborted [female] fetus of about 3 months gestational age.” The MRC-5 cell line was developed September 1966 from “lung tissue taken from a 14 week [male] fetus aborted for psychiatric reason from a 27 year old physically healthy woman.”3 4 

According to Joseph Mercola, DO, WI-38 and MRC-5 are the two “primary cell cultures” that have been used to make hundreds of millions of doses of vaccines for more than half a century.10 However, there is now a third aborted human fetal cell culture that may be used. It is called Walvax-2, and it has been assessed as a culture for growing rabies, hepatitis, and Varicella viruses.11

A study published in the journal Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics in 2015 confirmed the development of Walvax-2 by China’s pharmaceutical industry. The source tissue for the cell line was obtained from nine fetuses through “rigorous screening based on carefully specified inclusion criteria.”11 

The study’s authors noted, “The tissues from the freshly aborted fetuses were immediately sent to the laboratory for the preparation of the cells.”

The Walvax-2 strain of cells met all of these criteria and proved to be the best cell line following careful evaluation. Therefore it was used for establishing a human diploid cell strain. Walvax-2 was derived from a fetal lung tissue, similar to WI-38 and MRC-5, and was obtained from a 3-month old female fetus aborted because of the presence of a uterine scar from a previous caesarean birth by a 27-year old healthy woman.11

The source tissue was provided by Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Yunnan Hospital in China.11 Relatively little additional information about Walvax-2 is available from public sources. It is not clear, for example, how the name was derived or what government agency or company is leading the research and the possible application of the cell line to vaccine production.

It is worth noting, though, that there is a major vaccine manufacturer called Walvax Biotechnology Co., Ltd. in the city of Kunming in the Chinese province of Yunnan. It is a private firm whose products include haemophilus influenza type b conjugate vaccines, meningococcal polysaccharide conjugate vaccines, and blood products.12 13


1 Vaccine Ingredients – Fetal Tissues. Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Dec. 7, 2017.
2 What Are MRC-5 and WI-38? And Why Are They in Vaccines? Thinking Moms’ Revolution July 25, 2014.
3 AG05965-C, Fibroblast from Skin, Lung. Coriell Institute for Medical Research.

4 NA06814, DNA from Fibroblast. Coriell Institute for Medical Research.

Human Cell Strains in Vaccine Development. The History of Vaccines.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary.
Human Fetal Links with Some Vaccines. National Network  for Immunization Information June 3, 2008.
Fisher BL. The Emerging Risks of Live Virus & Virus Vectored Vaccines: Vaccine Strain Virus Infection, Shedding & Transmission. National Vaccine Information Center 2014.
Parpia R. Armyworms Used to Make Flublok Influenza Vaccine. The Vaccine Reaction Oct. 1, 2017.
Mercola J. One of the Most Inexcusable Vaccine Revelations of All… July 10, 2011.
Ma B, He LF, Zhang YL, Chen M, Wang LL, Yang HW, Yan T, Sun MX, Zheng CY. Characteristics and viral propagation properties of a new human diploid cell line, Walvax-2, and its suitability as a candidate cell substrate for vaccine production. Hum Vaccin Immunother 2015;11(4):998-1009.  
Company Overview of Walvax Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Bloomberg.
Walvax Biotechnology Co Ltd (300142.SZ). Reuters.

39 Responses

  1. In regards to the 4th paragraph…”The WI-38 cell line was developed in July 1962 from “lung tissue taken from a therapeutically aborted [female] fetus of about 3 months gestational age.” The MRC-5 cell line was developed September 1966 from “lung tissue taken from a 14 week [male] fetus aborted for psychiatric reason from a 27 year old physically healthy woman.”3 4

    My question is could there possibly be unknown implications on societies that are injected with the genetic materials of other humans, not limited to the scientifically known physical harms, but also including the possibility of mental harms from being injected with genetic materials derived from psychiatric patient’s discarded offspring, such as the MRC-5? It would explain a lot.

    1. Seriously. I jeep wondering this. Like, maybe some of the mental health issues are from us injecting other humans cells into us? Why. Why is this necessary? Other than making money?

  2. Interesting that Walvax 2 was said to have been derived from 9 fetuses but yet the description of the cell line mentions only one dead baby. What about the abortion stories for all the other contributing fetuses? Would like more info on this, perhaps will run a feature on this. Thanks for your info

  3. It was just a matter of time… but now they can’t use the argument that no new fetal cells have been harvested. And unless minds and hearts accept the truth of the evil of killing babies in the womb, there will inevitably be more fresh human unborn baby cells used for human medications, while science and medical professions will remain in denial as to why strange and new illnesses increase, along with increased occurrences of allergies, autism, and more.

    1. Thank you for these links! I’m very much against vaccines anyway, and believe them to be dangerous for multiple reasons. But I had never yet heard that it is the “human fetal contaminants in the vaccines that are associated with autism”. This information must be really being suppressed!

  4. It is wrong to use tissue from aborted babies. It’s very wrong to use this tissue’s cell lines to produce vaccines for babies, because there is residual human DNA in the actual vaccines. This human DNA can integrate into the baby’s own genome, causing mutations to the nervous system resulting in autism. Dr. Theresa Deisher of Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute in Seattle, WA has spent years researching this. She has found a clear correlation between use of the fetal DNA vaccines and autism. Please look at these two websites: and

  5. I am old enough to be born before mass vaccination. I had a few as a child, and again some when i immigrated. There are a bunch of new illnesses around we never heard of before mass vaccination, the enormous amount of pesticides and the messing with genetic materials. I have a feeling that humans are little by little destroying themselves in the name of progress.

  6. We should all be very leery of anything such as this being developed by China.

    In response to Judy Fenton’s comment, I’ve been wondering for years, what’s the difference between a 3 month old gestational “cell” and/or a 3 month old gestational “stem cell”?

    Also, has anyone considered blood types or gender.

    Thanks for the links, I’ll be sure to check them out.

  7. Suzie…….bingo. There’s diet implications, environmental, air, water, toxins also, but, bingo. Look 3 comments above yours. putting someone elses DNA into your own body is a prescritption for disaster. We can all reverse what’s going on with our bodies with changing what’s on the end of our fork. Stop eating ourselves to death and vaccines wouldn’t be necessary! (they’re really not anyway and are what’s causing all this crap,,,,but.)

  8. I am amazed that the ‘religious right’ (and organized religion in general) has never made an issue of the fact that vaccines are grown on aborted human tissue. Surely they would dissuade their followers from accepting vaccines purely on religious grounds… or have they been persuaded to turn a blind eye?

    1. Just because you haven’t heard our protests doesn’t mean they haven’t been there. The battle against abortion and the use of fetal tissue is enormous and ongoing. Do something to help.

    2. Since Vatican 2, the Catholic church probably doesn’t care about these types of things as many so-called Catholic charities refer women to Planned Parenthood for abortions and as you have noticed really don’t do anything on the whole about abortion at all even for their church members. The real catholic church consists of the resistance who follow church teachings before Vatican 2 which is Masonic.

      1. This is a bizarre comment. As a Catholic theologian, I am shocked at this statement. The church’s stance on abortion has always been clear: both before and after Vatican II. Masons are not Catholics! Masons are a movement of “stone-cutters” and in general do not adhere to any particular denominational beliefs.

          1. You have no idea what you are talking about. Where do you come up with such nonsense?

    3. I am a Christian and have avoided vaccines for several years since becoming woke. Honestly, the information on human cells in vaccines just hasn’t been on the forefront of so much of the research I have done. I am really just learning about its prevalence recently. Unreal.

  9. I have used the following website to learn more on the aborted fetal tissue used in vaccines:
    It has a wealth of information on this topic and I would recommend it to anyone who has concerns on this subject.

  10. In the best interest of my grandchildren I happened to became interested in vaxx issues.To say the least I utterly shocked in this practice. I happened to talk to some Catholics about aborted baby tissues in vaxx preparation, even to some Moslems ,how they feel about this shocking inhuman practice and also of Moslems receiving pig and dog cultured vaxxes. To my shock, they all mute, like mules.Are they not just hypocrites,claiming something yet they have no answer to a simple question regarding their faith? I can only interpret this to myself of their cowardice,when asked about their belief.Yes,they are shit scares of repercussions.I admire these commenters regarding their stand on moral issues regardless of religious affiliations or beliefs.Are we counting ourselves humans with ethics and morals or just zombie-ing along and make sure not to rock the boat.

  11. Unfortunately, in addition to those cell lines, there are some more:
    Wistar RA 27/3, known also as RA 27/3
    IMR-90 and IMR-91


    ATCC in partnership with lgc standards: IMR-90 (ATCC® CCL-186™).

    Botha Leslie Carol: Anti-Abortionists Should Protest Vaccinations Containing Aborted Fetal Cells. Holy Hormones Journal 21st Apr.2012.

    Children of God for Life: PER C6 & HEK-293.

    Coriell Institute for Medical Research, sells cell lines. You can find more information from their origin, when you write next codes in search area: sekä
    NA06814 DNA from Fibroblast
    AG06814-J Fibroblast from Skin, Lung
    AG05965-C Fibroblast from Skin, Lung
    Search results for – aborted fetus

    Coriell Institute: Cell Collections – A publication of the Coriell Cell Repositories 2003/2004. A Brief History of IMR-90.

    Deisher Theresa A. et al.: Epidemiologic and Molecular Relationship Between Vaccine Manufacture and Autism Spectrum Disorder Prevalence. Issues Law Med. 2015 ;30(1):47-70. PMID: 26103708

    FDA/Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research: Vaccines and related biological products advisory committee. Meeting May 16, 2001. (page 91)

    FDA/ Vaccines, Blood & Biologics: Vaccines Licensed for Use in the US.

    Fogel Alice and Plotkin Stanley A.: Markers of Rubella Virus Strains in RK13 Cell Culture. J Virol. 1969 Feb; 3(2): 157–163. (page 157)

    Genzel Y.: Designing cell lines for viral vaccine production: Where do we stand? Biotechnol J. 2015 May;10(5):728-40. doi: 10.1002/biot.201400388.

    Hastings Becky: The schocking Truth about aborted human fetal cells in vaccines. 27th March.2015.

    Hyler Kristian: Vaccines and Aborted Fetuses. Updated Jan 2015. www.

    Leiva, Rene M.D. “A Brief History of Human Diploid Cell Strains.” [Online] Wellness Center [Cited:Jan. 6, 2015]. Originally published in the National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 6.3 (Autumn 2006): pages 443-451 copyright 2006 by the National Catholic Bioethics Center.

    Children of God for Life. “Vaccines from Abortion: The Hidden Truth. Murfreesboro : s.n., September 2008. Pamphlet.

    Bionity. com, “HEK Cell” [Online] CHEMIE.DE Information Service GmbH copyright 1997-2015, [Cited:
    Jan. 10, 2015

    Ma Bo et al.: Characteristics and viral propagation properties of a new human diploid cell line, walvax-2, and its suitability as a candidate cell substrate for vaccine production. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2015 Apr; 11(4): 998–1009. Published online 2015 Mar 24. doi: 10.1080/21645515.2015.1009811

    Madsen Ragnhild: Cell lines from aborted human fetus in vaccineproduction. 8thApr.2012.

    Pau M.G. et al.: The human cell line PER.C6 provides a new manufacturing system for the production of influenza vaccines. ScienceDirect, Elsevier: Vaccine Volume 19, Issues 17–19, 21st March 2001, Pages 2716-2721

    Plotkin Stanley A. MD, et al.: Attenuation of RA 27/3 Rubella Virus in WI-38 Human Diploid Cells. Amer J Dis Child, Vol 118, Aug 1969. ( Vaccine Ingredients and Manufacturer Information (alphabetical order by vaccine). 19th Sept.2016.

    Redondo Calderón José Luís: Vaccines, biotechnology and their connection with induced abortion. Cuad Bioet. 2008 May-Aug;19(66):321-53. PMID: 18611078.

    Wikipedia: HEK 293 cells.

  12. It is utterly disgraceful that aborted human fetal cell lines are used for vaccine production.

    Incredibly, there is a new “creative” production method which has been approved:

    For the first time the use of cells directly derived from human malignant human tumors has been officially approved as a method for vaccine production.

    “Unbelievably, the method of producing vaccines using cells that are derived directly from human cancer tumors has been approved even though the vaccines may induce cancer in recipients. This method is cheaper and faster than breeding animals for the culture media – and human cancer tumors are readily available”.

  13. Using chemicals and hormones derived from animals and humans is not anything new. Diabetics have used insulin derived from pigs and then from humans for many years with only good results. Human albumin is not from abortion fetuses but from the blood plasma of donors.
    I am reading a lot of propaganda on this site from parents who are seemingly ready to risk the health and life of their children in order to uphold their pride and “rights”.
    In Madagascr last year ther were >1000 cases of measles and 72 measles related deaths per the World Health Organization. The only reason the measles rates are not that high in the US is due to very concerned and caring parents who have given their chilren 97% immunity to the dangerous disease through vaccinations.

    1. The issue or propaganda as you call it, is that babies were killed in order to create certain vaccines. The parents who are honest with themselves about this tainted medicine and have the fortitude to say no, are not proud.
      What about the “rights” of the babies who were killed?
      …pot calling kettle black Nancy

    2. You’re a shill for Big Pharma!! AS a nurse you OUGHT to know that virtually no healthy children died of measles in US by mid-20th century, decades before the vaccine. These caring parents have been tricked– actually measles help to build a healthy immune system, and those who had measles were less likely to get varies types of cancer, asthma and allergies. DR Richard Moskowitz in Vaccines. It’s a terrible trade-off you’re selling.

  14. Nancy, This is not about pride. It’s actually about human sacrifice. To kill a child/fetus at any stage of life is an abortion. An abortion is the willful and deliberate taking of an innocent human life. It’s about following our Triune God with messages throughout the Church to protect human life from womb to tomb. Developing a vaccine but putting your soul in peril is the battle line. Satan typically wins though since we let our free will dictate Our choice, and not His choice. I am not trying to be hateful, but our abortion mills are lying to the public, and training boys and girls to have all the sex they want so their pockets will be filled with money. If I died tomorrow because I missed out on a vaccine that would extend my life, then fine… Heaven is a choice for following Christ, and turning your back puts you in touch with a much warmer climate. I would be happy to send you any or all of my books on this subject, and certainly youtube videos for the truth. Sometimes we confuse fact with truth. You know, the truth will set you free.

    Mary W (above) The Catholic Church does care about products used from an aborted fetus. There have been law suits with children being expelled because the parent wouldn’t allow a Vaxx. The Church does have Catholic Charities organizations around the planet, and many, if not the majority of employees are not Catholic. This means they may not be following the proper teachings of the Church, and not the organization. When these issues are exposed, change is made… Don’t confuse Vat II with anything other than trying to open the doors so wide, that no one has an excuse for not participating. God wants everyone to come to Himself. As a country and planet, we are going off the rails faster than a speeding train, so finding the hole in the dike to patch is overwhelming…
    Love you all. Encourage others while it’s still today…

  15. And what about the rights of infants born with congenital effects of these diseases to unvaccinated mothers?
    Measles, mumps, and rubella are three common childhood diseases, caused by measles virus, mumps virus (paramyxoviruses), and rubella virus (togavirus), respectively, that may be associated with serious complications and/or death. For example, pneumonia and encephalitis are caused by measles. Mumps is associated with aseptic meningitis, deafness and orchitis; and rubella during pregnancy may cause congenital rubella syndrome in the infants of infected mothers. The impact of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination on the natural history of each disease in the United States can be quantified by comparing the maximum number of measles, mumps, and rubella cases reported in a given year prior to vaccine use to the number of cases of each disease reported in 1995. For measles, 894,134 cases reported in 1941 compared to 288 cases reported in 1995 resulted in a 99.97% decrease in reported cases; for mumps, 152,209 cases reported in 1968 compared to 840 cases reported in 1995 resulted in a 99.45% decrease in reported cases; and for rubella, 57,686 cases reported in 1969 compared to 200 cases reported in 1995 resulted in a 99.65% decrease.{3}

  16. Dear Nancy,

    Just in case you missed it, one of the vaccines was grown on a “live” aborted fetus’ (baby) cells. The child was ripped from it’s mother’s womb and used as a guinea pig to harvest cells from the child’s body. If the child’s body was still warm while harvesting cells, it was still very much alive! If a child is aborted, the very nature of abortion is to kill something or someone that was living and breathing prior to the act. No matter how it happened, at some point, the child was alive and died. This act is not only horrifically cruel, but is also murder. Please don’t think that it was part of a woman’s choice to take someone that was alive, had a separate heart beat, blood and DNA from it’s mother and experiment with it like it was a dog or a rabbit. Dogs and rabbits do not have souls, only humans were created with a soul. If you have the opportunity, please read Genesis 1:26, “And God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…” Also Genesis 2:7 says, “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.; and man became a living soul. To treat a living soul as if it has no more value than an animal and exterminate it without conscience is no better than what the Nazis did to those they deemed beneath them and unworthy to live. Just because the baby wasn’t wanted; doesn’t mean it’s ok to murder it even if it is for the good of others who are currently living. If those who are living desire to live at the expense of another human being that is pure evil! The child although small is a living, breathing human being with a soul made in God’s image and whoa be to those who think a child doesn’t have a life to live. God says, “it would be better for a millstone to be tied around someone neck than to allow harm to come to even one hair on a child’s head. God is merciful. He can and does forgive abortion but the warning needs to be heeded and repentance needs to take place. We are not allowed to abuse God’s commandments. All ten were intended to protect all those living, even the unborn children. So Nancy, please reconsider the above comment you made in regards to,”the health of the living is more important.”

  17. We are surely curtailing the biodiversity of human beings too. Injecting them with the same cell.lines and the same vaccine toxins. Is it just me, or are we becoming factory farm livestock?

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