Thursday, January 23, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Vaccine “Side Effects” are Real and Plenty

Any vaccine can cause side effects. So states the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).1 A “side effect” is defined as “any effect of a drug, chemical, or other medicine that is in addition to its intended effect, especially an effect that is harmful or unpleasant” or “any accompanying or consequential and usually detrimental effect.”2 

A similar term is “adverse effect,” defined as a “harmful or abnormal result.” It may be caused by “administration of a medication or by exposure to a chemical and be indicated by an untoward result such as by illness or death.”3  There is also the close cousin, “adverse reaction”—”any unexpected or dangerous reaction to a drug” or an “unwanted effect caused by the administration of a drug.”4 

In military operations, such unintended side effects or reactions are described as “collateral damage”—”injury inflicted on something other than an intended target.”5 

Despite the fact that government recommended and mandated vaccines can cause serious side effects, including death, there is sometimes a tendency for mandatory vaccination apologists to want to minimize the causal relationship between vaccines and harmful side effects. One way to do this is to use the word “trigger,” as in: “The side effect was triggered by the vaccine” or “The vaccine triggered the onset of the condition.” In other words, there is an attempt to claim that the vaccine was not directly responsible for the harm, but rather more of an innocent contributing factor, given pre-existing biological susceptibilities of the individual who was vaccinated.

Think of it in terms of collateral damage during a military operation in a war. A bomb is dropped on a building in a small town believed to be an “enemy” headquartersThe intended target are soldiers and the bomb destroys the building, killing all of the soldiers. But it turns out that there were also innocent families (noncombatants) in the building, and all of them were killed, too.

This has happened in many wars throughout history and, when it happens, the civilians killed are considered to be “collateral damage,” even justified as “necessary casualties” in order to win the war. Sometimes, instead of straightforwardly acknowledging the magnitude of the collateral damage, there is an attempt by those leading the military operation to deny or minimize the harm done, such as shifting the blame to the civilians for “being in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

The same kind of thing happens when government health officials attempt to write off the collateral damage caused by mandated vaccines. The tendency is to deny or minimize the harm done and shift the blame to vaccine victims themselves. In such cases, the word “trigger” is sometimes used, but more often the word is “coincidence” so that the vaccine victim is held responsible for the harm done and the vaccine is absolved of all responsibility.

As Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) recently said at the Revolution for Truth rally in Washington, DC:

[I]f you or your child get vaccinated, suffer brain inflammation and never recover your health, you can be sure that it will either be dismissed as “just a coincidence,” or you will be labeled genetically defective with the claim you would have become brain damaged even if no vaccines had been given. It is already being done and it is so easy to do, when nobody making, selling, licensing, giving and voting to mandate vaccines has any accountability in a civil court of law.6 

The reality is that vaccines are pharmaceutical products primarily given to healthy people, and vaccines can and do cause a long list of side effects—both minor and serious. All you have to do is read the information package insert for each vaccine provided by the vaccine manufacturer. Of course, the problem is that few people, including the doctors and nurses and pharmacists who administer vaccines, actually do read those package inserts.

Why? Well, one reason is that vaccine package inserts are very long, detailed, and are printed in fonts so tiny they can be hard to read, even when resorting to squinting or using bifocals. Another reason is that public health officials and medical trade groups like the American Academy of Pediatrics play down the fact that, often unpredictably,  vaccines can and do injure and kill people. Since acknowledging and preventing vaccine reactions is such a low priority in medical care today, it is not surprising that many doctors and other vaccine providers don’t bother to read the list of reported side effects in the vaccine manufacturer package insertsand don’t bother to report vaccine reactions to the federal vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS) either.7 

To give you an idea of the extent of the side effects listed in vaccine package inserts, take Merck & Co.’s insert for its M-M-R (mumps, measles, rubella) II live virus vaccine.8 9 Look under “Adverse Reactions” and be amazed at the wide range of potential short and long term health problems that the vaccine can cause.

For the body as a whole, Merck lists MMR vaccine reaction reports that include panniculitis, atypical measles, fever, syncope, headache, dizziness, malaise, and irritability. Yes, you read that correctly: the MMR vaccine can cause vaccine strain measles. For the cardiovascular system, there is vasculitis, which means inflammation of the blood vessels that could lead to stroke.

For the digestive system, there is pancreatitis, diarrhea, vomiting, parotitis, and nausea. For the endocrine system, there is diabetes mellitus. Diabetes? For the hemic and lymphatic system, there is thrombocytopenia, purpura, regional lymphadenopathy, and leukocytosis.8 9 

Reported MMR adverse reactions for the immune system include anaphylaxis and anaphylactoid, related phenomena such as angioneurotic edema (including peripheral or facial edema) and bronchial spasm in individuals with or without an allergic history. For the musculoskeletal system, there is arthritis, arthralgia, and myalgia.8 9 

For the nervous system, Merck lists encephalitis, encephalopathy, measles inclusion body encephalitis (MIBE), subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), transverse myelitis, febrile convulsions, afebrile convulsions or seizures, ataxia, polyneuritis, polyneuropathy, ocular palsies, and paresthesia.8 9 

Encephalitis and encephalopathy? Those are neurodevelopmental disorders associated with chronic brain dysfunction, including seizure disorders and developmental delays like learning disabilities, ADHD and autism. Guillain-Barré Syndrome? GBS involves paralysis of different parts of the body similar to paralytic polio. Transverse myelitis? That’s another polio-like disorder. Convulsions? Seizures?

For the respiratory system, MMR vaccine adverse reactions include pneumonia, pneumonitis, sore throat, cough, rhinitis. Listed for the skin is Stevens-Johnson syndrome, erythema multiforme, urticaria, rash, measles-like rash, and pruritis. Reactions at the injection site include burning/stinging, wheal and flare, redness (erythema), swelling, induration, tenderness, vesiculation, Henoch-Schönlein purpura, and acute hemorrhagic edema of infancy.8 9 

For the ears, Merck lists nerve deafness and otitis media. Deafness? For the eyes, the company lists retinitis, optic neuritis, papillitis, retrobulbar neuritis, and conjunctivitis. For the urogenital system, there is epididymitis and orchitis.8 9 

Finally, under “Other,” Merck lists death.8 9 


And note that these side effects for the MMR vaccine are not atypical for vaccines. Pick up a vaccine manufacturer information package insert for any vaccine and you will see a laundry list of reported serious side effects.

With all of these potential side effects (and possibly others we don’t know about), can you blame parents for being concerned about the safety of MMR and other vaccines and wanting to do everything they can to protect their children from harm? After all, as Fisher passionately stated:

[T]he ones who know deep in the core of their being that their children are in danger, are the mothers, who carry their babies inside them for nine months and give birth and are endowed with a primal instinct that God gave women so they have the courage to protect their babies from harm until they are able to survive on their own. That biological imperative is hard wired into our DNA because it is what protects the survival of every species on this earth.6

Is it really so unreasonable, so irresponsible for people to insist on public health laws that respect the legal right to exercise voluntary, informed consent when it comes to vaccinating themselves and their children?


1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Possible Side-effects from Vaccines.
2 side effect.
3 MedicineNet. Medical Definition of Adverse effect.
4 MedicineNet. Medical Definition of Adverse reaction.
5 Merriam-Webster. Definition of Collateral Damage.
6 Fisher BL. The Vaccine Revolution for Truth. NVIC Newsletter Apr. 19, 2017.
7 MedAlerts.

19 Responses

  1. I cannot come to terms with how the debate on the vaccine/autism link continues to rage in the public venue when it is already listed on the vaccine insert. End of debate!

    1. Soooooo true! Like the HIV tests….in the box literature/fold out, this test does not detect the HIV virus. Little do people know the test is even worthless for detecting the correct antibodies that are supposedly derived from HIV (an RNA virus). Mr Gallo, you sir are a liar!

  2. Thank you Tom……I’ve seen way too many children with these side effects…….including my son – way before all the new mandates for Multiple Vaccines came to be. I am talking – 1976 -when my son came down with Scarlet Fever after one series of Vaccines. What Children are given today in my opinion is Criminal……and parents need to be Informed and make the right decision…when properly Educated…..which is what this site is all about. You can do smaller doses over many months….and you can use a Homeopathic to reduce the horrible side effects.

  3. Thank you again for the articles you present and the comments that you post. I have learned so much from on-line sites. I am not afraid to say, I am opposed to vaccines, period. More parents AND grandparents need to make an issue of it.

  4. I find all this information very useful. My “kids” are already grown up and I didn’t know about this and always believed vaccines were good and could not cause harm or maybe just in rare circumstances. It is scary! But what is discouraging is that whenever I try to talk about it, nobody listens and inmediately think that I am crazy or that I am becoming “antivaccine” and they start telling me how vaccines have saved many lives and many people from horrible diseases. But really nobody even listens or is willing to listen at least why I think sometimes vaccines are harmful. And then, for college, for school, my kids have to get more vaccines! And if you don’t get the vaccine you just can’t get in! I am not completely antivaccine but I definitely think that there is an overvaccination due to economical interests and disregarding completely the health and good being of the people. How to make people at least think about another more rational vaccination program, a lot milder and based on science, not money. How???

  5. Kind of hard for pro-vaccine folks to argue with this. I’m sure they will find a way. Thanks for this article. Sometimes the most obvious info is the most powerful.

  6. My 18 year old son is overseas on an International Educational Program. He will be traveling to several Eastern European and Eastern Asian countries and it is mandatory to take 6 different vaccines. (I should say mandatory to enter certain countries, you must have the vaccine). I’m just looking for any sort of advice on what he can take to help combat the side effects of these vaccines. I would normally tell him to at least consume vast quantities of cilantro to help with the heavy metal detox, but he is currently in a country where that does not grow. Does anybody have any advice??

  7. While all these side effects are undoubtedly a risk, this article doesn’t address the other very real risks and side effects of the diseases vaccines are designed to protect us against. Just as it is irresponsible not to highlight these risks at the time of vaccinations, it is irresponsible not to acknowledge the effects of the highly infectious diseases that are largely kept under control through vaccinations.

  8. Soooo true! Doctors keep telling parents of children who have suffered severe side effects that it was “just a coincidence” but could it really be “just a coincidence?” My sister got both rubella and measles shorty after her MMR vaccine, and she is just a baby! This proves that vaccines don’t even work!

  9. You forgot to mention the note on the package insert that reads: “a causal relationship has NOT been established [between MMR vaccination and death]”. Additionally, the hyperlinks to your “sources” conveniently do not work. Here is the MMR vaccine package insert, and look! No ridiculously small, difficult to read fonts:

    Evaluate your information, people! Still waiting for the day that a true, peer-reviewed scientific article is released stating that the cons of vaccination outweighs the pros.

    1. I dont believe you have had a good look at the insert you have provided: Cases of aseptic meningitis have been reported to VAERS following measles, mumps, and rubella
      vaccination. This is in a casual glance to the above that has been mentioned that isnt above from what you have provided? Theres much more in the insert you have provided that are sever reactions than above???? Did you not read it properly? It has now made me think about some cases of meningitis and its origins.

  10. In 1975 my then almost 2 year old daughter received the MMR vaccine, Within hours I found her blue in her crib, she had swallowed her tongue. I placed my finger in her mouth to move the tongue and I was bitten. My mother’s instinct told me it was a result of the vaccine. The ambulance came and she was hospitalized for four days. She was delirious. She had an extremely high temperature and nothing they did would bring it down. She was put on FinaBarb and I was told she would have to take this for the rest of her life. She had just started walking and we noticed that her right leg and hip had turned inwards. I was told she would have to be put in a body type cast but I refused. It took a long time but eventually her walk was corrected. She still has some issues today (40 years later).
    I also have a granddaughter who reacted to the DPT shot. She had troubles sleeping, became nervous, biting her nails and grey hair, white splotchy spots on her skin. Am I reluctant to promote vaccines….you bet I am. I believe in keeping the immune system healthy enough to fight disease. The daughter who reacted to the MMR vaccine has not had her children vaccinated and they remain strong and healthy to this day. Vaccines are not for everyone and who knows who will react and then its too late to reverse the damage.

  11. So glad to see that the public is finally starting to educate before they vaccinate….we lost a daughter to the HPV Gardasil vaccine. Wish I would have been educated on the HPV virus.

  12. To Rachelle:
    Your comment:
    “….a causal relationship has NOT been established [between MMR vaccination and death]”.

    How about because
    1. Medical officials do not believe the parents’ witness testimony that after a vaccine they’ve witnessed their child DIE
    2. Medical officials – because THEY are trained in medical school – run by vaccinecreating Pharma- to very conveniently NOT LEARN vaccine science NOR vaccine risks NOR to warn their patients of them, but to ONLY BELIEVE that vaccines save lives – do NOT and can NOT make their patients understand that vaccines have huge risks NOR TO LOOK FOR VACCINE SIDE EFFECTS that may include death.
    3. And since medical officials do NOT learn themselves those important adverse effects because they are , again, trained by Pharma to believe that NO adverse effects EXIST and vaccines are harmless, they DO NOT LOOK FOR THOSE PRESENTATIONS TO INVESTIGATE THE MATTER FURTHER. They are already convinced WITH NO SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION to believe all vaccines are purely safe.
    4. And since the medical FIELD itself as trained to NOT believe vaccine injuries exist, DO NOT RUN THE NECESSARY and PROPER SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATIONS TO INVESTIGATE IF VACCINES ARE CAUSING THE CLINICAL PRESENTATIONS as described by their witnessing patients/parents.
    5. SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME (SIDS) is another infant clinical presentation that has been indiscriminately judged as a “crib death.” As if cribs are the criminals. So CRIBS have been the culprits for decades in addition to “parental infant-murder” and “sleeping body position” in place of considering ALL RECENT medical procedures performed on the infant. THIS KNOWING that VACCINES CAUSE “cytokines storm” in the body AND BRAIN and encephalitis (as LISTED in many vaccine insert!) … and are purposefully induced in vaccines via vaccine chemicals to obtain a strong vaccine immune reaction. For an “immune reaction” IS INFLAMMATION!!!

    So THERE you have your vaccine death NO medical official is admitting.

    Except that recently a Vaccine Injury Compensation Claim was won on the SCIENTIFIC DEMONSTRATION BY A NEUROPATHOLOGIST that a cytokines storm was indeed responsible for that child’s death. THIS requiring a PROPERLY CONDUCTED AUTOPSY LOOKING FOR SUCH CYTOKINES – which often is NOT done.


    ?Here is that vaccine injury case in 2017 that was approved by the US Vaccine Court for vaccine injury compensation.

    Case here:

    The neuropathologist was Dr. Douglas Miller.
    (I would say you would need a neuropathologist to do a SIDS specific autopsy)
    In the case much evidence was submitted about SIDS and “to explain what is understood about sudden infant death syndrome (“SIDS”), the potential role of inflammatory cytokines generated by vaccines in acting as a necessary trigger, and the epidemiology of SIDS.”

    “…. inflammatory cytokines generated by vaccines” would be crucial to prove.

    And let me emphasize that because Pharma is legally immune to prosecution, the vaccine injury compensation board is not interested in proving that vaccines are causing injury. They are just interested in quieting the population to be loyal to and carry out the Pharma immunity law of 1986.


  13. To Harriet who says:
    “…..this article doesn’t address the other very real risks and side effects of the diseases vaccines are designed to protect us against. “

    Harriet, if you have not noticed… THAT is the ONLY info patients and the public have been getting for decades! That vaccines prevent diseases and their risks.

    What we have NOT been informed about is the myriad of risks that vaccines do and have been CAUSING.

    Considering that we now receive over 72 vaccines before the age of 5 and mostly the first 2 years, many of which contain 3 vaccines (viruses) in one, or 13 or 23 like the PCV, or 4 and 9 like the HPV –

    …..that is over 72 risks of viral diseases we are INTENTIONALLY being put at risk for, not counting the individual injury risks per vaccine virus which can RESULT IN MULTIPLE DISEASES AND INJURIES AFFECTING MANY BODILY SYSTEMS, NOT JUST THE VIRAL the vaccine was intended for.

    So with vaccines we are subjecting ourselves to ever INCREASED RISKS FOR DISEASE AND NOT ONLY BODILY DAMAGE BUT GENETIC DAMAGE HANDED DOWN HUMANITY (see geneticist Dr. Theresa Deisher at SoundChoice) ….than the risk of contracting natural diseases which on the whole we can recuperate COMPLETELY FROM, compared to vaccine damage. Evidence is also given that natural diseases result in immunity to other diseases.

    For instance, the varicella (chickenpox) vaccine is now producing shingles in children where shingles was an adult and elderly disease. Plus it has made shingles more virulent.

    Please do your research to find the truth Pharma and medicine are withholding from you.

    Start here:

    ? 200 Signals of Harm Linked to Vaccination- FREE Research PDF Download!

  14. Go to Geneticist Dr Theresa Deisher site, to read the rest of these quotes from studies:


    “….That’s because we knew that a condition associated with hundreds of different genes could not possibly be genetic. We knew that DNA and retroviral contaminants are present in some childhood vaccines and that these types of contaminants are known to cause DNA breaks and mutations.”

    “…when primitive human cell lines (such as an aborted fetal cell line) are used, these contaminants have the potential to trigger autoimmune diseases or genomic instability. “

  15. I have been disabled by a vaccine that ruined my life (and my health) 30 years ago. I have hundreds of symptoms, I am bed bound and have lost everything. I have been bouncing around from motel to motel and I have nowhere to go. Motel mgrs are very abusive and come from a culture that hates women. I am currently in such situation where my life has been threatened. I have no one. I have no friends, I am in the autistic spectrum due to the vaccines and I don’t know what to do. I am now old and I am very tired and gravely ill in California. I not only deal with the physical pain, the unrelenting exhaution and the rest of the disabling symptoms but I cannot cope with the noise, the music, the abuse.

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