COVID Shots Injury Claims May Take Up to a Decade to Settle
by Rishma Parpia

A recent report released by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Committee on Oversight and Accountability by the U.S. House of ...
Whooping Vaccine Injury Payouts for FY 2017 Released
by Brendan D. Murphy | Guest Writer

Yet another shocking blow has been delivered to people who still ardently claim that vaccines are “safe and effective,” and ...
The ‘Vaccine Court’ Is Hazardous to Your Health
by Robert Moxley | Guest Writer

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensation Act was passed in 1986, under the shadow of multi-million dollar jury verdicts against ...
NVIC Calls 21st Century Cures Act “A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing” and Urges Presidential Veto to Protect Public Health

The non-profit National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) says the 21st Century Cures Act (H.R. 34), which was pushed through the ...
So What Became of the $1.9 Billion for Zika?
by Marco Cáceres

On Feb. 22, 2016, the White House submitted to the U.S. Congress a $1.9 billion emergency supplemental appropriations request from ...
New Law Aims to Expose Big Pharma Influence on Physicians
by Rishma Parpia
It is no secret that the medical field is heavily influenced by the pharmaceutical industry. For many decades, health care ...
U.S. Senate Passes Bill Approving Mandatory Vaccinations for Veterans
by Janet C. Phelan | Guest Writer
Fundamentally, biological warfare is sneaky. It involves a microbial sucker punch to its intended target, often accomplished in a manner ...
The 21st Century Cures Act On Its Way Through Congress
by Lisa Bloomquist | Guest Writer
The 21st Century Cures Act is going through the U.S. Congress right now, and it will likely pass into law ...
The 21st Century Cures Act: Say Goodbye to Vaccine Safety Science
by Barbara Loe Fisher
It has only been a few weeks since the forced vaccination lobby rammed a bill (SB 277) through the California ...
In this section
Jennifer Tucan on Baby Dies an Hour After Getting Seven Vaccines—But You Can’t Question the Shots?
NoNameForU on FDA Clears Investigational New Drug Application for Inhaled COVID Biologic
Jennifer Hontucan on Baby Dies an Hour After Getting Seven Vaccines—But You Can’t Question the Shots?
Tom Fratello on Baby Dies an Hour After Getting Seven Vaccines—But You Can’t Question the Shots?
Patricia A Regalia on Baby Dies an Hour After Getting Seven Vaccines—But You Can’t Question the Shots?