On Feb. 22, 2016, the White House submitted to the U.S. Congress a $1.9 billion emergency supplemental appropriations request from the Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) and State and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) for fiscal year (FY) 2016 for “preparedness efforts” related to the Zika virus.1
Funding would support immediate response activities to prevent the spread of, prepare for, and respond to Zika virus transmission; fortify domestic public health systems to prevent, detect, and respond to Zika virus transmission; speed research, development, and procurement of vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics; provide emergency assistance to States and the U.S. Territories to combat the virus; provide additional Federal Medicaid funding in Puerto Rico and other U.S. Territories for health services for pregnant women at risk of infection or diagnosed with Zika virus, and for children with microcephaly, and for other health care costs; and enhance the ability of Zika-affected countries to better combat mosquitoes, control transmission, and support affected populations.1
The supplemental funds included $828 million for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to perform research to understand the “clinical and epidemiological patterns to make [the causal connection between Zika and microcephaly] definitive.”2
So, let’s pause here briefly. The U.S. government laid out a proposal to spend $1.9 billion on activities—including buying or developing vaccines—to combat Zika before knowing for sure if the virus, in fact, posed a serious health threat to the American public—a virus that, for decades, has been known to be relatively harmless. The proposal was submitted to Congress just 10 days after the World Health Organization (WHO) stated in its Zika situation report, “No scientific evidence to date confirms a link between Zika virus and microcephaly…”3 At the time, even the CDC was saying, “Additional studies are needed to determine the degree to which Zika might be linked with microcephaly.”4
There were clearly strong concerns at the CDC that there might be a connection between Zika and the noticeable uptick in the number of microcephaly birth defect cases being reported in Brazil, but that connection was still considered one based more on correlation rather than causation.5 6 7
Three days before the $1.9 billion request was submitted to Congress, an article by Mike Stobbe of the Associated Press quoted University of Michigan epidemiologist Dr. Arnold Monto, who was skeptical of the link between Zika and microcephaly. According to Dr. Monto, “The simple presence of the virus doesn’t mean it caused the birth defect.” Stobbe also quoted University of Pittsburgh microbiologist Dr. Ernesto Marques, who noted that that proving a causal relationship between Zika and microcephaly is akin to prosecuting a murder investigation, with Zika as the supposed killer but with many unanswered questions.
What you have so far, the victim is there, and you find a person right there that has a smoking gun in his hand. But you still need to close the deal.8
The Stobbe article went on to say that, according to experts, it “will take a combination of studies and laboratory evidence to finally determine if Zika is the villain it appears to be.”8
It was not until Apr. 13, 2016—a full seven weeks after the emergency funds were requested—that the CDC announced its belief that the Zika virus was “a cause of microcephaly and other severe fetal brain defects.”9 The conclusion by the CDC was based on a paper written and published in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) by Sonja A. Rasmussen, MD, Denise J. Jamieson, MD, MPH, Margaret A. Honein, PhD, MPH, and Lyle R. Petersen, MD, MPH.10 All four authors are CDC employees.
This study marks a turning point in the Zika outbreak. It is now clear that the virus causes microcephaly. We are also launching further studies to determine whether children who have microcephaly born to mothers infected by the Zika virus is the tip of the iceberg of what we could see in damaging effects on the brain and other developmental problems,” said Tom Frieden, MD, MPH., director of the CDC. “We’ve now confirmed what mounting evidence has suggested, affirming our early guidance to pregnant women and their partners to take steps to avoid Zika infection and to health care professionals who are talking to patients every day. We are working to do everything possible to protect the American public.9
It is reasonable to assume that the government was just being prudent and wanted to move forward as quickly as possible to prepare for the possibility of a causal connection between Zika and microcephaly. It’s also reasonable to think the government was getting way ahead of itself and seemed bent on proving a causal connection at all costs, even in light of emerging reports from medical and environmental groups in South America suggesting a more likely cause of the microcephaly cases could well be toxic pesticides such as Pyriproxyfen.11
Alternative theories as to the cause of the microcephaly cases seemed to be dismissed outright by the CDC. Of course, the problem with adopting such certainty so early on in the process of investigating an apparent epidemic is that you can become mired in wanting to prove what you believe to be true, rather than remaining open to all possibilities. This kind of mindset is thoroughly unscientific. It appears to give more weight to keeping to an agenda than to discovering the truth.
House and Senate Zika Funding Bills
On May 17, the Senate passed a $1.1 billion funding package for “international and domestic Zika control and prevention efforts through September 2017.”12 The House of Representatives on May 18 responded with its own Zika funding package worth $622 million.
The two main differences between the two measures had to do with timing and the source of the funds. While the Senate bill (H.R. 2577) provided money through September 2007, the House bill (H.R. 5243) did so only through September 2016.13 14 Meanwhile, while the House bill was funded entirely through “offset” transfer payments from other areas of the budget, the Senate bill was funded through new debt spending.14
In mid-June, a House-Senate conference committee conducted negotiations to resolve differences between the two bills. On June 22, the conference committee reached an agreement on a compromise bill which would provide $1.1 billion for Zika-related activities, but would source the money from existing budget accounts. The legislation earmarked $476 million for the CDC for mosquito control and $230 million for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for development of a Zika vaccine.15
The compromise bill, for example, would cut $543 million in “unused funds” from implementation of Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) health care exchanges in U.S. territories. It would also transfer $107 million from HHS in “leftover” money, which had been originally appropriated to combat Ebola in the U.S. in 2014, and $100 million in administrative funds. Additionally, the legislation included a provision to block money from going to the Planned Parenthood organization for birth control services to women who might be at risk of contracting Zika.15
The House of Representatives passed the compromise bill on June 23, but the measure failed passage in the Senate on June 28 due largely to sharp disagreements on the Planned Parenthood provision, as well as language seeking to relax environmental regulations.16
In mid-July, Congress adjourned for a seven-week recess, leaving the issue of emergency funding for Zika unresolved.17
HHS Shifts Money Toward Zika
On Aug. 11, HHS Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell announced plans to transfer $81 million from other accounts within her department’s budget to help fight Zika. Of the total, $34 million will come from NIH programs and $47 million from the budget of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority. These funds will supplement $347 million that HHS has already reallocated for Zika efforts.18 19
The move by HHS is seen as a stopgap measure until Congress reconvenes in September and decides to resume consideration of the Zika legislation. So, this story is… to be continued. What is clear is that, now that the CDC has taken the official position that the Zika virus causes microcephaly, it will be very difficult, certainly from a political standpoint, for the agency to change its position—regardless of what new scientific research may eventually uncover. “That’s our story and we’re sticking with it!”
Within less than a year of the news reports from Brazil about the sudden rise in microcephaly cases in that country, we’ve already discovered the cause of the supposed epidemic, taken a giant leap of faith that the U.S. public is also in imminent danger, commenced pesticide spraying campaigns in U.S. cities against mosquitoes believed to carry Zika, and proceeded full steam ahead to develop a Zika vaccine.
It’s absolutely breathtaking.
1 Obama BH. Letter to The Honorable Paul D. Ryan, Speaker of the House of Representatives. The White House Feb. 22, 2016.
2 Fromson N. CDC: Strong evidence of link between Zika and microcephaly. United Press International Feb. 11, 2016.
3 World Health Organization (WHO). Zika situation report. WHO.int Feb. 12, 2016.
4 U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Question and Answers: Zika virus infection (Zika) and pregnancy. CDC.gov.
5 Cáceres M. Jumping the Gun on the Zika-Microcephaly Connection. The Vaccine Reaction Jan. 25, 2016.
6 Cáceres M. The Zika-Microcephaly Theory’s Got Big Problems. The Vaccine Reaction Feb. 10, 2016.
7 Cáceres M. Brazil at Odds With WHO and CDC on Zika-Microcephaly Link. The Vaccine Reaction Feb. 18, 2016.
8 Cáceres M. Associated Press: Causal Link Between Zika and Microcephaly Unproven. The Vaccine Reaction Feb. 19, 2016.
9 CDC. CDC Concludes Zika Causes Microcephaly and Other Birth Defects. CDC.gov Apr. 13, 2016.
10 Rasmussen SA, Jamieson DJ, Honein MA, Petersen LR. Zika Virus and Birth Defects—Reviewing the Evidence for Causality. N Engl J Med May 19, 2016.
11 Peterson K, Armour S. Senate Approves $1.1 Billion in Emergency Zika Funding. The Wall Street Journal May 17, 2016.
12 Peterson K, Armour S. Senate Approves $1.1 Billion in Emergency Zika Funding. The Wall Street Journal May 17, 2016.
13 Ferris S. House approves $622M Zika funding bill. The Hill May 18, 2016.
14 Yaworske J. Zika: Conservatives Should Be Prepared to Hold the Line. Heritage Action for America June 21, 2016.
15 Kelly E. House approves $1.1 billion deal to combat Zika virus. USA Today June 23, 2016.
16 Snell K, DeBonis M. Zika funding stalls in the Senate amid partisan rift. The Washington Post June 28, 2016.
17 Marcos C. Congress leaving for seven-week recess. The Hill July 14, 2016.
18 Snell K, Dennis B. Obama administration to shift $81 million to fight Zika. The Washington Post Aug. 11, 2016.
19 Lee BY. $81 Million in Zika Funding: Winners And Losers. Forbes Aug. 13, 2016.
24 Responses
A couple of things have been revealed that hasn’t been public widespread:
Interesting bit of information:
-1956 U.S. military releases mosquitoes infected with Yellow Fever over Savannah, Ga and Avon Park, Fl. Following each test, Army agents posing as public health officials test victims for effects. http://www.apfn.org/apfn/experiment.htm.
Before America Wanted to Eradicate Them, the U.S. Military was Weaponizing the Zika Mosquito: http://www.activistpost.com/2016/08/america-wanted-eradicate-u-s-military-weaponizing-zika-mosquito.html
In the body of the article:
The story of Zika-carrying mosquitoes gets even more interesting when we delve into history. And, perhaps unsurprisingly, the U.S. military is involved.
An investigation by Sarah Laskow at Atlas Obscura found that in the 1950s, the U.S. was seeking to weaponize the Aedes aegypti mosquito while Brazil and other Latin American countries were trying to eradicate it.
“At Fort Detrick, the military’s biological weapons base in Maryland, in great secret, Army scientists were considering how fleas, grasshoppers, and mosquitoes might be deployed against the Communist threat. These insects were harder to protect against than gas— masks wouldn’t help. The threat they posed would last, as long as a population of insects remained alive. Plus, it would be very difficult to pin an insect-borne attack on the U.S.”
“Among these possible insect soldiers, A. aegypti was “the golden child,” writes Jeffrey A. Lockwood, in Six-Legged Soldiers, because the disease it carried, yellow fever was so terrible. The Army Chemical Corps, in a 1959 report, notes that yellow fever is “highly dangerous” and that “since 1900, one-third of patients have died.” There were parts of the Soviet Union that had never been exposed to the disease, which made them vulnerable, but which had the right climate to support mosquitoes. The Chemical Corps started to experiment with how a brigade of A. aegypti might be deployed and what sort of damage they might do.”
Little connecting of the dots here. Zika was discovered in 1947 by the Rockefeller foundation. Study done in 1954 declared it was a mild benign virus or no concern.
Zika virus : A report on three cases of human infection during an epidemic of jaundice in Nigeria
F.N MacNamara, Acting Director* -Virus Research Institute, Yaba, Nigeria
Oxford Journals Medicine & Health Transactions Royal Soc Tropical Med & Hyg Volume 48, Issue 2 Pp. 139-145.
So it was know that Zika was no health threat. Yap Island study of 2007 where 74% of the population is infected also deemed it a non-threat. So when the military got their hands on this “golden child” they wanted to see how quickly it could spread through a population. They infected the mosquitoes with yellow fever, dropped hundreds of thousands on Florida and Georgia in 1956. Read the remaining information at the activist post link.
Question asked: Can the military be held responsible for Zika infected mosquitoes invading this country? MAYBE. That species had already invaded large portions of the globe which explains why many people have Zika antibodies in their system. CDC admits that over 80% of the people who are infected will not know it-asymptomatic. Those who show symptoms-they are mild like a cold. But the CDC is counting Zika virus like the Flu virus. If a person had a heart attack and dies but also has an upper respiratory infection or cold virus the CDC had been counting those deaths as Flu deaths-hence the mythical 36,000 people a year die of flu. If a person is ill and a blood test is taken, Zika antibodies are present that person has Zika related whatever. This can explain why there were people in the Midwest this spring who tested positive for Zika yet no mosquitoes were caught and the people hadn’t been out of the country.
Even as the world was battling against infectious disease, the military saw an opportunity to find more effective ways at killing people. And it used its own citizens as unknowing subjects for research.
Check out the first link and read the list of experiments the US had done unknowingly on its citizens. This information was obtained under the FOIA. Read the entire page and when you do additional research on “epidemics” you’ll always look at them with a skeptical eye.
Also, funding for research into Zika should have never been an issue for the CDC if they were genuinely interested in Zika rather than the money.
According to Grassley (SENATOR), the Centers for Disease Control and the Department of Health and Human Services identified $589 million in funds already available but largely unspent more than three months after the health emergency was declared in January.
“[Federal] agencies have been slow to distribute available federal funds to fight the illness and short on effective strategies and information to the public.”–Sen. Chuck Grassley
Grassley issued a statement saying, “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has an annual budget of $11.7 billion. The taxpayers have the right to expect that these agencies are ready to protect all of us from public health threats. I look forward to answers on how the $589 million to fight Zika is being spent, as well as information on what the agencies are doing with their existing resources. Agency actions ought to reflect the level of urgency in agency comments about the Zika outbreak.” https://sharylattkisson.com/zika-funds-already-available-why-ask-for-more-tax-money-sen-grassley/
So again, as with all the trumped up epidemic over the last decade-it’s about money. CDC wants that 1.9Billion and they want the remaining money that wasn’t spent of Ebola because the public lost interest in it faster than they expected. The CDC/WHO and all it attachments are not interested in th health of the people in the US or anywhere else. if they were they wouldn’t be spraying a pesticide in Florida to rid the area of mosquitoes they know were brought in by the military in the 1950’s that can cause illness and birth defects:
Florida To Spray Residents Like Bugs Over Zika — With A Chemical That Ironically Reduces Fetal Brain Size In Studies-http://www.activistpost.com/2016/08/florida-spray-residents-like-bugs-zika-chemical-ironically-reduces-fetal-brain-size-studies.html.
-“Zika Zone” Turns Into Ghost Town as Planes Spray Neurotoxic Insecticide Over Residents-http://www.activistpost.com/2016/08/zika-zone-turns-ghost-town-planes-spray-neurotoxic-insecticide-residents.html
Very thorough information from redpill- very much appreciated!
Just one more way to cause vaccines to be introduced that are not necessary at all with all the toxic ingredients that will not only harm the mother but her unborn child as well as many other children and adults who succumb to the fears and lies.
The stupidity of the CDC is likely to kill millions of us yet !!!
The CDC, like the FDA and USDA, are not stupid. They’re controlled by an international banking cabal headquartered in the middle of London in a square mile independent state called The City. The CDC, FDA, USDA are paid-in-full accomplices by these London bankers’ U.S. confederates, and enable BigPharma’s toxic vaccine and BigAgra’s genetically modified food agendas that can sterilize and create health problems in humanity. This banking cabal also owns congress, MSM, the federal judiciary, ‘executive’ branches here and in other nations; all of whom have been walking the streets for these financial demons for decades. These bankers also control the world’s paper money with their 150 central banks located in the strategic (resource-rich) nations of the world. Their endgame is to own and control earth’s resources. In America, they’ve hidden behind its Constitution for the last century; all the while seeking to harm and sicken and weaken and eugenicize humanity with tainted vaccines, GM food, and cloud/atmos-stratospheric seeding to manufacture droughts; from which they profit from food futures and food shortages. The see their ‘status’ [nee΄: wealth] as a license to do this. They profit also from wars (by financing both sides). A three-minute summary from those wonderful folks who tried to bring you the ‘Swine Flu Pandemic’ and their life-saving “flu shots”:
money will not stop oe even slow ZIKA. Quarantine, restricting infected people from entering the country will. A refusal to restrict entry to infected people shows that the CDC is not the least serious about addressing ZIKA.
Zika is NOT a problem. The CDC knows it which is why they are just going through the motions to get that 1.9 billion. You don’t hear much about Ebola any more because the public lost interest because they carried on that False Flag too long. Got the money didn’t use it all so it’s just sitting in a fund the government won’t release unless there is actual studies going on. CDC played that one for what they could get can’t justify getting the remaining millions. Hitting congress up for Zika will do just nicely. Read the following:
-CDC-Oxford ‘Death Gene’ Is Key To The Brazilian Babies Riddle
-Genewashing Zika: The Cover-up of Biotech’s Dirty War
-Gene Warfare on Brazil Infants Has Roots in an African Lab
-Who Owns Zika Virus? Rockefeller Found…
-Brazilian Study Unable to Determine Causal Link Between Zika and Brain Disorders
-Deconstructing Zika: WHO gains from false epidemics
Breathtaking indeed. Here’s something else I’ve read on the issue:
Great info from redpill1.
The truth and governmental agencies are mutually exclusive.
Zika is just one more excuse to try to depopulate by any and all means. In addition, much of this ‘budgetary’ money is likely going into black ops (RAND corp type organizations).
There is no epidemic, unless and until the military tries to start one.
Search ‘US. Special Virus program 1971’ (Boyd Graves and the HIV virus
They are spreading Zika fear here in Florida, I am sick of this hoax. Now they are spraying a neurotoxin, reportedly “safe”. Really???? So, when everybody gets sick from breathing in this garbage and absorbing it into the skin, that will be a health care emergency and the call for a vaccine. Crimes against Humanity!
The bloody neurotoxin being sprayed, NALED, causes MICROCEPHALY!
Great article! A fact that few know of or mention about the study on Zika done during the Yap Island outbreak was that no scientific evidence could be found that ANY genus of mosquito carried the Zika virus: The following excerpt:”Entomologic Investigation
Of the 1366 water-holding containers identified during the household survey, 587 (43% [95% CI, 40 to 46]) were infested with mosquito larvae or pupae; infested containers were found at 148 of the 170 households surveyed (87% [95% CI, 81 to 91]). A total of 12 mosquito species belonging to four genera were identified; 9 species were identified by examination of larvae, and an additional 3 species were collected as adults. Aedes hensilli was the predominant species identified and was present in 489 of the water-holding containers (36% [95% CI, 33 to 38]). No other species was present in more than 3% of the containers. No virus or viral nucleic acid could be detected in any mosquito pool.”Extrapolation of the infection rate as determined by IgM anti-ZIKV antibody detected, indicated that 73% of the population of 7200 had been infected in the 2007 outbreak or previous to that. So where did this widespread infection originate? The authors also state: “These results support the conclusion that this outbreak resulted from a recent introduction of Zika virus.” http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa0805715#t=articleTop
Great comments by all. Let’s keep up this fight until we can once again choose whether or not to be vaccinated – and not just on religious or moral grounds – but because we believe it what’s best for our health.
I can only say – Thank You ALL – for all your Information. I will pass on – so people Stop panicking – but just understanding where these Viruses actually Start and how they are Spread. There are so many Nasty Viruses OUT there in addition to Fungus’s, Bacteria’s and PARASITES – but there are Natural Remedies to combat. I literally could right a book – but don’t need to – so many others have done. Unfortunately people don’t read the Truths about Pathogens and what they can CAUSE. Forget the “Label” and FOCUS on the “CAUSE”. Last – but not Least- this is Not a Conspiracy – it’s just the plain TRUTH. Vaccines don’t solve Anything.
‘CDC announced its belief that the Zika virus was “a cause of microcephaly and other severe fetal brain defects.”9 The conclusion by the CDC was based on a paper written and published in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) by Sonja A. Rasmussen, MD, Denise J. Jamieson, MD, MPH, Margaret A. Honein, PhD, MPH, and Lyle R. Petersen, MD, MPH.10 All four authors are CDC employees.’ Could we get these smart people to find the cause of the annual 25,000 cases of microcephaly in the US before Zika? It would seem they are half-way there to solving it.
Problem is they can’t tie those 25,000 annual cases of microcephaly to virus, a bug, germ or bacteria-basically something nature made. What’s left is something man made like the dtap which was mandated for pregnant women in Brazil in 2009 and also the spraying of Pyriproxyfen in a State-controlled programme aimed at eradicating disease-carrying mosquitoes. If man made they aren’t looking for it. As the saying goes you can’t find what you aren’t looking for. There have been reports of microcephaly and anencephaly for years in the US and the CDC can’t all of a sudden declare it’s a health emergency and they need money to study it. That’s already in their budget so unless they can tap into millions from congress-they won’t even bother to look at any causes.
Article today say that Zika can cause Alzheimer’s. That’s got some people freaking out. This is the start of Zika Part II. Rio Olympics game fear tactic didn’t work and the Puerto Rico campaign against Zika by their government isn’t working because the people there say they are not worried about Zika-it’s been in the country a long time. They are worried about the aerial spraying like they are doing in Florida and are protesting against it.
And how do we project ourselves or more importantly our kids…and Obamacare funds this junk & pushes vaccines down our throats!
Dear Lord help us!
This is real take it serious, who will believe that a herb can cure ZIKA virus in my body, i never believe that this will work because i have spend a lot getting drugs from the hospital to keep me healthy, what i was now waiting for is death because i was broke, one day i hard about this great man who is well know of HIV ,cancer, ALS and herpes cure, i decided to email him, unknowingly to me that this will be the end of the ZIKA virus disease in my body, he prepare the herb for me, and give me instruction on how to take it, at the end of the week which was seven days ,he told me to go to the hospital for a checkup, and i went surprisingly after the test the doctor confirm me cure from ZIKA virus disease I thought it was a joke, i went to other hospital the doctor there also confirm me cure from ZIKA virus disease then i took my friend who was also ZIKA virus patient to the Doctor after the taking of the herbs she was also confirm cure from ZIKA virus disease. please I want everyone with Any virus/disease to be free, that is why am dropping his email address,([email protected]) i want you to email him he is a great man. the government is also interested in this Doctor, thank you for saving my life, and I promise I will always testify for your good work. You can also email me to know more about the great Dr BOYO if you are interested in contacting him for your own cure too. [email protected]
4″This is real take it serious.”
You can’t be serious? Sounds like a infomercial for someone with a fake cure for a virus that needs no cure, vaccine or treatment.
“This is real take it serious.”
You can’t be serious? Sounds like a infomercial for someone with a fake cure for a virus that needs no cure, vaccine or treatment.
Zika is just the latest in the never-ending fear campaign to get us to roll up our sleeves and submit to mass vaccination. Look at the recent history: Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Ebola, now Zika. They were ALL going to be pandemics, remember?!
You can’t be healthy by declaring war on germs, you can only be healthy by taking care of yourself and strengthening your immune system – diet, exercise, positive attitude, and any number of natural approaches including acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy, to name a few. Don’t get sucked into the fear mongering propaganda!
Indeed, those evil germs. Be very afraid of them so we can save you by killing them!
It’s not the germs that I’m afraid of. It’s the hidden agenda that is hiding behind the need to kill germs as an excuse to inject us with toxins.
I would like to propose a bill for the development of a vaccine that effectively eliminates the plague on society caused by 3 letter agencies. The vaccine could also be specifically tailored to target and destroy the most deadly species of the 3 letter agencies including, but not limited to the CDC, FDA, NIH, HHS, WHO just to name a few. The thing that makes them especially dangerous is that they have a built in cloaking device. On the surface, they give the appearance of being the protectors of humanity. But underneath the cloak it is clear that they are actually the cause of the deadly plagues that they pretend to be protecting you from. A very clever method of inflicting maximum damage and insuring success. A billion dollars should cover the cost of development, unless of course we experience some unexpected cost overruns.
I was diagnosed with zika virus years ago i lived in pain with the knowledge that i wasn’t going to ever be well again i contacted so many herbal doctors on this issue and wasted a large sum of money but my condition never got better i was determined to get my life back so one day i saw Mrs Ani post on how Dr Emmanuel saved him from the VIRUS with herbal medicine i contacted Dr Emmanuel on his email address: [email protected] or whatsapp/call +2348110857969 we spoke on the issue i told him all that i went through and he told me not to worry that everything will be fine again so he prepared the medicine and send it to me through courier service and told me how to use it,after 12days of usage I went to see the doctor for test ,then the result was negative,am the happiest woman on earth now. pls try it’s real.thanks to Dr Emmanuel God bless u………