This is a commentary about a special report I have researched and written on the systematic shaming and blaming of parents with vaccine-injured children and the silencing of my voice and information published by the charitable National Vaccine Information Center in the digital public square—both before and after the declaration of a coronavirus pandemic in 2020. I have submitted the report to the U.S. House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. Entitled “The Silencing of Barbara Loe Fisher and the National Vaccine Information Center in the Digital Public Square: A Violation of Thought, Speech and Conscience,” the report is anchored with more than 300 live-linked references. It contains information about the collaborative actions taken by government officials, political operatives, corporations, academic and financial institutions, media, philanthropic foundations and global governmental organizations to target, discredit, discriminate against and censor me and NVIC for our mission since 1982 to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and to defend the legal right of Americans to make voluntary decisions about vaccination without being coerced or sanctioned for the decision made.
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2 Responses
where is the link to the special report or how do I find it?
jeopardy, any possible doubts, whether
or not well founded, about the safety of
the vaccine cannot be allowed to exist
in view of the need to assure that the
vaccine will continue to be used to the
maximum extent consistent with the
nation’s public health objectives.
Accordingly, because of the importance
of the vaccine and of maintaining public
confidence in the immunization program
that depends on it, good cause exits to
issue these amendments as a final rule
effective immediately. The fact that the
amendment relieves a restriction also
justifies making the rule effective
Federal Register / Vol. 49, No. 107 / Friday, June 1. 1984. polio vaccine