Thursday, February 06, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


It is Time to Declare Our Independence from the Vaccinators

The most vocal proponents of forced vaccination have always filled the ranks of professions that require possession of an advanced academic degree—such as an MD, PhD, JD—or other honorific title that automatically confers an elevated status in society with all the respect, economic and social class benefits that come along with that privilege. Unlike in the 18th century when the American colonies fought for freedom from a King, power in Western societies is no longer wielded by kings and queens and other aristocratic members of hereditary monarchies. Today, power in most societies with representative democratic governments and constitutional republics is wielded by a new aristocracy, a spider web of highly paid science, medical, legal, and business “experts” with big titles working for governments and Pharmaceutical, Medical Trade, Big Tech, Military-Industrial, Corporate Media, Banking, and other institutions.

To read Barbara Loe Fisher’s full written commentary, which contains more than 235 references, visit the website of the National Vaccine Information Center at NVIC.orgIf you would like to receive an e-mail notice of the most recent articles published in The Vaccine Reaction each week, click here.

13 Responses

  1. I ALREADY have disengaged with these demons. I never took their flu shot even for work. I rarely take any meds prescribed. Especially new ones.

  2. Thank you for standing up for our rights and freedom from tyranny in general, but most importantly from medical tyranny.

  3. My sisters got the covid 19 shots and boosters. I did not. The last vaccine I received was when I was 10 years old, (the polio oral vaccine). I am 78 years old and have had no jabs and have not seen a doctor in
    30 years. I don’t trust them. My sisters are always sick and seeing doctors and get nothing but a bunch
    of pills. My great, great maternal grandmother was a Cherokee medicine woman and I am so much like
    her. I get a CBC blood work every year and if there are no red flags, then I am fine. I have no aches or pains and if I do homeopathic for my allergies. I worry so much about our younger generation but they
    do not listen. I listen to people like you. Keep up the good work.

    1. Good for you Monta! I love hearing a story such as yours. I became interested in the topic of injected ‘medicines’ when my now 18 yo was set to be born. I just thought, ‘wait a sec, how can it be possible that we adulterate these perfect beings with so much drug’. From there I did a lot of research and it wasn’t easy to go against your parents, in laws and peers. But boy I am EVER grateful I and my husband was on board with me. I am also so worried about our younger generations. But I have faith that we evolve, we surthrive and the young will come around. Systems are being built up alongside the failing and more and more will see that – it’s actually better to be closer to nature in all things than to keep adulterating it!

  4. Thank you Barbara Loe Fisher for your strength and courage to carve this path that you have been making in roads on for so so long! We all appreciate you and your voice and your courage to use it despite all of the push back. We have all learned from your courage to stake out our own paths, be it personal or more vocal toward and with others! Happy Independence Day. You more than anyone – have seen and see the momentum and the hope therein for our future generations. So many people have awoken to question – how we have gone so far from nature and natural! Much gratitude!

  5. Well said, Barbara. You are the Thomas Jefferson of vaccine independence. Regrettably, instead of fighting against George III of England, we are fighting against our own government, all of whom are Tories to the vaccine industry.

  6. I am strongly pro-vaccine:
    I believe all politicians should get the vaccine against corruption.
    I believe all doctors and pharmacists should take the vaccine against vaccine ignorance.
    I believe all in the CDC should take the vaccine against lying.
    I believe all in the FDA should take the vaccine against partnering with Big Pharma.
    I believe all should take vaccine against being duped by misinformation from “authority figures.
    I believe Paul Office should take 1000 vaccines, since he believes this is safe to do.
    I am a strong pro-vaxxer when it comes to stopping evil profiteering in the world.

    That being said, I’m still in favor of informed consent. The risks of being unvaccinated for the above should be clearly spelled out to these criminals, dupes, and fools.

  7. Yes, keep up the good work! I send a lot of people to your site. I have sponsored Educate before you Vaccinate billboards. I am a 40 year veteran of disbelieving the vaccine messaging. Along with 2 other grandmothers we started Kansans for Health Freedom in 2019. Now we will have our 3rd Freedom Revival in August with RFK and Del, Brian Hooker and a couple of others! God has been good to us!

  8. We have gone from being patients, to being lab-rats for experimentation. Fascism is Marxist government controlling the means of production without actually owning much of it. This is why the fascist democrat administration and deep state bureaucrats are always swapping spit with the decision makers in corporate America, and Red China. Result: Big payoffs with money out of thin air, and more dead vaccine victims that the mainstream press won’t talk about. Notice the narrative of more, and worse “pandemics” in the future? That means they’re gonna do it again just like they did it the last time. Any vaccines will only make things worse, messing with your mRNA and who knows what else. Don’t take them! The only difference between hypodermic needles and handguns is that the needles are quiet.

  9. I tried watch this on Rumble but the link embedded in the video didn’t take me to the video, only to the Rumble log-in. I logged in, searched ‘Barbara Loe Fisher’, searched ‘’ and found nothing. Any thoughts or tips?
    Thanks for all you do!

  10. Bless you, Barbara. you are one of the heroes in this fight, and in fact, you’re the first!
    THANKYOU for all the years of enlightened awareness, dedicated educational effort, and patient wisdom in your heart.

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