Tuesday, February 11, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Health Care Workers Offered Money to Raise COVID Shot Uptakes

holding vaccines

U.S. Representative Thomas Massie of Kentucky has released a document titled “Vaccine Provider Incentive Program” drafted by health insurance provider Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s for Kentucky-based health care workers that outlines monetary incentives for convincing patients to get COVID-19 shots in 2021 during the coronavirus pandemic.1

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s “Vaccine Provider Incentive Program” was offered to physicians based in Kentucky with an Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Medicaid panel size of 25 or more members.2

The program outlines the incentive program, stating that if a medical practice meets certain thresholds for COVID shots giving patients at least one dose of COVID vaccine by Sept. 1, 2021, the practice would receive the initial incentive payment based on specific rates.

The More Patients Vaccinated, the Bigger the Bonus

If 30 percent of Anthem members were vaccinated, the practice would receive $20 bonus per vaccinated member. If 40 percent of Anthem members were vaccinated, an incentive of $45 bonus per vaccinated member would be awarded. If 50 percent Anthem members were vaccinated, a $70 bonus per vaccinated member would be awarded. If 60 percent of Anthem members were vaccinated, a $100 bonus per vaccinated member would be awarded and if 75 percent Anthem members vaccinated, the insurance company would award the practice $125 bonus per vaccinated member.3

The financial value of the second incentive payment was significantly higher and was calculated based on members who were newly vaccinated between Sept. 1, 2021 and Dec. 31, 2021. If 30 percent of Anthem members were vaccinated, the practice would receive $100 bonus per vaccinated member.

If 40 percent of Anthem members were vaccinated, an incentive of $150 bonus per vaccinated member would be awarded. If 50 percent Anthem members were vaccinated, a $175 bonus per vaccinated member would be awarded. If 60 percent of Anthem members were vaccinated, a $200 bonus per vaccinated member would be awarded, and if 75 percent Anthem members vaccinated, the insurance company would award the practice $250 bonus per vaccinated member.4

Medical Professionals Failing to Disclose Conflicts of Interest Violate Ethical Guidelines

Ethically, doctors have a duty to disclose financial conflicts of interests related to drugs and biologics they recommend to their patients in the interest of maintaining integrity in the field of medicine. In reference to the “Vaccine Provider Incentive Program,” Rep. Massie stated:

Your primary care provider was bribed to suggest you should take the COVID vaccine. Ethically, shouldn’t doctors disclose when they’re profiting by recommending a drug or treatment -especially a drug or treatment for which there is no medical malpractice liability?5

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6 Responses

  1. 1. Their was no bribe for the 2nd 💉.
    2. The bribe was bigger if after Sept 1 2021. Did the doctors know before September 2021? Then they would tell their patients to wait.
    3. why would blue cross promote 💉 when it will cost them for more medical treatment? Insurance companies have mathematician on staff analysing data.
    4. How many doctors lost their license for accepting $ and not disclose conflict of interest?

  2. Oh, a violation of ethical principals… Oh I see, thanks for setting me straight. Here I was thinking ethical principals are universal, applicable to all walks of life, not contained in a bottle to be re written as convenient, applied disparagingly with differentials applied depending on the need of any specific sectors requirement for more or less ethical oversight. One ponders where the money to provide such financial incentive came from in the first place. The answer is obvious to those whom understand that taxation is theft. The taxpayers money which subsidized the product purchase in the first place. The pharmasuetical companies were receiving untold monetary benefit for each and every vile produced, produced in mass. There is no such thing as a free lunch. One more time; Where in the hell does the money come from in the first place? Sorry, the ethical argument falls short if one continues to skip the blatant ethical conflicts which rides alongside an excess circle of repeat taxation which nets over half of all American citizens working efforts. Ron Paul; “One thing is for certain, the founding fathers never intended for us to pay half of everything we earn to the government.” And yeah, ethics and stuff.

  3. Shame on all the Doctors who played along!
    it seems that they took the Hypocritic Oath👎 but the Hypocrates Oath. The wheel is spinning, theyr turn will come…

  4. It’s been reported somewhere in the last year, that during the pandemic emergency that hospitals were given so much money for each person who entered the hospital with Covid, . They were also given an additional amount of money for each person that went on a ventilator, and so much more for each person who died of Covid.

  5. This does not surprise me at all. I get strep throat every few years and long have. Summer of 2020 I went to a Physician for a throat culture and to go some antibiotics. The clinic did not want to give me a strep test unless I agreed to a covid test, first. We argued back and fourth for 20 minutes until I stuck to my guns and told them I’ll leave without either test.

    Asked me why I would not agree to a covid test and I was honest. Stated that I know it’s a huge money maker for the medical field and people are being pushed to be tested for financial gain and I didn’t have any covid symptoms. (even though any symptom was told to be a sign of covid)

    I told them I would leave without either test.
    They then gave in and “allowed” me to forgo the covid test.

  6. At virtually every step along the way financial incentives, better known as bribery, was used to get the lapdog MDs of our country to inject trusting people with the single most deadly substance ever unleashed on the American public. All the while, the pigs of healthcare wallowed at the public trough.
    Filthy. Disgusting and ultimately sad.
    We can not heal as a country until they are prosecuted for multiple ethics and legal violations.
    Don’t hold your breath on that one!

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