Monday, February 17, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


VAERS Data Reveal Serious Adverse Event Reports in Babies After mRNA COVID Shots

baby and vaccine

On June 15, 2022, the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advised the FDA to grant an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for Moderna/NIAID and Pfizer/BioNTech’s mRNA COVID-19 biologics be given to infants and children under age five and as young as six months old. With that approval, the U.S. became the first country in the world to give COVID vaccine to babies under age two.1

FDA Denies Serious Adverse Reactions to mRNA COVID Shots in Children Under Age Five

On the same day, VRBPAC released a report listing adverse events reported following mRNA COVID shots in the under age five age group, which included fever; chills; injection site pain; fatigue/excessive sleepiness; irritability/crying; headache and body pain; swollen lymph nodes; vomiting and diarrhea, etc.2 The document stated:

Among U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reports for individuals aged 6 months through 4 years, which may reflect unauthorized use of the vaccine or may reflect a reporting error, the majority (96.3%) were non-serious.3

The report does state safety concerns identified from post-authorization safety surveillance data in VAERS for other age groups, which includes anaphylaxis, myocarditis and pericarditis, but it does not specifically discuss any of these safety concerns as related to the younger age group of six months to five years old.4 The report states:

Review of passive surveillance adverse event reports and the Sponsor’s periodic safety reports does not indicate new safety concerns. Most adverse events are labeled events and consistent with the safety profile for this vaccine. No unusual frequency, clusters, or other trends for adverse events were identified that would suggest a new safety concern.5

June 2022 VAERS Data Cited 58 Life Threatening Reactions to mRNA COVID Shots in Children Under Age Three

A June 13, 2022 analysis of VAERS data reported by RT Magazine in Israel showed reports of at least 58 life-threatening adverse events to COVID shots in infants and toddlers under the age of three.6

Before the analysis was conducted, reports in which a child was exposed to mRNA COVID shots through breast milk were removed from the data pool, as were cases identified as errors in the age registration. Most VAERS reports do not indicate under which circumstances the individual received the vaccine, such as whether they were a participant in a clinical trial or vaccinated for any other reason, including “off-label use.7

Children between six months and five years of age were not eligible for mRNA COVID shots until June 15, 2022 in the U.S. unless they were part of a clinical trial. However, VAERS has many reports of babies and toddlers who were vaccinated prior to this date. Some reports state that children suffered life-threatening adverse events but it is not always clear what happened to the child following the adverse reaction.8

The VAERS analysis showed that the most common serious adverse reactions were life-threatening bleeding, anaphylactic shock, anticholinergic syndrome, encephalitis, hypoglycemia and neuroleptic syndrome. In most of the reported cases in VAERS, these were multi-system injuries.9

Case Histories of COVID Shot Reaction Reports in Infants

Authors of the June 2022 VAERS analysis published in RT Magazine looked at 58 reported cases in children under the age of three, who suffered serious adverse reactions to COVID mRNA shots. Following are summaries of three case histories that include two babies under two months old.10
One of the most serious adverse reaction reports in VAERS is that of a 43-day old female baby who received Pfizer’s Comirnaty biologic on Jan. 30, 2021. The incident description (VAERS ID 1133837) states:

A 43-days-old female patient received bnt162b2 (COMIRNATY), intramuscular on 30Jan2021 (Lot Number: EK9788) as SINGLE DOSE for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included asthma from an unknown date and unknown if ongoing. The patient’s concomitant medications were not reported. The patient experienced circulatory disorder, lightheadedness, asthma exacerbation, dyspnea and respiratory distress on 30 Jan 2021. The outcome of the events not recovered. Senders comment: Asthma / feeling sick, dyspnoea, asthma exacerbation.11

The report further states that the six-week old baby experienced:

Anaphylactic reaction (broad), Asthma/bronchospasm (narrow), Anticholinergic syndrome (broad), Acute central respiratory depression (broad), Pulmonary hypertension (broad), Cardiomyopathy (broad), Eosinophilic pneumonia (broad), Vestibular disorders (broad), Hypersensitivity (broad), Respiratory failure (narrow), Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms syndrome (broad).12

Pfizer and Moderna clinical trials only included babies over the age of six months. The VAERS report does not state why a 43-day-old baby was given the vaccine, and does not indicate whether the baby recovered or died.13

Another VAERS report (VAERS ID 976433) states:

A 2-months-old female patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE; lot number EJ1688) via an unspecified route of administration on 06Jan2021 at single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Relevant medical history included asthma. Concomitant medication included beclometasone dipropionate/formoterol fumarate (FOSTAIR) for asthma. On 06Jan2021, the patient experienced rash on chest, which was considered serious as medically significant. The patient has not had symptoms associated with COVID-19 and she has not been tested/or has had an inconclusive test for COVID-19. The patient was not enrolled in clinical trial. The patient has not tested positive for COVID-19 since having the vaccine. The patient had not recovered from the event. No follow-up attempts possible. No further information expected.14

Adverse reactions listed on the report were as follows:

Anaphylactic reaction (broad), Hypersensitivity (narrow), Medication errors (narrow), Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms syndrome (broad).15

 Similar to the previous case, there was no mention of why a two-month-old baby was given the COVID vaccine.16

In another case (VAERS ID 1012508), the report states:

A 1-year-old female patient received bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), via an unspecified route of administration on 19Jan2021 at single dose for COVID-19 immunization. The patient medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. The patient fit and well, nil previous concerns. The patient developed left postauricular pain (20Jan2021) 4/7 after vaccine, progressed to full left sided bells palsy (20Jan2021).17

The adverse reactions reported were as follows:

Guillain-Barre syndrome (broad), Noninfectious encephalitis (broad), Noninfectious meningitis (broad), Hearing impairment (broad), Medication errors (narrow).18

Review Vaccine Adverse Event Reports on MedAlerts

VAERS is a publicly accessible database that was part of the safety provisions secured by parents of DPT vaccine injured children in the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. It has been used by CDC and independent researchers to publish analyses of vaccine adverse events since 1990.

The CDC states that, “VAERS accepts reports of adverse events that occur following vaccination. Anyone, including healthcare providers, vaccine manufacturers, and the public can submit reports to the system. While very important in monitoring vaccine safety, VAERS reports alone cannot be used to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to an adverse event or illness… VAERS reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable.”

Since 2006, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) has sponsored, a user-friendly search engine established in 2003 that allows anyone to access vaccine adverse event reports made to VAERS. The search engine examines vaccines, doses, and demographics, and you can produce tables, graphs, maps and full case reports. MedAlerts includes U.S. and foreign case reports, while other search engines only include U.S. reports. MedAlerts also includes “The Wayback Machine” to include older government data to track any changes in posted data.

If you would like to receive an e-mail notice of the most recent articles published in The Vaccine Reaction each week, click here.

Click here to view References:

1 Fisher BL. U.S. Becomes First Country to Give mRNA COVID Vaccine to Babies. The Vaccine Reaction June 21, 2022.
2 U.S. Food and Drug Administration. FDA Briefing Document EUA amendment request for Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for use in children 6 months through 4 years of age. June 15, 2022.
3 Ibid.
4 Ibid.
5 Ibid.
6 Feinberg R, Shir-Raz Y. Breaking: 58 babies who received mRNA COVID-19 vaccines suffered life-threatening adverse events RT Magazine June 13, 2022.
7 Ibid.
8 Ibid.
9 Ibid.
10 Ibid.
11 This is VAERS ID 1133837.
12 Ibid.
13 Feinberg R, Shir-Raz Y. Breaking: 58 babies who received mRNA COVID-19 vaccines suffered life-threatening adverse events RT Magazine June 13, 2022.
14 This is VAERS ID 976433.
15 Ibid.
16 Ibid.
17 This is VAERS ID 1012508.
18 Ibid.

20 Responses

  1. This is a sin to proceed with any vaccines for Covid in babies! To protect them from ?? Especially since the effectiveness is poor, poor, poor. For any MD to continue to recommend is a crime and parents need to be warned. I am nearly speechless seeing this tragedy unfold.

  2. Pfizer and the FDA are criminals. Any parent or medical professional who would do this to a child is criminally insane.

  3. The Food and Death Administration are a bunch of irresponsible murderers. Anyone who ever trusts anything they do again, is mad.

  4. For a mom to be coerced or lied to, or having safety of a vaccine misrepresented is unconcionable. We already know that vaccines are an issue in terms of ASD. The old number was 1 in 10.000 and the new is 1 in 30. Add another jab to the pile that the poor babies are already given and let’s see how many adverse reactions we can pile up. Wow. And yet, they line up and offer their infants up for experimentation. They have taken Soma…the red pill. And what mom wants to put her baby into a trial? I guess they pay the parents.

  5. The clinic trials on babys didn’t start in January 2021.
    They won’t give a baby a COVID vaccine.
    They don’t know what dosage to give a baby.

    The reports have errors.
    The lot number could also be a clue.
    With millions of adverse reaction some put the wrong age.
    43 days could have been 43 years.

    1. Look at the reports. Some of them say vaccine given at inappropriate age, which means it more than likely is a baby.

  6. Exactly Susan. This is horrible but it may, in the end, protect more people, as everyone starts to see what liars the government agencies are. All of them.

  7. It is awful that some parents are taking their babies for these shots but the word is getting out. The majority of parents are not taking their young children to be vaccinated against covid-19. Keep up the good reporting The Vaccine Reaction.

  8. I have five children, two biological and three step children all adults. I have three beautiful grandchildren by my step children who were born prior to the Covid madness. My two biological children (adults) have already informed me not to expect to be a grandfather because they fear raising children in this crazy world today, unfortunately I cant even blame them. God bless the NVIC and all the people who work tirelessly to keep the truth alive.

  9. Sad to say, I think the poor parents are scared witless in getting the Covid vaccine for their tiny precious babies. They are trying to be good parents, fearing Covid, trying to protect their babies, believing everything they are being told. Please don’t blame the parents. Put the blame on the pharmaceuticals, the money grubbing power hungry people in charge of this entire, evil scheme to experiment on defenseless uneducated human population.
    Let’s not forget where this huge failed experiment started either, Wuhan China, partly funded by Evil Dr Fauci and our U S Government, via Dr Fauci.
    Please don’t blame parents, there is nothing like a parents love for their defenseless precious tiny child. Fear does rule.

  10. And now I’m reading about moth cells (yes, the flying insect moth) being used in the mRNA vaccine. So what, now in a few thousand years, we’ll all be flying around from place to place with our mutated insect features? That would certainly help with our energy crises, yes?
    God, if you are listening, please help.

    1. You made laugh ? yep something else will come out from all this toxins “plural” because they want humans to be their LAB-RATS many times.
      — Why they don’t try first?
      What they’re doing is, irresponsible careless, inhumane, destroying the population, to reduced applications for S.S., reduced Medicaré, hospitalization; stop being pregnant etc ….
      It’s a crime against humanity. They don’t think about it now… they just care about money $ billion’s
      I, personally believe, there’s a GOD “who will take good care of them at the END OF TIMES” My sincere apologies if you don’t agreed with the truth.Thanks ?

      1. On their judgement day, I suspect that those who are doing these crimes against society, will be forgiven by our God…….

    2. The moth cells are being used in the Novovax shots, which are not mRNA but still not something to inject into one’s body.


  12. I wonder why your website avoid my opinions? Not offensive. Not my nature. You have discarded 2 opinions? I was not offending anyone! I was just expressing honest thoughts. The truth about this evils toxic shots against all of us, for a very DIABÓLICO OR EVIL purpose; you know it “Very very well” We are not RAT LABS! We are humans like you!
    Maybe you discard my opinions because my email is different? It’s a real shame.

  13. The FDA, CDC & others are complicit in this fraud along with Pfizer, J&J, Moderma, etc. They knew of the adverse side effects before the shots were distributed but they chose to lie & hide it. No informed consent for any of us. We all sit here and suffer, our health is utter crap now and we are financially devastated from it. But yet, lets make $35 million off the backs of others and destroy them. Oh let’s throw some bonuses & referral payments out there to Fauci, Doctors and many more, while those sick and dead try and pay their rent or can’t work & scrapping by. All of this is evil and deliberate.

  14. Hey Data detective. Where have you been? They have already approved Covid jab for six months to five years. I guess they “figured out a dose”. And how do you know they did not “unofficially” start testing on infants prior to Jan 2021? We have a Canadian Dr in Toronto ON who has given Covid jab to 500 or more of his patients under 5 yrs. months prior to even a mention of jabbing infants. And he makes no bones about it. Stating that the parents are hysterical about the possibility of the infants and young children catching Covid.
    He has not been reprimanded by the health minister or College of Physicians.
    And according to the doctor in question, many of the concerned parents were doctors or work in the healthcare sector and relied on Pfizer‘s initial data to make the decision to vax their kids five years old and under.

  15. You have to wonder why Biden is desperately trying to force the jab on everyone even it doesn’t stop COVID & they are hiding the side effects there has to be a different motive than COVID DON’T TRUST THE GOVERNMENT!!!!¡!

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