Friday, December 13, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Must We Segregate the Unvaccinated from the Vaccinated?

segregation by vaccine status

Governments around the world have encouraged and enforced a new form of segregation based on vaccine status. This is not only dangerously inhumane; there is no scientific basis for this.

There seems to be an underlying presumption here that the unvaccinated are unclean (regardless of natural immunity) and their presence will spread disease. What if, however, existing studies reveal that there is little to no difference between the COVID vaccinated and unvaccinated in terms of becoming infected, harboring the virus (viral load in the oral and nasopharynx), and transmitting it?

As it relates to Omicron, two recent small but interesting preliminary studies show that 80 percent of the omicron cases were double vaccinated. Wilhelm et al. reported on reduced neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 omicron variant by vaccine sera and monoclonal antibodies. “in vitro findings using authentic SARS-CoV-2 variants indicate that in contrast to the currently circulating Delta variant, the neutralization efficacy of vaccine-elicited sera against Omicron was severely reduced highlighting T-cell mediated immunity as essential barrier to prevent severe COVID-19.” Further, the CDC has reported on the details for 43 cases of COVID-19 attributed to the Omicron variant. They found that “34 (79 percent) occurred in persons who completed the primary series of an FDA-authorized or approved COVID-19 vaccine ≥14 days before symptom onset or receipt of a positive SARS-CoV-2 test result.”

As it relates to the vaccinated and unvaccinated being similar in terms of infection, viral load, and transmission capacity, and thus no underlying evidence to separate them societally, we specifically focus on and present (and based largely on Delta variant data) the body of evidence.

1) Salvatore et al. examined the transmission potential of vaccinated and unvaccinated persons infected with the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant in a federal prison, July-August 2021. They found a total of 978 specimens were provided by 95 participants, “of whom 78 (82 percent) were fully vaccinated and 17 (18 percent) were not fully vaccinated… clinicians and public health practitioners should consider vaccinated persons who become infected with SARS-CoV-2 to be no less infectious than unvaccinated persons.”

2) Singanayagam et al. examined the transmission and viral load kinetics in vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals with mild delta variant infection in the community. They found that (in 602 community contacts (identified via the U.K, contract-tracing system) of 471 U.K. COVID-19 index cases were recruited to the Assessment of Transmission and Contagiousness of COVID-19 in Contacts cohort study and contributed 8,145 upper respiratory tract samples from daily sampling for up to 20 days) “vaccination reduces the risk of delta variant infection and accelerates viral clearance. Nonetheless, fully vaccinated individuals with breakthrough infections have peak viral load similar to unvaccinated cases and can efficiently transmit infection in household settings, including to fully vaccinated contacts.”

3) Chia et al. reported that PCR cycle threshold (Ct) values were “similar between both vaccinated and unvaccinated groups at diagnosis, but viral loads decreased faster in vaccinated individuals. Early, robust boosting of anti-spike protein antibodies was observed in vaccinated patients, however, these titers were significantly lower against B.1.617.2 as compared with the wildtype vaccine strain.”

4) Israel, 2021 looked at Large-scale study of antibody titer decay following BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine or SARS-CoV-2 infection, and reported as “To determine the kinetics of SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies following administration of two doses of BNT162b2 vaccine, or SARS-CoV-2 infection in unvaccinated individuals…In vaccinated subjects, antibody titers decreased by up to 40 percent each subsequent month while in convalescents they decreased by less than five percent per month. Six months after BNT162b2 vaccination 16.1 percent subjects had antibody levels below the sero-positivity threshold of <50 AU/mL, while only 10.8 percent of convalescent patients were below <50 AU/mL threshold after 9 months from SARS-CoV-2 infection.”

5) In the UK COVID-19 vaccine Surveillance Report for week #42, it was noted that there is “waning of the N antibody response over time” and “that N antibody levels appear to be lower in individuals who acquire infection following 2 doses of vaccination.” The same report (Table 2, page 13), shows that in the older age groups above 30, the double vaccinated persons have greater infection risk than the unvaccinated, presumably because the latter group include more people with stronger natural immunity from prior COVID disease.  See also UK PHE reports 43, 44, 45, 46 for similar data.

6) In Barnstable, Massachusetts, Brown et al. found that among 469 cases of COVID-19, 74 percent were fully vaccinated, and that “the vaccinated had on average more virus in their nose than the unvaccinated who were infected.”

7) Riemersma et al. found “no difference in viral loads when comparing unvaccinated individuals to those who have vaccine “breakthrough” infections. Furthermore, individuals with vaccine breakthrough infections frequently test positive with viral loads consistent with the ability to shed infectious viruses.” Results indicate that “if vaccinated individuals become infected with the delta variant, they may be sources of SARS-CoV-2 transmission to others.” They reported “low Ct values (<25) in 212 of 310 fully vaccinated (68 percent) and 246 of 389 (63 percent) unvaccinated individuals. Testing a subset of these low-Ct samples revealed infectious SARS-CoV-2 in 15 of 17 specimens (88 percent) from unvaccinated individuals and 37 of 39 (95 percent) from vaccinated people.”

8) Ignoring the risk of infection, given that someone was infected, Acharya et al. found “no significant difference in cycle threshold values between vaccinated and unvaccinated, asymptomatic and symptomatic groups infected with SARS-CoV-2 Delta.”

9) Gazit et al. out of Israel showed that “SARS-CoV-2-naïve vaccinees had a 13-fold (95 percent CI, 8-21) increased risk for breakthrough infection with the Delta variant compared to those previously infected.”

This article was reprinted with permission. It was originally published by the Brownstone Institute. Paul Elias Alexander holds a PhD. He has experience in epidemiology and in the teaching clinical epidemiology, evidence-based medicine, and research methodology. He is a former Assistant professor at McMaster University in evidence-based medicine and research methods; former COVID Pandemic evidence-synthesis consultant advisor to WHO-PAHO Washington, DC and former senior advisor to COVID Pandemic policy in Health and Human Services (HHS).

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23 Responses

  1. If no good medical reason may be found, we must manufacture one. Segregate them as punishment for their intransigence. This is the new American way.

  2. Segregation, Apartheid . . . . Those who don’t learn from their history are doomed to repeat it again and again. Might as well refer to the unvaxxed as Hebe, Niggers, whatever nasty term they decide on that they have used in the past to the great detriment to those unfortunates they suppressed.

    1. Your assumption that all democrats are for the vaccine is erroneous and the name calling and divisiveness you are participating in is just what the puppeteers want you to do.

  3. It is already happening all around us. It has already happened in my world. While we still maintain our relationship from afar, we are segregated from our vaccinated friends and family. We are the disease they don’t want to catch…and while many times no one is coming out and saying it, their fear of unvaccinated is there and it’s all due to brainwashing. If you use safe protocols, distance and masking there is no reason for this. And quite frankly, even though I do the protocols I actually fear the vaccinated the most…..they are all walking around like there is no virus. They don’t wear any masks and they congregate at parties and weddings and funerals…they go about their life like they are invincible and possibly spreading this virus because they don’t know they have it.

    1. As an unvaccinated person, I do NOT want to be in the company of, especially, the recently stabbed(as I am inclined to call it). They are a threat to our wellbeing. There is endless data (not modelling or theory) available from highly qualified, experienced, knowledgeable & concerned professionals.
      (Virologist, epidemiologists doctors professors etc) but unfortunately, not available in the mainstream media. Look in your local newsagent for alternative magazines. You’ll find that they supply their sources & data, explaining clearly what they KNOW to be the truth. Terrifying, the potential/ probable consequences in the long term for which there is NO data. So no- one knows! Goodluck, and best wishes.

  4. This started with the annual influenza vaccine in healthcare employees, at least they accepted a religious an or medical exemption as a constitutional right. The trouble is people are such followers they have learned to divide and conquer people against people, as they know we no longer need a government body. Since government has overstepped and is leading monopolies of businesses, we see how they destroy rights and freedoms.

  5. If it came down to segregation the effect would be that the un vaccinated would be protected from the vaccinated not the other way around.

  6. I have a recent experience I’d like to share. About a month ago one of my triple injected co-worker had a breakthrough case and thought it was just a bad cold, so she continued to come to work and expose everyone all week then realized that it was in fact covid, and tested positive. I had covid last spring and recently had bloodwork done that confirmed antibodies, which I shared after being asked if I had my shots. She said to me last week that “people at work might feel uncomfortable around me because I haven’t been injected”. I responded with “we both know, you being a perfect example, that the vaccines don’t stop infection or transmission”. I also said if I’m sick I won’t be at work spreading anything. She got all upset, turned mean and started swearing at me. Complete ignorance!

  7. Read Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book, The Real Anthony Faucci. It has just come out recently. I appreciate that he backs up his claims with sources found at the end of each chapter. If what the author says is true, then all this vaccination fervor, fear mongering about the unvaccinated starts to make sense. I am sure the many media outlets who have only one mantra will vilify the author. I believe you are capable of reading his book and deciding for yourselves. Minimally, from the many blunders Dr. Faucci has made over the course of the pandemic, he needs to resign. The South African doctors who sounded the alarm about the omicron variant are asking why all the world is making such a big deal about this variant as it doesn’t seem to be at the same level or severity–just more transmissible. This segregation and vaccine passport mania has got to end. Look at the riots in some of the EU countries over these mandates. It does nothing but harm our nation and the global communities. Hard working people once called the “heroes” of the pandemic (pre-vaccine) are given no option but to quit. So sad as our country needs these good people. Vaccinate yourself if you so desire but leave the rest who don’t want this vaccine the freedom to decide.

  8. What I don’t understand is why there aren’t any studies on organic healthy plant based people versus the person who eats the SAD diet. What are the statistics for infected in these two groups? I am 68 eat organically, get regular sun, never get the flu and just wonder what the statistics are for those who survive and are SAD or organic? It seems this is important information . The studies already show those who are severely overweight are highly susceptible……

  9. Won’t they all realize how wrong they are when their immune systems shut down and the only ones healthy are us? We’ll be the only ones who can tend to them.

    Segregation IS ridiculous BUT part of me wonders if it’s US that shouldn’t want to be near THEM. I don’t want them shedding their vax all over me as much as they don’t want my critical thinking spilling out all over them.

    Still. All of these should be CHOICES. Not mandates.

  10. Julie, my family eats organic, raises grass fed beef and pastured eggs, drinks RO water, drinks veggie shakes 1-2 times a day, supplements D3/K2, zinc, etc. but still got Covid. I ended up at the hospital despite using many holistic remedies. Thankfully, we all survived, but this virus is so harmful because of its gain of function aspects. It was made in a lab. I am opposed to mask and vaccine mandates…they are worse than the virus. In our circles, it all depends on the hospital you go to…there are protocols that help but some that kill. The hospitals using Remdesivir and ventilators kill patients. Most of us can easily tell which big hospital system to avoid.

    1. So true. Hospitals are “for profit”. If you go hot Medicare.Gov, There’s 20% incentives to use remdesivir as a protocol to treat the infected…They even give the codes!) It says right beneath it that it causes renal and kidney failure after a short period of time! (THIS is why lungs fill up and there’s difficulty breathing! It’s NOT “Covid pneumonia”!) At the time of Dr Ardis’s interview, another APPROVED (at that time, which was July 2021!) drug WITHOUT adverse side effects was Ivermectin! I tried to dig it up the other day, but it had disappeared as of December 22nd! It was now UNAPPROVED!

      I CHOOSE to love living life. I CHOOSE NOT to watch “fear porn” (I love that term, and am running with it ?!) and be a shining example of COMPASSION & LOVE. Even though Im looked upon as an ignorant, uncaring, and unpatriotic. (Sheesh! I used to work as a nurse!!!) So be it!
      (Lols, I’ve been called worse things!)

  11. We already see hao that the US does not recoginize natural immunity, The isreal study showed tha a person recovered from Covid was 27 times less likely to be reinfected. Also the CDC was ask point blank ,can you name one person that had Covid that has had it again. CDC said NO, we dont keep thoes statistics. If Covid is so dangerous ,why aren’t they tracking prior infections,after all they auto loaded the covid tracker on your smart phone without your permission, if you don’t believe check your apps. Even if you have it disabled, there was evedence presented that your sims card communicates your location to the cell towers even if you have covid tracker off, and loction history turned off. Another issue is how all these politicans anf MSM, and hollywood stars keep saying the only way out of this pandemic is vaccination, thats the same thing Fauci said in the 80s about AIDS and HIV, yet here we are 35 years later with no vaccine to prevent Aids. They say in the health care industry we must be vaccinated to protect the public and fellow workers. Back to the Isreal study, it showed a vaccinated person could carry the same viral load of Covid as an unvaccinated. So that means its a false narriative to say its for the safety of others. Only protection it may offer is less severe systoms on the person that had the jab, but that is still in question. SO anyone above 18 that refuses the jab is old enough to weigh the risk from Covis infection, versus the possibe side effects of a rushed vaccine. Pfizer requested 55 years before the information of the trials of their vaccine was released, however the FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT was put into effect and they turned over the stats , it showed at least 1200 people had died of the jab within first 3 months, they did not attribute any deaths to the vaccine nor track people with severe reactions after 24 hours. The people that did have reactions have had a difficult time getting anyoneto take the complaint. If you really know how Pfizer mis handles and abuses their power, check the 200 African children that they gave a polio vaccine in 1996,without parental consent, 11 kids died, some were left blind, some deaf and most were left cripled or brain damaged. Then it took millions of dollars and law suits and pressure for 12 years until 2008foe Pfizer to finally admit and offer to settle with the families. That gets me to the point wher they keep saying that Covid vaccine is SAFE AND EFFECT,,,why to they keep pushing that narrative ?

  12. We already see how that the US does not recoginize natural immunity, The isreal study showed tha a person recovered from Covid was 27 times less likely to be reinfected. Also the CDC was ask point blank ,can you name one person that had Covid that has had it again. CDC said NO, we dont keep thoes statistics. If Covid is so dangerous ,why aren’t they tracking prior infections,after all they auto loaded the covid tracker on your smart phone without your permission, if you don’t believe check your apps. Even if you have it disabled, there was evedence presented that your sims card communicates your location to the cell towers even if you have covid tracker off, and loction history turned off. Another issue is how all these politicans anf MSM, and hollywood stars keep saying the only way out of this pandemic is vaccination, thats the same thing Fauci said in the 80s about AIDS and HIV, yet here we are 35 years later with no vaccine to prevent Aids. They say in the health care industry we must be vaccinated to protect the public and fellow workers. Back to the Isreal study, it showed a vaccinated person could carry the same viral load of Covid as an unvaccinated. So that means its a false narriative to say its for the safety of others. Only protection it may offer is less severe systoms on the person that had the jab, but that is still in question. SO anyone above 18 that refuses the jab is old enough to weigh the risk from Covis infection, versus the possibe side effects of a rushed vaccine. Pfizer requested 55 years before the information of the trials of their vaccine was released, however the FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT was put into effect and they turned over the stats , it showed at least 1200 people had died of the jab within first 3 months, they did not attribute any deaths to the vaccine nor track people with severe reactions after 24 hours. The people that did have reactions have had a difficult time getting anyoneto take the complaint. If you really know how Pfizer mis handles and abuses their power, check the 200 African children that they gave a polio vaccine in 1996,without parental consent, 11 kids died, some were left blind, some deaf and most were left cripled or brain damaged. Then it took millions of dollars and law suits and pressure for 12 years until 2008foe Pfizer to finally admit and offer to settle with the families. That gets me to the point wher they keep saying that Covid vaccine is SAFE AND EFFECT,,,why to they keep pushing that narrative ?

  13. What I don’t understand is why the the vaccinated do not have to get tested to get into large gatherings that the unvaxed have to. So now the unvaxed have tested negative to enter the venue yet contagious vaccinated people get in and spread it to everyone and the unvaxed are he ones blamed for spreading it??

  14. They already treat unvaccinated as leppers, they key lying to the public and to them selves saying we mustprotect fellow workers and in health care the patients. But there are numerous studies from Isreal and the UK that ba vaccinated person as well as a unvaccinated person cars the same amount of Covid when the become infected,so who do they think that the vaccinne was designed to protect (YOU). Since vaccinated worker can transmit the disease ,that means the vaccines are not truly vaccines they are theraputics, and should not be forced on anyone. Fauci has a londg his back to the AIDS out breck trying to say vaccinnes are the only answer. IN the 80s he cried WOLF and 35 years later the politicans are still listening to him. If you look at the number of cases fom 6 months to 5 years old ,this pandemic dont effect that age group but very little, a few hundred have died in 2 years of covid, but you try putting unknown chemicals in a developing babies immune system ,you have to question if vaccine is right. Then the 5 to 12 year old that got inflammation of the heart muscle, yes they can cure that, but they also admit it weakens the heart muscle and may shorten life span of that person.Pfizer has a known past of hiding facts and trials, like the polio vaccine in Africa, administered to 200 kids without any consent, 11 died and all the rest were severe side effects like paralasis, brain fogs and blindness. Only after enough lawsuits were filed did Pfizer admi guilt in 2008 anf settle fo billiones of dollars. I know a lot more people who have died within 48 hours of the jab than those died from Covid. So chose wisely my children evil lurks in strange places, if you think not why arev they so many pedofiles in religious groups, mostly in high places called priest. I am nearly 70 and i lost my filter several years ago, if it walks like a duck, and looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then you need to believe your eyes ,IT IS A DUCK,no matter what anyone else tries to tell you it is.

  15. Here is the long and short of it. This moronic individual up there in the higher echelons of the country (Not sure who it is yet, or if, maybe it is all of them; Fauci, whoever with the FDA and the CDC, HHS, Pharma folks with more money than God, and of course the President who refuses to take responsibility for a single thing he’s screwed up) has decided that people ARE GOING to do what THEY ARE TOLD, individual thought or decision making capability be damned. And you know what else? MOST of the population will go along with it. Not because the poor things are scared, but because they LIKE being sheep. They don’t have to exercise the ability of thinking, so it’s easier not to put up a fuss. The government has been absolutely PATHETIC in dealing with this PERIOD. The POTUS likes to blame Trump but he hasn’t been in control for how long now? We have NO way to track the data for this virus, despite MILIONS being dumped in the lap of the CDC and HHS. We are relying on data from OTHER COUNTRIES!!! The POTUS has people believing that he is doing something by sending out these tests… but the only thing he’s doing is ridding the government of a few thousands pounds of garbage. Those tests are so useless, the CDC is withdrawing the EUA for them.
    Vaccinated people spread this virus just the same as unvaccinated, BUT they want to scream that it is ‘protecting’ them and still be able to scream in my face to go get a shot. Or my personal favorite, “Do your patriotic duty”. Okay, well, I don’t think I will get the shot, however, if you want to see my patriotic duty in action, please come onto my property yelling at me to get the shot, and then you will see the fireworks! I am so sick of people who can’t leave other people alone. If the shot is so GREAT, then these fools yelling about my decision not to get it are supposed to be protected and I am the one at risk. Nobody has ever been to worried about my being at risk, so please don’t start now.
    The biggest issue I can see right now is that if kids are getting sick because of this new Omicron strain, then what do parents do or where do they go to get help? The vaccine that they risked their children’s health over WON’T KEEP THEM FROM GETTING IT, and since that’s the case, and there are children who have gotten Mis-C right behind the virus, will they also develop after the jab which does cause significant issues that are a LOT like the complications seen with the virus? And WHY is it nobody seems to have an issue with the fact that ALL this TIME HAS GONE BY and we still are barely hearing a thing about a preventative or a treatment that works on the first stage of the virus? According to an article I read the other day, it’s been almost TWO YEARS of “pandemic hysteria” and policy changing and so on, yet most pandemics fade after about 13 16 months. Ummm, how much trash are we being fed right now? When the Frontline docs said Ivermectin would help to control this mess and could be used as prophylaxis, instead of doing what they did in the beginning, which was look at that as a repurposed drug of use, they immediately started spreading hate and discontent about the drug, the doctors and the people who were smart enough to say “The government is a flipping joke, their responses so far have been to lie, to assume, or to act like they knew what was happening and lead millions of people into a circus of stupidity and drama, so I will try my OWN thing, thank you very much!” They made idiots focus on the LIE that people were using horse deworming paste to treat themselves. Ivermectin is ONE ingredient in horse de-wormer, and I would think that when they wouldn’t allow a person to get a legitimate script from a doctor and have it filled , people DID go to that extreme. However, they wouldn’t have had to do that if the pharmacists who’d taken it upon themselves to step right in the middle of doctor/patient relationship, had done their JOB and kept their mouths shut.
    If people are willing for even a half a second to debate this garbage about segregating the Smart people (unvaxxed) from the morons (vaxxed with a double standard), instead of telling the powers that be, whoever they are, to take that idea and shove it, and act on that demand by taking the power given to us under the Constitution while we still have SOME of it left, then everyone might as well start packing their bags because they won’t segragate us at home, we’ll end up in some sort of camps, you now the ones sitting ALL OVER this COUNTRY?!
    Then they will take our children away from us and make them wards of the state where they are signed up to ‘participate’ in drug trials. Then they’ll be loaded full of crap that will kill them and all the while we will be herded in little pens like livestock ALLOWING it to happen.

  16. What do you expect from a elected government official.?
    Politicalitions don’t analysis data.
    Just look at every impeachment.

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