Friday, July 26, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Growing Number of Universities Requiring COVID-19 Vaccination

college student in cap and gown

More than 50 universities across the United States have announced they will require students to present proof of COVID-19 vaccination in order to attend in-person classes or on campus activities this fall.1 Among these institutions of higher learning are Brown University, Cleveland State University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Montclair State University, Princeton University, Rutgers University, University of Notre Dame, University of Pennsylvania, Yale University and others.2 3 4 5 6

Historically, vaccinations have been a requirement for many colleges and universities, but some institutions allow for exemptions under philosophical, religious, or medical reasons.7

Rutgers University President Jonathan Hollaway, PhD said that existing medical and religious exemptions will be allowed but that simply not wanting to get the vaccine would not be an option if students wish to attend Rutgers. When asked about the lack of long-term studies for the COVID-19 vaccine, Dr. Hollaway stated he “doesn’t have any reservations about requiring students to receive the vaccine before long-term studies have been completed.”8

The Legality of Mandating Experimental Vaccines

There are serious questions about the legality of universities or workplaces mandating experimental COVID-19 vaccines. Many university officials believe they are within legal bounds to institute such mandates, citing existing higher education vaccination requirements. However, mandating experimental vaccines being distributed under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), which have not yet been fully approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is unprecedented. According to an article in STAT News:

The FDA has never before granted an EUA for a vaccine for the entire population, so there is no perfect precedent here. Employers, especially health care entities, and universities have, however, historically mandated vaccines.9

The Ethics of Mandating Experimental Vaccines

An issue brief from the American Council on Education published on Mar. 25, 2021 states that the legal right of higher education institutions to mandate COVID-19 vaccinations for students “seems likely to be upheld” and recommends universities follow existing state regulations. The brief also points out potential ethical issues such as the mandating of vaccines to marginalized populations who have historical experiences of medical discrimination, as well as the “ethical, societal, and practical” application of vaccine passports.10

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that Temple University student body president Quinn Litsinger plans to get the vaccine, but that he acknowledged understanding that certain groups that have, historically, been marginalized in U.S. may be skeptical about vaccines. Litsinger observed…

I don’t think it’s my place or the place of Temple to tell communities that have historical reasons to mistrust the vaccine that they have to get it.7

Universities Explore Incentives for Vaccinated Students

While many universities will not require the vaccine in order to attend classes, some institutions are exploring the idea of giving financial incentives to those students who choose to get vaccinated. Such incentives include tuition breaks and discounted or free tickets to athletic events for those who choose to be vaccinated.10

Peter Lake, JD, a professor of law at Stetson University College of Law in Florida said, “The carrot often works as well as the stick, sometimes a lot better.”7

Many college officials have stated that they believe that a vaccine is their only path back to normal operations with the hopes of achieving vaccine acquired herd immunity on campus,5 7 even though it remains unclear if the COVID-19 vaccines only protect against severe COVID-19 disease rather than reliably preventing symptomatic and asymptomatic infection and transmission of SARS-CoV-2.11

The FDA has granted EUA to three COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers to distribute their experimental vaccines in the U.S. based only on evidence that the vaccines prevent symptoms of COVID-19 disease and reduce the likelihood of being hospitalized or dying from the disease.

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Click here to view References:

1 Thomason A. Here’s a list of colleges that will require students or employees to be vaccinated against Covid-19. The Chronicles of Higher Education Apr. 21, 2021.  
2 CBS Philly University Of Pennsylvania Requiring Students Receive COVID-19 Vaccine To Return To Campus This Fall. Apr. 22, 2021.
3 Goldman J. Montclair State joins Rutgers as 2nd state university to require COVID vaccines for students. Apr. 22, 2021.
4 Heyboer K. Princeton joins growing list of colleges requiring COVID vaccine for students. Apr. 21, 2021.
5 Nadworny E. More colleges say they’ll require students to have covid-19 vaccines for fall. NPR Apr. 11, 2021.
6 O’Donnell C. Rutgers COO: Students Who Don’t Want Vaccine Should Consider Gap Year, Transferring. TAP IP Apr. 20, 2021.
7 Snyder S. Should college students be required to get the COVID-19 vaccine? It’s too early for colleges to decide. The Philadelphia Inquirer Jan. 20, 2021.
8 Some colleges are requiring students to get the COVID-19 vaccine – but legal challenges may loom. CBS News Apr. 14, 2021.
9 Reiss D, Cohen G, Schachar C. Authorization status is a red herring when it comes to mandating COVID-10 vaccination STAT News Apr. 5, 2021
10 Requiring (or urging) COVID-19 vaccinations at colleges and universities for fall 2021. American Council on Education Mar. 25, 2021
11 Rouan R. Fact Check: CDC recommends masks in most cases even after COVID-19 vaccines. USA Today Apr. 22, 2021.
12 No Evidence COVID-19 Vaccines Will Block Spread of Coronavirus. The Vaccine Reaction Jan. 10, 2021.

39 Responses

  1. Basically, these gene-altering drugs (GAD) are a multi-faceted, bioweapon. They alter a “vaccine” recipient’s DNA; this then allows manufacture of artificial “spike” proteins and these create a continual storm of manufactured “spike protein antibodies.” So, eventually, according to EU experts, if you are >70 years old and have been “vaccinated,” you will probably die within 3 years. And if you are younger and have received these GAD, the onslaught of pathologies will be myriad within a decade. Multiple sources now have seen demonstrated close proximity of those not vaccinated to those vaccinated, can cause innumerable immune function abnormalities and depopulation agendas by sterilization. The perfect bioweapon of the elitist, DS.
    I stand firm in the challenge to ALL healthcare professionals: Unless you can name ALL components in ANY FDA-registered pharmaceutical drug (COVID “vaccines” included, as they are “experimental” drugs) and discuss their acknowledged adverse effects, allowing this to be the platform for your Informed Consent with a patient, allowing them to accept or refuse the drug or treatment, then you are markedly lacking in your area of supposed “expertise.” If this is not performed with each patient that either does or does not develop a severe or incapacitating adverse effect and/or death, not only are you disregarding the mandates of the 1947 Nurnberg Tribunals and the establishment of ethical International Law, but it is grounds for being guilty of war crimes and malpractice and the administering professional(s) will be complicitous to the patient’s trauma. (TMC)

  2. Maybe they would think differently if they realize that they are not in the cohort of liability free pharmaceutical companies & government entities. If anyone who ends up either having serious, long term, debilitating results from this experimental vaccine or the family of anyone who dies from it would take them to court over it, they might get the message loud & clear, especially if the dollar cost is mighty steep. Sad part is the students/staff would be permanently damaged or dead & the potential consequence to the school would take so unnervingly long before it would be settled that the school would forget the seriousness of of it & claim innocence even louder.

  3. Yup! Out here in liberal California, all the UC and CSU universities just declared last week that they are requiring it. Insane and criminal. And I am freaking out because my son was just accepted to go to one of these, which has been his dream. So if ANYONE can offer me solid advice,please please do! I am reaching out to every place I am hoping can help, maybe something will come across here. God willing, I will find a way to still send him without having to give in to this madness. As a side note, my son also hasn’t had any of his childhood jabs. I can’t believe we have come to this as a society. Forcing people against their will to put poisons in their bodies. So very sad.

    1. There is a document at the following link that you may find helpful:

      This letter from Liberty Counsel (in FL) may provide pertinent info:

      Liberty Counsel’s web site:
      Open Letter from Physicians to Universities: Allow Students Back Without COVID Vaccine Mandate
      (from Association of American Physicians & Surgeons)

      Hope something here can be helpful to you & your son.

  4. Well I would never seen my child and pay to have them poisoned with an experimental gene therapy for a virus that has a 99.8 recovery rate. That’s criminal!!

  5. Im pretty sure the Nuremburg laws prohibit a person from being required to participate in a scientific study. This is still a study, no one should be required to participate, it should only be voluntary. This is coercion and abuse to force people to participate in a scientific study, just like it was with Mengele during the holocaust.

  6. These institutions must therefore also accept the liability of all adverse reaction damage. Requiring injections = requiring liability.

    Blurring the lines… between properly tested concoctions and experiment stage concoctions… is maximising net profits prior to the (Corona) patents owned by the CDC expiration in 2023. Nothing more than that. Nothing to do with health. Herd immunity is created by unaltered functional immune systems, with or without the injected concoctions.

  7. My son is finishing his degree program at Rutgers in the Fall. Not only do I not want him to submit to the “vaccines” in general, since they are really experimental gene therapies and not “vaccines,” but my son has Crohn’s Disease and requires periodic infusions of a powerful medication that suppresses his immune system. There is no way to know what horrible effects the “vaccines” might have on him; I do not intend to let him be a part of some grand experiment for the benefit of Bill Gates – or anyone else. So last week I sent a letter to Dr. Holloway, the President of Rutgers (as mentioned in the article), informing him that mandating experimental medications is a violation both of federal law and The Nuremberg Code. I told the good doctor that I am requesting nicely that he withdraw the mandate or I would be forced to hire an attorney and sue, including for damages. We shall see…

    1. Thank you so much for writing to Rutgers. You are
      helping not only your son, but all students who should have the right to choose what goes into their bodies.

      RFK, Jr. to Rutgers President: COVID Vaccine Mandate Violates Federal Law
      The announcement last week by Rutgers University that it would require all students to get the COVID vaccine prompted CHD Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., to remind university officials that federal law prohibits mandating Emergency Use Authorization vaccines.
      By Children’s Health Defense Team

    3. I wrote a comment awhile back, but I see that it was censored. And I thought this was a ‘free thinking’ website. Apparently not!

  8. There’s that “free offer” card being played again. Do your research. Know your rights. Play the religious exemption card. You have the right protected by God and backed up by the constitution to say that you have a sincerely held religious belief that does not allow for human experimentation!

    1. Absolutely!!! People need to vote with their dollars AND vote with their feet!!
      What will these educational indoctrination centers do if/when they don’t have enough participants???

  9. Medical tyranny!!! Criminal!!! This is so wrong in every way. Vax passports ARE THE EQUIVALENT TO THE YELLOW STAR of Nazi Germany. Make no mistake about it! Do not comply or consent to this for yourself or your children.

  10. My child will be a college freshman. We have to narrow her school acceptances now to only those not requiring vaccinations.

  11. How can it be legal to mandate an experiment? It’s not even FDA approved yet! And what about BRIBING students to get vaccinated? That’s ethically if not criminally wrong. Where are the human rights lawyers to take on these violations and to tell these universities, governments, and businesses (that I’m sure are soon to follow) that they cannot mandate an experiment? It’s pure evil and nothing except a method of control.

  12. Most of the time that I’ve heard of EAU vaccines or treatments, they’ve been for terminally or critically ill persons to give a new alternative when nothing else has previously worked. Thankfully, my son finished his state U in time to avoid this . . . but we can see where it’s headed next : /

  13. It’s getting out of control. Mandating vaccines is a crime. CDC, pharmaceutical industries, health officials health departments are on thin ice. Only time will tell. ?

  14. It is completely unethical to mandate covid vaccines for this age group where the risks from the vaccine far outweigh the risk from covid. These colleges should be ashamed of themselves.

  15. How can they require an experiment? Where are the human rights’ lawyers to fight for people and common sense?

  16. My son is an athlete and his school has threatened that the unvaccinated will have to wear masks while competing, be forced to quarantine when exposed, and continue weekly covid testing. The vaccinated will not be subject to those rules. They claim the NCAA will mandate these rules for competition. What do we do? We need legal help.

  17. How sad, Nobody yet has been able to ask an Honest Pathologist about the vaccine and the CoronaVirus. Nobody yet.
    last month I called the FDA and asked: does the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines Approved by your Agency? The voice on the other side of the line said: “not yet”

  18. This has nothing to do with college or Universities, but I am 67 years old and have been part of a Community Choir. for the past 5 years. I will no longer be able to participate due now to Vaccine requirement. This is so wrong!! It has not been approved and it is still experimental. I love to sing,but my health is more important to me. So sad that it has come to this!!!!!

  19. How can we prepare for fall if universities require the vaccine. Do the waivers they have apply to Covid vaccine? If a waiver is granted to any student athlete can they be rejected to play and be on the team? I read that universities are waiting for FDA to approve a Covid vaccine to make it mandatory as of right now they are saying they will require what is the difference on required vs mandate ?

  20. I have been trying to contact Leigh Dundas a human right attorney out in Orange County California. Look her up she is fighting for rights in her county.

  21. Here are my biggest issues:

    It’s very medically unethical of college/universities mandate experimental covid vaccine. And it’s still wrong to mandate vaccines in every situations. Obviously that’s totalitarianism.

    Secondly no one knows including scientists long term effects of post vaccinations as they have not been studied. Pharmaceutical industries only care about profit in my opinion.

    Thirdly, we aren’t guinea pigs. It feels as if they are experimenting covid vaccine on us to see how effective they are. I will not be part of the trial. Dr. Tony Fauci keeps changing the directions as far as I understand.

    Lastly, health freedom has been greatly affected by vaccine bill that was signed by the state of governor. I have lost respect for him. We’re entitled to decline medical interventions such as drugs or even surgeries. Vaccines are no different.

    Where is the freedom of speech???? Facebook has censored nvic, Dr. Mercola, and among others who have shared same concerns. That’s dead wrong.

    So college students can’t be forced to take covid vaccine. Let them decide for themselves, period.

    1. Forgive my error. I meant no one including scientists knows the long term effects of post vaccinations.

    2. Scary how quickly our Constitutional freedoms can be yanked. Yet fools still trumpet that we have ‘freedoms’ in the USA.

  22. May 11, 2021 You must have a vaccine to come back in September’: Cuomo mandates university vaccinations

    Governor Andrew Cuomo has announced students will need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 to attend classes in person at the State University of New York and the City University of New York.

    1. Do not comply. Vote with your dollars AND vote with your feet. What will these educational indoctrination centers do when/if they don’t have any participants?

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