Saturday, February 15, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


No Evidence COVID-19 Vaccines Will Block Spread of Coronavirus

woman peeking from behind curtain

On Nov. 9, 2020, Pfizer, Inc. announced that the experimental messenger RNA (mRNA) BNT162b2 vaccine for COVID-19 it developed in partnership with Germany’s BioNTech SE had an efficacy rate of 90 percent, based on the results of human clinical trials on the vaccine.1 2 3 This news was followed up a week later with an announcement by Moderna, Inc. on Nov. 16 that its experimental mRNA mRNA-1273 for COVID-19 showed an efficacy of 94.5 percent.4 5 6

Seemingly not to be outdone by Moderna and perhaps in anticipation of an impending emergency use authorization (EUA)—not “approval”—by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the first COVID-19 vaccine to be distributed to the U.S. public and used, Pfizer revised upward the efficacy of its BNT162b2 vaccine to 95 percent on Nov. 18.7 8 9 The FDA granted an EUA for the BNT162b2 vaccine on Dec. 11. It followed with an EUA for the mRNA-1273 vaccine on Dec. 18.10 11

During the past two months, other pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies have revealed efficacy rates for COVID-19 vaccines they have developed. On Nov. 23, the United Kingdom’s AstraZeneca plc announced that its experimental AZD1222 COVID-19 vaccine, developed in partnership with Oxford University, had attained an efficacy of 70 percent during clinical trials. On Dec. 14, Russia’s Gamaleya National Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology announced its Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine was 91.4 percent efficacious. On Dec. 30, China’s Sinopharm Group Co. Ltd. announced its COVID-19 was 79.34 percent efficacious.12 13 14

Many other pharmaceutical companies, universities and government agencies are continuing to work on their own COVID-19 vaccines that they hope to submit for governmental approval or at least EUAs over the next year. They are proceeding with clinical trials to determine the safety and efficacy of their products. The market for COVID-19 vaccines has begun to take shape and some of the early leading manufacturers have become apparent. Additionally, a bar has been set for the range of effectiveness expected of a COVID-19 vaccine. An efficacy rate of 95 percent is currently considered to be the gold standard for COVID-19 vaccines.

What is Meant by “Efficacy” of COVID-19 Vaccines?

But what exactly does “efficacy” mean when it comes to COVID-19 vaccines? Does it mean that the vaccines will prevent people from becoming infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus? Does it mean that they will prevent people who have the virus from spreading it to others? Based on clinical trials, there is no evidence the vaccines will prevent either. In an interview last month with NBC’s Lester Holt, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla acknowledged he didn’t know if the BNT162b2 vaccine would prevent the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. “I think this is something that needs to be examined. We are not certain about that right now with what we know,” Bourla said.15

Bourla’s comments were echoed by Moderna’s chief medical officer, Tal Zaks, MD. In an interview with Axios on Nov. 23, Dr. Zaks noted, “When we start the deployment of [the mRNA-1273] vaccine, we will not have sufficient concrete data to prove that this vaccine reduces transmission.”16 17

“These COVID vaccines are preventing clinical disease, we don’t know if they prevent transmission [of the SARS-CoV-2 virus],” says infectious disease expert Chris Beyrer, MD of the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. According to vaccines expert David Diemert, MD of George Washington University, it is not known if the COVID-19 vaccines will prevent the SARS-CoV-2 virus from entering the body or leaving a vaccinated body.18 19 20

Preventing Infection is Not “Primary Endpoint” of COVID-19 Vaccines

Similar views were expressed last year by Anthony Fauci, MD, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) which partnered with Moderna on the development of the mRNA-1273 vaccine. At Yahoo Finance’s All Markets Summit on Oct. 26, Dr. Fauci was asked the following question by reporter Anjalee Khemlani:

I wonder about the effectiveness. That’s something that has been a topic of conversation, and I’ve heard a broad range of commentary, from… it will block the virus entirely to it will simply diminish the most severe cases. And if anyone experiences the virus, it will actually be a milder version. So based on what you know right now and what you’re seeing, do you anticipate that the first sets of vaccines out the door will be more of a less effective blocker of the virus?19 22

Dr. Fauci responded:

That’s the primary endpoint of most of the [vaccines] is to prevent clinical disease, to prevent symptomatic disease. Not necessarily to prevent infection… that’s a secondary endpoint. But the primary thing you want to do is that if people get infected—prevent them from getting sick. And if you prevent them from getting sick, you will ultimately prevent them from getting seriously ill. So that’s what we want to do. The first, which we call the primary endpoint, is that.21 22

He added:

If the vaccine also allows you to prevent initial infection, that would be great. But what I would settle for, and all of my colleagues would settle for, is the primary endpoint—to prevent clinically recognizable disease. And that’s what we hope happens.19 22

More recently, Dr. Fauci was asked specifically by Newsweek if people who get a COVID-19 vaccines could still pass on the SARS-CoV-2  to others. He answered: “That’s a good question. We don’t know that yet. We do not know if the vaccines that prevent clinical disease also prevent infection.”23 24

Finally, the World Health Organization (WHO) is also not particularly bullish on the ability of COVID-19 vaccines to control the SARS-CoV-2 contagion. “I don’t believe we have the evidence on any of the vaccines to be confident that it’s going to prevent people from actually getting the infection and therefore being able to pass it on,” said the WHO’s chief scientist, Soumya Swaminathan, MD.23 25

In short then, what has been measured in the trials on the BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 vaccines, as well as other experimental COVID-19 vaccines, is not whether they prevent infection with and transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus but how well they can prevent or minimize symptoms of COVID-19 disease that can be caused by the virus. There is no evidence to suggest the vaccines will have any effect in terms of protecting people from getting the virus and spreading it.

It doesn’t look like these COVID-19 vaccines are going to come anywhere close to being the proverbial ‘silver bullet.’

Click here to view References:

1 Ellis R. Pfizer Says COVID Vaccine 90% Effective. WebMD Nov. 9, 2020.
2 Kounang N. Pfizer says early analysis shows its Covid-19 vaccine is more than 90% effective. CNN Nov. 9, 2020.
3 Neergaard L, Johnson LA. Pfizer says COVID-19 vaccine is looking 90% effective. The Associated Press Nov. 9, 2020.
4 Cohen E. Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine is 94.5% effective, according to company data. CNN Nov. 16, 2020.
5 McNamara D. Moderna: Data Shows COVID Vaccine 94.5% Effective. WebMD Nov. 16, 2020.
6 Park A. Moderna’s COVID-19 Vaccine Is 94.5% Effective. Here’s What That Really Means. TIME Nov. 17, 2020.
7 Hopkins JS. Pfizer Says Covid-19 Vaccine Is 95% Effective in Final Data, Will Seek Authorization. The Wall Street Journal Nov. 18, 2020.
8 Morello L. Pfizer says vaccine is 95 percent effective in updated data. Politico Nov. 18, 2020.
9 Reals T, Gandel S. Pfizer says vaccine is 95 percent effective in updated data. CBS News Nov. 18, 2020.
10 Press Release. FDA Takes Key Action in Fight Against COVID-19 By Issuing Emergency Use Authorization for First COVID-19 Vaccine. U.S. Food and Drug Administration Dec. 11, 2020.
11 Press Release. FDA Takes Additional Action in Fight Against COVID-19 By Issuing Emergency Use Authorization for Second COVID-19 Vaccine. FDA Dec. 18, 2020.
12 Crist C. AstraZeneca Says COVID-19 Vaccine 70% Effective. WebMD Nov. 23, 2020.
13 Russia’s Sputnik V Vaccine Is 91.4% Effective, Developers Confirm. The Moscow Times Dec. 14, 2020.
14 Gan N.  China approves Sinopharm Covid-19 vaccine, promises free shots for all citizens. CNN Dec. 31, 2020.
15 Choi J. Pfizer chairman: We’re not sure if someone can transmit virus after vaccination. The Hill Dec. 3, 2020.
16 Axios. Moderna CMO: A vaccine doesn’t mean we change behavior. Twitter Nov. 23, 2020.
17 Manskar N. Moderna boss says COVID-19 vaccine not proven to stop spread of virus. New York Post Nov. 24, 2020.
18 Cáceres M. Wanna Fly? Proof of Vaccination, Please. The Vaccine Reaction Dec. 6, 2020.
19 Gregory M. VERIFY: Moderna, Pfizer vaccines may prevent disease, but not infectionWUSA9 Nov. 19, 2020.
20 Gregory M. VERIFY: Will the COVID-19 vaccine stop you from spreading it to others? Experts don’t know yetWUSA9 Nov. 20, 2020.
21 Sheets M. Dr Fauci warns that early COVID-19 vaccines will only prevent symptoms from arising – not block infection. Daily Mail Oct. 27, 2020.
22 Yahoo Finance. Dr. Anthony Fauci on coronavirus, vaccines, and stopping the spread. YouTube Oct. 26, 2020.
23 Fisher BL. WHO, Fauci Warn COVID-19 Vaccines May Not Prevent Infection and Disease Transmission. The Vaccine Reaction Jan. 3, 2021.
24 Kim S. Dr. Fauci on Mandatory COVID Vaccines: ‘Everything Will Be on the Table’. Newsweek Jan. 1, 2021.
25 Colson T. Top WHO scientist says vaccinated travelers should still quarantine, citing lack of evidence that COVID-19 vaccines prevent transmission. Business Insider Dec. 29, 2020.

27 Responses

  1. According to Peter Dorshi Pfizer and Moderna probably the other vaccine makers have NOT released the full RAW DATA that shows how they determined scientifically that the vaccines are in the 90% plus effectiveness range. Dorshi writes in his latest BMJ article:
    Peter Doshi: Pfizer and Moderna’s “95% effective” vaccines—we need more details and the raw data:

    Addressing the many open questions about these trials requires access to the raw trial data. But no company seems to have shared data with any third party at this point.

    Pfizer says it is making data available “upon request, and subject to review.” This stops far short of making data publicly available, but at least leaves the door open. How open is unclear, since the study protocol says Pfizer will only start making data available 24 months after study completion.

    Moderna’s data sharing statement states data “may be available upon request once the trial is complete.” This translates to sometime in mid-to-late 2022, as follow-up is planned for 2 years.

    Things may be no different for the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine which has pledged patient-level data “when the trial is complete.” And the entry for the Russian Sputnik V vaccine says there are no plans to share individual participant data.

    The European Medicines Agency and Health Canada, however, may share data for any authorized vaccines much earlier. EMA has already pledged to publish the data submitted by Pfizer on its website “in due course,” as has Health Canada.

    IMHO the lack of animal trials is telling because in previous SARS vaccine testing the animals either became incredibly sick or died from immune systems enhancement. Their immune systems overreacted and caused lung & liver damage. So, one way to dupe the public is to skip animals testing that could cause animals to get sick or die, this info goes public and you have people shunning the vaccine. Much has been written about using mRNA and no virus in the vaccine but that’s not comforting to the growing number of people in the medical community saying no thanks-I don’t want to be a lab animal. I am someone who has been damaged by drugs that had long term studies and deemed safe and I can tell you once messed up on drugs there is no going back. Just because someone didn’t have an immediate rection to the vaccine doesn’t mean that it’s not doing a number on their body internally. It’s just taking time. 6 months from when a person took the vaccine and wonders why they are having health issues, most won’t connect it to the vaccine. But it doesn’t matter to the vaccine makers because they have already made a boatload of money and they have no liability.

    Bottom line is if they want people to have confidence in the vaccine, release the RAW DATA and rather than have the vaccine makers pay for and do their own peer review studies, give the RAW DATA to Independent scientists. After all Informed Consent is a law.

  2. If you get millions of vaccinated people who don’t develop any symptoms of covid, even if they are infected with covid, that will save lives. So if a vaccinated person gets covid in their nose and throat, they can infect others when they exhale. That’s why vaccinated people have to still continue to wear masks.
    However, if the vaccine prevents them from becoming sick even if they are infected, then that will save healthcare workers, first responders, seniors, etc.

    1. Not quite Susan–in the first place there is no real pandemic. There is no rise in hospitalizations for Covid-19 and hardly no rise in cases at all—this is no worse than the seasonal flu, that’s it. Go to the hospitals anywhere and look around—you’ll see the normal occupation, no more. The main test, the PCR test is always cycled too high on purpose to give mass numbers of false positives.

      Florida just passed a law requiring the labs to put the number of cycles on every PCR test, but that really too little, it needs to be banned. The PCR test needs to be cycled low—30 or under to be more accurate—that is in terms of less false/positives. Labs are using 34–45 most all of the time, which is exponentially much higher. Some were actually taking one positive case and everyone who came in contact with that person was positive too—without a test which does not work anyway–all based upon assumptions

      It (PCR) will pick up on old infections and call it positive at 34 to 45 cycles. The PCR test cannot detect any virus or disease and that’s according to it’s inventor, Kary Mullis who died in August of 2019–now isn’t that convenient for the planners? 3 months after he died, the first case was reported in Wuhan, China–Mullis was not around to shoot down this fakedemic that’s entirely based upon his own invention, PCR. Take the vaccine at your own risk of dying…

      1. I couldn’t agree with you more Stephen!!! My biggest wish for 2021 is for each and every individual is to do there own research and don’t trust the white coats regarding this vaccine. The name “Operation Warp Speed” should scare the hell out of everybody who is considering getting jabbed with a needle. A vaccine created that fast is not a sufficient amount of time to do clinical trials to find the true safety and efficacy of the pfizer and moderna vaccine. It’s a “NO CAN DO FOR ME”!!!

      2. I’m reading this page because, from what I’ve read, I do not want to get this vaccine, but you must have never been in New York in March or Los Angeles in December if you think “hospitalizations have no rise.” I know many people who worked in hospitals during the peak of the outbreak, and they all said it was absolute madness in the hospital, over-filled with patients to a degree that they had never seen previously in their entire careers.

    2. However, if the vaccine prevents them from becoming sick even if they are infected, then that will save healthcare workers, first responders, seniors, etc.

      Dem NJ Rep Bonnie Watson Coleman was one of the first in Congress to get the shot weeks ago was exposed to COVID while trapped in the capitol with republicans in an enclosed room who refused to wear masks last week has now tested positive for the virus and is showing symptoms. She has entered the hospital for monoclonal antibody therapy because she is a cancer survivor. She was wearing a mask. More info to come.

  3. I am un clear on something. If a person tests positive 2 times without any symptoms, then neg. after a week later. Is this false positive or does the person have immmunity against the virus.can the person have an immunity test to see if he could fight this by himself.

    1. Geraldine Giglio, I’d say both the PCR test and antibody test are a big crapshoot. The accuracy of the PCR test, which was never meant to be a diagnostic tool, depends on the cycle threshold. This setting is not standard across the country and in most places is a highly guarded secret. I also believe it’s intentionally changed from time to time within a region to achieve the desired outcomes. The antibody test is even less reliable than the PCR. I don’t see any point in getting tested.

      My personal plan is to be prepared to fight off illness if I should get sick. I’ve been taking daily vitamin C and D and I have zinc at the ready.

    2. Geraldine, it’s all false positives, below is my post to Susan just now that explains the PCR test:

      Not quite Susan–in the first place there is no real pandemic. There is no rise in hospitalizations for Covid-19 and hardly no rise in cases at all—this is no worse than the seasonal flu, that’s it. Go to the hospitals anywhere and look around—you’ll see the normal occupation, no more. The main test, the PCR test is always cycled too high on purpose to give mass numbers of false positives.

      Florida just passed a law requiring the labs to put the number of cycles on every PCR test, but that really too little, it needs to be banned. The PCR test needs to be cycled low—30 or under to be more accurate—that is in terms of less false/positives. Labs are using 34–45 most all of the time, which is exponentially much higher. Some were actually taking one positive case and everyone who came in contact with that person was positive too—without a test which does not work anyway–all based upon assumptions

      It (PCR) will pick up on old infections and call it positive at 34 to 45 cycles. The PCR test cannot detect any virus or disease and that’s according to it’s inventor, Kary Mullis who died in August of 2019–now isn’t that convenient for the planners? 3 months after he died, the first case was reported in Wuhan, China–Mullis was not around to shoot down this fakedemic that’s entirely based upon his own invention, PCR. Take the vaccine at your own risk of dying…

  4. This is what I was afraid for – that the vaccine is like that for flu, namely useless. It does not guarantee that you won’t get sick, and it certainly does not prevent spreading. I know from many sources, that people vaccinated for flu can spread it, which IMO makes it MORE dangerous. You will avoid going close to a coughing and sneezing person, but if the vaccine works, they will carry the illness and transfer it. Imagine a nurse carrying the illness and passing it on to all the patients !

  5. As usual, the experts we are expected to trust don’t know nothing from nothing. Good grief. They can play around with the numbers all they want as the sole purpose is to look better than the other guy, not save lives or prevent anything. These vaccines are still in an ongoing trial and will be until sometime is 2023. The difference is that instead of a few thousand “select” lab rats, Gate and his crew of megalomaniacs have billions of lab rats to test these fake vaccines upon. The true purpose of these vaccines is to create the ability of nano-particle technology being incorporated into humans to alter people’s DNA and eventually their thought processes. Nothing else.

    1. Tom, I did see a secretly recorded video where these scammers planning the vaccine deployment wanted to change the thinking of fundamentalist Bible believers like me for example–who knows if the mRNA will do anything affecting one’s thinking, or not.

      Immunologist Dolores Cahill in Ireland (see her speak on Brand New Tube) states that around March and April great numbers of vaccinated people will begin to die when they have underlying conditions, and in the case of Dr. Gregory Michaels of Miami, the Pfizer vaccine gave him an autoimmune disease which he died from on Jan.6. It’s a deathtrap for sure.

  6. The best protection against getting the virus or any virus for that matter is a healthy and robust immune system which has been completely left out of the picture when it comes to prevention. As far a using Dr Fauci as an authority, I question his ability to do so as his opinions at any given moment change like the weather. We need more emphasis on healthy eating and how the body resists diseases of all kinds.

  7. It would help if a glossary or clarification is made in lay person’s terms distinguishing the difference between Covid-19 and SARS-CoV-2 are.

  8. My question is, why aren’t doctors addressing the immune system as I am with my family. A good multi vitamin, vitamin C, find out your zinc tolerance, vitamin D, immune support, sleep, water, balanced diet. We are breathing the air in our environment 24 hours a day. Wearing a mask may help reduce exposer, but they are not sealed, When the wind blows or you are in a store you are exposed to the air from all angles. I would rather let my immune system deal with it to help my system become stronger. I will not vaccinate my family because of unknown risk. Besides, vaccine companies are not obligated to any liability which is BS. No protection to the consumer. Besides big pharma and politics are manipulating this whole situation.

  9. Among people aged 65 years and older, flu vaccination was positively associated with COVID-19 deaths, meaning those who got a flu vaccine were more likely to die from COVID-19
    A May 2020 analysis by online news publication The Gateway Pundit similarly found that European countries with the highest COVID-19 death rates had high rates of flu vaccination — at least 50% — among the elderly
    Previous coronavirus vaccines have been linked to enhanced disease; it’s suggested flu vaccination could potentially contribute to COVID-19 via pathogenic priming, a scenario in which, rather than enhancing your immunity against the infection, exposure to a vaccine results in more severe disease
    Given the increasing research suggesting flu vaccination may worsen viral illness, flu vaccines should be evaluated as potential causative agents or, at least, contributors to the COVID-19 pandemic
    By pushing for mandatory COVID-19 vaccination, or imposing social restrictions on those who refuse, the COVID-19 vaccine is paving the way for nonconsensual medical experimentation on the general public
    Since the beginning of the pandemic, world leaders have warned that social distancing, mask wearing, travel restrictions and other measures will become part of our “new normal.” And, while the vaccine is sold as a way to end the pandemic and return us to normal, it cannot, since it has only been evaluated for its ability to lessen COVID-19 symptoms, not reduce the risk of infection, hospitalization or death
    While some COVID-19 vaccines have been granted emergency use authorization, they still haven’t even completed Stage 3 clinical trials. Data for some end points won’t even be collected until 24 months after injection. As such, they are still entirely experimental
    COVID-19 vaccines’ adverse side effects are still relatively unknown. It’s also unknown whether they might affect fertility — a real concern since the vaccine triggers your body to produce antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, and spike proteins in turn contain syncytin-homologous proteins that are essential for the formation of placenta. If a woman’s immune system starts reacting against syncytin-1, then there is a possibility she could become infertile
    Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine contains polyethylene glycol (PEG), and studies have shown 70% of people develop antibodies against this substance. This suggests PEG may trigger fatal allergic reactions in many who receive the vaccine
    The bottom line is a slavery system of transhumanism and technocracy is being created right under the noses of the people of the world — and the current lockdowns, closing of small businesses and redefining of “normal” are all part of a planned global governance system that will end sovereignty and individual rights unless it’s stopped now.

  10. Well written article:

    This is not a vaccine
    The Israeli people haven’t been given information required for a sufficient risk-benefit analysis in this extraordinary endeavor. Opinion

    From the article:

    Our citizens must first and foremost define the discussion in order to accurately weigh their choices. What they are being asked to inject is not a vaccine as defined by the CDC as “A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease.” [5] Rather, it is an experimental and novel technology. By definition of the FDA [6] as a component used as treatment to affect a body’s function, it is indeed a medical device, a physical device that comes in a molecular sized package. Erroneously referring to this intervention as a vaccine exploits the public’s ingrained trust of the vaccination program to solicit knee jerk response and action. It keeps us entrenched in needless debate in place of taking the necessary measures to investigate the impact on our health.

    DNA is, in short, the basis for our genetic structure. Inside each cell are codes which transfer its information to make proteins through messenger RNA. Messenger RNA is an intermediary between gene and protein and the protein elicits the immune response, not the RNA. The contents of this shot being given on an experimental basis is a synthetic messenger RNA that is inserted into the human system to activate the cell to manufacture, in this case, a spike protein. [7] An mRNA vaccine is not a vaccine, because it does not elicit an immune response. What it is, is genetic engineering.

    More at link…..

  11. Why not just say the vaccine has 100% effective? If you don’t say what it is effective for, then you can make up any number you like. Especially if you don’t have to show your data. I think it probably is 100% effective at doing basically nothing of benefit to anyone’s health. How’s that for efficacy?

  12. IMHO, there is no evidence of any preventative nutritional wellness programs. I can only imagine what would happen if all the money the government spends on vaccines and vaccine research were spent on proper nutrition, supplements, wellness programs across the board, well I can only imagine.

    1. Exactly right!!! We shouldn’t need any of this poisonous garbage! The great circle of death and marriage made in hell of these ghoulish players are= (monstersanto= big ag=glyphosate=big pharma=monster hospitals=bought off politicians=adam schiff=bought off govt=Dark Act =big tech=bioweapons= criminal fauci=criminal gates=a scared, corrupted and dying earth.

  13. This is insane that we have so many gullible people in this country and world that they would voluntarily jump into a fully untested biochemical shot and say, yes please give it to me. And now with this marriage made in hell of big tech and big pharma they will do all they can to force it down people’s throats all for the sake of monstrous profits and corporate welfare from our govt. This country must rise up and stop this insanity!

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