A study by Rutgers University has found that the rate of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) four-year-old children in New Jersey rose by 43 percent from 2010 to 2014, to an estimated rate of 1 in 35 children—the highest of any state in the United States. According to the research, which was published earlier this year in a report by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the prevalence of ASD in New Jersey was 19.7 per 1,000 children in 2010, compared to 28.4 per 1,000 in 2014.1 2
“We don’t understand the reason for it,” said Walter Zahorodny, PhD, principal investigator of the Rutgers study. Dr. Zahorodny noted that during the 14 years, the autism rate among children in New Jersey has “never stabilized or decreased.”3
Reportedly, ASD is twice as common in boys than in girls. It is also more often diagnosed in Caucasian children than in African-American or Hispanic children.1 2
New Jersey’s ASD rate stands in sharp contrast with that of Missouri, which the Rutgers study determined to have the lowest rate in the U.S.—1 in 104 four-year-old children. The prevalence rates of ASD in Missouri went from 8.5 per 1,000 children in 2010 to 9.6 per 1,000 in 2014.1 2
The Rutgers study pegged the ASD rate in the U.S. at 1 in 59 children, based on data from 2014. More recent data from 2016 by the National Health Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) calculates the rate of autism for children in the U.S. aged 3-17 years at 1 in 36.1 2 4
The researchers involved in the Rutgers study were at a loss to explain why the numbers of children developing autism in New Jersey and other states has continued to increase. Some factors that may be associated with the higher risk of ASD include more mothers giving birth after age 30, maternal illness, genetic mutations, birth prior to 37 weeks gestation and multiple births.1 2
“These are true influences exerting an effect, but they are not enough to explain the high rate of autism prevalence,”1 said Dr. Zahorodny, who added:
There are still undefined environmental risks that contribute to this significant increase, factors that could affect a child in its development in utero or related to birth complications or to the newborn period. We need more research into non-genetic triggers for autism.1
The rise in childhood autism in New Jersey is not expected to level off anytime soon. “It’s very likely that the next time we survey autism among children, the rate will be even higher,” Dr. Zohorodny said.1
“This is a wake-up call for all of us,” said Tom Baffuto, who is executive director of The Arc of New Jersey, which works on behalf of “individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.”3 5
“Children with autism become adults with autism, and as advocates, we must collaborate with lawmakers to ensure supports are in place to assist with the unique challenges they face throughout their lifetime.” Baffuto said.3
2 Christensen DL et. al. Prevalence and Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Children Aged 4 Years — Early Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, Seven Sites, United States, 2010, 2012, and 2014. CDC.gov Apr. 12, 2019; 68(2): 1–19
3 Staff Writer. Autism rates in NJ are the highest in the US, have tripled recently. NewJersey.com Apr. 26, 2019.
4 Cáceres M. Autism Affecting Up to 1 in 36 Children in America. The Vaccine Reaction July 3, 2019.
5 Mission and Core Values. The Arc of New Jersey.
39 Responses
Perhaps its time to get honest. The cause is VACCINES. Any fool knows the cause. Only those getting bought refuse to look at the truth many parents know. This truth is why we are seeing a rush to mandate vaccines with no exceptions. Big pharma’s bottom line is being threatened.
Correct on all counts. Vaccines are the #1 cause of autism and the MSM along with countless politicians and employees of the pharma industry refuse to let this truth be known. How many elected officials are paid by big pharma to lie, obfuscate, and support the fraudulent pseudoscience perpetrated by the pharma industry? This is nothing less than CRIMINAL conduct. They are protecting the very cause of our demise, and make no mistake the autism epidemic will be the demise of our society in a very short amount of time. The truth MUST be brought to light, the legislative and legal power of the criminal pharma industry MUST end, and We The People must somehow shed the light of freedom and justice on these criminals. They must NO LONGER be able to legislate mandates, and all compulsory vaccination programs must be TERMINATED immediately. This is just sick. We are being led to slaughter by our medical and legislative communities as they protect the perpetrators of this genocide.
The reporting here makes like it’s a great mystery. No mention of the increased number of vaccines kids get today. Kids in fact get multiple vaccine injections at one visit. Each vaccine injection may even have multiple toxoids in it. It’s pretty obvious in the nation’s most densely populated state of NJ that vaccines should be considered as causative.
Really that’s the best you can do ? Figure out the cause? If you have a leak somewhere you look for the cause you don’t look for more buckets
excellent analogy….sad but effective.
They know what is causing this but they are gutless when it comes to big pharma. New Jersey is one of the biggest pharmaceutical states in the union. They are not going to bite the hand that feeds them. I think this is sinful and a shame on America. So glad I didn’t have children.
The cause can’t be all the neurotoxins in vaccines. That would be too obvious and too politically incorrect. It would also threaten loss of all the grant money from the Pharma and its government minions. Giving birth after 30? Genetic mutations?Premature birth? Give me a break!
Let’s not forget that NJ is the ONLY state with mandatory reporting of asd’s
“We don’t understand the reason for it,” said Walter Zahorodny, PhD, principal investigator of the Rutgers study.
Hmmmm. The Amish don’t vaccinate and their autism rates are approximately 0%.
I don’t understand the reason for it, but I’m going to keep looking.
Interesting how they don’t mention the large elephant in the room!! Did they include In their research what the ratio of vaccines given to babies up to age four in 2010 were, compared to what was given in 2014? Autism is an overload of toxins in the brain and gut, mostly from vaccines, but can come from other environment toxins. Is there a major pollutant plant in New Jersey? I look forward to when we have some brave scientists who share the whole truth of their studies.
Stupid people. They refuse to investigate the vaccinated versus vaccinated. They don’t want to know. It’s easier to remain mystified than to dispute the Vaccine Machine.
Please correct my comment to say, “vaccinated versus UNvaccinated”
AUTISM EPIDEMIC: If anyone has a child that has been diagnosed with Autism or you suspect your child may have some of the attributes that are associated within the spectrums known as Autism. I’d invite you to research a Kerri Rivera with AutismONE. These folks have *CURED well over 550 kids of their spectrum diagnosis and have helped literally 1,000’s upon 1,000’s of kids all around the World in over 70 Countries. Western Medicine has NOT CURED ONE CHILD!!* ….. in addition states it is *IMPOSSIBLE to CURE Autism?…. nor are they even INTERESTED in LEARNING from someone who is SUCCESSFUL at HELPING ALL these KIDS & YOUNG ADULTS* ….WHAT??? This is the TRUTH and the FACT of the matter!?!? This is yet another PRIME example of Western Medicine FAILING the population of the ENTIRE world….PERIOD!! There is a CURE for Autism do NOT give up hope. Peace to all caring, logical, and ethical human beings.
Here’s a link to AutismONE’s 2014 Conference, where they discuss the protocols that are CURING/reversing the tide, of the Autism EPIDEMIC . At the end of this conference, you’ll get to listen to an *angel named “Rachael” (#112 CURED of ASD).* Who will melt your HEART as she encourages all the parents not to give up hope and allows us all, another insight into the sickness known as Autism . At the 54:50 mark, you can listen to this darling tell you the TRUTH and remember, IF Western Medicine had it their way…..Rachael would be a CUSTOMER (bottom-line) for life, instead of being Healthy & Healed to Live a FULL LIFE.
Below is Wealth of Knowledge that has been *SUPPRESSED* by the CORRUPT Fake-Mainstream, enjoy Folks!
*PROOF* *MMS & the AutismONE Protocol CURES AUTISM, IMPROVES the HEALTH & Well Being of these Beautiful Kids*
(and *CURES* a myriad of Diseases/Sickness/Imbalances in the body)
Here’s a *Mom’s Testimony* who used MMS & the Protocol, to CURE her son of Autism. Her son started the Protocol 4 years ago with an ATEC of 104 and today he’s at an ATEC of 6. Look for: *CASE STUDY: Kerri and Mom of RECOVERED Child at ATEC 6* https://www.kerririvera.com/full-list-videos
Here’s a *Dad’s Testimony* who used MMS & the Protocol to CURE his daughters Autism and still today, he’s working to CURE his sons Autism. An Amazing Dad for certain! https://web.archive.org/web/20160529110738/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3O_Sa8ldM7k
Here’s another *Mom that’s CURING her son* with MMS & the Protocol. His initial ATEC score was 25 and in about 7 months it dropped to an ATEC of 10. His verbal skills greatly improved as well e.g. Jan. 2012 he’d say 8 to 9-3 word sentences in a 3 hour span…Now he’s up to 200 3 word sentences within an hours span! https://web.archive.org/web/20160529110733/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6jadP95ai4
Here’s a *Mom’s Testimony* (with her son) who used MMS & the Protocol to CURE her son of Autism/Asperger’s. Her son started the Protocol when he was 19 and today he’s 23. Look for: *CASE STUDY: Autism CURED at 23 Years Old* https://www.kerririvera.com/full-list-videos
Here’s a *Mom’s Testimony* who’s using MMS & the Protocol to CURE her 14 year old daughter of Autism. Her daughters ATEC score started at a 94 and in about 5 months, it dropped to an ATEC of 55. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x35mlbn
*13 Year Old Autistic Child goes from Severe Symptoms, to HIGH FUNCTIONING in 6 MONTHS!* (ATEC of 129 to an ATEC of 38!) https://www.kerririvera.com/13-year-old-autistic-child-goes-from-severe-symptoms-to-high-functioning-in-six-months/
*From an ATEC of 86 to Autism RECOVERY in 22 Months!* (ATEC is now a 8)
Let alone SHILL, *EVERYONE KNOWS Jenny McCarthy CURED her son Evan of Autism!* Go have a look at how well her boy is doing today…HERE! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvG540ZeU_U
Be sure to check out Kerri Rivera’s Website, which lists a bunch of *SUPPRESSED* Interviews/Information by the Mainstream SHILLS.
*CD Destroys GLYPHOSATE Parts 1 & 2* CD = Chlorine Dioxide is (MMS)-Miracle Mineral Supplement
*The History of the Kerri Rivera Protocol*
*Kerri and Dr. Seneff CD Breaks down GLYPHOSATE and CURES AUTISM*
*Dr. Seneff Interview – BigPHARMA : The TRUTH of MMS* (interviewed by Dr. Alan Keyes)
*AutismONE’s & Kerri Rivera’s LATEST Protocol for CURING/HEALING Autism & other Diseases/Imbalances*
Look for: *Kerri AutismONE 2019 CD Protocol* https://www.kerririvera.com/full-list-videos
AutismONE 2015 Conference – *MD’s/PHD’s from around the World discuss Protocols to CURE AUTISM & RESTORE the HEALTH of CHILDREN* http://www.autismone.org/2015conferencevideos
Kerri RIvera & Dr. Stephenie Seneff -Discuss Autism Treatments
Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism – Free E -Book by Kerri Rivera
*More PROOF MMS CURES MANY other Diseases like CANCER, Malaria, AIDS, Hept C, Lyme, Chrohn’s, etc.*
MMS will end up costing Western Medicine, BigPharma, US Govt. BILLIONS if not TRILLIONS of $$$!!
*MMS Testimonials* https://www.bitchute.com/mmstestimonials/
*Uganda Red Cross CURES 100% of Malaria* patients inside of 4 HOURS. Malaria Drugs typically take WEEKS to kill all the parasites and carries a 2-5% MORTALITY rate, depending upon BigPharma Manufacture.
This sounds like a public health crisis. Is anyone looking at environmental toxins? Is anyone tracking whether vaccinations preceded the symptoms of autism?
Hmm… let me see now… we’re injecting them more and more, at younger and younger ages, and Wondering! what might be causing problems previously unseen.
There has to be a common denominator causing this.
Derp. Check vaccine rates.
Why do we avoid the obvious? Lifestyle issues that prevent the mother to be to maintain a healthy lifestyle by having a nutrient rich diet void of trace toxins from our food supply and the rejection of alcohol, smoking and drinking soda as an example. In other words, we are not educating the mother to be live a healthy pregnancy to deliver a infant that is 100% whole and has a better chance of surviving the onslaught of too many vaccines which are of little or no real value. Read the research paper: Life Style Medicine: A brief review of its dramatic impact on health and survival. Google it and learn. Prenatal care has to be more intense than what is being delivered to the mother by medicine.
Unfortunately, the Medical establishment will never figure it out, unless they stop looking for a singular cause and consider a multi-factorial approach including air, water, nutrition and exposures including: vaccines, heavy metals, EMF, Herbicides and Pesticides. Anyone ever hear of the perfect storm?
Vaccines are a bianary weapon system
I watched this video which blew my mind; https://realfoodchannel.com/the-unexplained-death-of-andrew-moulden-ph-d-md/?omhide=true
RIP Dr Moulden. What a brilliant man.
Have just watched this, on your recommendation. Really interesting, thank you!
There are many factors! But Asian medicine says what we take into the body has the most effect. If the mother does not have a healthy microbiome then what happens to a child? What happens to those babies that are c-sections? They don’t get the microbiome so they start life at a serious disadvantage. If they don’t breastfeed or long enough? Then get put in institutional day care very young. While getting many vaccinations? We matter. Our babies matter. When are we going to start believing all life matters?
All 4 of my children were born in NJ. All 4 had autism. They all were vaccinated against measles-mumps-rubella. Apparently a high autism rate is desirable to the elite medical establishment. These vaccines contain multiple toxic ingredients unknown ingredients – proprietary ingredients. All vaccines are poisons. No one should be vaccinated.
So which state has the highest rate of vaccination? Were the increased rates found mostly in the rural or urban areas? Which state has the highest rate of fluoridation [newer studies have proven it lowers IQ- see fluoride alert.org]. Lead in the water?Chloramines? There was a recent study showing that mothers who used Tylenol [evidently a hormone disrupter] and or antidepressants [many are “enhanced” with fluorine which crosses placenta] have higher rates of autistic children.Not to mention that they are pumping PREGNANT women full of vaccines containing Hg, AL,formaldehyde [carcinogen used for embalming],MSG, detergents,solvents,antibiotics, anti fungals, animal & insect brains,blood,tissue cells, ABORTED FETAL CELLS & POTASSIUM CHLORIDE! [used to stop the heart in executions] See http://www.cdc.gov and type Vaccine Excipients Summary 2019 for complete list of ingredients. Could be that vaccines push these already immune compromised children over the edge. What chemicals are being sprayed is another factor to consider. The fact that most poisons are cumulative and synergistic never seems to be taken into account.
I’m curious what the vaccine schedule was in Jersey in the year that these children were born and compare it to the prior year(s). New vaccines? extra vaccines? Extra boosters?
For years the government was trying to find a race sensitive vaccine to sterilize the African population. There are open articles describing the ideal for the extremely wealthy whereby the general population is devolved intellectually to permanently prevent revolutions against the status quo. Sick ideas but true. When you have billions and you fear losing it, you spend whatever you need to make sure your racket doesn’t end.
This is evil science similar to the Nazi, American and Japanese immoral and illegal medical experiments. The light needs to shine on this corruption. Millions are suffering at the hands or these sociopaths.
Watch the diseases come back due to poor sanitation not lack of vaccinations. Clean Food, sanitation, clean water and better infrastructure were the causes of the drop in diseases. Not vaccinations.
This is the biggest scam in the history of medicine with too many ties to population control and class warfare. We need to wake up the population to the truth.
Have you seen the book, The Vaccine Friendly Plan, by Dr Paul Thomas. When using his plan for vaccinations, in over 2000 children, there were zero cases of autism. If you sincerely want answers, check it out!
There is no autism in the Amish community because they don’t vaccinate.
I was reading Dr. Brownstein’s book
Iodine:Why you need it
in it he notes the dropping levels of iodine in today’s population and writes that when he supplements with iodine, the symptoms of autism improve in some children. Worth looking into.
Vaccines as well as all the toxins in our food supply…ever heard of the depopulation agenda or the customer for life phrase? Big Pharma is the cause! We need to rise up against this mandatory vaccine crap. Vaccine numbers have almost quadrupled since the early 80’s. We are poisoning our children.
Thank you Joshua and all of you other Angels for your inciteful comments indicating your fury at Big Pharma’s deliberate maiming of our most innocent souls – please stay ‘locked in’ and plan how you are going to make a concrete effect.
God/Goddess bless you wonderful Angels,
Trucker Ray
Oct 28, 2006 How Mercury Kills the Brain ~ Autism
September 19, 2014 Autism And Cancer Related To Human Fetal DNA In Vaccines Study New Study In Journal Of Public Health
Not only vaccines cause autism, but they also cause the proliferation of various “stomach flus”, regular flu-like infections and post-infectious intestine problems in adults, because vaccinated children shed live viruses. The population has never been sick so often, as now.
• Strong change-point correlation exists between rising autism rates and the US vaccine manufacturing switch from animal-derived cell lines for rubella vaccine to human aborted cell
vi lines in the late 70s .
• The earliest change point for Autistic Disorder (AD) birth year was identified for 1981 for California and U.S. data, preceded by a switch in the manufacturing process:
o In January 1979, the FDA approved the manufacturing switch for the rubella virus from animal based (high passage virus, HPV-77, grown e.g. in duck embryo cells) to the vii human fetal cell line WI-38 using the RA27/3 virus strain . Both the newly approved
monovalent rubella vaccine and a trivalent mumps, measles and rubella vaccine utilize
the WI-38 fetal cell line for manufacturing of the rubella vaccine portion.
• Prior to 1980, autism spectrum disorder was a very rare, almost unknown disease. According to
the figures of the CDC, the rate of autism in 2014 was 1 in 59 children , a very steep increase
since just 2000, when it was 1 in 150. CDC: “The total costs per year for children with ASD in the
viii United States were estimated to be between $11.5 billion – $60.9 billion (2011 US dollars) .”
• Recently, duplications and de novo deletions have been recognized in up to 10% of simplex autism spectrum disorders, corroborating environmental triggers on the genetics of autism
ix spectrum disorders .
• The rubella portion of the MMR vaccine contains human derived fetal DNA contaminants of about 175 ngs, more than 10x over the recommended WHO threshold of 10 ng per vaccine
x dose .
• No other drug on the market would receive FDA approval without thorough toxicity profiling (FDA follows international ICH guidelines) -> this was never conducted by the pharmaceutical industry for the DNA contamination in the MMR vaccine.
• Strong change-point correlation exists between rising autism rates and the US vaccine manufacturing switch from animal-derived cell lines for rubella vaccine to human aborted cell
vi lines in the late 70s .
• The earliest change point for Autistic Disorder (AD) birth year was identified for 1981 for California and U.S. data, preceded by a switch in the manufacturing process:
o In January 1979, the FDA approved the manufacturing switch for the rubella virus from animal based (high passage virus, HPV-77, grown e.g. in duck embryo cells) to the vii human fetal cell line WI-38 using the RA27/3 virus strain . Both the newly approved
monovalent rubella vaccine and a trivalent mumps, measles and rubella vaccine utilize
the WI-38 fetal cell line for manufacturing of the rubella vaccine portion.
• Prior to 1980, autism spectrum disorder was a very rare, almost unknown disease. According to
the figures of the CDC, the rate of autism in 2014 was 1 in 59 children , a very steep increase
since just 2000, when it was 1 in 150. CDC: “The total costs per year for children with ASD in the
viii United States were estimated to be between $11.5 billion – $60.9 billion (2011 US dollars) .”
• Recently, duplications and de novo deletions have been recognized in up to 10% of simplex autism spectrum disorders, corroborating environmental triggers on the genetics of autism
ix spectrum disorders .
• The rubella portion of the MMR vaccine contains human derived fetal DNA contaminants of about 175 ngs, more than 10x over the recommended WHO threshold of 10 ng per vaccine
x dose .
• No other drug on the market would receive FDA approval without thorough toxicity profiling (FDA follows international ICH guidelines) -> this was never conducted by the pharmaceutical industry for the DNA contamination in the MMR vaccine.
As sad and as sick as this may seem to some we must remember that we are in a war a slow moving war against you and your family. Any general worth his weight knows that a wounded soldier is far more of burden to the opposing forces that a dead soldier. There is a battle going on for your soul whether you believe in God or not the battle still goes on.
I came to an understanding and acknowledgment of the damage being caused by vaccines in 2003 but was told of the plan back in 1976 by a man who I thought was an complete and utter nutter, that was until over the next twenty years all the things he enlightened me on came true. The final assault on the family was the destruction of the family unit and vaccines are a major part of that plan.
I found this article very interesting.
You may have seen on NBC news concerning the implantable RFID microchip that some people are getting put in their hand to make purchases, but did you know this microchip matches perfectly with prophecy in the Bible?
You may have heard of the legendary number “666” that people have been speculating for possibly thousands of years on what it actually means. This article shares something I haven’t seen before, and I don’t think there could be any better explanation for what it means to calculate 666. This is no hoax. Very fascinating stuff!
Article: ny.voice-truth.com