Saturday, July 27, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Fully Vaccinated School in Houston Closes Due to Pertussis Outbreak

student walking down steps

A Catholic high school in Houston, Texas closed early for the Christmas holidays due to seven confirmed cases of pertussis (whooping cough). St. Theresa Catholic School  cancelled all classes and activities on Dec. 12, 2019 due to the outbreak. The school will re-open on Jan. 6, 2020.1 2

The first case of pertussis at St. Theresa’s was confirmed on Dec. 4 and it was “immediately reported to the Texas Department of State Health Services to investigate,” said the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston in statement.1 2

The confirmed cases included both students and staff members at the school. Some of the students have been hospitalized.3

In a letter sent out to parents, the pastor at St. Theresa’s, Rev. Phil Lloyd, wrote, “It is my prayer that we have no more children hospitalized due to the spread of this disease.”3

Pertussis is a “highly contagious respiratory disease caused by the Bordetella (B.) pertussis bacterium, notes the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC). “B. pertussis bacteria attach themselves to the mucus membranes of the respiratory tract and cause inflammation in the body. The major symptom of B. pertussis whooping cough disease is uncontrollable coughing.”4

According to the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, all of the students at St. Theresa’s are vaccinated against pertussis,2 5 but as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) acknowledges, the pertussis vaccines are not “perfect.”6

The pertussis vaccines “typically offer good levels of protection within the first two years after getting the vaccine, but then protection decreases over time. Public health experts call this ‘waning immunity.’” says the CDC on its website.6

There are nine different pertussis vaccines licensed for use in United States, including Adacel, Boostrix, DAPTACEL, Infanrix, KINRIX, Pediarix, Pentacel, Quadracel and VAXELIS.7

1 Courtney N. Whooping Cough Confirmed At St Theresa Catholic School. NewsRadio 740 KTRH Dec. 21, 2019.
2 Hackett DW. 100% Vaccinated School Closes in Houston. Precision Vaccinations Dec. 19, 2019.
3 de Luna M. Houston school closes due to whooping cough outbreak. Houston Chronicle Dec. 18, 2019.
4 National Vaccine Information Center. Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Disease & Vaccine Information.
5 Marchand K. Houston school closed until January due to whooping cough outbreak. KTRK-TV Houston Dec. 18, 2019.
6 U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Pertussis Frequently Asked Questions.
7 U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Vaccines Licensed for Use in the United States.

12 Responses

  1. Think we’ll see this on NPR? CNN? etc. etc. Hey Fauci! How do you sleep at night? Oh yeh, your dividends and payouts on CDC owned vaccine patents pays you well… worries right? You’re a POS if there ever was one.

  2. I have not had a vaccine or shot since leaving the army in1957. I was a champion downhill ski racer all my adult life. I live in the mountains now and enjoy the seasons. I recently injured my leg and developed a blood clot which was treated with IV drugs while in hospital and picked up a hospital super bug. c diff & enterro coccus & developed a UTI. Since coming home I have been taking large doses of Vitamin C, A, D and eating a plant based high protein diet and getting lots of exercise. My urine is infection negative.

  3. When are the people pushing these vaccines on our children going to stop? They actually make you carriers of the disease. Do some actual research. If they worked, why are fully vindicated kids getting the diseases they’re supposed to be protected against ??‍♀️

  4. Pertussis infections will always be with us. Vaccines will never prevent all illness. people have been misled when it comes to vaccines and nutrition.

  5. The Vaccine cartel that includes the CDC, FDA HHS and of course pharma have know for decades that the Pertussis Vaccine doesn’t work. Here is a report from the FDA from 2013 that has been removed from their website:

    FDA study helps provide an understanding of rising rates of whooping cough and response to vaccination-

    However here is a prior written prior to that:
    The Return of Pertussis: written in The Pediatric infectious disease …, 1987 –

    The text is small and you’ll have to find a way to enlarge it or you can purchase it. I got it for free years ago but now everything that exposes the lies of the vaccine cartel is being sanitize. Previous info is being rewritten, removed or you have to pay for it.

    Two studies were reported that confirmed that the Pertussis Vaccine Was Spreading Pertussis:
    Two current studies prove what people have been saying for decades, he shot doesn’t work.

    -Study titled: “Acellular Pertussis vaccines protect against disease but fail to prevent infection and transmission in a nonhuman primate model,” used infant baboons to test the hypothesis that “current acellular pertussis vaccines fail to prevent colonization and transmission” of B. Pertussis.

    Lead author Tod Merkel did comment to the New York Times that when exposed to B. Pertussis after recently getting vaccinated, you could be an asymptomatic carrier and infect others, saying:
    “When you’re newly vaccinated, you are an asymptomatic carrier, which is good for you, but not for the population.” According to Tod Merkel of the FDA, it has now become clear that the vaccine does almost nothing to prevent the spread of whooping cough. Although it does “seem” to prevent about 80 percent of people from showing symptoms of the disease, it does not prevent them from catching it or spreading it.

    -Study: Whooping cough resurgence due to vaccinated people not knowing they’re infectious? From study/article:
    “a detailed epidemiological model of whooping cough transmission to conclude that acellular vaccines may well have contributed to — even exacerbated — the recent pertussis outbreak by allowing infected individuals without symptoms to unknowingly spread pertussis multiple times in their lifetimes.
    ‘There could be millions of people out there with just a minor cough or no cough spreading this potentially fatal disease without knowing it,’ said Althouse. ‘The public health community should act now to better assess the true burden of pertussis infection.’ What’s worse, their model shows that if the disease can be spread through vaccinated, asymptomatic individuals essentially undetected.

    1. Thank you so much for your posts; they are very informative and eye opening in many cases.
      I particularly like the links to science journals such as the ScienceDaily report showing that people vaccinated against pertussis are likely transmitting pertussis to others while not showing symptoms. The fear based vaccinate anyway conclusion the authors reached is astonishing but not surprising, given the bias that exists.

      That reminds me of another study I think at Cornell that showed a lower antibody count among mothers who had been given the flu vaccine the year prior; however, the authors of this study were out to prove that getting pregnant mothers vaccinated against flu wouldn’t harm their fetuses, so they ignored the lowered antibody count, and concluded that pregnant women by all means should take the flu vaccine!

  6. As an Alternative Practitioner for 34 yrs. and Mother of a Over Vaccinated child in the late 70’s……….there are a lot of Alternatives / Preventions. There are Homeopathics for Bacteria’s, Viruses, etc. available. Compound/ Combination homeopathic’s are available for any Infection (s). The Key is to have “ON HAND” what you need.
    If you don’t know Which infection you are dealing with ……you can use Multiple Homeopathics to cover all your Bases……with no Side Effects. As far as Vaccines.….use a Preventative Homeopathic BEFORE Vaccines……and Afterwards to prevent the Horrible Side Effects. Request your Vaccines for your children be Spread out over Several Weeks……….rather than giving so many all at once. Homeopathics do work. But you must KNOW how to use Properly. If you don’t know which ones to use……you can contact me.

    1. Marene,
      I would love to know what Preventative Homeopathics to use before vaccines and after to prevent horrible side effects. And are they equally effective for children as for adults – and any info on how to use properly.

  7. The article says the vaccine IS effective – the problem is that the protection diminishes over time and the students need ANOTHER BOOSTER vaccine. All this article proves is that unvaccinated people – or people with old vaccines – get dangerously ill. Reading comprehension matters.

    1. Reading comprehension does count and you must realize that the MSM will frame reporting to suit pharma considering most media outlets receive substantial money from pharma ads. Media reporting will never tell the truth unless it wants to lose revenue. Studies show that the Pertussis vaccine is ineffective. If a person is infected with the Pertussis bacteria, if vaccinated all that does is eliminate the cough but it leaves the person highly contagious. The takeaway from the article is if you read it is: if all are vaccinated why did they become infected?

      Lead author Tod Merkel did comment to the New York Times that when exposed to B. Pertussis after recently getting vaccinated, you could be an asymptomatic carrier and infect others, saying:
      “When you’re newly vaccinated, you are an asymptomatic carrier, which is good for you, but not for the population.” According to Tod Merkel of the FDA, it has now become clear that the vaccine does almost nothing to prevent the spread of whooping cough. Although it does “seem” to prevent about 80 percent of people from showing symptoms of the disease, it does not prevent them from catching it or spreading it.
      Study: “Acellular Pertussis vaccines protect against disease but fail to prevent infection and transmission in a nonhuman primate model,” used infant baboons to test the hypothesis that “current acellular pertussis vaccines fail to prevent colonization and transmission” of B. Pertussis.

      This is not the first time full vaccinated people became infected with the illness they supposeably are immune to:

      Harvard-Westlake students were vaccinated. Dozens caught whooping cough anyway-
      Nearly 50 students at Harvard-Westlake School have been recently diagnosed with whooping cough, in an outbreak that has forced school officials to send students home at the first sign of illness.

      But all of the sick students had been vaccinated against the disease, according to school officials. In fact, all 90 people who have recently come down with pertussis — the official name for whooping cough — in Los Angeles County this year had been immunized against it, according to county officials.

      The circulating strain is Bordetella Pertussis. The vaccine is Acellular Pertussis. Bottom line is it doesn’t work and being vaccinated with the A. Pertussis makes people more susceptible to Pertussis:

      More recent studies show that by 5 years after completion of a DTaP series, children were up to 15 times more likely to acquire pertussis compared to the first year after the series.

      The Pertussis resurgence: Putting together the pieces of the puzzle

      Lapidot, R., & Gill, C. J. (2016). The Pertussis resurgence: putting together the pieces of the puzzle. Tropical diseases, travel medicine and vaccines, 2, 26. doi:10.1186/s40794-016-0043-8.

      More recent studies show that by 5 years after completion of a DTaP series, children were up to 15 times more likely to acquire pertussis compared to the first year after the series. Studies have also documented rapid decline in pertussis antibodies within as few as 2–3 years of the most recent aP vaccination, often to pre-vaccination levels and although antibody levels alone are not necessarily indicative of waning immunity, in this case given the higher risk of infection after aP vaccine with time, it is strongly suggestive of it.”

  8. Any advice on what to do when your doctor doesnt accept your child as a patient any more because you dont want to vaccinate?

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