New Hampshire’s Executive Council voted on Dec. 18, 2019 to accept $1.5 million from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to create an Immunization Information System (IIS). According to the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, New Hampshire is currently the only state without vaccine tracking system.1
The IIS electronic tracking databases, which are population-based computerized databases that have been created in states and are managed by the CDC, collect a record of every vaccine dose administered through participating providers, and aggregate the data for the purpose of:2
- Providing consolidated vaccination histories of individuals to help vaccine providers determine which federally recommended vaccines a patient has received or should receive;
- Providing aggregate data to public health officials for use in surveillance and vaccine program operations to improve vaccination rates.
- Assist the state with placing more accurate vaccine stock orders for public health clinics and other facilities providing publicly funded vaccines
Although the New Hampshire Executive Council’s vote was unanimous, it was not without controversy. Activists concerned about medical privacy and government accountability voiced opposition to creation of an electronic vaccine tracking registry in the state and carried signs protesting how the government handled the project in the past.3 Councilors took officials from the state’s Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to task for failing to fulfill a similar vaccine registry with a $1.36 million contract with Scientific Technology Corporation (STC) in 2014. That money was used to create a vaccine ordering and inventory system, but did not implement the vaccine tracking registry due to tensions over confidentiality protections.1
Specifically, the earlier registry was designed as an “Opt-out” system whereby all residents would be included unless they actively chose not to participate. That system stalled when advocates of medical privacy challenged the DHHS’s plans to include an individual’s decision to “opt-out” as one of the ‘vaccination events” electronically tracked by the registry rather than blocking information about the individual’s vaccination status entirely.4
The state has until June 2020 to secure a contract with a new vendor. Although it will be years before residents participating in the New Hampshire vaccine tracking registry will be able to access stored information about their vaccination histories, when it does come online, individuals will be able to “opt out.”5
Tessa Lafortune Greenberg, MD, chair of the pediatrics department at Dartmouth-Hitchcock and president of the New Hampshire Medical Society says vaccine tracking registries cut down on wasteful spending on re-administering unnecessary shots, and “being able to have a good, consistent record of vaccines for patients is huge. You can’t assume they had things they didn’t… [but] you don’t want to give anyone something they don’t need. It puts them at risk—you’re sticking a needle in their arm so there’s risk of infection, there’s risk of reaction.”5
Dr. Lafortune Greenberg has made increasing vaccination rates one of her top priorities. Currently, New Hampshire has one of the best vaccination coverage rates in the country, with only Massachusetts, Virginia and Maine having higher rates.5
According to Rebecca Coyle, Executive director of the American Immunization Registry Association, the push to create electronic databases that track all vaccinations that Americans receive (or don’t receive) began in the early 1990s, spurred by a series of measles outbreaks. During a 2017 measles outbreak in Minnesota, “They were able to look at a class roster very quickly and identify which children were at risk, which allows you to target your response very quickly,” Coyle said.5
Computerized vaccine tracking registries are promoted as a tool to help parents enroll children in school, travel abroad, or apply for a job that requires documentation of vaccinations, as well as to keep vaccination records for young children, who often move from doctor to doctor in the early years. Electronic health records (EHR),6 which are being increasingly being used in doctor’s offices, now include information from vaccine tracking registries in order to assist pharmacies, clinics, public health departments and private physicians with documenting vaccinations of all children and adults.5
Electronic medical records and vaccine tracking registries allow doctors to check an individual’s vaccination history through a centralized database, without depending on paper records.7 Vaccine registries may also track other health information such as body mass index, blood lead levels, and early hearing detection, as well as vaccine effectiveness and adverse reactions to vaccines.8 The CDC reports that 94 percent of children under age six participated in a state or local vaccine registry in 2016.9
Opponents to vaccine tracking registries raise concerns about privacy and the right to make health care decisions free from government interference.
Speaking at the Immunization Registries Workgroup on Privacy and Confidentiality in 1998, Barbara Loe Fisher, president and co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) warned, “Because there can be no guarantee that an electronic database operated by the government for the purpose of tagging and tracking every citizen will not be used to punish citizens for non-compliance with federal health care or other policies, the National Vaccine Information Center opposes the creation of any tracking system, including vaccination tracking registries.”10
NVIC’s executive director Theresa Wrangham noted that vaccine registries are not limited to tracking vaccination for children. The National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC) has authored a National Adult Immunization Plan (NAIP) based on Healthy People 2020 goals. She said:
The adult immunization plan also “incentivizes” doctors and other vaccine providers to convert patient data into Electronic Health Record (EHR) formats that can then be shared across state and federal electronic databases to track national vaccine coverage rates and also track and identify who is and is not vaccinated.11
Wrangham added:
The NAIP states that it will take more than providers raising awareness about the adult schedule and encouraging compliance to meet Healthy People 2020 goals. So the NAIP contains objectives that foster partnerships with your employer and your community and religious organizations to make you and all adults get every federally recommended vaccine according to the government-approved schedule.11
2 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Immunization Information Systems (IIS). June 7, 2015.
3 Associated Press. New Hampshire board accepts funding for vaccination database. Dec. 19, 2019.
4 Feathers T. New Hampshire remains the last state without vaccine registry, frustrating doctors. New Hampshire Union Leader Feb. 2, 2019.
5 McDermott C. Years in the making, N.H. immunization registry hits snag during rulemaking. Concord Monitor Jan. 4, 2015.
6 AU L, Oster A et al. Utilizing and Electronic Health Record System to Improve Vaccination Coverage in Children. Appl Clin Inform 2010; 1(3): 221-231
7 Immunizations Policy Issues Overview. National Conference of State Legislatures May 22, 2019.
8 Groom H, et. al. Immunization Information Systems to Increase Vaccination Rates: A Community Guide Systematic Review. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2014.
9 CDC. 2016 IISAR Data Participation Rates. Sept. 22, 2017.
10 Fisher BL. Immunization Registries Workgroup on Privacy & Confidentiality National Vaccine Information Center May 14, 1998.
11 Wrangham T. Federal Government Prepares to Track Unvaccinated Adults. The Vaccine Reaction July 3, 2015.
20 Responses
Yeah, screw all of that. I simply won’t comply to any “federally recommended vaccines” since I believe in autonomy and the right to make my own choice. Besides, those who got vaccinated end up spreading the diseases to people like myself. Vaccines are not harmless as the media and government would have led us to believe.
As American citizens, we have the right to remain silent. If questioned, I’d say what I’ve learned from an attorney…”I don’t answer questions.” Doesn’t matter if it’s a Police Officer, school official, etc. There is nothing illegal about doing this. If people stand up for their God given rights and stop cooperating with these unconstitutional regulations, forced vaccination will stop. I do suspect forced vaccination will end in 2020 as much is happening behind the scenes.
Hmmm, thought we already had this. So. Far. Behind. Do not vaccinate yourself or your kids.
A vaccine registry is repugnant to the New Hampshire Constitution. A new Article 2-b to our Bill of Rights affirms “[Right of Privacy.] An individual’s right to live free from governmental intrusion in private or personal information is natural, essential, and inherent.” I feel certain that we will be able to repel this invasion of our privacy, but at the cost of a court battle. This amendment to the constitution was passed by a yay vote of over 81% of the people, so it’s very clear where our New Hampshiremen stand on protecting the privacy of the people.
This damn Evil Big Pharma and their well paid lemmings are pulling out all the stops to implement HEALTHY (sick and dead) PEOPLE 2020 – it’s either our informed consent and personal freedom and the continued natural health for our unvaccinated and healthy children, or their forced toxic jabs into as many humans and animals as possible, which would cause a tremendous increase in all sorts of illnesses and deaths, AND THAT WILL NEVER BE BLAMED ON THE FORCED VACCINATIONS – this faux medical madness MUST BE stopped, or We the People will be forced to do what is necessary to protect our children, and the future of natural human existence – they have declared war on humanity – and, most people unfortunately are in denial of what has been put in motion across this Planet Earth.
The “opt-in” programs are a privacy violation, since the information is already obtained without consent. Default should always be “opt-in.”
I wonder how gung ho all these adults will be about mandatory vaccines once it’s their turn to line up and get caught up on all their miss d vaccines?!
I’m a nonbeliever of vaccines and flu shots and will fight them tooth and nail for my rights to my body and what goes in it. How do I find out when things are coming up for the vote so I can actively participate in NH to fight it. The government is covering up so much and are currently censoring us from telling the other side by telling the citizens how bad anti-vaxers are. The public need to wake up and do their own research and not be brainwashed by the government. I want to be onboard with this fight 100%.
They do not want us to be able to escape vaccinations most people really do not need.
Some disease rates are only 1% while vaccine injury is probably much higher.
As an informed resident of NH, I say this registry is COMPLETE BS, UNNECESSARY, AND AN INVASION OF PRIVACY !!! What we as a country need to do first is pass a Federal Law protecting peoples religious/philosophical right to opt out of vaccinations. At the same time WE MUST RETURN LIABILITY TO THE VACCINE MANUFACTURERS, WHERE IT BELONGS. LIVE FREE OR DIE !!!! maybe then we can talk of a Registry…
Talk about gov’t overreach! This is just plain evil!
Show me your vaccine papers. The government and this industry are in bed together over the market which is projected to be $93 BILLION by 2026. This has nothing at all to do with health care, and everything to do with the development of a completely captured market of the global population, all adults and children. There are draconian laws and provisions being implemented in the USA, and multiple countries around the world. 2020 and the line is being drawn in the sand, I for one will NOT comply. This is Fascism. Forced medical procedures, with no liability for anyone. Trampling our Civil, Constitutional, and Human rights. The basic foundation of medicine is informed consent, and mandated vaccines violates that completely. This criminal industry has turned into a dire threat to humanity, and the government aids them every step of the way. This is not about health care, but a serious battle for all of our inherent freedoms and rights as human beings. We are up against government endorsed organized crime, and this will not end well. Do not comply with their criminal demands.
What is also dangerous, is the CDC vaccine schedules are giving a one year old babe up to 30 shots in the first year. Parents need to be informed before they bring them to the well checks and understand that the school mandates are different and less than the CDC schedules. Your doctor will not tell you this.
Oh NO NH that is the biggest mistake you could ever make so much for live free or die…I was born and raised here and my family all still lives there!!! Well there is no chance we will ever move back there…my heart is broken!
So much for the
“Live Free or Die”
I thought NH had more balls than this.
Yeah really. I guess their “new” motto should be Live Vaccine and Die.
It might be a good idea to research how much Pharma BRIBE MONEY legislators get PAID to vote for these police state 1984-style Orwellian laws.
vile! The organized pHARMafia are determined to jab everyone with their injections of death and disability, destroying the mainstay of human rights: INFORMED CONSENT in medicine! They are working hard to make the entire world their concentration camp, with our children and our bodies their human pin cushions. Take these criminals to court! Sue them into the ground! Dismantle this organized crime cartel. Forced medical procedures are WORSE THAN RAPE!! Death to the criminals who are planning to use our government (who is supposed to work for the people) to mandate medical VIOLENCE and MEDICAL RAPE on every child and adult in the world
This blog about CDC Funds New Hampshire Vaccine Registry.
has helped me enormously, is a very good topic.
How i just make money from my home overnight, see here: (or click on the name).
Kiss you All!
Hmm, even Dr. Greenberg admits there’s a risk for vaccine reactions. Too bad not too many coroners will put ‘vaccinated to death’ on a death certificate.