Monday, January 20, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


EV-D68 Virus Pushed as Cause of AFM Paralysis

square peg in round hole

You may be familiar with the idiom, “square peg into a round hole.” It is an expression that is often used to describe something that cannot fit, but yet every effort is made to try and force it to fit. That is the image that is emerging in the quest to find an answer to what is causing the mysterious polio-like condition known as acute flaccid myelitis (AFM)—also sometimes referred to as acute flaccid paralysis (AFP)—in the United States.

The media is now frequently reporting that a virus, specifically enterovirus D68 (EV-D68), is suspected as being the cause of AFM. Some doctors are also pushing the theory that AFM is likely caused by EV-D68. This trend was perhaps best highlighted by a major article last year in The Atlantic magazine titled “The Main Suspect Behind an Ominous Spike in a Polio-Like Illness.” The article’s subheading read, “A common virus seems to be behind a puzzling condition that’s paralyzing children, but uncertainties remain.”1 2 3 4 5

The author of the article in The Atlantic, Ed Yong, quoted Roberta DeBiasi, MD of Children’s National Health System in Washington, DC as saying, “It’s not too far of a jump” to suspect a virus. Then he went on to say that EV-D68 had “emerged as the lead suspect” of the cause of AFM.5

Neurologist Benjamin Greenberg, MD of UT Southwestern and Children’s Health in Dallas, Texas “suspects” EV-D68 as one of the more likely causes of AFMs and neurologist Kenneth Tyler, MD at the University of Colorado in Aurora believes that the “majority” of AFM cases are linked to EV-D68 and he seems to think the CDC has been “exceedingly cautious” in not coming to the same conclusion.6 7 8

Drs. Greenberg and Tyler, as well as other prominent physicians like Kevin Messacar, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics at Children’s Hospital Colorado in Aurora, want the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to settle on an enterovirus such as EV-D68 as the cause of AFM because then, “it could lead more quickly to a treatment or a vaccine.”6 7 8

“I agree that EV-D68 is probably the prime suspect, and the evidence is getting clearer and clearer, but it may be very difficult to prove… ” says  infectious disease physician and senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security Amesh A. Adalja, MD.9

Listening to all of these physicians, one would think that all roads in the search for the cause of AFM lead to EV-D68. It looks like there is a strong likelihood that the CDC may eventually “settle” on EV-D68 or some other virus like EV-A71 or coxsackievirus A16 as the culprit behind AFM even though, currently, there is no compelling scientific evidence for doing that.

In a recent article in STAT, journalist Maggie Fox agreed on the lack of scientific evidence with regard to EV-D68. She wrote, “Doctors who have treated patients with AFM have long suspected that EV-D68 and perhaps other, similar viruses are causing the illness. But it’s been almost impossible to find the evidence they need to say so conclusively… “4

Then why is there a sense that EV-D68 may eventually be designated by the CDC as the culprit? Because there is growing pressure for the CDC to come up with a cause for AFM and viruses are always easy to blame for unexplained health problems. Public health officials and doctors must be getting tired of responding “we don’t know” or “it’s a mystery” when asked what is behind this perplexing paralytic condition that devastates the lives of children and adults who come down with it.

One of these days, when that first big headline is published in The New York Times or The Washington Post or TIME magazine stating that scientists have finally discovered the cause of AFM, remember to bear in mind the following June 2019 update by the CDC on its investigation into the cause of AFM:

We detected coxsackievirus A16, EV-A71, and EV-D68 in the spinal fluid of four of 570 confirmed cases of AFM since 2014, which points to the cause of those patients’ AFM. For all other patients, no pathogen (germ) has been detected in their spinal fluid to confirm a cause.10

More than 99 percent of the paralyzed individuals who have been diagnosed with AFM since 2014 did not have the EV-D68 virus or any other infectious microbe detected in their spinal fluid. Yet, CDC officials may be increasingly inclined to just go ahead and attribute AFM to a virus… even if it is highly improbable, at least with current scientific evidence, that a virus is the cause. 

The square peg simply doesn’t fit.


16 Responses

    1. It is a polio like illness from the Polio VACCINE or other vaccine combos. There are more polio cases in the world this year from the vaccine strain than from the wild strain.

  1. “Polio has not been eradicated by vaccination, it is lurking behind a redefinition and new diagnostic names like viral or septic meningitis….According to one of the 1987 issues of the MMWR, there are some 30,000 to 50,000 cases of viral meningitis per year in the United States alone. That’s where all those 30,000-50,000 cases of polio disappeared after the introduction of mass vaccination” Viera Scheibner, ,PHD So, when you hear aseptic Viral Meningitis or Meningitis outbreak, *THINK Polio.*


    Keep in mind that these dramatic increases in polio following the introduction of the Salk IPV occurred shortly after the U.S. government had already significantly relaxed its guidelines for diagnosing polio. In 1954, the government redefined polio. I wrote about this other little detail of history that has been widely overlooked in my article “Polio Wasn’t Vanquished, It Was Redefined.” Dr. Greenberg explained this classic example of government sleight of hand…”In order to qualify for classification as paralytic poliomyelitis, the patient had to exhibit paralytic symptoms for at least 60 days after the onset of the disease. Prior to 1954, the patient had to exhibit paralytic symptoms for only 24 hours. Laboratory confirmation and the presence of residual paralysis were not required. After 1954, residual paralysis was determined 10 to 20 days and again 50 to 70 days after the onset of the disease. This change in definition meant that in 1955 we started reporting a new disease, namely, paralytic poliomyelitis with a longer lasting paralysis. Under the new definition of polio, thousands of cases which would have previously been counted as polio would no longer be counted as polio. The change in the definition laid the groundwork for creating the impression that the Salk vaccine was effective.4


    Polio programme: let us declare victory and move on

    …”while India has been polio-free for a year, there has been a huge increase in non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP). In 2011, there were an extra 47,500 new cases of NPAFP. Clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly, the incidence of NPAFP was directly proportional to doses of oral polio received.”…
    …”De Maeseneer and colleagues suggest that vertical programmes have unwittingly increased the incidence of other diseases and broken the first rule of medicine-primum non nocere- first do no harm. They cite the example of HIV and hepatitis caused by WHO-endorsed immunisation programmes against other diseases (40). With polio eradication there was a huge increase in non-polio AFP, in direct proportion to the number of doses of the vaccine used. Though all the data was collected within an excellent surveillance system, the increase was not investigated openly. Another question ethicists will ask, is why champions of the programme continued to exhort poor countries to spend scarce resources on a programme they should have known, in 2002, was never going to succeed.”…

    Why injections increase the risk of polio is unclear. Nevertheless, these studies and others indicate that “injections must be avoided in countries with endemic of poliomyelitis, Health Authorities believe that all “unnecessary” injections should be avoided as well. The New England Journal of Medicine 1995

    Injecting foreign protein’s into your blood stream, causes a hypersensitivity to your immune system.

    1 Injection = 8 times more likely to get Polio/Meningitis
    9 Injections = 27 times more likely to get Polio/Meningitis
    10 or more Injections = 182 times more likely to get Polio/Meningitis

    The thought process Western Medicine took on, once THEY started Vaccinating folks with the Polio Vaccine. Was that if you came down with Polio like symptoms, it was automatically labeled as Meningitis, because it would be IMPOSSIBLE for you to get Polio, since you had the Polio Vaccine….which was WRONG…this was the LIE & the cover-up, the FRAUD, the Pseudo-Science.

    Researchers have known since the early 1900’s that paralytic poliomyelitis often started at the site of an injection. When diphtheria and pertussis vaccines were introduced in the 1940’s, cases of paralytic poliomyelitis skyrocketed. Lancet 1949

    Children who received DPT (diphtheria, tetanus & pertussis) injections were significantly more likely than Controls to suffer paralytic poliomyelitis within the next 30 days. According to the authors, “this study confirms that injections are an important cause of provocative poliomyelitis” Journal of Infectious Disease 1992

    Charles Robert Richet, awarded the 1913 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his work on anaphylaxis stated, “We are so constituted that we can NEVER receive other protein’s into the blood than those that have been modified by digestive juices. Every time alien protein penetrates by effraction, the organism suffers and becomes resistant”. Meaning, the proteins hypersensitizes the immune system, leading to anaphylactic shock & the body will develop diseases. So, THEY have known for years what causes disease & sickness for quite some time folks. 1 in 2 Americans have Chronic Disease of some sort…I wonder why?

    During mid-April of 1955, about 400,000 people—mostly schoolchildren—in the U.S. were vaccinated with the Salk vaccine manufactured by Cutter Laboratories. It turns out that more than 200,000 of these children, living in five western and midwestern states (Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada and New Mexico7), were injected with vaccines “in which the process of inactivating the live virus proved to be defective.” The Cutter-produced vaccines ended up causing 40,000 cases of polio. It severely paralyzed 200 children and killed.

    In his book The Cutter Incident: How America’s First Polio Vaccine Led to the Growing Vaccine Crisis, Paul Offit, MD writes, “Seventy-five percent of Cutter’s victims were paralyzed for the rest of their lives.” A team led by epidemiologist Alexander Langmuir of the Communicable Diseases Center (now the CDC) in Atlanta, GA determined that “the disease caused by Cutter’s vaccine was worse than the disease caused by natural polio virus,” adds Dr. Offit.

    This may help explain, at least partially, why the cases of polio in the U.S. increased by 50% from 1957 to 1958, and by 80% between 1958 and 1959. According to Bernard Greenberg, PhD, head of the Department of Biostatistics at the University of North Carolina School of Public Health: In five New England states cases of polio roughly doubled after polio vaccine was introduced. Nevertheless in the midst of the polio panic of the 1950s, with pressure to find a magic bullet, statistics were manipulated by health authorities to give the quite the opposite impression.

    The OPV Oral Polio Vaccine causes Paralysis Polio, that’s why the US stopped using it in 1999…the sad thing is, that it should have been stopped 10 YEARS EARLIER, because the CDC FDA HHS had the data and new it was TOXIC, spreading Disease. Sadly, this Terrible Vaccine is STILL in use in 3rd World Countries, because I guess those CHILDREN LIVES are WORTH-LESS than American’s. You decide?

    Dr. Bernard Greenberg’s 1962 Congressional Testimony on Polio
    In testimonies given at US Congressional Hearings in 1962, Dr. Bernard Greenberg, head of the Department of Biostatistics of the University of North Carolina School of Public Health, testified that not only did polio increase substantially (50 percent from 1957 to 1958 and 80 percent from 1958 to 1959) after the introduction of mass vaccination programs, but statistics were manipulated to give the impression of the effectiveness of the Salk vaccine. Dr. Greenberg gave the following reasons why it appeared that polio decreased after the vaccine was given:

    * Redefinition of an epidemic: More cases were required to refer to polio as epidemic after the introduction of the Salk vaccine (from 20 per 100,000 to 35 per 100,000 per year) ·

    * Redefinition of the disease: In order to qualify for classification as paralytic poliomyelitis, the patient had to exhibit paralytic symptoms for at least 60 days after the onset of the disease. Prior to 1954 the patient had to exhibit paralytic symptoms for only 24 hours. Laboratory confirmation and the presence of residual paralysis were not required. After 1954, residual paralysis was determined 10 to 20 days and again 50 to 70 days after the onset of the disease. “This change in definition meant that in 1955 we started reporting a new disease, namely, paralytic poliomyelitis with a longer lasting paralysis,” testified Dr. Greenberg. ·

    * Mislabeling: After the introduction of the Salk vaccine, “Cocksackie virus and aseptic meningitis have been distinguished from paralytic poliomyelitis, whereas prior to 1954 large numbers of these cases undoubtedly were mislabeled as paralytic polio,” explained Dr. Greenberg.

    Source: Intensive Immunization Programs, Hearings before the Committee on Interstate & Foreign Commerce, House of Representatives, 87th Congress, 2nd Session on H.R. 10541, Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1962; pp. 96-97

    1. AFM or status epilepticus was associated with whole cell pertussis. First report in JAMA in the 1930’s. Reaction consistently occurred within 2 hour window. First initial reaction extreme sleepiness which in infants is misleading. Injury or death always the result.

    2. They reclassified measles too! Even though it is a live attenuated vaccine with the potential to become pathogenic again, no one that has been recently vaccinated (6-45 days post vaccination) that shows measles symptoms or testing positive for measles DNA can be classified as having the measles.

      I was looking into cases of vaccine-induced measles and found some. I submitted a letter to the editor and they ‘fact-checked’ me. They said that I can not call it a ‘true case’ of measles if a child tests positive for measles DNA and has a measles-like rash.

      The problem? The definitions from the CDC in 1990 compared to now are different.

      Old definition of measles:
      New definition:

      In 1990, those that were vaccinated could develop ‘measles,’ but now, contrary to true science, CDC does not accept that recently vaccinated can have measles. All live attenuated vaccines (LAV) infect our cells and cause a vaccine-induced disease state. Most of the time it only causes a mild case of the disease. However, the extent of the vaccine-induced disease depends on other factors, but one of those factors is NOT because CDC now blatantly ignores the science behind LAV’s.

      Even the World Health Organization is still open to what LAV’s are. According to their website, live attenuated vaccine is a vaccine prepared from living micro-organisms that have been weakened under laboratory conditions. LAV vaccines will replicate in a vaccinated individual and produce an immune response but usually cause mild or no disease. A virus can replicate themselves only within cells of living hosts (meaning our cells will become infected and our body will have to fight it).

      According to WHO: Under rare circumstances the pathogens that are weakened can revert back to pathogenic form. (This module also briefly mentions retroviruses in the measles vaccine that can also cause problems).

  2. I am an R.N. and a Doctor of Naturopathy. I would like to know the exact vaccination history with dates and exact type vaccinations and whether the child had any illnesses before any vaccinations were given of the children who develop AFM andAFP.
    Thank you,
    Anna Pritchard

  3. It’s that damn nasty aluminum AAHS adjuvant that is practically found in every vial of vaccines. And, because liquified metallic substances don’t disperse equally, because they stick together in various elongated strands molecularly inside of those medical VAT machines that auto-fill all of those glass vials of various vaccines, with many of those vials considered “hot” (with extremely high levels PPMs of highly toxic aluminum and mercury strands) and “cold” (with extremely low levels PPMs of those same liquified metals strands). How convenient to have those “all over the board” vial PPM mixtures. When helpless children receive jabs of the low PPMs, they are fortunately stable, or have no symptoms – a “hot” vial, unfortunately, will cause those severe reactions. But, No No No, it’s not the vaccines – what a bunch of sick SOBs. This faux medical madness and insanity has to stop – the whole vaccine industry is getting away with murder of innocent humans. And, raking in billions and billions of dollars each month in treating all those “vaccine injured” humans with clinical diagnoses, ER visits, expensive medical testing and procedures, pharmaceutical drugs, medical therapies, etc, etc.

  4. Polio was NEVER eradicated, rather redefined, creating an ILLUSION of efficacy for the Polio Vaccine & covers for the Damage caused by the other Vaccines. Western Medicine has now reclassified Polio as AFM, making it the 4th iteration of reclassification….Below is the other 3.

    “Polio has not been eradicated by vaccination, it is lurking behind a redefinition and new diagnostic names like viral or septic meningitis….According to one of the 1987 issues of the MMWR, there are some 30,000 to 50,000 cases of viral meningitis per year in the United States alone. That’s where all those 30,000-50,000 cases of polio disappeared after the introduction of mass vaccination” Viera Scheibner, ,PHD So, when you hear aseptic Viral Meningitis or Meningitis outbreak, *THINK Polio.*


    Keep in mind that these dramatic increases in polio following the introduction of the Salk IPV occurred shortly after the U.S. government had already significantly relaxed its guidelines for diagnosing polio. In 1954, the government redefined polio. I wrote about this other little detail of history that has been widely overlooked in my article “Polio Wasn’t Vanquished, It Was Redefined.” Dr. Greenberg explained this classic example of government sleight of hand…”In order to qualify for classification as paralytic poliomyelitis, the patient had to exhibit paralytic symptoms for at least 60 days after the onset of the disease. Prior to 1954, the patient had to exhibit paralytic symptoms for only 24 hours. Laboratory confirmation and the presence of residual paralysis were not required. After 1954, residual paralysis was determined 10 to 20 days and again 50 to 70 days after the onset of the disease. This change in definition meant that in 1955 we started reporting a new disease, namely, paralytic poliomyelitis with a longer lasting paralysis. Under the new definition of polio, thousands of cases which would have previously been counted as polio would no longer be counted as polio. The change in the definition laid the groundwork for creating the impression that the Salk vaccine was effective.4


    Polio programme: let us declare victory and move on

    …”while India has been polio-free for a year, there has been a huge increase in non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP). In 2011, there were an extra 47,500 new cases of NPAFP. Clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly, the incidence of NPAFP was directly proportional to doses of oral polio received.”…
    …”De Maeseneer and colleagues suggest that vertical programmes have unwittingly increased the incidence of other diseases and broken the first rule of medicine-primum non nocere- first do no harm. They cite the example of HIV and hepatitis caused by WHO-endorsed immunisation programmes against other diseases (40). With polio eradication there was a huge increase in non-polio AFP, in direct proportion to the number of doses of the vaccine used. Though all the data was collected within an excellent surveillance system, the increase was not investigated openly. Another question ethicists will ask, is why champions of the programme continued to exhort poor countries to spend scarce resources on a programme they should have known, in 2002, was never going to succeed.”…

    Why injections increase the risk of polio is unclear. Nevertheless, these studies and others indicate that “injections must be avoided in countries with endemic of poliomyelitis, Health Authorities believe that all “unnecessary” injections should be avoided as well. The New England Journal of Medicine 1995

    Injecting foreign protein’s into your blood stream, causes a hypersensitivity to your immune system.
    Charles Robert Richet, awarded the 1913 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his work on anaphylaxis stated, “We are so constituted that we can NEVER receive other protein’s into the blood than those that have been modified by digestive juices. Every time alien protein penetrates by effraction, the organism suffers and becomes resistant”. Meaning, the proteins hypersensitizes the immune system, leading to anaphylactic shock & the body will develop diseases. So, THEY have known for years what causes disease & sickness for quite some time folks. 1 in 2 Americans have Chronic Disease of some sort…I wonder why?

    1 Injection = 8 times more likely to get Polio/Meningitis
    9 Injections = 27 times more likely to get Polio/Meningitis
    10 or more Injections = 182 times more likely to get Polio/Meningitis

    The thought process Western Medicine took on, once THEY started Vaccinating folks with the Polio Vaccine. Was that if you came down with Polio like symptoms, it was automatically labeled as Meningitis, because it would be IMPOSSIBLE for you to get Polio, since you had the Polio Vaccine….which was WRONG…this was the LIE & the cover-up, the FRAUD, the Pseudo-Science.

    Researchers have known since the early 1900’s that paralytic poliomyelitis often started at the site of an injection. When diphtheria and pertussis vaccines were introduced in the 1940’s, cases of paralytic poliomyelitis skyrocketed. Lancet 1949

    Children who received DPT (diphtheria, tetanus & pertussis) injections were significantly more likely than Controls to suffer paralytic poliomyelitis within the next 30 days. According to the authors, “this study confirms that injections are an important cause of provocative poliomyelitis” Journal of Infectious Disease 1992

  5. 570 confirmed cases. What other profile information exists? For instance, do we know the patient vaccination history? Is it possible these patients were previously vaccinated for polio?

  6. “A rose is still a rose by any other name.” – Shakespeare.

    It is not only criminal but evil for the established medical field and all involved to try and use fancy language to describe what is in plain site. They believe we are stupid and unfortunately, the majority is; this is why they continue trying to fool us into believing how wonderful their drugs are.

  7. Polio is a man made disease caused by heavy metal poisoning. Read “The Moth in the Iron Lung” by Forrest Maready. With so many vaccines these days, our children are exposed to a huge load of heavy metals, not to exclude toxic pesticides in their food and environment.
    More vaccines will only exacerbate the problem.

  8. The M-199 injected with the polio vaccine is synthetic trypsin. This is huge. Trypsin modifies viruses and is the core reagent in the field of proteomics. EV-D68 is 80% homologous to the Type-1 polio strain used in Salk polio vaccine, thus it is plausible that the trypsin injected within the dose of polio vaccine modifies the agent either after immunization injection or during production.

    Polio vaccine viruses are grown in monkey kidney cells – but in the natural state – polio viruses will not infect monkey kidney cells – only neural cells. John Enders received the 1954 Nobel Prize for his discovery that human foreskins treated with trypsin could be infected with polio viruses.

    Tryspin, which is a pancreatic fluid that aids in digestion, breaks down the normal cell defenses and may likewise modify the strain of virus being produced. M-199 was developed in the 1950’s in order to avoid the unknown viruses in pigs from which most trypsin used in vaccine production carry (PCV-1 and PCV-2 – read about the rotavirus vaccine and review the VRBPAC Transcript of May 7, 2010).

  9. Vaccine injections disrupt the immune system, making a person more likely to catch any infection that happens to be going around. If the exposure is to polio, then the weakened immune system cannot fight it off.

  10. My no vax 4 yo was diagnosed with AFM in Sept 2018. He was paralyzed from the neck down but has since made almost a complete recovery and no longer needs any sort of PT or OT. The only thing that remains is the bells palsy that occurred on day 2 of him being sick (before any limb weakness occured.) He is the only one amongst his peers at that time that has made such a recovery without needing some sort of surgery to repair nerve function in affected limbs. He’s our little miracle boy and we’re so grateful for God’s healing power in his life!! ??

  11. Let’s try to not stoop to faux science and/or ignorance. It’s hard enough to fend off attacks from pro-vaccine entities.

    Vaccines are NOT injected INTO THE BLOODSTREAM. Saying they are is certainly alarming, but it is not true and makes all lucid arguments fade into the background the the focus goes straight to hysterical commentary (like “injected into the bloodstream”), which makes people arguing against vaccines look like fools, if not paranoid or disruptive.

    It’s not to say that the toxic materials in vaccines cannot be absorbed by other routes, but every time you say vaccines are injected into the bloodstream you destroy your scientific credibility and damage the credibility of people who get the science right.

    Oral polio vaccines are administered by mouth, couple drops on the tongue. They still do damage, but that is NOT from injection into the bloodstream. Most vaccines are injected intramuscularly – into a muscle NOT injected into the blood stream. They still cause problems, but nobody is going to get as far as noticing the real problems if you cannot even get the route of administration right.

    Makes you sound every bit as credible as the pro-vaxxers who claim that 168 cases of measles caused by some unvaccinated foreigner at Disneyland is an epidemic of massive proportions, not to mentions grounds for demanding mandatory vaccination of every human on the planet…

    Please keep your facts (especially the SIMPLE facts) straight, or we’re doomed.

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