Saturday, July 27, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Roald Dahl Lost His Daughter and I Lost My Son

wooden mother and child figures

In response to recent reports of measles in the United States, author Roald Dahl’s 1988 letter encouraging parents to vaccinate their children with the measles vaccine is once again circulating on social media.1 The letter, written for the Sandwell Health Authority after the release of the controversial MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine in the United Kingdom, chronicles the ordinary course of his daughter Olivia’s measles and her subsequent death in 1962 from measles encephalitis. The letter has been used over the years as a vaccination encouragement tool by several medical campaign groups.

I enjoyed Roald Dahl’s books when our own children were young. I loved his colorful characters and the way they dealt with villainous antagonists. Justice was always so, so sweet in many of Dahl’s stories.

I have much empathy for Roald in the loss of his daughter. Sometimes in life there are those incredibly horrific moments when there is a clear “before” (a child laughing and playing just fine) and “after” (a body limp and lifeless). I had such a moment with our first baby when the doctors called for the crash cart just after he was born and began pumping him full of epinephrine, willing him to breathe. I screamed the primal scream of a parent who knows that moment will forever be the line that divides the Time Before and the Time After. It’s horrible to be on the wrong side of some pretty extreme odds, and I wish no mother or father the pain of crossing that line.

When these devastating losses happen we ask ourselves why, and we search for answers. Those answers become the narratives of the cautionary tales we then tell to the world: get annual mammograms, never co-sleep with your child, don’t allow children near water, never keep guns in the house, vaccinate your child, have a medicalized birth. Or: avoid radiation, don’t sleep away from your child, be sure to have a weapon, never inject your child with poisons, have a natural birth or home birth.

So it’s complicated, because there are often risks both ways. The choices we make are largely a reflection of our philosophical approach to life and health.

Roald Dahl’s story demonstrates this dilemma for us. I don’t know why his daughter got encephalitis after measles while millions of other children recover without complication. Could something have been done that would have altered the outcome? We won’t know that answer. Would she have gotten encephalitis from the vaccine? We won’t know that either.

Dahl came to a rational conclusion based on his experience, and we have to honor that. Like all of us who have lost a loved one like this, we want to roll back time to that moment when we feel we could have done something different that would lead to a different outcome. And we want our experiences to have meaning for others, so we tell our tales with the hope that it will make a positive difference. 

How much should Dahl’s experience, or anyone else’s personal experience, influence our decisions? Perhaps it is enough to listen and understand and know that personal experiences are important to weigh along with other important information we gather when making a conscious decision about risk taking.

In the end, we all have to live with the decisions we make, and we have to accept that which is out of our control. In 2015 Dahl’s grandson, Ned Donovan, commented on his grandfather’s experience: “Olivia was unlucky. Her case was one of the very few that progressed into something much more serious, something fatal. Measles encephalitis—when the measles virus spreads into the spine, and then the brain—occurs in 0.1 percent of cases.”2 Although I grieve deeply for the death of our infant son, I am also at peace because my husband and I feel comfortable with our choices surrounding his care. Like Dahl, we were unlucky and ended up on the wrong side of terrible odds.

Because there are risks both ways, personal and parental choice is critical in the case of vaccine decision making. At the end of the day, the people who have to live with the outcomes of the risk taking decisions they make are the ones who should make the decisions.

It is also true that while the world is a wonderful place, it also can be a dangerous place. We can mitigate risk through the use of seatbelts and safety helmets, lifeguards and chaperones, but accidents happen. The freaky and unforeseen happens. The odds are not always in our favor.

And despite antibiotics and vaccines and medicines, viruses and bacteria will always be with us and illness and, sometimes, premature death will be an inherent part of living. Sometimes, despite taking all the precautions, we will be unlucky.

We cannot make the world risk-free for anyone, including the immunocompromised, the disabled, the elderly, or the very young. Life is, in the end, a wonderful but inherently fragile and risky proposition, made better when we come to peace with its terms.

This article or commentary provides referenced information and perspective on a topic related to vaccine science, policy, law or ethics being discussed in public forums and by U.S. lawmakers. The websites of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) provide information and perspective of federal agencies responsible for vaccine research, development, regulation and policymaking.


1 Dahl R. Roald Dahl on Olivia, writing in 1986.
Donovan N. Why my grandfather, Roald Dahl, wanted you to vaccinate your kids. The Daily Dot Dec. 11, 2015.

36 Responses

  1. How much should Dahl’s experience, or anyone else’s personal experience, influence our decisions?

    It should have NO influence.

    I grieve for every life lost. I also grieve for my niece and her son who took his shots as expected and overnight the change began. Starting with the fever and than the change in behavior, the loss of words, even at age 2. He was diagnosed within a few months of getting that series of shot that induced the MMR. The doctor was on top of it, setting up testing and getting a diagnosis so he could take advantages of benefits that his clinic helped secure. Thanks to the actions of the Doctors who didn’t mess around because HE KNEW what was happening-early intervention has helped my great nephew. BUT-despite early intervention and diagnosis-it doesn’t take away the guilt my niece feels (my brother told her not to get the shots) nor does it help with how being autistic disrupts one life.

    He is a beautiful child who sacrificed for the herd if you will. Not in the way the government and mad-vaxxers think about the herd, but the herd of those who chose medical autonomy and the right to chose. My niece who is a nurse tells people who she comes into contact with her story of how the MMR changed the course of not only her life but the life of her sons’ forever. So she grieves a tiny bit for the child that should have been if only the truth were told about vaccines so a parent could make an informed choice based on genuine scientific information. She said if she knew than what she has learned since this happened, she would have refused.

    I wonder if there is a backstory to Olivia’s death from encephalitis? There may be more to this.

    Also, when I read stories like this it’s a form of emotional blackmail from the mad-vaxxers so in the past when I read an article using Mr. Dahl’s letter I ask why is her death more important and those who have actually died from the measles vaccine not important?

    1. He was diagnosed within a few months of getting that series of shot that induced the MMR.

      That is suppose to be including the MMR, not induced.

    2. Very well-said.
      I am very sorry for your loss.
      Your story is so real and emotional. You did an incredible job relaying the emotions and pain of such a tragic moment. It is the perfect way to show empathy and also another side to the Dahl story. His story is also sad.
      Ultimately it is not up to us. However, as you highlight, we all deserve the right to be comfortable with the decisions we made up until to that fateful point.

  2. Redpill- so beautifully stated – thank you. There are so many of us who grieve a tiny bit for our children who “should have been”

  3. I take it the media will NEVER highlight the countless stories of parents who lost their child to a vaccination including the MMR vaccine.

  4. Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
    Ben Franklin
    (And I will add that in this case, the “safety” of vaccination is proving to be quite temporary, since we have so many vaccinated adults who are now getting the measles).

  5. Redpill, thank you for your well-written piece. I would like to say that if your niece hasn’t already, she may want to look into the Nemechek protocol for her child. It’s a simple protocol that doesn’t include medication, is safe, and is resulting in tremendous gains for thousands of affected children, and adults.

  6. Let me simply add this…..we are winning!! The numbers of parents ,grandparents and medical staff who have finally realized that vaccines cause negative effects, are increasing. Our greatest enemies are those political puppets who, with no children of their own, simply obey big pharma, and demand vaccinations for our children. Even those folks are starting to see the egg on their faces. God Bless us everyone.

    1. Steve,
      I am not sure where you live, but in Oregon HB 3063 will soon require that all children be subjected to the same series of vaccines or may not attend any school, among other things. This does not feel like winning.

      1. I agree, Morgan! I, as a healthcare worker, am mandated to get vaccinated w/ certain shots if I want to do the job that I do. I cannot turn down the shot because “I don’t want it” or “I don’t have time to do it”. It is part of my job description to have yearly shots. The only way to get out of the Flu vaccine is to have an egg allergy or for religious reasons. I believe a physician or religious person would sign in those instances on my form that I am not to have the shot. If it was up to me, I would not get the Flu vaccine. #1. It only protects like 20 something % of the time at most 40%. #2. Not all strains are covered in the Flu vaccine each year, it’s just a “good” guesstimate! (Not really!?) A lot of my friends & family say they feel crappy the next couple of days after the shot.

        I personally got my shot today, at the request of my employer, no, I wished I didn’t have to get it!!! But, I got it!!
        I like to get it on a Thurs or Fri so I can sleep in & recoup for the weekend… rest up peeps! I ALWAYS END UP FEELING CRAPPY!!!! Sigh!!!

        Well, good luck everyone!!!

  7. My daughter’s childhood was so very sad because of the autism/ADHD that she suffered from. After many visits to DAN (Defeat Autism Now) doctors, a dietary protocol for several years which didn’t allow her to eat the yummy snacks or regular hot lunches her classmates enjoyed, and many thousands of dollars out of pocket, she is doing well now as a young adult. I feel autism robbed her of her childhood. We’ve found through genetic testing (The Detoxigenomic Profile) that genetically her body will have slower or sluggish production of glutathione than average. The intravenous glutathione/vitamin c treatments she had at her doctors’ were able to remove significant amounts of heavy metals, including mercury which may have originated from vaccinations and/or my dental fillings when she was in utero. Another lab test which can give an overall picture is the Organic Acids Test which measures about 76 metabolic markers including gut pathogens, neurotransmitters, vitamin levels, glutathione level indicators, etc. It could help doctors to better understand what needs to be brought back into balance. A book I would recommend is “Gut and Psychology Syndrome”.

    1. The sad thing is these tests were done AFTER the damage was done. That’s the awful part about it. You learned your daughter is one of thousands, if not millions, that are affected by vaccines in an adverse way. I am so sorry she lost her childhood. I imagine parents grieve deeply for what “should have been”. This is why vaccines MUST remain a choice. It’s no wonder the children born today are the sickest generation. Hugs and prayers to you, Laura.

  8. APRIL 13, 2019 MMR Vaccine Approved After Only 42-Day-Trials In 1978, Per FDA FOIA Reports

    Del Bigtree of High Wire filed FOIA requests with the U.S. FDA for the MMR vaccine trials results. What he got back is more than a shocker; it borders on criminal malfeasance and breach of fiduciary duty, basically. The trials for the MMR vaccine lasted only 42 days! Furthermore, those studies included a total of only 800 kids in 8 studies who, basically, decided the ‘efficacy’ of the MMR vaccine.

  9. The loss of this child demonstrates what happens when we do not seek to understand a disease and treat it accordingly. Not having vitamin A and vitamin C treatments available as part of the allopathic arsenal leads to these extremely tragic results. Attempting to resolve this issue with an alternative that is showing to be far worse compounds this tragedy, risking millions of children around globe to a game of Russian roulette with an option that is far from effective.

  10. Beautifully written, Barbara. Thank you for sharing. I am so very sorry for the loss of your son. God bless and take care…

  11. Thanks Laura – I just checked out “Gut and Psychology Syndrome” from the library thanks to your recommendation.

  12. My local paper has been beating the drum for vaccination and generally fanning the flames of hysteria about measles. A pediatrician wrote to the paper to say that all children should be vaccinated or face encephalitis or deafness from the measles. I wrote the same paper stating that by (not so) coincidence, those two afflictions are listed as adverse reactions to the MMR vaccine as stated right on the package insert. Of course, my letter didn’t get printed.

    1. The overwhelming bias of the media is hard to take, along with the political. In Oregon, legislators are plugging their ears and saying “Nahnahnah, can’t hear you.” The fingers in their ears were placed there by a huge propaganda effort that convinced proponents that they are scientific and the opposition is ignorant. So, they’ve stopped even pretending that they are representing people and not powerful corporations in their actions. They aren’t reading our emails or listening to phone calls, and most of us can’t arrange visits to Salem where presumably they couldn’t ignore you.

      GAVI Vaccine, the nonprofit massively funded by our new planetary overlord, Bill Gates, hired the public relations firm of the vaccine manufacturers, Publicis Groupe. They in turn own myriad pr groups specializing in healthcare. They brag about their ability to control perception and discourse. I think the extreme bias in the media is because big money armed with big propaganda has taken control of one of our most precious freedoms, the freedom to fair and full debate.

  13. My family has also suffered because of vaccines. Three sons, all autistic to various degrees, with health problems serious enough that my husband and I are in our 50’s and have NO MONEY saved for retirement because of the bills. The issues are all traced to genetics as you describe, Laura. I ask one further question of the world. If we KNOW that looking at genetic DNA can determine which children may have issues with a vaccine, WHY ARE WE NOT PUSHING THIS? It’s infuriating to see so many lives ruined. God bless everyone here.

  14. Beautifully written article. It expressed such balance and calm.
    “And despite antibiotics and vaccines and medicines, viruses and bacteria will always be with us and illness and, sometimes, premature death will be an inherent part of living. Sometimes, despite taking all the precautions, we will be unlucky.”
    Thank you for stating gracefully what I often think and struggle to find the words. Loss is loss and it can instill fear in some for the rest of their lives or it can breed balance and help us acknowledge and accept the tenuous nature of life.

  15. This is a very moving letter and speaks to the real dilemma of parents regarding vaccines. We know that they can be problematic and we do not as yet know how a child will react. The current vaccine schedule has infants and children receiving 3 doses of Hep B vaccine, the first at birth. Why is this routinely given to infants when this is a disease of IV drug users/sexually transmitted?

    Then there is the fact that vaccine immunity in many cases is temporary. Thus we have older children and adults getting more severe cases of chicken pox, measles, mumps and rubella, for example, because it is quite difficult to make adults “comply” with boosters every seven years or so.

    Mothers used to give their infants protection via breast milk because of her exposure to these illnesses. I was miserable as a child in the 1950s, catching all these, but recovered nicely as did all my friends and school mates. In return we were able to pass our immunity along to our children. Now we know that proper hydration and nutrition and bed rest in most cases is the key to recovery, with lifetime immunity.

    It is so hard to see all the hysteria being pumped up over measles in our country. I do indeed wonder at the statistics and whether some of these cases came from vaccinated children.

  16. This is beautifully written. It really does sum up both sides of the equation and why parental rights are so important. We can’t allow the government to make the choice for us with these risks attached.

  17. I concede, this article is well written, although the point of being able to have a choice is most definitely not viable. There are countless reasons for why you shouldn’t deny your children a proper vaccination, but having the choice not to do so leaves all those, that can’t get vaccinated for several reasons, out of the picture. You would think that your own choices only affect yourself, but in reality you bestow a great risk of contagion upon said people, like the elderly or those with contra-indicating maladies. I also read about people worrying about autism and as somebody born with autism myself, I feel almost personally attacked by these comments. Not only has it long been proven, that neither vaccines, nor any ingredient of them are able to cause autism, but also is it to be viewed from a different perspective. Many believe it to be a curse, though I see it as a blessing. Just because we are different and struggle in everyday life, that doesn’t mean that we are in any way inferior to neurotypical people. It’s the societal norms that make us stand out and sometimes even suffer and the problem with autism in general clearly has its roots here instead. There is no „cure“ for autism and there won’t ever be one, as it‘s not a disease. The brain of people with autism is built up completely different to how a „normal“ brain is, so in order to „fix“ it, you would have to change the affected person in a way that they couldn’t be considered the same person anymore, which would moreover involve impossible modifications to the human body. If all the people were just able to accept us as how we are, without thinking about fixing an issue that doesn’t exist, the world would be a better place. Then again, we don’t have to worry about anything either, if we just all die preventable deaths due to infectious diseases.

    1. “There are countless reasons for why you shouldn’t deny your children a proper vaccination, but having the choice not to do so leaves all those, that can’t get vaccinated for several reasons, out of the picture. ”

      First of all the concept of a vaccine preventable disease is a myth as vaccines have caused outbreaks since day 1 starting with Smallpox. Read all the European records on the increase in Smallpox cases and deaths in highly vaccinated areas.

      Measles vaccine is causing outbreaks and here are studies that confirm that:
      -Arch Intern Med. 1994 Aug 22;154(16):1815-20.
      Failure to reach the goal of measles elimination. Apparent paradox of measles infections in immunized persons.
      Poland GA1, Jacobson RM.
      Conclusion: The apparent paradox is that as measles immunization rates rise to high levels in a population, measles becomes a disease of immunized persons.
      -Paper: The Re-Emergence of Measles in Developed Countries: Time to Develop the Next-Generation Measles Vaccines?
      “The measles vaccine has failed,” he explained two years ago in a prescient paper, “The re-emergence of measles in developed countries.” In that paper, he warned that due to factors that most haven’t noticed, measles has come back to be a serious public health threat. Poland sees the need for a major rethink, after concluding that the current measles vaccine is unlikely to ever live up to the job expected of it: “outbreaks are occurring even in highly developed countries where vaccine access, public health infrastructure, and health literacy are not significant issues. This is unexpected and a worrisome harbinger — measles outbreaks are occurring where they are least expected,”
      Dr. Gregory Poland is Professor of Medicine and founder and leader of Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group. Poland is one of the world’s most admired, most advanced thinkers in the field of vaccinology.
      -Study titled, “Outbreak of Measles Among Persons With Prior Evidence of Immunity, New York City, 2011,”

      The Disney Measles outbreak occurred mostly in adults that had been vaccinated (vaccine are suppose to give life long immunity) and a study confirms that the MSM hasn’t reported on:
      Journal of Clinical Microbiology, entitled, “Rapid Identification of Measles Virus Vaccine Genotype by Real-Time PCR,”
      During the measles outbreak in California in 2015, a large number of suspected cases occurred in recent vaccinees (3). Of the 194 measles virus sequences obtained in the United States in 2015, 73 were identified as vaccine sequences (R. J. McNall, unpublished data). That’s 38%.

      Mumps has been breaking out in highly vaccinated populations for years. The Pertussis vaccine is causing outbreaks and the FDA/CDC buried the report that was sent to agencies in 2013 but it can be found on the wayback engine-

      Recent obtained documents from HHS confirm what many have suspected is there has been no safety studies on vaccines: The MMR vaccines was studied in 1987 but not against a placebo but against other MMR vaccines lots. MMR LICENSURE DATA

      There have been no safety studies on ANY vaccine as mandated by the NCVIP act. Health and Human Service has violated US Code 42 USC 300AA-27C to do a safety study and submit to congress every 2 years. Lawsuit filed by Robert Kennedy Jr has provided HHS documents where they admit no such records exist meaning they never did any safety studies on vaccines.

      So what compels you to think that people should be vaccinated under these conditions. Would you out your children in a car that has had no safety testing done?

  18. “There are countless reasons for why you shouldn’t deny your children a proper vaccination, but having the choice not to do so leaves all those, that can’t get vaccinated for several reasons, out of the picture. ”

    Do you have a study that confirms that vaccinating others prevents people who can’t get vaccinated from becoming infected? According to the CDC there are very few people who can’t get vaccinated, even if they are immuno-compromied. Are you aware that the “cocooning” strategy that the CDC pushed back in 2010 resulted in more children becoming infected with pertussis? It was such a disaster Australia tried it and abandoned it because it caused pertussis in children there. Question-are you going to impose forced vaccination on everyone an immunocompromised child comes into contact with? That would be EVERYONE in school if it’s a school age child-teachers, principles, janitors, student aides. Than you have people on the street, in the grocery store, the mall, movie theaters, all the people in the community that the child lives in and the list goes on. It is an absurd and ridiculous idea. Considering it becoming more clear to the public at large that vaccinated people are contagious-how is this suppose to protect? Look at this from St. Judes Hospital:
    It clearly states vaccinated people do not visit.

    In terms of Autism:
    Research suggests autism is contracted after birth
    Monday, November 20, 2017
    A recent study at Duke University reveals what a genetic engineer says is proof that autism is contracted after birth, not before.

    Dr. Theresa Deisher of Sound Pharmaceutical Institute points to a fresh development in the debate – one she finds promising.

    “A recent clinical study was conducted at Duke University where they treated children with autism spectrum disorder [ASD] with their own banked umbilical cord blood,” Deisher explains.

    More than half (56%) of autism patients treated showed improvement after their own umbilical cord blood was infused. However, what is missing in the report – according to Deisher – is that it demonstrates evidence that autism is a disease that is contracted after birth, not before.

    “That’s the critical importance of the study that gets missed,” Deisher says. “If these children were born with autism, then their own umbilical cord blood would not have helped them.”

    While not magnifying the results of the Duke research, Deisher considers it to be an important breakthrough for parents of autistic children because it offers hope for a treatment being developed to help their children.

    Wonder how the MSM missed this? Well, not really.

  19. First and foremost, I won’t touch the topic of vaccination again, as I‘m positive that you’re not able to grasp the importance of the underlying empirical knowledge, relying on sudo-studies, similarly to your stance on autism. However, I want to know if you even understand, what the article about autism you posted, means. This article is only about the distorted view of people regarding a study, that has nothing to do with their beliefs to begin with. In said article it is also mentioned that autism is a disease, that gets „contracted“, which is just another archaic perspective, lowering the credibility of everything else referenced there. No credible study has shown that autism is not genetically inherited, while the things the article is talking about seem generally incoherent. Can you explain to me, how their own umbilical cord‘s blood helping 56% of the patients suggests that autism is „contracted“ after birth? I believe that you only posted this article because it broadly supports your stance and not because you fathom the things mentioned there.

    1. “First and foremost, I won’t touch the topic of vaccination again, as I‘m positive that you’re not able to grasp the importance of the underlying empirical knowledge,”

      It’s always good to start a dialogue with insulting people.

      “No credible study has shown that autism is not genetically inherited, while the things the article is talking about seem generally incoherent.”

      And no creditable studies have demonstrated that vaccines do not cause autism according to Dr. Stanley Plotkin in a deposition he gave on January 11, 2018 in a custody case that was held in Michigan. You do know who Stanley Plotkin is right? His 9 hour deposition can be found here: Stanley Plotkin, Vaccines Deposition, Under Oath, 9 Hour Full Video
      In a testy exchange with the attorney Mr, Siri, Plotkin revealed that there have been no randomized double blind place based studies on childhood vaccines pre-licensure and also there are no studies that confirm that vaccines do not cause autism.

      Can you explain to me, how their own umbilical cord‘s blood helping 56% of the patients suggests that autism is „contracted“ after birth?

      Stem Cells. That’s what the study is about. The child’s own stem cells in the cord blood.
      Previous research has shown that cord blood cells can help reduce inflammation and signal cells to help repair damaged brain areas. The goal of this study was to investigate whether similar success will be shown in children with ASD. The results of this study have been published in: Stem Cells Translational Medicine.
      Autologous Cord Blood Infusions Are Safe and Feasible in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Results of a Single‐Center Phase I Open‐Label Trial

      This is Duke’s second phase of this trial and these results won’t be analyzed until next fall; however, the trial’s first phase, which is already complete, showed promising results for the children with autism who participated in the study.

      “And we found that about 70 percent of the children improved getting their own cord blood,” said Kurtzberg. Dr. Kurtzberg is Duke’s Lead Researcher.



    2. First and foremost, I won’t touch the topic of vaccination again.

      Nice of you insult right out the box.

      “Can you explain to me, how their own umbilical cord‘s blood helping 56% of the patients suggests that autism is „contracted“ after birth?”

      Stem Cells. That’s what the study is based on, the use of stem cells in the cord blood.
      -Autologous Cord Blood Infusions Are Safe and Feasible in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Results of a Single‐Center Phase I Open‐Label Trial

      Stem cells offer hope for autism

      The safety trial began a little over a year and a half ago. Not only did it find cord blood to be safe, but 70% of the 25 children, age 2 to 6, had behavioral improvements as described by their parents and tracked by the Duke researchers.

      Duke University Research Offers Hope for Autism Spectrum Disorder
      -This is Duke’s second phase of this trial and these results won’t be analyzed until next fall; however, the trial’s first phase, which is already complete, showed promising results for the children with autism who participated in the study.
      “And we found that about 70 percent of the children improved getting their own cord blood,” said Kurtzberg.

      If this second trial also shows that cord blood is beneficial, Duke will work with the FDA to expedite approval of this treatment for all children.
      Dr. Joanne Kurtzberg, with Duke University’s Center for Autism and Brain Development,

      Stem cells: What they are and what they do?

      Stem Cell Quick Guide: Stem Cell Basics

      11-Year-Old Autistic Boy Danny Bullen Speaks First Full Sentence Hours After Stem Cell Treatment-

      I find the research exciting because I have family members that are on the spectrum.

  20. Just because a condition does not become manifest until later in life does not mean it is ‘contracted’ after birth. Many neurodegenerative disorders come on in later life. There are many types of autism spectrum disorders. Some of these, like Kabuki syndrome, are known to have a genetic basis but do not cause problems until later in childhood. We do not understand how to prevent the onset of these disorders, however the genetic basis is clear.

    1. Australia’s’ vaccine program is more rabid than the US and that’s saying a lot.

      Alexis Pillsbury corresponding authora,b
      Helen Quinna,c

      a.National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance of Vaccine Preventable Diseases, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead and the University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

      b.National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.

      c. Discipline of Paediatrics and Child Health, University of Sydney, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Westmead, New South Wales, Australia.

      corresponding author Corresponding author.
      Correspondence to Alexis Pillsbury

      Vaccine study done by people who work for the government and are insiders.
      That’s like the latest study from Denmark that says the MMR doesn’t cause Autism. There are no funding sources listed on the study. Who funded the research speaks volumes yet they declare no funding source or conflicts. Where did they get the resources to do the study.

  21. Great discussion.

    To: Yannick:
    Ben Goldacre’s books are a great read. They clearly define how pharma and the entire global medical regulators and overseeing institutions have cleverly hidden the negative lab results from doctors, clinics and those needing medical relief.

    Is anyone else anxiously awaiting how the case rules from New York Attorney, Gordon Schnell, in “US ex rel. v. Merck” where Merck falsely claims efficacy of the MMR vaccine?

    Merck has touted efficacy of 94% for over 50 years, when true lab results show only 50%.

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