Monday, February 10, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Under Siege by Critics, CDC Moves to Blame a Virus for Polio-like Cases of AFM

viruses and bacteria

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is facing mounting criticism for its handling of the growing number of cases of acute flaccid myelitis (AFM), also referred to as acute flaccid paralysis (AFP). The federal health agency has been accused by some doctors of moving too slowly to identify a virus as the cause of AFM, despite the fact that there is no hard evidence the condition is the result of a viral infection.1 2

The CDC also has been  accused by parents of attempting to hide the deaths of children who suffered from AFM. At least two children diagnosed with AFM have reportedly died in the United States—including six-year-old Alex Bustamante in May 2018 and five-year-old Carter Roberts in September 2018.3

Some physicians note that the CDC has been dealing with reported cases of AFM since 2014 and that public health officials have had plenty of time to come up with an understanding of the cause of the outbreak and to provide guidelines to pediatricians on how to diagnose and treat patients afflicted with the polio-like illness. “This is the CDC’s job. This is what they’re supposed to do well,” said neurologist Kenneth Tyler, MD of the University of Colorado School of Medicine. “And it’s a source of frustration to many of us that they’re apparently not doing these things.”2

The central point of contention between doctors appears to be an argument about how to interpret the science regarding AFM. While some physicians are convinced that an enterovirus, specifically Enterovirus D68 (E-68),  is the likely cause of AFM, the CDC has been reluctant to commit to this theory. “The CDC really seems to be out of sync with the conclusions that most scientists are coming to. We feel like we’re not being listened to,” complained Keith Van Haren, MD of Stanford University School of Medicine. “We don’t understand how the CDC has arrived at the place where they’re at.”2

Some doctors like Mark Siegel, MD of New York University Langone Medical Center, however, view the criticism of the CDC as being unfair. In a recent opinion piece, Dr. Siegel wrote that the “lack of proof of cause and effect from a culprit virus has helped engender the unfair criticism.” Although, he added, “Identifying a culprit strain (or strains) could lead to earlier diagnosis and possibly a vaccine.”4 

That appears to be what the majority of the medical establishment wants to hear: AFM is caused by a virus. The answer, of course, to preventing AFM would be to quickly develop a vaccine that would be given to every child.

The CDC’s perspective so far has been “science doesn’t give us an answer” for what is behind the emergence of AFM.5 However, the health agency’s cautious approach may be changing.

On Nov. 13, 2018, the CDC released a report that suggests federal health officials may be more inclined to get in sync with critics. According to CDC researchers, “Clinical, laboratory, and epidemiologic evidence to date suggest a viral association.”6 

Dr. Van Haren commented, “I’m breathing a sigh of relief that they’ve acknowledged this,” and added, “It’s great.”1

The CDC has confirmed 90 cases of AFM in 27 states and another 162 possible cases are being investigated. In early October 2018, 38 cases in 16 states had been confirmed.7 8


1 Cohen E, Goldschmidt D. As more cases confirmed, CDC says evidence suggests ‘viral association’ for AFM. CNN Nov. 13, 2018
2 Cohen E. CDC’s handling of polio-like illness criticized by its own advisers. CNN Nov. 2, 2018.
Cohen E. Parents accuse CDC of not reporting children’s deaths from polio-like AFM. CNN Nov. 13, 2018.
Siegel M. Dr. Marc Siegel: Stop criticizing the CDC on mystery muscle-weakening disease. Fox News Nov. 14, 2018.
Poole S. CDC still perplexed over cause of rare polio-like illness. The Atlanta Journal Constitution Nov. 13, 2018.
6 McKay SL, Lee AD, Lopez AS, Nix WA, Dooling KL, Keaton AA, Spence-Davizon E, Herlihy R, Clark TA, Hopkins SE, Pastula DM, Sejvar J, Oberste MS, Pallansch MA, Patel M, Routh JA, Increase in Acute Flaccid Myelitis — United States, 2018. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report Nov. 13, 2018.
7 Strauss EM, Phorn B. Officials investigating 252 possible cases of polio-like illness AFM. ABC News Nov. 13, 2018.
8 Cáceres M. AFM Not Transmissible from Human to Human Says CDC. The Vaccine Reaction Nov. 7, 2018.

9 Responses

  1. Can anyone verify if these cases were connected to recently administered vaccines? I’m guessing that wouldn’t happen.

  2. Acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) is a variant or sub-type of “transverse myelitis.” Myelitis means inflammation of the spinal cord. AFM is a very serious condition that may cause permanent disability for many of its victims.

    There are many clues suggesting that these cases of AFM (mostly described as ‘tranverse myelitis’ in the medical literature) may have been caused by vaccines.

    i) Most victims of AFM are children who tend to receive a lot more vaccines than adults do.

    ii) These AFM cases tend to peak in September (Aug-Oct). That is when most children get their vaccines (in summer, before the school starts). That is also when the new flu vaccine is commonly given.

    iii) Transverse myelitis (TM) is a known side effect of many vaccines. See the full list of side effects for vaccines like Fluzone, Proquad, Gardasil, etc.

    iv) There are many research papers that have found a connection between vaccines and transverse myelitis.

    Quote: “The pathogenesis of transverse myelitis is mostly of an autoimmune nature, triggered by various environmental factors, including vaccination.”

    Quote: “It is taboo to suggest a role for vaccines, but some old-timers remember “provocation poliomyelitis” or “provocation paralysis.” This is paralytic polio following intramuscular injections, typically with vaccines.”

    v) There are a number of cases in the US vaccine injury court where the victims have received millions of dollars for AFM/TM caused by vaccines.

  3. So once again we have consensus science with no investigation? Not taking commonalities among victims into account? Any one who reads the cdc vaccine media & excipients list knows that the ingredients change every year and have more & more toxins in them. When chickenpox vaccine came out it was first to contain aborted fetal cells. Now ELEVEN shots have dead baby DNA in them along with very high amounts of aluminum[seven still have Hg], detergents,solvents,MSG,cells from pigs,monkeys,dogs,insects,mouse brains,hamsters,chickens,cows and the undeniable proven by real science of Anthony Samsell PHD,existence of GLYPHOSATE in ALL but one vaccine!
    Flaccid paralysis, Guillian Barre are just new names for polio and is listed as a warning on most vaccines. Could it be children are overwhelmed by the untested combining of multiple shots? How many with AFM had multiple boosters shortly before manifestation? CDC will NEVER admit to this debaucle; just use it as an excuse to give yet another shot.


    GOD created a miraculous piece of machinery that needs to be left alone and free of the greed of the above which has spiraled our country to the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to health. Symptomatic and sicker than sick are the majority of people in this country – how sad that reality be.


    Bless you NVIC for putting forth the truth.

  5. There is no such thing as a “coincidence”. Track the children that had Vaccines in this time period……what Vaccines they rec’d………track the Lot numbers. It’s just too sad for these parents…….I sure hope they Pursue an answer although it will be a grueling job. Hold all Gov. Agencies and Vaccine Mfg. – responsible. Make it public. Shame on Bill & Melinda Gates – do Good with your money for a change – that’s enough said about them and their Vaccine Protocol.

  6. Thank Goodness to NVIC for providing this invaluable resource, enabling us to know more than what the medical establishment and big pharma want us to believe.

  7. Big pharma doesn’t want big lawsuits.
    CDC will never implicate vaccines in afp or any other health issue.
    It’s that simple.

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