The American Cancer Society (ACS) has set an aggressive goal to achieve an 80 percent uptake rate among American children with two doses human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine by 2026. To gain that coverage, 14 million more preteen children would need to complete the two-dose series, for a total of 57.62 million doses above and beyond the number of vaccinations given to date.1 HPV vaccine is one of the most expensive vaccines on the CDC recommended childhood vaccine schedule, costing a pricey $168 to $204 per dose, with Merck being the sole producer of HPV vaccine (Gardasil) in the U.S.2
The rationale ACS has given for setting the 80 percent HPV vaccine coverage goal is based on the number of reported cancers and cancer deaths associated with chronic HPV infection in the United States.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that about 42,700 (24,400 in women and 18,300 in men) are diagnosed with an HPV-related cancer annually.3 HPV is believed to be responsible for 63 to 91 percent of cervical, anal, vaginal, oropharyngeal, vulvar and penile cancers.
According to the CDC, invasive cancers are not generally tested for the presence of HPV in most cancer registries, so data are estimated based on the finding of HPV DNA in special studies used a reference for reference for making estimates.4
Until the last few years, cervical cancer was the predominant type associated with chronic HPV infection, but between 1999 and 2015 oropharyngeal cancer began increasing rapidly and has now overtaken cervical cancer as the most common cancer linked to HPV.4Rates of cervical and vaginal carcinoma have continued a downward trend seen since pap screening became a routine part of women’s health care beginning in the late 1950s.1
The ACS estimates that in 2018, the U.S. will have a total of:
- 13,240 diagnoses of invasive cervical cancer, with 4,170 deaths
- 51,540 diagnoses of oral cavity or oropharyngeal cancer, with 10,030 deaths
- 5,170 diagnoses of vaginal cancer, with 1,330 deaths
- 2,320 diagnoses of penile cancer, with 380 deaths
- 8,580 diagnoses of anal cancer (5,620 in women and 2,960 in men), with 1,160 deaths (680 in women and 480 in men)
- 6,190 diagnoses of vulva cancer, with 1,200 deaths.5
These six potentially HPV-related cancers add up to approximately 18,000 deaths annually, accounting for less than three per cent of the 595,000 reported annual U.S. cancer deaths.4 Of note is the fact that, in 2005, a year before the first four-strain HPV vaccine, Gardasil, was licensed and recommended for all 12-13 year old girls, the American Cancer Society estimated that there were 10,370 cervical cancer cases with 3,710 deaths.6 Compared to the estimated 13,240 cervical cancer cases and 4,170 deaths in 2018, this represents an increase in cervical cancer cases in the U.S. after a decade of HPV vaccine use among adolescents. The CDC reported that by 2017, 71 percent of adolescent girls had received more than one dose of HPV vaccine and there was a 68 percent coverage rate among all adolescents.7
HPV Infection Common and Usually Benign
Almost everyone who has been sexually active will contract an asymptomatic HPV infection at some point, but in almost all cases, the body clears the virus on its own within two years without complications. Even when vaginal or cervical HPV infection does not resolve spontaneously and becomes chronic, it often “takes decades to progress to invasive cervical cancer.”4
HPV Vaccination Program Raising Red Flags
Since its introduction in June 2006, Merck & Co.’s HPV vaccine Gardasil has been embroiled in controversy. Originally, concerns were raised that perceived protection against a sexually transmitted virus might encourage young girls to engage in sexual activity, although no evidence has emerged to show that is the case.6
There also have been concerns that the pre- and post-licensure safety studies of the fast-tracked Gardasil vaccine were both overstated and misleading, with reported results selectively chosen to increase the appearance of positive results.8 The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allowed Merck to use an aluminum containing placebo as a control in safety studies, even though Gardasil contains an aluminum adjuvant, effectively increasing the appearance of safety.9
Immediately after Gardasil vaccine was licensed in 2006, Gardasil’s potential for causing serious side effects began to be has been widely reported.10 The serious complications of HPV vaccination continue to be reported today in countries around the world.11
Although U.S. health officials have continued to deny a causal connection, Japanese researchers have pointed out that the temporal association with post- Gardasil clinical symptoms such as “chronic regional pain syndrome, orthostatic intolerance, and/or cognitive dysfunction” suggests a causal relationship with the vaccine.13 Other health issues associated with HPV vaccination include nervous and immune system disorders such as postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), chronic fatigue syndrome, blood clots, acute respiratory failure and cardiac arrest.
Also widely reported are menstrual abnormalities and premature ovarian failure.14
Using the MedAlerts search engine, as of April 30, 2018, the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) contained more than 58,992 reports of HPV vaccine reactions, hospitalizations, injuries and deaths including 430 related deaths, 794 hospitalizations, and 2,773 disabling conditions. Over 45 percent of the reported serious adverse events occurred in children and teens 12-17 years of age.15
Too Soon to Claim Cancer Prevention
Contrary to the popular assertion that HPV vaccination “prevents cervical cancer,”16 the vaccine is too new for any real data on the effect it might have on incidence of cancer. All that can realistically be measured is the reported incidence of HPV infections associated with the nine HPV strains included in a newer version of Merck’s Gardasil vaccine that was licensed in 2015.17
Research has shown that women vaccinated with Gardasil have a higher incidence of HPV infection with HPV strains that are not covered by the vaccine.14
One meta-analysis indicated a slight increase in two “nonvaccine high-risk HPV types (HPV39 and HPV52) and in two possible high-risk types (HPV53 and HPV73).”18 Those researchers said that, although the results merit further study, they were not conclusive at this point.
With current technology and routine medical check-ups and screening, chronic HPV infection is often detectable and manageable. The available evidence does not support an aggressive plan to spend more than $11 billion to pursue an 80 percent vaccination rate among children with an under-studied and highly reactive vaccine to theoretically prevent less than three percent of all cancers in the US.
1 Hackett DW. 57 Million HPV Vaccine Doses Needed by 2026. Precision Vaccinations. Oct. 2, 2018.
2 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Vaccine Price List. Nov. 1, 2018.
3 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. United States Cancer Statistics. Data Brief. August 2018.
4 CDC. Trends in Human Papillomavirus–Associated Cancers — United States, 1999–2015. Aug. 24, 2018.
5 National Vaccine Information Center. Can HPV Cause Injury and Death? Vaccines and Diseases 2018.
6 Jemal A, Murray T et al. Cancer Statistics, 2005. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians 2005; 55(1): 10-30.
7 CDC. National, Regional and Selected Local Area Vaccine Coverage Among Adolescents Aged 13-17 Years – United States, 2017. MMWR Aug. 24, 2018.; 67(33): 909-917.
8 Jenco M. Study: HPV vaccine legislation not linked to increase in risky sexual activity. AAP News Aug. 13, 2018.
9 Tomljenovic L, et al. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccines as an Option for Preventing Cervical Malignancies: (How) Effective and Safe? Cur Pharm Des 2013.
10 Debold V, Fisher BL. Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine Safety Analysis of Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) Reports Part 1: Adverse Reactions, Concerns and Implications. National Vaccine Information Center Feb. 1, 2007.
11 Holland M, Rosenberg CM, Iorio E. The HPV 12 NVIC. Merck’s Gardasil Vaccine Not Proven Safe for Little Girls. June 27, 2006.
13 Ozawa K et al. Suspected Adverse Effects After Human Papillomavirus Vaccination: A Temporal Relationship Between Vaccine Administration and the Appearance of Symptoms in Japan. Drug Saf July 25, 2017.
14 Mercola J. HPV Vaccine Risks You Should Know About. 2018.
15 NVIC. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) & HPV Vaccine Quick Facts.
16 Scutti S. HPV Vaccines Prevent Cervical Cancer, Global Review Confirms. CNN May 8, 2018.
17 American Cancer Society. FDA Approves Gardasil 9 HPV Vaccine. Jan. 8, 2015.
18 Mesher D, et al. Population-Level Effects of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Programs on Infections with Nonvaccine Genotypes. Emerg Infect Dis October 2016.
51 Responses
“Research has shown that women vaccinated with Gardasil have a higher incidence of HPV infection with HPV strains that are not covered by the vaccine.”
Sounds like the American Cancer Society will benefit from the additional cancers likely to occur because of the HPV vaccine. Why would I listen to the American Cancer Society about my health? Aren’t they in the cancer “industry” business? Cancer cures certainly wouldn’t help to keep them in business.
Among the side effects of Gardasil:
“Also widely reported are menstrual abnormalities and premature ovarian failure.”
Gee, that sounds like a purposeful sterilization of young women.
And I’m confused. How does screening prevent cancers?
“Rates of cervical and vaginal carcinoma have continued a downward trend seen since pap screening became a routine part of women’s health care beginning in the late 1950s.”
I’m wondering when the majority of people will start to put 2+2 together and actually come up with 4.
I believe different strains of any DNA virus are a product of that viruses encounter with the newly infected individuals cells? Why else would we have so many different flu virus? They come from within – endogenous. Supposedly they “mutate” so perhaps as they infect different people they express differently in some…but not always. Regardless they don’t and can’t cause anaplasia. DNA virus kill cells, cancer multiplies cells…albeit a new species of cell. True though, hard to believe the ACS and all their death chemo cancer drug oncologist members would want to lower their patient numbers thus their prescribing of pharma drugs.
Pap screening detects aneuploid cells. Aneuploidy is chromosomal scrambling within cells and all cancer has that characteristic. So if that is seen, it’s early enough to intervene with a drastic lifestyle change i.e. diet and exercise……not radiation or chemo or targeted immuno B.S. drugs.
So what’s their plan? Add it to mandatory list for attending school? They’d better prepare for civil war. Even avid pro-vaxxers so no to this toxic filth.
Currently studying Microbiology for my RN and It’s alarming how our updated-3rd edition has NO mention of the #CDC International #EXPOSURE of #MMR by the #God-Send-Dr.Thompson.
One of my two girls had all her fingers #INFECTED with #WARTS from #Guardasi; further more, we have observed stunted growth with breast development simultaneously.
The main reason I am pursuing my RN degree is so that I can have the knowledge needed to combat these drug-pushers and be an advocate not only for myself and family but general public.
My fellow-Jamaican,#RobertNestaMarley said,”You can Fool Some People Sometime, But You Can’t FOOL #ALL of The #People #ALL of the #Time.
As a #ChristFollower, and student of #Philosophy,#Logic and #Reason it will be challenging for any to try and brain-washed I and I!
Merlene, dear,
As another Christian mother and grandmother who has learned the sad and awful TRUTH about the Big Pharma factories and the Lying, Do Nothing CDC – I am sorry to tell you that although your RN degree might help you some, understanding medical terminology, names, etc. – PLEASE KNOW that ALL Medical text Books are years, if not Decades OLD information! ! !
You will NOT be taught what is being revealed Now – because you would not be a “good little follower”. You will be dangerous to the pockets and purses of Drs., Researchers & other “Scientists”, etc. in the “medical field” because you will reveal their “Dirty Little Secrets”. Like the one revealed a couple of years ago by a 20+ year Dr./Scientist at the CDC. The CDC has been tracking and is aware and HAS NOT revealed that the MMR vaccine causes autism, and other brain, etc, injuries to ALL races and sexes of babies in an “acceptable” (I ask acceptable to whom?) rate, but 300% MORE BLACK BABY BOYS ! ! ! I have a long time friend whose only son, half-black and now 34 yrs old, just stays home and plays video games, is autistic. My granddaughter, now 17 yes old, who was adopted at 3 days, from white parents, had all the required vaccinations and has Asburgers. Her mother home schooled her and she is now working on college level classes, but she cannot interact with people and has had a number of physical issues when younger. Her “different” personality was noticed in early infant-hood during the early years of vaccinations, by her mother, who was an RN, when she was younger.
What the Lord GOD/YHVH is showing HIS followers is the plans and works, of our enemy who is behind all of the various vaccines, and meds. intended to hurt – because he has his followers planning and working toward the destruction of 90% of the population of the earth, so only they and a few “servants” will be enjoying all the wealth, etc. of the earth. (Of course, they are so deceived they do not know that he will destroy them, too!)
I seriously doubt that GOD/YHVH will allow that, but HE is allowing satan to have his rule over the earth, as he received it from Adam, until HE says “No More” and sends our Deliverer with his host of angels and followers to destroy all the works of satan. In the meantime, our “job” is to cling to HIM tightly, folowing HIM as best we can, and resist satan and all his followers and plans In the Name of JESUS/YEHSHUA!
I have a patient in her lower 20’s that received the HPV vaccine when she was 11 or 12. She is now pregnant and has never had a PAP exam, so she had one and her results indicate an HPV infection. My questions concerning this are, 1, did the vaccine fail to protect her?, 2, did the vaccine actually cause the positive findings on her PAP?, and 3, did the vaccine actually work and keep her s/s so minimal that she was unaware that she even had the infection? I also have a patient that received the HPV vaccine and very shortly after was diagnosed with POTS. Now this is something she will have to suffer with FOR THE REST OF HER LIFE! It is debilitating to her and severely affects her ADL’s. When will the risks outweigh the benefit of this horrible vaccine?
Teri — I would say in answer to your questions that 1) the vaccine is not 100% effective against targeted strains and protections wanes, so if she received at age 11 or 12, by the time she became sexually active, she was likely not protected. 2) no idea 3) most–greater than 95%– HPV infections are minimal and unnoticed and go away on their own, so no, can’t credit the vaccine. Additionally, glad to hear she successfully conceived since infertility following vaccination is a concern. If you read HPV VACCINE ON TRIAL: SEEKING JUSTICE FOR A GENERATION BETRAYED, you’ll see that it’s likely there are no benefits, only risk.
But it kills people and some people get sick for life? And it doesn’t protect from cancer even.I know people who got cancer after these injections?
All BIgPharma employees & politicians MUST get this 2 dose vaccine before any of We The People. Let US wait 1 year & see how many are disabled/die then make a decision for the public.
Trying to print a hard copy and the headline title is obstructing text on all following pages. I need to print this and bring it to people.
TOO DANGEROUS to keep forcing on kids! This “vaccine” creates more problems than it can be shown to prevent! ONLY when it’s TRULY SAFE for human use should it be a required vaccine!
As long as Merck can pay into the coffers in DC and Atlanta, this will not change.
Slavery has been abolished in the United States. If you are allowing your children to get Gardasil vaccinations, then you are responsible. You are the problem.
Get off your duffs and say NO. If they show you a law compelling your children, I will prove it is not.
So… if these cancers have been in decline since the 50’s (per DW Hackett – #1 reference and proposer of the 57 million doses needed), and the vaccine was first introduced to the public in this century (2006 – a minimum of 56 years) then WHY do we need this?
Meanwhile, down on the farm: the article rightly asks (among other things) why the big push for universal vaccination when deaths related to HPV are both a) overwhelmingly female and b) fewer than 3%?
Of course, to actually TARGET girls would be far too convenient for those who think us girls are merely here for target practice because we have allowed ourselves to be “victims” for centuries. Perhaps the latest distraction for CNN and MSNBC?
Might I suggest that, given what we know about the cancers mentioned as well as what we know about the virus(s), what we know about adverse reactions (including DEATH!) and finally the idea that girls beginning their menstruation years are most susceptible to all of this – would it not be wise to check for yet another cause (the chemical residue from pads and tampons perhaps? The resulting infections that can be transferred by contact perhaps? And possibly the idea that parents are not raising their children anymore, and therefore peers, media and tech are pushing earlier and earlier sexual exploration among young teens??
I mean really…. The chemicals in many disposable diapers are so heinous that the workers don hazmat gear to work with them, they cause 3rd degree burns on baby bottoms as well as severe yeast infections that have been known to go systemic (and they are applied OUTSIDE the body) – or so the ER doctors will tell you – and these are the same chemicals used in pads and tampons now.
What is a common denominator amongst nearly all cancers?? Candida. What is candida? The yeast responsible for yeast infections, auto-immune disorders, and some say even cancer itself. Hmmm. No vaccine is going to take care of that… AND YET:
Now they want this vaccine for younger and younger children, both genders AND universally mandated.
Let’s all chant with Nancy: JUST SAY NO!!!
Just so everyone knows: Pinterest will not post this. Something about inappropriate content. I’ve contacted them – anyone else willing should do the same. (This happens often between this site, Green Med Info, and several others.)
I want to know what – beyond dissention against the paid interests’ viewpoint – is so inappropriate??
We greatly appreciate the courageous and science-based work you are doing for all of us. Our very best to you and your team!
does anyone smell genetic modification of the ENTIRE human species by and for the benefit of our psychopathic subhuman controllers?
Yes, I do.
Gee, wonder if funding for the ACS is involved somehow here. This vaccine has been proven to be unsafe for many adolescents. Rushed to the market and one of the most expensive. I am disappointed in the ACS for not advocating for more data to see how effective and safe the HPV vaccine is. Just looking at the above data tells me physical exams would continue to be best practice for diagnosing and treating.
Even my orthodox non-wholistic gynecologist admitted HPV is an STD. A virgin marrying a virgin and being faithful should not have to worry about this.
Duesberg, leading the way again, out of the dark pharma woods where the vaccine deals are made.
First article is layman. Second is the scientific paper.
The summation of the HPV article on the SaneVax site “What if HPV Does Not Cause Cervical Cancer” is this: Cytotoxic virus such as HPV (a DNA virus) cannot cause cancer. It is impossible as the 2 processes, cancer initiation and virus cell death are as about as different as night and day. Now, why the corrupt scientists under Mercks purview and pay, didn’t convince Merck to blame an RNA virus as the culprit, which would have still been false but much more believable, we’ll never know? Even though RNA virus (they should never have been given this label as they are not poison/cytotoxic pathogens) were studied in the 70’s as a possible catalyst for the initiation of cancer tumors in humans, since they were also thought to cause tumors in chickens, they were found incapable. But for their suspected role in cancer, and the publics ignorance of the studies in the 70s, they’d have been a more believable causation since they don’t kill the cell. In fact science has long known RNA virus as “associated” or “passenger” or “symbiot” viruses. They enter cells for many reasons, one of which is to pass cellular information or codes between cells, and, they are made by the cells. HIV is an RNA “virus” no different than the many millions of non infectious RNA virus made and discarded everyday by our cells. No different other than by name……the crook and chief liar Robert Gallo gave to it, AFTER he stole it from Montagnier. All of the variations of the HEP viruses are RNA also. Beginning to smell a very stinky rat in Denmark? Science in now largely corrupted by big pharma and Wall St. Sad but true.
Have they now gone totally crazy, why doesn’t the president get informed about all the casualties and death. Soon young women won’t be able to bear children as they’ve been damaged and the nation will just die out. All crazy, all about money. I have a granddaughter who had the injections and have seen what it has done to her. Girls are being murdered, yes that’s the word, murdered.
It’s all toxic filth, all vaccines are biological and chemical warfare. Check Patrick Jordan’s (the man who translated and reprinted Edward March Crookshank’s debunking of all of Jenner’s insane work in late 1800s ) and Clint Richardson’s research on the subject at their respective sites (I don’t give actual links because everyone censors links these days or scrub the comments. People don’t want you to read this work or watch these documentaries by these two. Pat is at a site called vaccine fraud and Clint has numerous sites and YouTube’s Under the names The Corporation Nation, Strawman Story (.info) and reality bloger (with one G) @ WordPress, as well as hundreds of hours some of which he interviewed Patrick Jordan on Republic Broadcasting Network (RBN) and UCY .TV. There are others like Roxy Lopez, Jules from UCY TV, Dr. Patricia Jordan (DVM) etc., but Pat and Clint do a deep dive in the research, medical papers, NIH papers, the mala card system, the Wiseman Institute, and Doctor Gilbert lings book s on biology to show everyone the science of how and why these vaccines are weapons in some cases advanced two-stage delivery system weapons.
My twin daughters have battled 4 years of heath issues because of this vaccine my twin suffer from
Chronic fatigue
Chronic pain syndrome (hospital stays on morphine)
Blurred vision
Chronic vomiting
Numbness in the extremities
Acid head aches
My twins were healthy children who had never had anything worse than chicken pox now they struggle to attend school, have any sense of a normal teenage life.
Fact if your child is injured you will be left with the total financial, emotional and physical burden of your child’s 24/7 care with no way to hold any one accountable. You will be labeled an anti vaxxer and shunned by the medical community.
How can you overlook the fact that this vaccine has had the most reported adverse reactions of any vaccine. It’s not ethically tested it’s was fast tracked through testing and has never proven to have prevented cervical cancer.
An I’m sure you’re aware it isn’t only the Gardasil but ALL vaccines. When do liars tell the truth?
Hugs to you and your girls, Jody. This is why I share these well-researched articles far and wide. I don’t want my girls, their children or anyone’s child to suffer because of these frauds.
As long as there is NO liability for forcing dangerous vaccines on the public, the manufacturers (and patent holders like the CDC) will continue to bring out even more vaccines to add to the already overloaded schedule. Remove the liability protections and this will stop immediately. The schedule exploded when the gov’t created the liability immunity and the kangaroo vaccine court.
Plain and simply put….
“Government Mass Genocide of American youth and elderly” …. IS THE PLAN FOR NEW WORLD ORDER!!!
The government of SATAN has
declared a mass radification of all people’s who do not contribute in the wage deductions for BIG PHARMACEUTICALS AND HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANIES!!!!
The laws which protect absolutely …the same sex marriages and transgenders and “ UNATURAL VICE and , sexual orientation choices”
The people behind this Mass Genocide will have to answer to GOD ALONE for their part in this plan!!!
I’m kind of hoping they’ll have to answer to us before they answer to God.
Every day I get more and more discourage by the behavior, cronyism and corruption of the United States Government and its corporatocracy (including the Federal Reserve). One can’t help but sound like a conspiratorialist when you talk about these things, but they are true none-the-less.
You are NOT a “conspiracy theorist” (a term decided upon decades ago by the C.I.A. to be used against the general population who might think for themselves).
You are a conspiracy ANALYST.
I urge you to say no to this shot.. I wish I had kept sticking to my no and not gave in this shot has turned my daughter’s and our lives upside down.. after only 1 dose of the gardisil vaccination my daughter started to get what she was calling twitches.. and she could not control them they just came on and she would describe her hands as locking up she began to drop things.. we found out these were small myoclonic tonic twitches and those were only a precursor of what as yet to come… the seizures…I found my daughter on the floor having a seizure we later found out she had been having them in her sleep she had woken up several times with bite marks on both sides of her tounge.. then more seizures started to happen and more frequently.. followed by absence tares where she just zones out that was very scary at first.. they deny the shot caused all of this despite the pamphlet saying that it may cause seizures and also why they are supposed to lay back 15 mins after the shot which is also something that was not done we did have to sit in the office a bit after but I stupidly did not ?? it keep in mind this was all after 1 dose! the docto tried to push the other 2 telling me she already got the first one I said she should NOT have I told you no and signed and then you guilted me into why she should (I had said no several times to the doc over the 2 yrs before) I do not know why I let her make me feel guilty this time… next came the trip to the neurologist and tests which they deny cam from the shot they will call this Janz or Juvenille Myoclonic epilepsy JME because it is undetermined why she has the seizures as there is no history on either side of the family of epilepsy..I was told this by someone else who had problems with the shot so I was fore warned!that was 5 yrs ago and we still battle this!! she had to be put on a high risk med to prevent seizures from happening went off of it and had a grand mal seizure they still deny the shot did this to a healthy girl who was 14 and never sick a day in her life other then a sniffle as long as I am alive I will tell everyone about this shot and our story.. we do have a case number and adverse reaction report filed with the cdc … This is by far the BIGGEST REGRET of my life!!! what I thought would help my child HURT MY CHILD!!
They have already made this a requirement for school attendance in 6th grade. Yet another one of the many reasons we homeschool. It is so hard and I wish that I had more freedom in my life. Our three kids already struggle with sensory disorders and behavioral disorders. We do not need seizures and future sterilization in our family
You’re doing the right thing and I’m sure you’re a hero to your children.
Just as an FYI: I’m in NY and we have successfully written religious exemption letters.
I think it’s going to take parents bringing lawsuits against doctors and school personnel as INDIVIDUALS, rather than against pharma which now has the protection of the “Supremes”. (You know, rule by judges rather than legislatures.)
After all, all these individuals are acting as AGENTS OF pharma. It also might be fruitful to bring actions against INDIVIDUALS in the state “health” departments. It’s too bad we can’t sue the “Supremes” for malfeasance. I wonder if there’d be a way to do that….
Mandatory vaccination is genocide. Vaccines are bioweapons chock full of neurotoxins and other toxic filth designed to destroy your innate immune system and poison you at the same time. Mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, phenol, polysorbate 80, squalene, nagalase, green monkey kidney cells, dog kidney cells, egg albumen, peanut oil, gelatin, glyphosate (found in ALL vaccines made from egg or gelatin), GMO viral proteins, human DNA from diploid cells taken from aborted fetal tissue, cow serum, pig serum, and much more are injected into our children DOZENS of times in their formative years. If you’re wondering what is causing your child’s neurological disorders, behavioral disorders, ADHD, autism, paralytic disorders, auto immune disorders, and even cancer wonder no more! Vaccination is an assault with a deadly weapon and a crime against humanity.
I am so sincerely heartbroken and sorry to all the parents experiencing this pain with the lives of their lives. Oh my gosh. I’ve been following this vaccine since it’s inception. It’s horrible how our country puts the financial interests before our wellbeing.
……if a virus caused cancer, cancer would be contagious. It is not. Cancer is a very slow forming disease, 80% of cancer occurs in people over 50. Virus (DNA virus) are quick to cause the tell tale symptoms…..wart, blister, rash….within 7 to 10 days. Finding fossil relics of viral particles with PCR test, from long past infections, within cancerous cervical tissue, and only in a small percentage of women who have cervical cancer, is no proof of viral causation and rather, proof of very very weak correlation. Regardless DNA virus destroy cells to replicate. Cancer can never begin given this fact.
Yeah, screw preventing cancer. Let’s just spread lies instead. What is with suburban white people and their gullibility to stupid and unsafe parenting “trends” spouted by pseudocelebrities and discredited quacks? If you all are going to willfully be ignorant and ignore science then you don’t get to use it anymore. Please smash your phones, computers, cars, etc. I can’t believe fools actually give money to you liars. Your falsehoods actually hurt people, but I guess you can live with that.
My son is 11 now i was told to get this vaccination for him after reading this …
With so much side effect on every vaccine prescriptive by my doctor for HPV which i have been passing through pain and frustration all around my life but not after i took herbal remedy from Doc Fred which got my HPV cured totally with no side effect whatsoever. i contacted him using his whats-app contact: +2348139097317 and today im free from HPV
HPV already has an effect in pregnancy figures, as pointed out by Prof. Gayle Delong:
“A lowered probability of pregnancy in females in the USA aged 25–29 who received
a human papillomavirus vaccine injection”
“ABSTRACT: Birth rates in the United States have recently fallen. Birth rates per 1000 females
aged 25–29 fell from 118 in 2007 to 105 in 2015. One factor may involve the vaccination against
the human papillomavirus (HPV). Shortly after the vaccine was licensed, several reports of
recipients experiencing primary ovarian failure emerged. This study analyzed information gathered in National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which represented 8 million 25-to-29-year-old
women residing in the United States between 2007 and 2014. Approximately 60% of women who
did not receive the HPV vaccine had been pregnant at least once, whereas only 35% of women
who were exposed to the vaccine had conceived. For married women, 75% who did not receive
the shot were found to conceive, while only 50% who received the vaccine had ever been
pregnant. Using logistic regression to analyze the data, the probability of having been pregnant
was estimated for females who received an HPV vaccine compared with females who did not
receive the shot. Results suggest that females who received the HPV shot were less likely to have ever been pregnant than women in the same age group who did not receive the shot. If 100% of females in this study had received the HPV vaccine, data suggest the number of women having ever conceived would have fallen by 2 million. Further study into the influence of HPV vaccine on fertility is thus warranted.”
The culprit is probably the ingredient polysorbate-80, which in rat trials resulted in infertility.
Polysorbate 80 Causes Infertility, An Emulsifier That Can Damage Your Reproductive Health
This ingredient is nowadays also present in childhood vaccines …
Anything to achieve the first commandment of the Georgia Guide Stones: “Maintain humanity under 500 million …”
“The American Cancer Society (ACS) has set an aggressive goal to achieve an 80 percent uptake rate among American children with two doses human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine by 2026”
The American Cancer Society? This horrible, obnoxious crap-hole of an organization has been in existence for over 100 years and still has not come up with a viable treatment for cancer. Everything they do has been known, for the past 70+ years, to create cancer and make people miserable or DEAD! If, in all that time, they have not come up with a solution, it’s because they don’t want to. We all know that healthy people are not profitable for this or any organization, of its kind. Once a person knows this, the push behind more and more people, in every age group to get this horrid vaccine is quite obvious. Increase that cash cow!
I believe that strains of warts that is “HPV”
strains ; how, did pharma get those strains ; who, really understands by research those strains ; where, did those strains come from ; what do those strains really do ; why, would anybody put strains like that in a vaccine that even Harvard does not have a clue about ; when, no one understands even equals in the profession why vaccine routines where made up as MERCK need to legalize ;
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I was injured (it’s been 9.5 years so appears for life) by the MMR and HepB. I had the real measels, mumps, chickpix etc but was mandated to attend a masters program for rubella and HepB. 48 hours later symptoms began. I don’t fake research thrown at me cause unfortunately my body just proved it botomlune. At any rate, my 10 year old granddaughter maybe moving to MA. Heard the gardisal is mandated in MA and I’m terrified for her. Oh by the way I lost my period from the MMR and HepB too so it is not just the gardisal.
This vaccine was made mandatory for us to receive under the assumption that it would prevent cervical cancer, when they didn’t know the effect it might have on the incidence of cancer. Are you okay with that?
Not only that, but they made this a mandatory vaccine even though most the time our body clears the virus on its own within two years without complications. Even when vaginal or cervical HPV infection does not resolve spontaneously and becomes chronic, it often “takes decades to progress to invasive cervical cancer.
If almost everyone who had been sexually active that contracted a symptomatic HPV infection that in almost all cases, the body cleared the virus on its own within two years without complications, why does the world need to be vaccinated for an HPV infection? Why were millions of people mandated to have this vaccine?
They are forcing mandatory requirements on everyone for something that, for most of us, our bodies can do naturally. The majority is being forced to comply with mandatory requirements because of a few that will actually need it. That’s like making everyone undergo CHEMOtherapy because they might get cancer later on.
They shouldn’t be messing with something that our bodies can do all on it’s own unless it needs to have help! There are some states right now that are considering eliminating non-medical exemptions that allow children to attend school without vaccinations if their parents or guardians express a personal objection.
They just can’t help themselves can they. The greed to have complete control over the earth and the things that are upon this planet is compromising their logic. If we allow this to continue, we are doomed.
Below are a few points from the article:
Immediately after Gardasil vaccine was licensed in 2006, Gardasil’s potential for causing serious side effects began to be has been widely reported.10 The serious complications of HPV vaccination continue to be reported today in countries around the world.
Although U.S. health officials have continued to deny a causal connection, Japanese researchers have pointed out that the temporal association with post- Gardasil clinical symptoms such as “chronic regional pain syndrome, orthostatic intolerance, and/or cognitive dysfunction” suggests a causal relationship with the vaccine. Other health issues associated with HPV vaccination include nervous and immune system disorders such as postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), chronic fatigue syndrome, blood clots, acute respiratory failure and cardiac arrest.
Also widely reported are menstrual abnormalities and premature ovarian failure.
Using the MedAlerts search engine, as of April 30, 2018, the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) contained more than 58,992 reports of HPV vaccine reactions, hospitalizations, injuries and deaths including 430 related deaths, 794 hospitalizations, and 2,773 disabling conditions. Over 45 percent of the reported serious adverse events occurred in children and teens 12-17 years of age.
Contrary to the popular assertion that HPV vaccination “prevents cervical cancer,” the vaccine is too new for any real data on the effect it might have on incidence of cancer. All that can realistically be measured is the reported incidence of HPV infections associated with the nine HPV strains included in a newer version of Merck’s Gardasil vaccine that was licensed in 2015.
Research has shown that women vaccinated with Gardasil have a higher incidence of HPV infection with HPV strains that are not covered by the vaccine.
One meta-analysis indicated a slight increase in two “non vaccine high-risk HPV types (HPV39 and HPV52) and in two possible high-risk types (HPV53 and HPV73).” Those researchers said that, although the results merit further study, they were not conclusive at this point.
With current technology and routine medical check-ups and screening, chronic HPV infection is often detectable and manageable. The available evidence does not support an aggressive plan to spend more than $11 billion to pursue an 80 percent vaccination rate among children with an under-studied and highly reactive vaccine to theoretically prevent less than three percent of all cancers in the US.
HPV Vaccine doesn’t seem like there is as many benefits to it as they would have liked us to believe. I remember when my kids were in high school, having to get them vaccinated before school or they couldn’t attend school until they were vaccinated. This vaccin was mandatory for them to have.
Now they are telling us the assertion that HPV vaccination “prevents cervical cancer,” isn’t true. They state, “the vaccine is too new for any real data on the effect it might have on incidence of cancer.” That being the case, if they didn’t have the research that it prevents cervical cancer, then why did they market it as being that?
If the vaccine is too new for any real data on the effect it might have on the incidence of cancer, why was it mandatory for our children to get the vaccine? Was it mandatory because you needed test subjects to acquire such data on the effects it may or may not have on the incidence of cancer?
If the vaccine is too new for any real data on the effects that it might have on the incidence of cancer, that makes us all their guinea pigs for their test study. It used to be that these companies had to do years of research before they were allowed to use their product in the open market.
Lately it seems like the required time frame for testing these types of products gets shorter and shorter. Then when the product fails and starts causing people health issues, these companies and the agencies governing these types of companies simply state that they didn’t know and then stop producing the product.
That doesn’t seem like a fair trade off. These companies and the agencies governing these types of companies just get to say, “Opps, my bad, now we know!” and then continue on their marry little way. The victims of these products don’t get off that easy. Many will have to live on having to tolerate the side effects that were a direct result of those products.
And now we have Amazon removing books that promote supposed “cures” for autism stating that it’s part of an effort by SEVERAL BIG TECH COMPANIES to cut down on the spread of misinformation about vaccines. i find it rather concerning that SEVERAL BIG TECH COMPANIES are making an effort to control our right of free speech.
These SEVERAL BIG TECH COMPANIES are companies trying to control what we read. This is the same thing as having a huge book burning of what they deem as unacceptable reading material.
Amazon removes books promoting autism “cures” and vaccine misinformation:
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Pharm line is going down