Wednesday, December 11, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Harvard Medical School Doctor: Vaccine Science is Not Settled

unsettled science

In 2016, I wrote an opinion piece suggesting that many medical doctors vaccinate their patients out of fear. I noted that many doctors do not entirely agree with the vaccine schedule recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or are unconvinced that the science of vaccination is settled, but many of these physicians are reluctant to share their concerns because they are afraid of damaging their reputation, and so they remain silent.

Of course, there are independently-minded doctors who are willing to express their concerns about CDC vaccine policies and views promoted by medical trade associations and government agencies. Pro-vaccine pediatricians Bob Sears, MD and Jay Gordon, MD, who have been labeled as “anti-vaxxers” and “quacks,” are given those labels because they are not fans of mandatory vaccination laws and simply prefer to be respectful of the informed consent rights of their patients when it comes to vaccination.1 2 3

There are many other doctors like Sears and Gordon but they generally prefer to fly under the radar because it’s just not worth the trouble of being overly outspoken on vaccines, unless it’s all positive and in agreement with vaccine policies endorsed by their peers. John Abramson, MD of Harvard Medical School is one of the best examples of this tendency toward caution when doctors speak about vaccination.1

Dr. Abramson is the author of the national best-selling book Overdosed America: The Broken Promise of American Medicine. His bio states that he has served as a family physician for 22 years. He was twice voted “best doctor” in his area by readers of newspapers in his community and was chosen three times by his peers as one of “a handful of best family practitioners” in Massachusetts. He has been a member of the faculty of Harvard Medical School for 16 years.4

In other words, this is a topnotch veteran doctor with a stellar reputation and who works for an institution ranked 1st last year among the best medical research schools in the United States.Certainly Abramson is no “quack.” You would think that someone of Abramson’s stature would be able to say whatever he wished on any medical topic within his purview—that there would be no hesitancy on his part because he had earned that right to speak freely.

A few years ago, Abramson was asked at one of his lectures if he would care to give an opinion on the “push toward compulsory vaccination, in absence of clinical trials, and in violation of the Nuremberg Code.”6 7 Abramson responded:

I would have to take the coward’s way out. I can’t talk on that issue. The pharmaceutical industry watches everything I do, and if I take a stand that I can’t defend… But the bottom line is that I think, what the science is, is incomplete. There is no question about it. And the politics of it, as the way it’s done, as a legal matter, and the inability of people who are injured by vaccines to sue for compensation, preventing plaintiffs’ lawyers from getting to the scientific data, it’s big problems. And, uh, that’s really all I can say. Because again, everything I say in public, uh, is well read. So I apologize.7

Abramson’s words are chilling. The fear is evident in his first sentence. The coward’s way out? He can’t speak to the issue of compulsory vaccination because he is being watched? It’s straight out of Orwell’s 1984.

Interestingly, Abramson did manage to admit that he believed that the science of vaccines is “incomplete.” He basically acknowledged that vaccine science is not settled, and there was “no question about it” in his mind. That is significant, particularly coming from a well respected doctor who perceives such a threat from industry and Big Brother that he felt compelled to apologize.

1 Cáceres M. Many Doctors Vaccinate Out of Fear. The Vaccine Reaction May 23, 2016.
2 Gorski D. What do we do about politicians and physicians who promote antivaccine misinformation? Science-Based Medicine Feb. 9, 2015.
3 Jaxen J. Dr. Sears Emerges With Full License to Practice, No Admission of Wrongdoing. The Vaccine Reaction July 18, 2018.
4 John David Abramson, MD. Harvard Medical School Department of Health Care Policy.
5 Best Medical Schools: Research. U.S. News & World Report 2018.
6 Abramson J. Overdosed America: The Broken Promise of American Medicine. 2004.
Taylor G. Harvard’s Dr. John Abramson’s Honest Answer on Compulsory Vaccination. (published Mar. 25, 2016).

18 Responses

  1. The fact that he cannot speak freely should worry everyone , no matter where you stand on the vaccine question. That he recognizes there IS a question is significant as well .

  2. Pediatricians Allowed to “Game the System”

    This brings us to the financial incentives to pediatricians offered by insurance companies for vaccinating our children. The Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance document explaining these financial incentives can be found Here . Pediatricians are raking in 40-80 thousand dollars a year from these kickback schemes.

    Illegal Kickback Fraud and Abuse

    I would argue this type of financial incentive to pediatricians is a form of illegal kickback prohibited by the anti-kickback laws. This type of financial arrangement gives a “green light” to the pediatricians to “game the system” to maximize financial gain by increasing the volume of a procedure. This is fraud and abuse which should be prosecuted by the Office of Inspector General.

    for more:

  3. Vaccine “science” WAS settled…in the early 1800’s. There was no science behind vaccination. It failed miserably and succeeded only in committing deception, death, devastation in it’s wake and disability. Even that quack Jenner knew …but gov’ts only saw the enormous profit potential and ignored the reality. The truth is out there for anyone with the motivation and willingness to dig deeper, beneath the pharma-fabricated fairytales. REVISIONIST HISTORY is the smorgasbord of myths we are spoon-fed on since childhood. A good starting point is “THE HISTORY AND PATHOLOGY OF VACCINATION” by Edgar Crookshank, MD, 1889. Or more modern text, free online The site (search VACCINES) has an enormous collection of reprinted articles on vaccines. Researching the actual history on the smallpox vaccine should be a wake-up call for anyone. quack/Jenner pro-vax doc with warning

    My research started in 1986 when my child got a flesh-eating disease from her first and only vax …so virulent that her dad and I got infected every area of broken skin (scratches, mosquito bites, a hang nail) from direct contact. The reaction started within an hour of the forced tetanus vax on a military base where she was slightly injured after falling on a plastic above-ground water pipe. My wake-up call? –the screams of my child when the first hard, green grape-like blister pushed through unbroken skin, just before she exploded with necrotic sores all over her body. We all recovered from acute disease …thanks to a naturopathic protocol, not medical. But it took months for “screaming syndrome”–indicative of brain inflammation in older children, to slowly end. One single vaccination. Age 5. The thought of what vaccines do to infants with incompletely evolved immune systems, blood-brain barriers, and myelin nerve sheath development is terrifying.

    1. Thank you for your opinion about vaccines. You couldn’t have said it better.
      Bottom line is : All medical procedures, including vaccinations, come with serious health risks and should always be a choice. No mandates.

      1. Bottom line is rather that gold standard studies should begin immediately and a moratorium on vaccinations until their conclusion.

        1 child in 36 developing autism after vaccines is a grave medical mal practice alone, not to mention all other neurological, endocrinological, immunological, gastroenterological, musculoskeletal, SIDS, death, and disabling conditions after vaccinations!!

  4. We have been forced into a free speech ghetto. Next, it will be the gulag or the gas chamber. I’m surprise Dell Bigtree’s channel, The HighWire, hasn’t been taken off of Utube. Everyone should subscribe and support him. He is going What I would call God’s work and I’m not even a very religious person.

  5. We have been forced into free speech ghettos. What’s next, gulags or the gas chamber? We must be able to participate in a free discourse of ideas in order to refine our ideas and learn. Dell Bigtree is doing what I would call God’s work, and I’m not even a very religious person. I’m surprised his Utube channel, The High Wire, hasn’t been taken down. Everyone should subscribe to The HighWire and support Dell’s work.

  6. This is the opinion of a family doctor who admits he has no expertise in virology or vaccines. I have relatives who are family doctors with many years of experience and I know more about vaccines than he does as to their safety and usefulness.

    The fact that the doctor is a graduate of Harvard Medical School doesn’t change those facts except for those gullible enough to think that it does or those who include it an attempt to give his lack of expertise some burnishing as the author does here, unless the author can somehow prove that Harvard Graduates get special training in vaccines.

    Saying that vaccine science isn’t settled also doesn’t mean anything. I doubt if you can find any expert on vaccines that will say that vaccine science is settled. Experts know better. Again, this is an attempt to say something while actually having nothing to say.

    Usually, articles here make an attempt to say something useful. This one doesn’t and that’s sad.

  7. Another good source of information is the book, Dissolving Illusions, by Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk, in which the authors use the original reference material from the 19th century to show that the smallpox vaccine was a disaster, and used original references from the 1950’s and 1960’s to show that the polio vaccine did not eradicate polio.

    1. Using any reference from the 50’s, 60’s or even 2000, references regarding First generation drugs to argue the safety and efficiency of whats currently used today, is not a creditable source worth mentioning and proves nothing for either side of the argument.
      It’s important to understand that Science (as a whole/broad field) along with any science based theory, research or finding regardless of the field of study (medical or not) is a never ending process that continues to evolve and even change over time. New approaches, technology and information used to compare against or in conjunction with previous findings and theories is what leads to new breakthroughs and advancements.
      So merely suggestioning that today’s vaccines are ineffective, dangerous, placebo or a money racketing scheme, based on research from first generation drugs, earlier and even outdated research from decades ago, on drugs (procedures/protocols, Ect…) that are no longer used in the same/similar formulation, (if still used at all) and likely is not the standard of care today, is just as dangerous, even more so in some instances, as you suggest modern day vaccines are.
      I do hope, for your safety and the safety of those around you, if you have chosen against vaccines and modern medical interventions and care, that you were nit foolish enough to base your decision Anna book written about research from decades ago. I also hope, when you purchase, read or suggest them to others, you keep in mind that when but comes to such matters, unpopular views that suggests something different then the current published data (even when there is likely no connection from the current data to data referenced in the book) is what sells books.
      We see it all the time, (may or may nit apply to this specific book I have no desire to read or look further into the above mention book) someone works in an industry their entire career never suggesting a problem… They retire and BAM now they’re compelled to warn and inform the masses of the conspiracy and cover up, while enjoying their retirement benefits and book deal benefits. Let’s not forget that there are people who will cling to any idea without any real evidence marketing more misinformation for financial gain, or just to have their name known.

  8. The health system is a fraud. What they are doing is pushing drugs on the unsuspecting public: keep as many people as possible, taking as many drugs as possible and as often as possible, in a word, so as to maximize profits. There is a reason why there aren’t new antibiotics drugs: because they don’t make money for the system. Antibiotics are victims of their own success at curing diseases. To cure a patient it takes hardly a week on antibiotics. Obviously there is not much profit in that. Most people are either naïve or powerless to this grand scheme at manipulation for pecuniary, social and political gain. If applied correctly the vaccines like many other medicines probably work but they are abused (mainly through over prescription). It has nothing to do with science; it has all to do with profits.

  9. Steve: “The fact that there is such a thing as a vaccine injury fund should tell you all you need to know.”

    That and the fact that, to date, the federal vaccine injury board has paid out over $4 billion (that’s billion with a “b”) in injury claims AND they are notoriously stingy in paying off claims! The pharmaceutical houses which manufacture vaccines are required to pay into the funds, but they are getting off very cheaply when you consider what they could be paying out in lawsuit claims.

  10. If as many people came together to fight this problem, and make it a big publisized event as the number of people that shared this post alone, dont you all think something might actually be possibly accomplished here?! Strength in numbers!!! Big phama aint got nothing on the number of injurerd kids this affects, on the number of dr.s Who alone are too afraid of speaking out but in large numbers might stand a chance of being heard!! It is time that AMERICA WAS FREE AGAIN! ITS TIME TO COME TOGETHER TO PROTECT OUR KIDS FUTURES, AS WELL AS OUR OWN! Because if this is allowed to continue because everyone is to scared to speak up, i fear the end results will ultimatley make the hollicost look like camp snoopy compaired to whats to come!! Become organized, and educated, and help inform those who arent, on a much larger scale before the chance to fight is gone.

  11. And the worse is yet to come with the already planning and manufacturing of GMO and RNA based vaccines -GATES FAVORITES for their super-faster manufacturing and profits – which are a threat to the whole human genome!,

    Yes a threat to your genes/DNA and your next generations’ and their generations’ due to horizontal gene transfer and the unstableness of them and of particularly of RNA cuts. Thousands of mutations can happen for one change! How could they possibly think this is intelligent??!!

    And major error has already happened in GMO CROPS in 2013, where a worldwide recall should have happened but didn’t . A gene was left in the master sequence gene cut (CaMV 35S promoter gene sequence) used in the creation of all GMO crops. This left over gene in it has the ability to release HIV and Hepatitis B in humans. And a host of other diseases due to mutations to keep happening. Cut out genes from their original and natural locations become unstable. GMOs should have never been released for use and consumption. See the searchable website of the late Dr Mae-Won Ho,, Institute for Science in Society. She warned about this since late 80s.

    Already we have GMO vaccines being given : the HPV, Hepatitis B, Men B, Flublok, 6 in one, other flu shots and other vaccines. (Not to mention GMO medications and gene therapy already being used).

    There are also vaccine in study that via ARTIFICIAL RNA genes will instruct YOUR DNA to PRODUCE IN YOUR DNA AND BODY VIRAL PARTICLES so that your immune system will produce antibodies in perpetuity !! See IGT vaccines. Ugh don’t they vomit even thinking this??? Has TV fantasy really ruined minds??

    I hear crickets on this GMO vaccine issue which will be bigger than it is now!

  12. It never stops amazing me how quick people are to scream “freedom of speech” when they have something to say, but the moment someone says something they don’t want to hear, they shut it down. The sheer fact that an educated medical doctor would fear facing reprisal over an informed medical opinion is just another example. We visit doctors, and trust the lives of our children and ourselves, to them, because we believe they have the experience and education needed to help us make the best possible choice for health. When a doctor is limited from expressing his/her opinions due to fear, the entire process is tainted, as is the field of medicine. Science is always changing, when science stops changing, it becomes religion. It takes professionals willing to ask questions and seek out answers to create that change though. Silencing doctors wanting to ask those questions is no better than burning witches.

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