It seems like whenever there is an outbreak of an infectious disease in the United States, the media, local public health officials and legislators immediately blame people, who weighed the benefits and risks of vaccination for themselves or their minor children and exercised their right to informed consent to medical risk taking, which includes the freedom to decline to take the risk. News reports abound about how the outbreak would not have happened had people just done what doctors told them to do and gotten their shots.
Of course, the irony is that, in many outbreaks of infectious disease of late in the U.S., a substantial minority or, in some cases, a majority of those infected had been vaccinated. So the obvious conclusion would be that there is a problem with the vaccine’s long term effectiveness. But that conclusion is often downplayed or ignored.
The preferred explanation of why infections occur in vaccinated people, especially in small communities where a lot of people are living in close proximity to each other, is that people are “particularly susceptible to the virus, even if they’ve been vaccinated.”1 That was the most common explanation, for example, for the outbreak of mumps on college campuses throughout the country last year.
During the first half of 2016, more than 40 students at Harvard University came down with mumps. All of the students had been fully vaccinated with two doses of the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine.2 3 There were a total of more than 4,000 cases of mumps in the U.S. last year, “fueled in part by its spread on college campuses.”4
According to Amesh Adalja, MD of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center’s Center for Health Security:
The exposure that they have to mumps is so high in these situations that it overcomes the ability of the vaccine to protect them. It may be that, in these special situations, a much higher level of antibodies [against mumps] is needed to keep the virus at bay.1
(Short answer: We don’t really know.) An article in The Philadelphia Inquirer following the mumps outbreak at Pennsylvania State University last year reported:
As Pennsylvania State University copes with an ongoing outbreak of mumps, infectious-disease experts are investigating why vaccinated young people are getting sick and whether a booster shot would help.5
Dr. Amesh noted that, “Repeatedly being exposed to the disease essentially overcomes their protective immunity, and they can become sick.”
But isn’t that precisely the point of vaccination: to protect you from exposures to disease, even repeated exposures?
Initially, vaccines like smallpox, pertussis and measles vaccines were believed to offer immunity to diseases for life. That scientific belief turned out to be false, which is one of the reasons vaccine developers came up with the idea of “booster” shots. Now, it appears that, even with boosters, vaccines may not be effective in providing long lasting protection.
The possibility that the cause of the mumps outbreaks was due to an ineffective vaccine seldom seems to be given serious consideration. It is always much easier to assume that disease outbreaks must be caused by the tiny minority of unvaccinated people and that more vaccination will solve the problem.
Occasionally, you do hear someone raise the issue of the mumps vaccine’s effectiveness. Last year, the University of Missouri had more than 200 cases of mumps among its students.6
Susan Even, MD, executive director of the university’s Student Health Center, said:
The fact that we have mumps showing up in highly immunized populations likely reflects something about the effectiveness of the vaccine.4
In that same vein, Dirk Haselow, MD, the state epidemiologist for Arkansas, stated:
Despite all that effort, we still continue to see this outbreak worsen. And we are concerned that the outbreak may indicate something unusual. We are wondering whether the circulating strains have evolved away from the vaccine.4
It is encouraging that at least some public health officials are starting to come to grips with the possibility infectious disease outbreaks may have less to do with the unvaccinated population and more to do with the vaccines themselves and the effect they are having on the microbes they’re designed to combat.
Dr. Haselow’s point about the potential evolution of mumps virus strains is particularly important because it highlights the likelihood that the more we vaccinate the more we enable the creation of more aggressive viruses and bacteria able to evade vaccines. One of the best explanations of this dynamic was given by Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC):
Every life form wants to live, wants to survive. Universal principle. And viruses and bacteria are no exception. And when you put pressure on a virus or bacteria that’s circulating with the use of a vaccine that contains a lab-altered form of that virus or bacteria, it doesn’t seem illogical to understand that that organism is going to fight to survive, it’s going to find a way to adapt in order to survive. And I think that this is something that’s not really understood, generally, by the public… that vaccines do not confer the same type of immunity that natural exposures to the disease do.7
Then, there is also the possibility that those who received many doses of certain vaccines, like pertussis vaccine, are responsible for silently spreading disease showing few or no symptoms, and fueling the outbreaks. Take a moment and allow that thought to sink in.
In a 2016 referenced report on the evolution of pertussis bacteria to evade DPT and DTaP vaccines, Fisher stated:
Both the reactive whole cell DPT vaccine licensed 1949 and the less toxic acellular DTaP vaccine licensed in 1996 do not prevent infection or transmission, and only provide two to five years of temporary immunity at best. Millions of vaccinated children and adults are silently infected with pertussis in the U.S. every year and show few or no symptoms but spread whooping cough to vaccinated and unvaccinated children—without doctors identifying or reporting cases to the government. In response to mass pertussis vaccination campaigns beginning in the 1950s, the B. pertussis microbe evolved to evade both whole cell and acellular pertussis vaccines, creating new strains producing more toxin to suppress immune function and cause more serious disease.8
On top of that, people who get live virus vaccines can infect others with vaccine strain virus. According to a 2014 referenced report on live virus and virus vectored vaccines authored by Fisher and published by NVIC:
Just like people with viral infections can shed and transmit wild-type virus, people given live virus vaccines can shed and transmit vaccine strain live attenuated virus. Like wild-type virus, vaccine strain live virus can be shed in body fluids, such as saliva, nasal and throat secretions, breastmilk, urine and blood, stool, and skin lesions. Shedding after vaccination with live virus vaccines may continue for days, weeks or months, depending upon the vaccine and the health or other individual host factors of the vaccinated person.9
Now, there’s a bit of vaccine science that is seldom, if ever, reported by the media or publicly acknowledged by physicians or health officials.
1 Rettner R. How Did Vaccinated Harvard Students Get The Mumps? The Huffington Post May 2, 2016.
2 Zhang S. No, Harvard’s Mumps Outbreak Doesn’t Mean Vaccines are Bunk. Science Apr. 29, 2016.
3 Miller K. How 40 Harvard Students Got The Mumps—Despite Being Vaccinated. Self Apr. 28, 2016.
4 Smith R. Mumps spreads on college campuses. Medical Xpress Dec. 17, 2016.
5 Burling S. Do Penn State mumps cases mean college students need more shots? Mar. 16, 2016.
6 AP Wire. University of Missouri mumps outbreak passes 200-cases mark. Dec. 16, 2016.
7 Dr. Mercola and Barbara Loe Fisher—Herd Immunity. (uploaded Oct. 28, 2011).
8 Fisher BL. Pertussis Microbe Outsmarts the Vaccines As Experts Argue About Why. NVIC Newsletter Mar. 27, 2016.
9 Fisher BL. The Emerging Risks of Live Virus & Virus Vectored Vaccines: Vaccine Strain Virus Infection, Shedding & Transmission. 2014.
19 Responses
You know the stupidity of these so called people is amazing—if a person is vaccinated –they are carriers of the disease and they slough and are therefore contagious! An unvaccinated person who is healthy and has a great immune system will be able to fight off a disease but if that person is immune compromised they are probably going to get infected—so common sense and true science points to carriers (vaccinated people) are the ones who are spreading the disease–and I do not care what a pedi says as they are the most ignorant of providers!
I agree, Dr. Richard M. But the real kicker is that with so many people now becoming ill (from the “shedders”) it shows just how many immune-compromised individuals we have in this world. I believe a lot of that is coming from two sources, at least: 1) Rx treatments (pills, vax, anesethsia, etc) and OTC things like Motrin, cold remedies like Robitussin and allergy meds sold OTC; 2) our food. ALL of our food is causing collateral damage over a number of years which is why it’s so hard to pin-point it as a potential killer. But people were not designed to take in chemicals from the air, food, water and doctors in such huge concentrations. As long as people continue to glorify and worship at the altar of the religion of modern allopathic medicine, we will continue to see this happening to what were, at one time, healthy immune systems in healthy people. Very few people have even heard of medicines “shedding/sloughing” and the ones who have don’t usually believe it to be true.
Lies fly, truth walks. It will be a long time before we (those of us who know the truth) can get this mess straightened out.
Good for you Dr. M. Our society has become so upside down that it is frightening to grow old in this country. Big pharma and our government is doing exactly as they have plotted for some time. The results we are receiving is exactly what they want. We have children with immune system compromises, animals with more cancer than in the history of domestication and the elderly looked at as dispensable. It makes me glad that I am as old as I am. If they want to do very much to me they better get busy because their time is running out.
The human immune system has been evolving for eons, selecting for the best natural defenses against natural threats like diseases. In the last 100 or so years, humans purport to have found a better solution: vaccines.
Well, it is not working out so well. Fools in labcoats take a few elements from the natural process and tinker with them and – voila! – a simpler, more effective solution. Not! BUT it is marketable, whereas natural immunity is free.
I’m considering retiring to a different country that a health care system that seeks to provide affordable healthcare, with minimum intervention, so people can be healthy and live productive lives. Unlike the American way, where healthcare is massively intrusive to maximize profits, and there is a vested interest in diagnosing people with lifelong illnesses to keep those dollars rolling in.
Abandon them. Center your life on an expectation of GOOD health, not a chronic fear of bad health.
So well said!
In would be interesting to see a study on the appearance of Shingles in the parents of recently vaccinated children for Chicken Pox. My 50 year old brother-in-law recently experienced an outbreak of Shingles a week after his daughter received the vaccine. Coincidence? We know that Shingles is on the rise in both young and old populations, most likely due to the lack of natural boosting exposures to chicken pox since the introduction of the vaccine. I’m always on the lookout for a “chicken pox party” to boost my family’s naturally acquired immunity. They are getting very hard to find.
Has an evaluation been done on the infected population’s general immune function? We are constantly intoxicated with immune-suppressing toxins and chemicals in our food, water, air, or re-configured to forget who the enemy is, and the body launches an attack on one of its own components (autoimmunity). Perhaps in “naming” or identifying a part of self as an enemy to be fought, we also rename the real enemy as otherwise harmless?
I’ve read that whatever your vaccinated against, you will shed that virus for months. So if your vaccinated against, say whooping cough…you will be shedding Whooping couch virus as you go about your daily journeys. So who is more dangerous…the person who got the WC vaccination and is shedding the virus everywhere they go or the person who is not vaccinated?
Debra, Some vaccines are for diseases caused by viruses, and some vaccines are for diseases caused by bacteria. Whooping cough is caused by bacteria. People vaccinated for bacterial diseases don’t “shed” the bacteria, the way people vaccinated for viral diseases can “shed” the viruses.
There is a very serious problem with whooping cough vaccines, however, as pointed out in the article; they don’t prevent people from getting infected with whooping cough or spreading it, but for about 80% of people, the vaccine prevents the bad cough. (Apparently the vaccine is actually an anti-toxin, which prevents the bad effects of the pertussis toxin which damages the lungs and causes the cough.) So whooping cough vaccine, while doing the beneficial thing of preventing the bad cough for many people, does the dangerous thing of making these people “carriers without symptoms” of whooping cough.
So, just as people vaccinated for viral diseases can spread disease by “shedding”, people vaccinated for whooping cough can spread disease by being carriers without symptoms.
It seems to me obvious that the efforts and money spent on vaccinations would be better put to strengthening and improving natural human bio mechanisms that would better help us resist and lessen the effects of viral,bacterial and fungal organisms. Better health thru nutrition, sleep and wellbeing efforts would allow the body to deal with disease more effectively. We have learned so much in the last few decades that would seem to make ” vaccination” methods understood as outdated methods certainly not worth the risk that they entail.
The hospital system that I work for is requiring us to have “proof” that we have been immunized against Pertussis, as an adult or receive the vaccine. I am allergic to the Tetanus portion of the vaccine and was told I could not work in the Women and Infants area of the hospital. I asked to have a titer done, they refused. I asked if I could wear a mask, they refused. The kicker is, I refuse the flu vaccine annually and if I succumb to the vaccination for the t-Dap, I will no longer be allowed to refuse the flu vaccination…
Soft Genocide being committed by New World Order proponents. Along with GMO seeds and crops, chemical (Chemtrails) poisoning of the atmosphere and soil.
This article from south korea which irradiated measles, has measles outbreaks caused by the vaccinated population. This is an important read
sorry not irradiated, but iradicated!!
It’s plainly irresponsible medical practice to vaccinate persons blindly without first testing what effective pathogen resistance they do and do not have at that time. Of course if they did this, they’d learn in short order the effectiveness of previous vaccinations was not present. This checks and balance approach would shut down a great portion of vaccination schedules. But you know how vaccinations persist? Lack of checks and balances.
Isn’t this whole story just proving that vaccines are creating vaccine-resistant viruses?….From gross over-use?
The reality is, as the CDC and its acolytes have known for decades, none of the current vaccines it recommends for any mass vaccination program work as “advertised” to the gullible public.
On the scientific level, all one need do is study the observed outcomes of any mass vaccination program and compare those outcomes to the false claims of disease protection & disease prevention.
One need only read two key articles that bear on the failure of the measles-containing vaccines to perform as claimed, Heffernan JM, Keeling MJ. Implication of vaccination and waning immunity. Proc R. Soc. B 2009; 276: 2071-2080, last accessed 18 May 2017, accessible at: and, published Author manuscript; available PMC 2014 Jan 29; PMCID: PMC3905323; NIHMSID: NIHMS547544; last accessed on 18 May 2017, “The Re-Emergence of Measles in Developed Countries: Time to Develop the Next-Generation Measles Vaccines?” by Gregory A. Po-land, MD, MACP, Editor-in-Chief, VACCINE and Robert M. Jacobson, MD, FAAP, Professor of Pediatrics – final version published in: Vaccine. 2012 Jan 5; 30(2): 103–104.
For those who truly believe in the Judeo/Christian God, then, one need only REMEMBER: (a) the words of Jesus in the “sermon on the mount” as reported in the book of Matthew, “a passage in Matthew that is found in “Christ’s sermon on the mount”,
“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?” [King James Bible, Matthew Chapter 7, verses 15 and 16] and (b) the fact that the pharmaceutical industry that makes vaccines has been repeatedly found to intentionally violate the laws governing its conduct to produce drugs, including vaccines, that cause much more harm thanthe “good” their manufacturers claim they provide.
Duty to Warn
Measles Mortality Rates and How the Medical Establishment Deceives Us Concerning the Efficacy (and Safety) of Vaccines
By Gary G. Kohls, MD – 5-22-17
“During the last 10 years, there has been one death from measles, but that patient was an adult woman who was on immunosuppressive medications and had other serious health problems. (But between) 2000 and 2017, there were 156 deaths related to the MMR vaccine.” — David Brownstein, MD – Holistic Family Practitioner
“Up to 90% of the total decline in the death rate of children between 1860-1965 because of whooping cough, scarlet fever, diphtheria, and measles occurred before the introduction of immunisations and antibiotics.” – Archie Kalokerinos, MD
“According to the records of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, from 1911 to 1935 the four leading causes of childhood deaths from infectious diseases in the U.S.A. were diphtheria, pertussis, scarlet fever, and measles. However, by 1945 the combined death rates from these causes had declined by 95% before the implementation of mass vaccine programs.” — Harold Buttram, MD
Critical thinkers and knowledgeable readers who have no ulterior motivation to blindly promote current over-vaccination agendas will agree that the Somali parents who have witnessed the devastating epidemic of Autistic Spectrum Disorders decimate so many of their children since coming to Minnesota, made a wise choice in refusing MMR vaccinations.
The Somali community has seen an alarming incidence of ASD (currently 1 out of every 32 of their children are afflicted, the worst prevalence rate in any Minnesota demographic group, even exceeding the 1 out of 48 among the fully vaccinated white male children in Minnesota). Recall that concurrent with the alarming epidemic of ASD was a dramatic increase in live virus vaccines, mercury-containing vaccine and aluminum-containing vaccines. The incidence of ASD before 1986 (when the vaccine industry was exempted from liability for vaccine deaths or injuries) was 1 in every 10,000 Minnesotan children and the rate went to 1 out of 68 by the time the number of antigens injected routinely into Minnesotan children went from a dozen or so to upwards of 80!
Something more than coincidence is at work. As noted vaccine researcher Dr Christopher Shaw has stated: “Parents refusing to vaccinate according to the recommended CDC schedule are supported by the science.”
Somali children never came down with autism in their native land. It was only after they became war refugees and emigrated to Minnesota and started accepting CDC- and Minnesota Department of Health-mandated MMR live virus-containing vaccinations (often combined with mercury-containing and aluminum-containing vaccinations) that the epidemic devastated the community.
By refusing the MMR, they were accepting the risk of acquiring benign measles infections but they were decreasing the risk of their children acquiring the dreaded (likely vaccine-induced) autism that would ruin their lives forever. Their decision makes imminent sense and they should be applauded instead of vilified.
At least now their temporarily measles-afflicted children will be immune for life from that normally benign disease. Everybody else has to get periodic “booster” shots that only temporarily enhance one part of the immune system: serologic immunity. Vaccination actually impairs the equally important cellular immunity that makes the vaccinated more susceptible to illnesses in several other ways, including contracting autoimmune disorders. The lucky 50 or so who got the wild-type measles recently will not have worry about becoming permanently sickened from MMR-related chronic illnesses.
Below is an important chart to ponder:
The chart above tells us that the lethality of measles outbreaks had already declined to near zero years and decades before a measles vaccine was introduced into the US in 1963.
And yet the CDC, the FDA, the AMA, the AAFP, the AAP and the mainstream media have been deceiving us when they claimed over and over again that vaccines were the reason that benign – and ubiquitous – childhood illnesses such as measles were eliminated as the deadly diseases that they occasionally had been in the distant past.
The truth is that those above-mentioned vaccine-selling groups (who have increasingly been in bed with giant pharmaceutical corporations like Merck and GlaxoSmithKline since the 1950s [who are now their serious paymasters]) have deceived us by not giving credit to the real reasons for the decline in the lethality of common childhood viral illnesses such as measles, diphtheria, whooping cough and scarlet fever: improved nutrition, improved sanitation, improved access to refrigeration and improved understanding of epidemics .
There are similar graphs that also show the declining incidence of diphtheria, mumps, whooping cough and chickenpox that occurred before vaccines were introduced! It is useful to note that scarlet fever declined in a similar fashion and there never was developed a scarlet fever vaccine that was introduced by public health entities.
Shame on the CDC and Big Pharma for their acts of deception! Recalling the truism that says: “Fool me once, shame on you; fool be twice, shame on me”, how can we ever trust them again?
All of us obedient – and frequently duped – blind believers in whatever authoritarian “experts” like the CDC say, need to wise up and do our own research that is independent of entities that have ulterior motives (especially economic ones such as in the case of corporate-controlled Big Government, Big Medicine, Big Pharma, Big Vaccine, Big Media, Big Finance, etc).
It is also important to study the unbiased research literature that reveals that measles (or more accurately “measles-like”) outbreaks can occur among fully vaccinated individuals (such as occurred in the infamously deceptive Disneyland outbreak last year that freaked out so many people to rush to get their boosters – a windfall for Big Pharma and Big Medicine – and the CDC).
Honest research will reveal that the live measles virus in the MMR vaccine can actually cause a generalized rash, fever, malaise and measles-like symptoms, but also contagion, inflammatory bowel disorders and neurodegenerative disorders.
Not only that, but the live mumps virus that is also in the MMR inoculum can cause encephalitis and any number of chronic neurological illnesses, including autism. There are also many examples of clusters of measles and mumps outbreaks over the past few decades in fully vaccinated individuals – a reality that no TV “medical experts” or health journalists ever mention when they try to freak out the public to get their “booster shots”.
Read this important item about the measles vaccine from vaccine expert, physician, scholar and author, Dr Suzanne Humphries: and watch her many well-documented videos and other informative videos that are also on YouTube, starting with this one:
And then listen to the powerful testimony from the slandered Dr Andrew Wakefield himself, who was infamously smeared by GlaxoSmithKline (the makers of Britain’s dangerous MMR vaccine) and the media mogul Rupert Murdoch’s mercenary journalist Brian Deer, who eventually, through a relentless series of Big Lies, managed to get Dr Wakefield de-frocked and exiled to the United States, much to the delight of the sociopathic corporations who benefitted from the “neutralization” of Wakefield and his truths- or so they thought.
The interview is at: Honest listeners will be appalled at how the mainstream media has refused to do its independent investigative journalism and instead has blithely gone along with the libel and slander of an honorable physician and researcher that shined a light on an unwelcome truth: that there is a tight connection between the live measles virus in Glaxo’s MMR inoculum and severe inflammatory bowel disorders in severely afflicted autism patients, who only became autistic and started suffering with abdominal pain and diarrhea after their MMR shots.
Keep reading for more on the equally appalling way the media has treated the recent measles outbreak that occurred in the unvaccinated Somali children in Minnesota.
The Somali Measles “Epidemic” in Minnesota and The Brady Principle
Dr. David Brownstein – Holistic Family Practitioner – May 17, 2017
Re-published at:
Somehow, a measles outbreak of unvaccinated Somali citizens in Minnesota is supposed to drive a stake in those of us who raise questions about the safety and efficacy of FDA-approved vaccines. According to the powers-that-be, this outbreak of measles is proof that we need more vaccinations, not less.
I beg to differ. And, I will make my argument citing the Brady principle. I am sure most adults over the age of 50 are very familiar with the Brady Principle.
For those unfamiliar, let me provide you with the information you will need to understand the Brady Principle.
From 1969-1974, the Brady Bunch ran weekly as a sitcom. I watched every episode and can still recall most of them. The Brady Principle refers to the episode where all six Brady kids became ill with the measles. What happened to the Brady kids? They stayed home from school, played Monopoly, and Alice cooked for them, and they recovered from the measles infection.
During the episode, Marsha Brady stated, “If you have to get sick, sure can’t beat the measles.” The Brady Principle would indicate that measles is not a dangerous disease for most who become ill from it. When I was a child, measles was treated as an illness similar to chickenpox; most children became ill with these childhood diseases and most recovered uneventfully. Back then, measles and chickenpox were not feared illnesses in the U.S.
Back to the Brady’s. The good news for the Brady kids, and the Somali children, is that they will have life-long immunity from measles. And, the female Brady children (Marsha, Cindy, and Jan) passed their immunity on to their children so that their newborn children would not become ill if there was a measles outbreak. However, this is not the case with vaccinated children as the measles vaccine does not provide life-long immunity and it does not provide antibodies to their newborn children to protect them during a vulnerable time in their lives.
The pro-vaccine cartel is screaming that the Somali measles epidemic is an example of why we need more vaccines.
They are wrong.
Yes the measles vaccine is successful at lowering the incidence of measles. However, this creates a vaccinated population that does not have life-long immunity to a fairly benign illness. Yes, measles can be associated with severe adverse effects and even death. So can the measles vaccine. During the last 10 years, there has been one death from measles, but that patient was an adult woman who was on immunosuppressive medications and had other serious health problems. (1) I performed a search on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and found that from 2000 to 2017, there were 156 deaths related to the MMR vaccine.
Somali mothers were not too familiar with autism when they came to the U.S. An article in the Globe and Mall quotes a Somali mother stating, “In Somalia, we had kids with Down syndrome and cerebral palsy. But nobody had ever heard of autism,” Ms. Hassan recalls. “And believe me, it’s not something you can hide.” In the article, Somalis are calling autism the “western disease” or the “vengeance from abroad.” (2) Approximately 40 years ago, autism rates in Africa were reported to be much lower than the U.S. (3)
However, things changed quickly for Somali parents when they came here and started raising their children. The autism rate in Somali children in Minnesota came to the forefront in 2008-2009 when a Minnesota Department of Health study found that Somali preschoolers, when compared to other children, were two to seven times more likely to receive autism services from the Minneapolis school system. (4)
The Somali mothers apparently felt that their children were being affected by the MMR vaccine and began to decline the vaccination. The Somali mothers should have been concerned about the relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism as this was reported by a senior CDC scientist nearly three years ago. (5) The CDC scientist has claimed whistleblower status as he has stated, under oath, that the CDC destroyed, hid and falsified data that showed a clear link between the MMR vaccine and autism. And, the altered CDC data revealed that the most affected group of children were African American boys.
Now you can see why some Somali mothers were concerned and chose not to vaccinate. What parent would subject their child to a medical procedure knowing that it could cause a life-long neurological injury in order to prevent a relatively benign illness for the vast majority who become ill with it?
Folks, saying vaccines are safe and effective does not make it so. Repeating this line over and over does not make it so.
There is nothing wrong with questioning vaccine safety. There is nothing wrong with wanting vaccines to be properly studied for the safety and effectiveness-which has not been done. And, if a parent decides that their child is not going to be vaccinated, there is nothing wrong with that as well.
There is something wrong when parents are vilified for trying to make the best medical decisions for their children. In the case of the MMR vaccine, we may have less measles and less measles-associated problems, but we may have other unintended conditions.
Our children are the least healthy when compared to other Western countries. Our children are the most vaccinated. Where is the data that more vaccines are going to help them?
It is time to let your Congressperson know your thoughts on these issues. Jason Chaffetz, who chairs the Office of Government Reform has been aware of the CDC whistleblower for nearly three years now. It is up to him to call a Congressional hearing to investigate the whistleblower’s claims. Mr. Chaffetz refuses to do so. I was happy to hear he will not seek reelection as we do not need more Congressmen like Mr. Chaffetz. We already have enough Congressmen and women who do nothing.
What can you do? Call the Office of Government Reform (OGR) and demand a hearing on the CDC whistleblower. The OGR can be reached here: 202.225.5074. I have been calling on a frequent basis for nearly three years. I can assure you that the OGR staffers neither like hearing my voice nor do they like speaking with me. Tell the OGR to call a hearing on the CDC whistleblower after you ask them why they have not acted on this matter before.
Make you views heard. We already have over a million U.S. children with autism. This is a new phenomenon. Something is causing this epidemic increase. If it is vaccine related and we do nothing, our Republic may not survive. – Dr David Brownstein
Dr Kohls is a retired physician from Duluth, MN, USA. In the decade prior to his retirement, he practiced what could best be described as “holistic (non-drug) and preventive mental health care”. Since his retirement, he has written a weekly column for the Duluth Reader, an alternative newsweekly magazine. His columns mostly deal with the dangers of American imperialism, friendly fascism, corporatism, militarism, racism, and the dangers of Big Pharma, psychiatric drugging, the over-vaccinating of children and other movements that threaten American democracy, civility, health and longevity and the future of the planet. Many of his columns are archived at;; or at
I live in London and my son is a student at Oxford University. This last month has seen a huge outbreak of mumps at the University – 50 cases in one week alone, compared to normal rates of 2. You won’t have heard about this in US because, outside Oxford, it has received no publicity here. Why? – almost certainly because the outbreak has been affecting vaccinated and unvaccinated students alike. (Not that there are many unvaccinated students now: the villification of Andrew Wakefield has been so successful that MMR rates are back up to their pre-Wakefield levels.) This is in complete contrast to three years ago when a smaller outbreak was all over national newspapers and television and everyone was urged to get their catch up shots of MMR. The narrative is that I should be wracked with guilt for not giving him MMR, but since all his friends are getting it, and have had MMR, I’m not. In fact, I’m cross: this is exam month and students are falling ill with a childhood disease which, if left to nature, they would have had years ago and would have afforded them life long protection, unlike the vaccine. My son is upstairs, in quarantine, hoping it doesn’t develope into orchitis which, again, would have been highly unlikely if he had got the disease as a child, and hoping that he will be able to return to sit his exams next week. At least I know he will be protected for his finals in two years’ time!