Wednesday, January 15, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


India Still Reporting Cases of Polio-like Acute Flaccid Paralysis

India’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has reported that it has investigated approximately 18,000 cases of Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) in the country since January 2015 as part of its national polio surveillance program, established in 1997, and that all of the cases have tested negative for poliovirus. Some 50,000 cases of AFP are being detected annually in India.1 2

According to a press release issued by the Ministry:

India is polio-free. The country reported its last case of wild poliovirus in 2011. After three consecutive polio-free years, the South-East Asia Region of WHO, comprising of 11 countries (including India), was certified polio-free on 27 March 2014. Despite this progress, India has maintained a high vigil and ensured that no complacency sets in order to maintain the polio-free status for the last more than 4 years. It has taken appropriate actions to ensure high population immunity against polio as well as for maintaining a sensitive surveillance system for poliovirus detection.1

Following two decades of repeated child vaccination campaigns using OPV in India, the World Health Organization (WHO) in early 2014 pronounced India “free” of wild-type polio. The controversial declaration comes at a time when India has been experiencing a huge increase in reported cases of non-polio AFP (NPAFP).3

In 2004, 12,000 cases of non-polio paralysis were reported but that number had increased by 2012 to 53,563 cases for a national rate of 12 per 100,000 children. Two pediatricians in India compiled data from the polio surveillance program and discovered a link between the increase in OPV use among children during stepped-up polio eradication campaigns and the increasing cases of NPAFP among children.

In a 2012 article published in a medical ethics journal,4 the doctors stated, “Clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly, the incidence of NPAFP was directly proportional to doses of oral polio received.” Because polio is among the more than 200 related viruses in the Picornaviridae family of enteroviruses, the doctors suggested that public health officials investigate “the influence of strain shifts of enteropathogens induced by the [polio] vaccine given practically every month.”

Although not nearly as prevalent as in India, NPAFP cases are also occurring in the U.S. In early 2014, neurologists at Stanford and University of California reported five cases of sudden paralysis of one or more limbs in children ages two to 16—all fully vaccinated against polio—and the California Department of Health of Health began investigating 20 more similar cases. Two of the five children tested positive for enterovirus-68 (EV68).5

During the summer of 2014, many more apparently healthy American children in several states, including Colorado, Missouri, Michigan and Massachusetts, were reported to be suddenly stricken with paralysis after developing cold and flu-like symptoms. Several died and, although some of the cases were associated with EV68, others were not.6

Like polio, other enteroviruses are transmitted through shedding of virus in respiratory and gastrointestinal body secretions. Most of the time an enterovirus infection is asymptomatic or there are mild flu-like symptoms that do not progress to paralysis or other serious complications.7 Rarely enterovirus infections like EV68 will cause inflammation of the brain (meningitis, encephalitis), paralysis and death.

The exact cause of the cases of NPAFP among children in California, most of whom were born after 1999 and presumably were given shots of inactivated polio vaccine (IAV), has not been determined. Similarly in India, there has been no determination by government health officials about why there has been a recent dramatic increase in paralysis among tens of thousands of children that country.


1 Cases reported from Uttar Pradesh in section of media are of AFP (Acute Flaccid Paralysis), not Polio. Business Standard June 20, 2015.
2 Govt. says cases reported from UP are of Acute Flaccid Paralysis, not polio. NetIndian News Network June 20, 2015.
3 Raj GN. Polio free does not mean paralysis free. The Hindu Jan 3, 2013.
4 Vashisht N, Puliyel J. Polio programme: let us declare victory and move on. Indian Journal of Medical Ethics 2012 9(2): 114-117.
5 Maron DF. Is a Wave of Poliolike Symptoms in California Cause for Alarm? Scientific American Feb. 24, 2014.
6 O’Connor A. Enterovirus 68 and Paralysis Link Remains Uncertain. The New York Times Oct. 3, 2014.
7 Schwartz RA. Enteroviruses. Medscape Mar. 3, 2014.

4 Responses

  1. EV-D68 should be called and diagnosed for what it is–POLIO. The only reason the CDC/HHS/Vaccine industry will not label it for what it is, is because the “eradication” of Polio is the foundation of the myth Vaccines work, are safe and effective. The entire vaccine industry around the world would collapse in a matter of weeks. Would our government sacrifice children to their cause-Oh Yea! Maybe if in 2014 hospitals and doctors across the US had been notified to look for Polio when these specific symptoms appeared in their ER’s, the treatment protocols could have been started immediately instead of doing diagnostic test that could take a couple of days therefore losing precious time on treatments.

    There is no cure for Polio but there are holistic protocols such as IV Vitamin C in massive dosage. From my readings on Polio there were Doctors back in the 50s & 60″s that didn’t lose patients because they used common sense approaches. Diet is another approach. Allopathic medical intervention is drug mandated and this puts a burden on the body that it cannot afford to carry.

    Another issue with NPAFP and EV-D68 is, what is the vaccination status of the individual involved. It’s pretty much know that NPAFP comes from the Polio vaccine but what about EV-D68? Were all those children vaccinated and when was the last time they’d received a vaccine prior to their becoming ill? If these children were UNVACCINATED, there would be endless MSM news coverage on every 24 hour news media outlet yet the vaccination statues of the children who became ill, the public was met with a MSM blackout. That needs to be investigated because the push is on to vaccinated for the upcoming school year. Will there be more cases and if there are will the CDC say it’s a coincidence that EV-D68 is happening roughly at the same time as last year? I guess time will tell.

    Polio was not eradicated by a vaccine. In fact before the vaccine was developed it had abated to 47% (US) & 55%(Europe) respectively before the Salk Vaccine. Vaccine was introduced in 1954-55 and it immediate showed no efficiency so the CDC changed the diagnostic criteria. In 1958, the CDC formally adopted the “Best available paralytic poliomyelitis case count” or BAPPCC: changing the definition of paralytic polio drastically – from 24 hours of paralysis to 60 days. Since most sufferers of paralytic polio actually recovered within a few weeks, this had the effect of eliminating more than two thirds of the cases to be reported. There was also a change in labeling protocol for non-paralytic poliomyelitis, which had constituted the majority of polio cases reported; it was thenceforth to be labeled viral or aseptic meningitis. Between those two changes, 90% of all cases of polio to be reported were automatically eliminated – eliminated, not eradicated. Indeed, by 1965 the reported cases of polio had decreased by 90% – and the reported cases of aseptic meningitis had increased accordingly. Since that time, local and state public health authorities have had to send all reported cases to the CDC for final analysis before they could officially be declared polio. Coincidentally, the number of cases of polio reported soon dwindled to zero.

    Today, you see many people diagnosed with the following: Viral or aseptic meningitis, Guillaine Barre Syndrome (GBS), meningitis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and a host of other names. These illness are clinically indistinguishable from Polio of old.

  2. Although not nearly as prevalent as in India, NPAFP cases are also occurring in the U.S. In early 2014, neurologists at Stanford and University of California reported five cases of sudden paralysis of one or more limbs in children ages two to 16—all fully vaccinated against polio—and the California Department of Health of Health began investigating 20 more similar cases.

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