Tuesday, February 18, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Vax/Unvax Study Finds Increased Child Vaccinations Raise Risks for Neurodevelopmental Delays

Vax/Unvax Study Finds Increased Child Vaccinations Raise Risks for Neurodevelopmental Delays

At the 2009 Fourth International Public Conference on Vaccination, which was sponsored by the charitable National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC)1 established in 1982 by parents of DPT vaccine injured children, I made an appeal to the audience for donations to help NVIC fund a study to compare health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children. Authored by Anthony R. Mawson, PhD and Binu Jacob, that peer reviewed study was published on Jan. 23, 2025 in Science, Public Health Policy and the Law. An analysis of Medicaid claims data for 47,155 nine-year-old children revealed that vaccinated children were significantly more likely than unvaccinated children to be diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD); hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood; epilepsy or seizures; encephalopathy, tic disorders and learning disorders.2

Since the 1990s, NVIC has repeatedly called for published research comparing all morbidity and mortality outcomes in children administered vaccines according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) schedule and those who remain unvaccinated,3 4 and we have called for published bench science that provides information about the biological mechanisms of vaccine injury and death and individual high risk factors to help prevent vaccine injuries and deaths.5 By the mid-1990s, it had become clear that increasing numbers of American children were being plagued with chronic disease and disability marked by chronic inflammation in the body, especially neurodevelopmental delays like autism.6 7 8 9 10 11 This increase in brain and immune dysfunction among children—especially autism—occurred at the same time the recommended childhood vaccine schedule tripled from 23 doses of seven vaccines given between two months and age six in 198312 to 69 doses of 16 vaccines given between day of birth and age 18 in 2013.13 14 15 16

More Vaccinations—Increased Risks for Autism Spectrum Disorder

The objective of the current study was to determine the association between vaccination and neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) by analyzing data in records of children from birth to age nine enrolled in the Florida State Medicaid program and testing three hypotheses: (1) vaccination is associated with ASD and other NDDs; (2) preterm birth coupled with vaccination increases the odds of NDDs compared to preterm birth without vaccination; (3) increasing numbers of vaccinations are associated with increased risks of ASD. A retrospective cohort design was used to compute relative risks specifically of ASD and cross-sectional analyses were performed to calculate prevalence odds ratios.

Investigators found that “(1) vaccination was associated with significantly increased odds for all measured NDDs; (2)  Among children born preterm and vaccinated, 39.9% were diagnosed with at least one NDD compared to 15.7 percent among those born preterm and unvaccinated (OR 3.58, 95% CI: 2.80); and (3) the relative risk of ASD increased according to the number of visits that included vaccinations.”

Children with just one vaccination visit were 1.7 times more likely to have been diagnosed with ASD than the unvaccinated (95% CI: 1.21, 2.35). Those with 11 or more visits were 4.4 times more likely have been diagnosed with ASD than those with no visit for vaccination (95% CI 2.85, 6.84).

Study Results Suggest Current Childhood Vaccine Schedule May Contribute to Multiple Forms of Neurodevelopmental Delays

The authors concluded that:

These results suggest that the current vaccination schedule may be contributing to multiple forms of NDD; that vaccination coupled with preterm birth was strongly associated with increased odds of NDDs compared to preterm birth in the absence of vaccination; and increasing numbers of visits that included vaccinations were associated with increased risks of ASD.

2013 Institute of Medicine Committee: The Early Childhood Vaccine Schedule Not Adequately Studied for Safety

In 2013, a report published by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), The Childhood Immunization Schedule and Safety: Stakeholder Concerns, Scientific Evidence and Future Studies, examined scientific evidence related to the federally recommended early childhood vaccine schedule. The report was authored by an IOM committee that concluded the birth to six-year-old vaccine schedule had not been fully scientifically evaluated, pointing out that:

Most vaccine-related research focuses on the outcomes of single immunizations or combinations of vaccines administered at a single visit. Although each new vaccine is evaluated in the context of the overall immunization schedule that existed at the time of review of that vaccine, elements of the schedule are not evaluated once it is adjusted to accommodate a new vaccine. Thus, key elements of the entire schedule—the number, frequency, timing, order and age of administration of vaccines—have not been systematically examined in research studies.17

The 2013 IOM report concluded that there is not enough scientific evidence to determine if the recommended early childhood vaccine schedule is or is not associated with the development of the following brain and immune system disorders prevalent among American children today: asthma; atopy; allergy; autoimmunity; autism; learning disorders; communication disorders; developmental disorders; intellectual disability; attention deficit disorder; disruptive behavior disorder; tics and Tourette’s Syndrome; seizures, febrile seizures and epilepsy.18

In a Jan. 16, 2013 press release, the National Vaccine Information Center called for “transparency, independence and replication in future research to assess the safety of federal vaccine policies, including evaluating health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children and those using alternative vaccine schedules.”19

Unanswered Questions About Vaccines and Chronic Illness

 Since 1982, parents of vaccine injured children in America have been warning that there are many more children being harmed by vaccines than government, industry and medical trade are willing to admit. By the mid-1990s, we knew that there was an epidemic of chronic disease and disability plaguing our infants and children that public health officials could not explain and still cannot explain and we begged those in charge of the mandatory vaccination system to do the scientific research that Congress promised in the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act would be done to answer outstanding questions about vaccine risks.20

A small non-profit charity, the National Vaccine Information Center, raised $150,000 in donations to fund a study to compare health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children. Congress hands billions of taxpayer dollars to the National Institutes of Health every year (a staggering $48B in 2024) to do scientific research that is supposed to improve the health of Americans.21 Why does none of that money go to investigating vaccine risks and explaining how and why vaccines cause harm and who is most vulnerable?

The lives of the vaccine vulnerable are just as important as the lives of those vulnerable to complications from infectious diseases. Public health policy that is not based on sound science is dangerous and mandatory vaccination laws that violate the informed consent ethic are morally bankrupt.

The people have waited far too long for the “experts” to do something about vaccine reactions, injuries and deaths. It is time to hold those operating and profiting from the mass vaccination system accountable and repeal compulsory vaccination laws at the same time.

If you would like to receive an e-mail notice of the most recent articles published in The Vaccine Reaction each week, click here.

Click here to view References:

1 National Vaccine Information Center. Fourth International Public Conference on Vaccination (Oct. 2-4, 2009).
2 Mawson AR, Jacob B. Vaccination and Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Study of Nine-Year-Old Children Enrolled in Medicaid. Science, Public Policy, and the Law January 2025.
3 Fisher BL. Statement of Vaccine Safety Research Needs: Perspective from Parents. Institute of Medicine Vaccine Safety Forum Public Workshop Apr. 1, 1996.
4 Fisher BL. Public Perspective on Assessment of Studies of Health Outcomes Related to the Recommended Childhood Immunization Schedule. Institute of Medicine Committee Public Workshop Feb. 9, 2012.
5 Fisher BL. Parent Perspective on Vaccine Safety Research Priorities. Institute of Medicine Immunization Safety Committee Public Workshop Jan. 11, 2001.
6 NBC. Debate with Barbara Loe Fisher and Neal Halsey, MD on vaccine risks, chronic disease and mandatory vaccination laws. The Today Show 1997.
7 California Department of Developmental Services. Changes in the Population of Persons with Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders in California Developmental Services System 1987 through 1998: A Report to the Legislature Mar. 1, 1999.
8 Fox News. Jon Scott interviews Barbara Loe Fisher on vaccine safety, vaccines and chronic illness, and upcoming congressional hearings on vaccines and autism.1999.
9 Kaplan S. Autism-Vaccine Link Raised in Hearing. Los Angeles Times Apr. 7, 2000.
10 U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders – Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, Six Sites, United States, 2000. MMWR Feb. 9, 2007; 56(SS01): 1-11.
11 Boyle CA, Boulet S et al. Trends in the Prevalence of Developmental Disabilities in US Children, 1997-2008. Pediatrics 2011; 127(6): 1031-1042.
12 CDC. Recommended schedule for active immunization for normal infants and children. 1983.
13 American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Infectious Diseases. Recommended Childhood and Adolescent Immunization Schedule – United States, 2013. Pediatrics 2013; 131(2): 397-398.
14 Fisher BL. Autism & Vaccines: A New Look At An Old Story. National Vaccine Information Center Jan. 1, 2000.
15 Fisher BL. Vaccines, Autism & Chronic Inflammation: The New Epidemic. Autism File 2009.
16 Cáceres‎ M. Autism Rate for American Children Now 1 in 33 and Likely Worse. The Vaccine Reaction Jan. 14, 2025.
17 Institute of Medicine Committee on the Assessment of Studies of Health Outcomes Related to the Recommended Childhood Immunization Schedule. The Childhood Immunization Schedule and Safety: Stakeholder Concerns, Scientific Evidence and Future Studies. The National Academies Press 2013.
18 Ibid.
19 NVIC. National Vaccine Information Center Supports Three of Five Recommendations of New IOM Report on U.S. Childhood Immunization Schedule Safety and Calls for Transparency. BusinessWire Jan. 16, 2013.
20 NVIC. National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986: Part 1: National Vaccine Program.
21 National Institutes of Health. NIH Budget. Oct. 3, 2024).

26 Responses

  1. Just in time for the Trump administration to shut down the NIH (which conducts research on vaccines and their safety): “Trump hits NIH with ‘devastating’ freezes on meetings, travel, communications, and hiring Researchers facing “a lot of uncertainty, fear, and panic”

    Hopefully Trump won’t sell us out to vaccine manufacturers. Doubt it.
    Hopefully they get RFK, jr in there. Doubt it.
    Hopefully this report gets press coverage. Doubt it.

    1. Congress hands billions of taxpayer dollars to the National Institutes of Health every year (a staggering $48B in 2024) to do scientific research that is supposed to improve the health of Americans. I would call that “wasted money”.

  2. FANTASTIC! I found out in 2008 when my (then living) daughter has the Gardasil vaccine series. With each shot she got progressively more ill until after the final shot when we found ourselves constantly in the emergency rooms. 13 years later drugs ultimately took her life. She did have two miracle babies who are for the most part unvaccinated with the exception of the vitamin K as we were still somewhat weak back then. Today I stand strong in my findings and revelations about the shots. Having studied deep even earning a Master of Public Affairs surrounding this topic it is easy to find biased research in the field favoring the money makers of these products oftentimes casting aside the risks involved to the recipients. I can honestly say vaccines made my life hell. The two babies i have now run circles around my babies growing up, both physically and intellectually. Speaks volumes to me and it makes a lot of sense as aluminum nor mercury have any effaceable place in our bodies. Thank you for funding this study NVIC, it pleases me to know that my donation has made a difference. Sharing this far and wide! Blessings to all…

  3. This is timely. I sure hope you were sending this immediately to RFK Junior who will be in hearings on Wednesday.

  4. I knew their health outcomes would be different when they would compare vaccinated vs unvaccinated children/adults. Nothing is news. It’s a common sense observation. Mothers know their own child(ren) since they witness their behavior or reaction from vaccines. Physicians are either blindly miseducated or not willing to do the research. Don’t forget doctors receive a bonus from pharmaceutical companies every time their patients receive vaccines. The more vaccines, the more profit they earn to my best of knowledge. First do no harm oath doesn’t seem to apply their medical practices. I detest vaccines very much so. Pharmaceutical industries are a big time liar. CDC lies. So is the FDA.

  5. A lifetime and a billion harmed people later. There was a study which proved what was already known to be true. The fact it took this long is a clear indication that regulatory mechanisms and the health care community in general is irredeemably corrupt and dysfunctional. We’re on our own. The very last place anyone should turn to for advisement on anything is the government or an international corporation. Welcome to globalism. Don’t worry, decades of lies, deception, product fraud, scientific fraud, corruption, payouts, bribes, coercion, embezzlement, millions upon millions upon millions of dead maimed and ruined lives human, a million other legal crimes committed; Nobody will go to jail.

  6. Good article. But I am astounded by the refusal of so many in this movement to listen to what I have said for over 20 years. I know Tony Mawson, we are from the same area and he attended one of my local lectures. I encouraged him to do such a study when we first ate out together. I have written a number of articles specifically outlining the mechanism by which these vaccines are causing not only autism but also seizures, developmental delays and neurodegeneration. This mechanism of immunoexcitotoxicity has been accepted for a number of other neurological disorders by experts in the area of traumatic encephalopathy, Parkinson’s disease and other such diseases. I have written a number of articles making the link between vaccination and autism spectrum disorders, but still the autism community refuses to listen. I have been writing about this for over 20 years. Multiple research articles have confirmed the link to microglial activation and excitotoxicity as well as a higher blood glutamate levels in autistic children, but this is still ignored. Microglial scanning of autistic children looks just like adult Alzheimer’s in terms of microglial activation. Dr. James Lyons-Weiler and I wrote up a study after Dr. Mawson’s article, using Dr. Paul Thomas’ pediatric data showing the link to several chronic diseases in vaccinated children, but it has not gotten the attention it deserves.
    When mercury was removed from most vaccines most said the rate of autism would fall. I was alone in saying it would not—it was also the aluminum. In a three-part article I explained why. Dr. Paul Thomas told me he was one of those who did not believe I was correct at the time about the aluminum. He admitted, as events have shown, I was right—both mercury and aluminum activate microglia, leading to immunoexcitoxicity. The Vargus et al study confirmed the microglia were activated for 40 years in the autistic. It is time for the autism community to listen.

    1. Dr Blaylock. People whom pass laws regarding vaccination, as well as people whom approve these substances for use such as CDC persons, insurance companies, hospital managers, public officials, etc, should all have to take tests based on these talking points. The reason nobody listens, is they are not even remotely qualified to understand what you’re talking about.

      You need laymen terms explanations as well as astute scientifically accurate explanations. To put this simply, they inject the vaccine, then observe immune responses. They shout eureka we’ve done it, immune response achieved. What they fail to understand is the bodies inability to regulate various homeostatic processes after the fact. Then they fail to run meaningful long term studies, because the money and income then becomes the priority. There becomes a financial incentive to not perform follow up research. If there is expansion of the system and additional monies flowing, which there is an exponential amount of, the vast majority of that is sent to investors, people within the system profiting and profiteering from additional product sales, pr to deflect criticism, paying off news outlets with a never ending series of pharmasuetical advertisements to buy their silence and not highlight critics of the program. A never ending stream of propaganda; safe and effective. The vaccination industry has long since departed from a primary goal revolving around health, but rather has become a money making machine.

      My take on the sad truth of the matter, not being a qualified person like yourself, but still having a general understanding. There is a massive disconnect between the sales pitch and questions surrounding the long term realities of the pharmasuetical products and their net benefit or lack there of to better health outcomes. As long as there is such astounding financial influence with such minuscule requirements for the money to flow back into follow up research, the never ending pressure to deliver investment returns which expands the CDC schedule, the only workable solutions will not include scientific scientific facts and truths as you postulate here. Because the people making the decisions are not qualified to understand. And for those whom are, they are captured and beholden to the system.

      Solutions may include fines based on income to incentivize the legal community to seek relief on behalf of the people (potential for largest class action lawsuits of all time), forcing a not for profit business structure for anything public health related, and of course; eliminating product liability protections for pharmasuetical companies. We could slow the system down by prohibiting pharmasuetical advertisements on television and news media, as this has a direct relationship to the inability to get valid disclosure evidence to the public.

      Even without an equivalent scientific understanding, many people are finally coming around to a meaningful understanding that the system at large has grown too large and too powerful to be subjected to meaningful checks and balances. These corporations have become governments to themselves and prescribe policy via self asking regulation to restrict market competition through many different sectors from health care to agriculture to welfare systems, banking, and beyond. The system is no longer reflective of meaningful checks and balances, justice for all principals, or fairly implemented representative governance. My counter argument is consistent; The solution to the corruption revolves more around process and system structure corrections rather than individual facts pertaining to individual cases and events. What’s the point of winning only one argument when the system itself is the problem? We need decentralization which will lead to meaningful accountability and better oversight, and we need it now. Good wishes.

    2. Thanks Dr Blaylock for your work and in particular the recent paper with J L-Weiler. Besides yourself, Dr Chris Exley has been pounding the table about the neurotoxicity and carcinogenicity of aluminium for decades. In his book “Imagine You Are An Aluminum Atom” pg 90, he lists 37 diseases so far found to be strongly associated with aluminum. He includes not only Autism and ADHD but also Alzheimer’s, MS, Parkinson’s and ALS (ALS may have more to do with mercury?). His work has been heavily suppressed and defunded and his team were thrown out of his own lab when the Wellcome Foundation took the funding reins at his Keele University in the UK. Keele had previously refused to accept a generous grant from RFK Jr. I have compiled an index for this book and Exley has made it available on his substack; I have since updated it. If anyone is interested we can find a way to get the updated document to them as a pdf.

      Did anyone see the study by J L Garner reporting on the Vaccine Control Studies in the same Journal that Dr Blaylock published? It was based on surveys but rigorously analysed. The tiny minority of Americans who were NEVER jabbed reported much better health and ZERO cancer. Although this is a small population, and surveys are not as powerful as meta analyses and blinded clinical trials, the number of respondents was adequate enough and the signals so strong that statistical significance (low p values) was easily established for each symptom/cohort segment. When did cancers start to become common place?….exactly.

      1. David post the links in your comments. That’s normally approved on these boards.

        Inquiring minds want to know. Thanks.

  7. Sadly, it won’t make a difference.

    The masses are so brainwashed into compliance that the evidence doesn’t matter. I once had someone tell me they “choose to believe differently” when it comes to the harms of these pharmaceuticals. In other words, they didn’t care what reality was. They’d rather choose to ignore it because it feels better.

    99.9% of the population feels the same. They’re incapable of questioning for themselves, and when presented with any evidence, no matter how strong, they reject it. People would rather get cancer and die than change their paradigm, if surviving meant trying something that goes against their “beliefs” of how things work.

    1. John, today in the RFK Jr confirmation hearings, we observed this cognitive dissonance you speak of, on display for the world to see. The politicians are losing their damned minds; ‘We’re talking about life or death! Vaccines are safe AND effective! Childrens lives are at stake!’ Something about baby onesies and flip flopping. That’s rich coming from those guys. Their ‘evidence’ reminds me I should buy more of RFK Jr’s books. Education is a lifetime commitment, something most of them know nothing about.

      Those blathering idiots could not pass a civics test, much less maintain an intelligent take on why vaccines are not delivering as intended, or even begin to understand how there is long term cumulative harm. As they sip their chemical enriched plasticizer diffused latte’s and snack on bio engineered GM processed food stuffs, their mitochondrial processes limited and compromised by existing in a sea of dangerous emf frequencies and associated tech devices.

      Until we can collectively elevate the importance and priority of understanding constitutional rights, the principals of liberty and freedom, the importance of better education, re adopt more straight forward and clear representative governance, decentralize and return to a more limited federalism states rights focused society, scrap the entire concept of globalism, humanity appears to be doomed. It’s only a matter of time now.

  8. “This month, a paper published in “Science, Public Health Policy and the Law” (a WordPress blog, not a scientific journal) claimed that vaccinated children in Florida’s Medicaid program had significantly higher rates of neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism. This study by Mawson and Jacob, funded by the National Vaccine Information Center (an anti-vaccine advocacy organization), has become emblematic of how flawed methodology and biased analysis can be used to promote vaccine hesitancy. Despite being a repeat of previously retracted work and contradicting decades of rigorous research showing no link between vaccines and autism, this paper is circulating widely in parent groups, and has gone totally viral on social media…”. https://theunbiasedscipod.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-failure-why-this-latest

    1. Reminds me of the Matrix. Hopelessly dependent on the system. To the point they will fight to defend their own oppressors. Thankfully, the person writing that puff piece is not in charge of other peoples credibility. I may as well have been on quack watch with that ridiculous piece. Raise your hand if you’re naive enough to think that industry controlled publications are completely honest and unbiased. Not like the never ending corporate advertisement stream funds the publications and subsequently controls content, directs slander to the opposition, makes false claims, or anything like that… Nobody can show you the matrix. You have to see it for yourself. Propaganda works, and works very well. But let me ask the most basic of questions; If the vaccines protect people, why would it matter if people voluntarily opt out and choose not to take vaccines? Why would anyone else be concerned?

      You can get a good feel for the actual scientific rigor of the mouth pieces if they focus on discrediting data, or finding alternative hypothesis. If not the vaccines, then what? Glad you asked; Environmental exposures to emf frequencies, pesticides in food, particulate contamination, forever chemicals, toxic additives in foods, bio engineered ingredients, and yes, also included in this list of contributory factors to rising autism; vaccines. Yet one more toxic element for the body to process. It does not take a quote unquote scientific expert to understand the concept of bio accumulated toxicity, and how more is bad, and less is less harmful. Get out there, pay no attention to everything else. Rest assured in the knowledge that; It’s not the vaccines. It’s anything but the vaccines. We don’t know what, we can’t prove why, but we can tell you with certainty; It’s not the vaccines. Throw precautionary principals to the wind, get more vaccines just in case! Who’s still buying this?

  9. “This month, a paper published in “Science, Public Health Policy and the Law” (a WordPress blog, not a scientific journal) claimed that vaccinated children in Florida’s Medicaid program had significantly higher rates of neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism. This study by Mawson and Jacob, funded by the National Vaccine Information Center (an anti-vaccine advocacy organization), has become emblematic of how flawed methodology and biased analysis can be used to promote vaccine hesitancy. Despite being a repeat of previously retracted work and contradicting decades of rigorous research showing no link between vaccines and autism, this paper is circulating widely in parent groups, and has gone totally viral on social media…”. https://theunbiasedscipod.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-failure-why-this-latest

  10. It is essential that we deal with the mythical notion that we can “catch” a disease and that microbes are responsible. “Can You Catch a Cold?” was just published. Part of the book reviews 203 historical studies that attempted to prove transmission of disease. Some of those trials would be deemed unethical nowadays, so it’s a treasure trove. The chapter on the Common Cold Research Unit in the UK, which was running for 43 years is particularly revealing: no contagion proven, no cause identified, no effective vaccine developed, no virus isolated (all they could do was misinterpret experiments run without non-infected controls) and then publish fraudulent EM images of cell culture artifacts). But, hey, they did come up with the term “corona virus” which, it turns out, was kidney cells breaking down into 100 nm particles. Monkey kidney cells are part of the cell substrate “soup” and these corona particles appear, whether or not the “infected” inoculant is added). The author (Roytas) does delve into what colds/flu are actually related to and what might be happening in the rare cases of “transmission” (beside nocebo effect).

    “Virus Mania 3rd edition” and “What Really Makes You Ill” are also essential reading (the latter contains several quotes from Dr Blaylock. He seems to be the only person writing on some topics related to toxicology). Once you read both books you realize that for example “bird flu” is not “chickens with a runny nose” but sentient beings, weakened by their inbreeding, actually dying from the poisoning of their conditions (e.g ammonia).

    One thing that is clear is that virology is NOT a biological science. “Viruses” are “non-living” so they cannot be biological – plus there is a distinct absence of any scientific method or common sense in their methodology. So what is virology? It’s PROPAGANDA for the vaccine industry, for selling dangerous cleaning chemicals, and for fear-based authoritarian control of the masses.

    One more great book is “Dissolving Illusions” that blows up the myths, outright lies and missing-information about vaccine effectiveness. The key author is Roman Bystrianyk. He also hosts a wonderful substack.

    Thankyou from this Dangerous Dissident Researcher (DDR Dave).

    1. The nacebo effect, interesting…

      David Smith. Great comments. Hope to see more of you on these boards.

      Personally I take the nacebo effect the other direction; mind over matter. People keep telling me; you’d better stop smoking and drinking. I respond; yeah, it’s harmful to my health that’s for sure. But it’s nowhere near as harmful as you ignoring food labels, constantly consuming bio engineered ingredients, having that cell phone in your hand all day, living in an emf field of wireless soup day and night wherever you go, all the toxic food additives and pesticides, forever chemicals in so many daily use products and home materials, amplified by thermal paper and your love of hand sanitizer which increases toxic chemical uptake a hundred fold, etc, etc, and so on and so forth, ten thousand other possible environmental factors.

      Enter the concept of; toxic bio accumulation over time. And the associated solution of; bio toxic cleansing over time. A robust immune system not pre occupied with prescribed antigens, but rather vigorous and capable of handling most toxins or environmental harm, no vaccination or immune priming necessary. Thankfully most of what is ingested can also be cleansed, even heavy metals.

      The primary concern with vaccines is that one bypasses their bodies natural defense mechanisms of the skin, the nasal, the digestive tract. It’s like the difference between inhaling a wisp of cigarette smoke versus taking a needle out to bang straight high dose nicotine into ones own veins. Same concept with vaccines, if there are protective elements within the solutions, they’re best consumed in a manner which utilizes and incorporates the synergistic responses of the bodies own systems which either internalize substances for positive use, or expel the substances having recognized them as toxic elements.

      Want to take a wild guess why the substances in vaccines are only ‘effective’ when delivered intravenously? Because otherwise your body would expel the substances and never let them get in such high does to the blood supply and other organs which are not intended nor equipped to process those toxins. This is what the opposing scientific community is constantly lacking; the laymens explanation. Agreed on many of your points.

      The scientific community has grown too acclimated and comfortable with the most simplistic of scientific methods; Observe a condition, hypothesize the most probable cause, then confirm the diagnosis with simple testing. The primary problem is the studies are not almost uniformly based around a for profit medicine model. Only the rare few can scrape out legitimate research with the goal of earning the medical community less, rather than more. As the other Dave would say; Peace sells, but who’s buying?

      The human body is more complicated than that but also quite simple for anyone to understand. We all after all live in our own bodies. You learn to feel yourself and know what’s working and what is not. I’m a subscriber to the stress based illness argument that all illness is stress based, be that internal or caused by environmental influences. The greatest susceptibility of all humans; Peer pressure.

      We’re collectively not as independent as we think. Nor are we as free thinking as presumed. It takes a lifetime of questioning science to actually understand the most basic principals of science. We’re supposed to test, hypothesize, measure, conclude, and test again. But to what end? We’ve lost track of the true goals of science for the betterment of humanity in these convoluted for profit models. Greed, the root of all evil. It’s probably not a coincidence that the rise of corporate models and centralization also coincides with dramatically reduced health outcomes and general societal ails. We can’t find solutions that work for everyone in a bubble, being tied to only this specialty or that. You can’t challenge power without a philosophical backing; truth is treason in an empire of lies.

      This is why it’s always important to espouse the principals of liberty, representative governance, and honest forms of republic democracy. Because if we followed these models, prioritizing liberty and our fellow man over profits and power, the system would never have evolved to the current forms, runaway modeling, unresolved questions, refusal to study or look, legalese defenses, prioritizing profit, abandonment of the true principals of science and adherence to honest scientific methods. C’est la vie; Repeat after me; Safe and effective. This is what humans are now reduced to. A long road back and may be impossible at this point. Humans have accumulated far too much power than we can be reasonably trusted to be responsible with. Yet hope remains; education is key. Keep up the good work and thank you.

    2. Spelling correction; The primary problem is the studies are NOW almost uniformly based around a for profit medicine model.

  11. I’m concerned about vaccine safety but I’m embarrassed to be associated with the antivax movement. It’s been hijacked by our enemies (China and Russia) who want to use it as propaganda to turn us against our own institutions. Useful idiots parrot this anti-US government propaganda.

    Criticism should be pointed at vaccine policy; NOT the “entire system”.
    Criticism should be serious and specific; NOT a hysterical lashing out at “government”.

    For example, the CDC does very important and useful things:
    -stopped the outbreaks of Marburg and Lassa fever.
    -support treatment for HIV greatly reducing the worldwide outbreak, helping infected pregnant mothers have HIV-free babies.
    -protects against disasters natural and man-made.
    -restricts importation of harmful items like human remains, certain animals and animal products and other potentially infectious biological agents.
    -provides guidelines for the healthy development of children like nutrition and successful parenting.
    -provides resource directories for dealing with ADHD, autism, fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, fragile X, hearing loss, spina bifida,
    -ensures data and surveillance systems that detect, identify, and monitor disease threats and produce high quality, timely data to inform public health action.
    -builds public health laboratory systems that help confirm the presence of disease, pinpoint the cause of illness, train skilled workers, improve diagnostics and specimen transport systems, and increases biosafety and biosecurity.
    -develops systems, tools, and processes that enhance response to public health emergencies including implementation of prevention and mitigation strategies and countermeasures to prevent transmission and treat diseases.
    -supports research, implementation science, and public health evaluations to inform best practices for preventing diseases and countering health threats, global research and innovation work includes understanding why outbreaks are happening and development of new diagnostics and assays that strengthen public health.

    Yes, but vaccines. Vaccines are only a PART of what they do. Vaccine policy can be improved with education; not hysteria.



    1. Hold on, you’re falling trap to your own devices. What about the argument that HIV is not what it’s proclaimed to be? CDC appears to be having a hard time these days maintaining the claim they’re protecting the public, from the same wares they created. We never needed the CDC’s or FDA’s guidelines for food, which are now proven decades later to have been influenced by political and industry donations rather than honest health focused science. Restricts harmful imports? What about the migrants? Provides ADHD resources. Like giving prescribed meth amphetamines to kids and diagnosing everyone with ADHD when the real problem is an excess of sugar and food toxicity? Ensures data and surveillance systems… Develop tools to enhance responses to public health emergencies. Like vaccine passports and other systems immediately abused which violate constitutional rights of American citizens? All those people whom lost their jobs, their homes, and some lost their lives, due to the centralized response of inept bureaucrats with their made up on the fly notions of shutting our entire society down? The same people whom used the force of government to threaten people to comply or else, under duress of the people, like tyrannical dictators? Public health action? Public health is a myth, you have only your own health and can effect those immediate to you, your actions have very minimal bearing on other people in other places. The very last place anyone should turn to for personal health guidance is the government, because health is personal, also tied to environmental, and one size modeling does not fit all.

      The primary vulnerability of any centralized system, including governments, is the susceptibility to power and influence. They may start out with noble intentions but as history shows, almost certainly never maintain those lofty goals when there is too much accumulated power in one place. Enter the concept of checks and balances which is in fact the exact counter argument to your position of trusting government authorities. why outbreaks are happening… Well if they’d stop creating new diseases with amplified gain of function, maybe just maybe the general public would deal with less new diseases with amplified gain of function. Vaccine policy can be improved with education; not hysteria. Trillions of dollars of profit and virtually no accountability may speak otherwise to these conclusions.

      John, the only hysterical person here is you. Respect is earned not given. Coercion is not consent. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. For real world examples, look no further than the failure of centralized modeling. RICO statues. Monopoly rules. Audit every single government institution for waste, fraud, and abuse. Apply fines based on income to the corporations. Get the conflicts of interest out of the way, prohibit paid lobbying, shut down the abused system of non profit enterprises as tax shelters. Restore the principals and real world functions of representative democracy in a republic setting with inalienable rights. Then when the people and our tax dollars are respected, we can begin to talk about these runaway institutions ‘earning trust back’. No taxation without representation. We did not vote for any of the things they’ve done. Stop shouting please. Calm down.

  12. As always, I’m so grateful for your work. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I was aware of the vaccine issues back in the late 90s when my kids were little, and it’s like a miracle to see the truth finally breaking through the barrier of suppression and narrative control. With so many dedicated truth-tellers, we are destined to overturn this travesty of lies.

    I’ve added this article to a curation of more than 500 reports. Researchers and truth-tellers, you can access organized references here:

    Substack articles broken out by sub-category:
    Vaccines Part 1: Corruption, Concealment, Fraud

    Vaccines Part 2: Evidence & Research

    Vaccines Part 3: Vax Manufacturers Not Held Liable for Products

    Vaccines Part 4: Reports by Vaccine Type
    Vaccines Part 5: Counter-Narratives and The History of Smallpox Vaccination That We Haven’t Been Told

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