Monday, February 17, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


More Doctors Go ‘All In’ for Kennedy

More Doctors Go ‘All In’ for Kennedy

In increasing numbers, doctors and medical professionals are raising their voices to support President-elect Trump’s nomination of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Doctors who listen to Kennedy see him as a man with a deep understanding of science and the health issues affecting Americans. Among them is Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, the billionaire owner of The Los Angeles Times and a medical researcher and transplant surgeon.

In a recent interview with the news outlet, The TwoWay, Dr. Soon-Shiong said, “Kennedy is really all about the science . . . after hours of sitting down with him, I was so impressed. He knows more about science than most doctors.”

Dr. Pierre Kory, author of The War on Ivermectin, was similarly impressed, stating, “I found that he had a deep fund of scientific and historical knowledge. I developed a deep admiration for him.”

During a recent appearance on NewsNation, another supporter, Dr. Mark Hyman, echoed Kennedy’s deep concern about the spike in chronic diseases in America. “Chronic disease is not a red, blue, or purple problem,” he said. “It’s a human problem and we are suffering the greatest epidemic of chronic disease in the history of humanity. In America, six in ten of us have chronic disease. Fifty-one percent of children have chronic illness including obesity.”

Dr. Oz is also “all in” on Kennedy to lead the HHS. “The current health care system in this country is unsustainable and the experts who brought us these problems are the ones who are complaining about the appointment of RFK, Jr.” Oz recently said on Fox. Noting that Americans now have a six-year shorter life expectancy than Europeans, he continued, “And it’s frustrating, because if you look at the burden on our economy… ninety percent of the four and a half trillion dollars spent on our healthcare is for chronic illness.”

Dr. Suneel Dhand said he’s been waiting a long time for someone like Kennedy to lead U.S. health policy. “Somebody,” he said, “who truly wants to focus on root causes and who is not aligned with the awful medical industrial complex.”

Finally, the U.K. ‘s leading online health educator, Dr. John Campbell, details his hope that Kennedy’s appointment to lead HHS will inspire world-wide change in health care. “He could identify the toxins in ultra processed food,’’ Campbell told his more than 3 million YouTube channel subscribers, adding that Kennedy would do well by “limiting toxic agricultural chemicals, herbicides and pesticides which go into the foods and could be accounting for all sorts of ill health in the metabolic health crisis in the United States.”

Kennedy supporters have been circulating an online petition which reads, in part:

We want the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services to champion people with concerns about their health, chronic diseases, health policies, and environmental toxins, and who will not avoid discussing contentious issues. Mr. Kennedy has repeatedly demonstrated this courage while maintaining an unwavering commitment to evidence-based decision-making.

In the coming weeks, Kennedy will face Senators on both sides of the aisle for his confirmation hearing. Those who recognize our nation’s chronic disease crisis as the existential threat it is, will likely stand with Kennedy and the reforms he’s committed to making. Those who don’t recognize the problem—the old guard, people who long profited from Americans being and remaining sick—will likely stand opposed.

What do Americans think? They voted for change. That change includes making America healthy again.

This article was originally published on Substack. Louis Conte is the Health Freedom Editor for The Kennedy Beacon.

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13 Responses

  1. RFK Jr. cannot get confirmed quick enough. This has been long over do and there is so much that needs to be changed.
    I have a grandson, I have hope that he won’t be in the long line of children who have been purposely made sick from all the toxic vaccines they have forced on parents. Not giving them the information they need to make an informed health decisions, from complicit pediatricians who never read the fact sheets themselves.

  2. As a Dr. I’m not. Most Drs are idiots as evidenced by their vaccine push. He was a heroin addict for 15 years. His dopamine receptor sites are toast. And the only way to get off that addiction is methadone or some other designer drug. His voice is evident of his addiction. And that kind of addiction destroys the centers of the brain for rational thought. Yes he looks good but also no 70 yr old addict is going to look like that without juicing. He’s a drug addict. And the irony of electing him as head of a HHS. Is beyond comical. Never mind he’s a Kennedy. Notorious bootleggers and mafiosos. He never did anything for CHD except collect a 500k paycheck and tie up cases in court. He’s a clown and anyone who believes in this loser is also a clown. Because he is very pro vax. He was never anti vax. The guys an idiot.

    1. You’re an idiot! He has been diagnosed with spasmodic dysphonia. You’re probably a Fauci apologist. Maybe even a colleague. You think that you are science too?

      1. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 thank you.


        Robert F Kennedy Jr is a very honored man. You need to do the research. Why are there so many sick people? Why are we having a lot of health problems? Cancer rate is on the rise!! So is morbid obesity. Processed foods are one of the culprits. How can the heck babies put up with multi vaccines per visit??? Can’t you see the younger generation, the sicker they are?? You’re not thinking twice.

    2. He has publicly admitted his spasmodic dysphonia IS A VACCINE INJURY FROM THE FLU SHOT. At one point it was listed IN THE INSERT. He talked about it 3 years ago in a podcast interview I listened to. You’re disgusting.

  3. This is window dressing and lip service from the deeply corrupt establishment that has long since towed the line for the medical industrial complex, the agricultural industrial complex, the chemical industrial complex, and so on, and so forth (insert ten dozen other long since corrupted business sectors here.)

    Magically because of RFK Jr, they’re willing to listen to decades upon decades of safety research which has clearly shown without a doubt that policy is for sale and we live in a sea of harmful chemicals? All of us whom have been warning about these issues for our entire lives, we’re probably psychic with esp, which is how we knew about these issues, and they did not.

    Who’s still buying this? Dr Oz? The television hack in a white or blue lab coat? Who do you think pays for that entire show, charity? No, it’s the same corrupted industries whom pay for all those god awful pharmasuetical commercials and the likes. Every single show you see on syndicated television, every single network which they allow to be shown on syndicated television, and just about every medical publication out there except for a rare few, receives more funding from the advertisers than they do from legitimate product sales. The ever increasing advertisement funding acts as a convenient write down to avoid taxation, as well as bribe money to assure a legitimate independent voice will never see the light of day. There will be no awakening the plebs from their deep chemical induced slumber and subscription to a lifetimes need of dependency on the system and ever failing physical and mental health.

    Wake me when Dr Ardis is invited for legitimate advisement or when something unspeakable happens, like we can go pick up ivermectin from our local grocery store without a prescription. Go ahead, embrace the conformation bias one more time, wait for the government to provide you solutions and factual truths. You’ve waited a lifetime already, what’s one more day? The primary reason an increasing number of establishment place holders move in support of RFK is not because of any noble cause, ethic, or sudden unexpected switch towards accountability and honesty. Nope. The reason is they’re criminals whom realize there is enough informational counter that they’d better get on board with a more honest approach before we strip them and their companies of all the unfairly earned wealth from the past several centuries as the sycophants with the system have systematically lied to everyone, denied legitimate treatments and products from the market, caused immeasurable harm. Those pThis is window dressing and lip service from the deeply corrupt establishment that has long since towed the line for the medical industrial complex, the agricultural industrial complex, the chemical industrial complex, and so on, and so forth (insert ten dozen other long since corrupted business sectors here.)

    Magically because of RFK Jr, they’re willing to listen to decades upon decades of safety research which has clearly shown without a doubt that policy is for sale and we live in a sea of harmful chemicals? All of us whom have been warning about these issues for our entire lives, we’re probably psychic with esp, which is how we knew about these issues, and they did not.

    Who’s still buying this? Dr Oz? The television hack in a white or blue lab coat? Who do you think pays for that entire show, charity? No, it’s the same corrupted industries whom pay for all those god awful pharmasuetical commercials and the likes. Every single show you see on syndicated television, every single network which they allow to be shown on syndicated television, and just about every medical publication out there except for a rare few, receives more funding from the advertisers than they do from legitimate product sales. The ever increasing advertisement funding acts as a convenient write down to avoid taxation, as well as bribe money to assure a legitimate independent voice will never see the light of day. There will be no awakening the plebs from their deep chemical induced slumber and subscription to a lifetimes need of dependency on the system and ever failing physical and mental health.

    Wake me when Dr Ardis is invited for legitimate advisement or when something unspeakable happens, like we can go pick up ivermectin from our local grocery store without a prescription. Go ahead, embrace the conformation bias one more time, wait for the government to provide you solutions and factual truths. You’ve waited a lifetime already, what’s one more day?

    The reason there is an increasing acceptance of RFK Jr is not because the people in power suddenly acquired a better ethic, became in support of honest process, or actually care about your health. Nope. They are getting on board because the sycophant ship is sinking and they would rather retain their wealth and fame than face honest accountability. These are power moves to placate the masses as there is finally enough exposure and general public awareness they know they can’t suppress this much honest information from the majority for much longer. And you can bet your bottom dollar they’ll slow walk everything and you’ll never see the majority even begin to comprehend how much knowledge has been kept from them for their entire lives.

    It’s going to take more than one famous person and the true litmus test is how many liars there are compared to truth tellers. The NIH is still funded by your tax dollars right? Pharmaceutical ads still play day and night on every media imaginable do they not? Alternative treatments covered under your standard medical insurance yet? Hows that effort for affordable health care under the weight of controlling insurance companies? For profit medicine still waiting in line for the next patent? Where can you go for wave and pulsation frequency therapy? Who’s your local holistic doctor and is there enough of them that they have a spot at your local retail plaza? “Contains a bio engineered food ingredient” products are still readily available at nearly every retail location which sells food in this entire country last I checked. FDA still regulating the drugs in your food? Don’t hold your breath for a government solution, we’re on our own. Information is power, and your only protection from a system which has been this corrupt for this long, amassed that much influence, control, and wealth.

    You want the truth? You’re not ready for the truth.

    1. You can pick up ivermectin over the counter in Tennessee. I think big pharma should continue to run ads as people will hear the side effects and possibly read the hard to read fine print in the ads as well. Horrifying! These are things most doctors are not clear about and most people do not read the insert warning them of these potential side effects, like cancer and death. Colorado, it is a very positive step in the right direction, especially post the disaster that was the COVID vaccine!!

  4. We clearly need someone that is willing and able to disturb the status queue of the U.S. dysfunctional high cost healthcare system and resulting poor health with the help of others! Need more people concerned about the health of the citizens and not the “health” of the bank accounts of companies.

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