Friday, July 26, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


CDC Reports Errors in RSV Vaccines Given to Pregnant Woman, Monoclonal Antibody Shots to Children

pregnant woman awaiting vaccination

A new problem involving the RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) vaccines given to adults over age 60 and monoclonal antibody shots given to infants and children has been highlighted in a recent emergency newsletter called the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity, which is distributed to health care providers.1

In the United States, there are two RSV vaccines licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). One is called Abrysvo manufactured by Pfizer, Inc. and FDA approved for people over 60 years old and for pregnant women between 32 and 36 weeks gestation. The second RSV vaccine is called Arexvy manufactured by GSK plc and FDA approved for people over the age of 60.

In addition, a monoclonal antibody drug called Nirsevimab (also known as Beyforus) manufactured by Sanofi SA in partnership with AstraZeneca plc is FDA approved for babies and children up to two years of age.2 Beyforus is administered as a shot into the thigh muscle.3

Since the FDA licensed the RSV vaccines and the Nirsevimab monoclonal antibody shot, the CDC and FDA have received reports of Abrysvo or Arexvy RSV vaccines being administered in error to young children. In addition, the CDC and FDA have also received reports of the Arexvy RSV vaccine being administered in error to pregnant women.4

Ann Philbrick, PharmD, associate professor at the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy stated:

I would surmise it was a combination of all three products being released in short succession of each other and lack of knowledge of the specifics of each product.”5

These errors were unfortunate, but they do provide an important learning opportunity for those that provide vaccines. Locally, whichever healthcare facility made the error will hopefully review all steps of their process to try to mitigate the chances of repeating the error, though they are not mandated to do so.”6

VAERS Detected Errors in Administration of RSV Vaccine

According to the CDC’s newsletter, as of Jan. 17, 2024 the number of error reports received by VAERS suggests that there were 25 reports of administration of the wrong RSV product to young children less than two years of age and 128 reports of errors in administration of RSV vaccines to pregnant women.7

VAERS data showed that most reports of administration errors in young children occurred in infants under eight months old. Administration errors for both young children and pregnant women occurred in outpatient settings such as doctor’s offices, while administration errors of the Arexvy RSV vaccine in pregnant women occurred in pharmacies. The CDC’s newsletter stated that “Most of these administration error reports described no adverse event. When an adverse event was concurrently reported to VAERS, most reports were classified as non-serious.”8

CDC Issues Guidelines for Health Care Providers Who Err in Administration of RSV Vaccines and Monoclonal Antibody Shots

The CDC’s newsletter outlines recommendations for vaccine providers about what to do if they administered the wrong RSV vaccine or monoclonal antibody shot to a patient. The recommendations can be found here.

Steve Grapentine, PharmD, a pediatric infectious disease pharmacist at University of California San Francisco’s Benioff Children’s Hospital said:

If a serious reaction were to occur, that would likely happen within the first 15 minutes after vaccine administration. Fortunately, most vaccines are well-tolerated even when given incorrectly.”

But Dr. Grapentine also noted:

None of these products are interchangeable. Arexvy and Abrysvo are each dosed in micrograms and technically contain the same amount of RSV vaccine, but you cannot make direct comparisons between the two. Vaccine and medication strengths are unique to that specific product. Beyfortus is dosed in milligrams and not technically a vaccine, so it’s even more different.9

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Click here to view References:

1 Hui K. Some People Are Receiving the Wrong RSV Vaccine. Very Well Health Jan. 29, 2024.
2 Ibid.
3 U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. RSV Immunization for Children 19 months and Younger. Sept. 28, 2023.
4 Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity. Information on Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Vaccine Administration Errors in Young Children and Pregnant People. CDC Jan. 22, 2024.
5 Hui K. Some People Are Receiving the Wrong RSV Vaccine. Very Well Health Jan. 29, 2024.
6 Ibid.
7 Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity. Information on Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Vaccine Administration Errors in Young Children and Pregnant People. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Jan. 22, 2024.
8 Ibid.
9 Hui K. Some People Are Receiving the Wrong RSV Vaccine. Very Well Health Jan. 29, 2024.

12 Responses

  1. Isn’t it interesting that you never heard about RSV until this last year when the CDC began a huge “information” campaign to tell us about this allegedly dangerous virus AND coincidently, a brand spankin’ new vaccine was just released. How convenient. Talk about one hand washing the other.
    As for monoclonal antibodies… All antibodies are non specific which means you can’t make a specific antibody for any alleged virus. So what they are giving people is anyone’s guess. But I can guess it’s not good for you in any way and especially not good for pregnant women.

    1. I have said the same thing!!! I am 75 and not once was ever told to get a so called rsv vaccine!!!! I never heard of it until this year. So why would anyone trust this???? I certainly don’t. In fact I have not taken any of the recent vaccines because I will not take the risk. Proud to say I am healthy and doing just fine according to my doctor.

  2. When I received this email, it was deleted by; I have to check my deleted folder every day since the covid shot was released. Emails from NVIC and Dr. Mercola are deleted by on a regular basis now.


    1. I hope you get this Stormy. You can get a free email account with Proton. There is no censorship to deal with on that platform. Plus the snoops on most if not all of the free email services are fascist and marxist spies.

  3. Nothing that comes from the cdc,fda,nih can be trusted..These organizations have committed crimes against the American people and they carry on like nothing has happened…There has to be justice. They cannot sweep this under the rug.. Big harmas strangle hold on this country has got to end…”WE THE PEOPLE”

    1. Pharma is really part of the military industrial complex as are the alpha agencies. C19 was a (covert) military operation. COVID=Certification of Vaccine Identification; 19 = 1 & 9 = AI.

  4. I’m wondering what the next vaccine will be to cover up for the RSV vaccine damages. And the ones after that vaccine. A co-worker of mine wonders why I have nothing to do with prescription meds, OTC meds or vaccines. This person doesn’t get it that toxic chemicals labeled as medicines create and contributes to diseases. If things that actually belong in the body can’t contribute to good health and healing. I don’t what will.

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