Wednesday, February 19, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Pfizer Stock Posts Big Drop as Demand for COVID Shots and Paxlovid Dries Up

Pfizer Stock Posts Big Drop as Demand for COVID Shots and Paxlovid Dries Up

The value of shares in Pfizer, Inc. stock has dropped by over eight percent in recent weeks, bringing it to the lowest it has been in more than 10 years. The drop follows a recent announcement by the pharmaceutical company that it will post a decrease in revenue this year that will come in well under Wall Street’s expectations.1

Pfizer forecasts it will generate sales revenue of $58.5 billion to $61.5 billion in 2024, while Wall Street had anticipated $63.17 billion for the company.2

Pfizer’s 2024 revenue forecast includes $5 billion from its Comirnaty mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) COVID-19 shots and $3 billion in sales from its COVID-19 antiviral drug Paxlovid, adding up to a total of $8 billion from its COVID products. This represents a 90 percent decline from the $57 billion Pfizer earned from its COVID products in 2022 and significantly less than the $13.8 billion financial analysts had expected for 2023.3 4

Pfizer CFO Dave Denton told investors:

While we do not expect COVID vaccination and infection rates to change materially in 2024 versus this year, we have set our Comirnaty and Paxlovid 2024 revenue expectations lower.5

Half of Americans Don’t Want Latest COVID Shots

Pfizer’s revenue forecast for this year is reinforced by a Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) survey in November 2023 that showed that public interest in COVID gene therapies is diminishing. The survey found that roughly 50 percent of adults in the United States indicated they do not plan to receive the latest Comirnaty and Spikevax COVID shots manufactured by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna respectively.

Even people who received the initial COVID shots the first year of pandemic are refusing to get the updated boosters, with only 17.2 percent of Americans over the age of 18 having received the boosters.6

Pfizer has had to readjust its revenue forecast for 2023 because it did not expect public demand for Comirnaty and Paxlovid to decline so dramatically. “We want to be conservative and are giving a good floor. We want to be reliable so that we will not create again uncertainty, which was the case early this year when our estimates were way higher than in reality,” said Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla.7

Pfizer Acquires Cancer Care Biotech Firm

In an effort to improve its financial performance, Pfizer completed acquisition of global biotechnology company Seagen, Inc. on December 14, 2023. The $43 billion deal for Seagen, which specializes in “transformative cancer medicines,” is consistent with Pfizer’s plans to establish a new oncology division.8 Seagen will account for about five percent of Pfizer’s 2024 total sales revenue.9

Other manufacturers of the COVID shot have also taken financial hits over the last two years as public demand and government subsidies for the products have decreased. The value of Moderna stock recently declined by approximately 85 percent from their 2021 peak and Johnson & Johnson’s shares declined by 15 percent from their 2022 peak.10

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5 Responses

  1. So thankful that people are waking up to the absurdity and danger of these shots! Glad that these companies are suffering the negative financial consequences of their greed-driven agenda. Sadly, as data has shown, the cancer rates have increased dramatically since the roll out of the shots. On cue, Pfizer to the rescue with a new oncology division poised to saved the day…

  2. We should have gotten into more investments, or perhaps we still should… The formula for success is simple; Invest and follow whatever the government dumps all the taxpayers money into, then divest as public interest and factual awareness of the incompetency of the managers and their management systems grows in the public sphere. Basically this is a gigantic money laundering scheme. Today it was vaccines. Yesterday it was green energy. What will come next? Look no further than the bozos in Washington DC for your investment solutions.

    Let me explain to you how this works with the messaging systems. Especially with the big players like Kaiser. These institutions attract the most pliable most susceptible, and most acquiescent followers in our society. Mainly because they tailor to the welfare state recipients. All data coming from these institutions is skewed towards the side of our populace bases whom readily chase after and yearn for someone else to have management control over their own lives. All data coming out of those bubbles are therefore incredibly skewed. The corporate messaging follows as a signal for those in the know to divest ahead of the crowds, ahead of the primary most substantial losses. The actual mention of the specific branded and patented product they’re messaging about is for the most part, immaterial.

    And that’s how the game is played folks. The tables are tilted the game is rigged. They call it the American Dream, because you’d have to be asleep to believe it. Additionally gambling on other peoples future is immoral. Is this really whom we collectively want running our society? Apparently this is what we collectively deserve. It will take a spiritual revival to save this country, we have slid so far away from saving grace and manifest destiny. Policy for sale. Marionettes dancing to the pied piper. Peace sells, but who’s buying…

  3. Here is a warning about Paxlovid. Not only has it been shown [much like Tamiflu] to not be very effective; but is is a TRIPLE fluorinated drug. Fluorine is put in drugs as a catalyst ;makes the drug go in faster,longer,stronger,deeper and cheaper for the drug company NOT you. F drugs can also come with permanent side effects; like Cipro,Levaquin,Gemifloxin antibiotics [which cause tendonitis,fibromyalgia,gut issues, permanent peripheral neuropathy, aortic stricture or rupture and detached retinas] or triple fluorinated anti fungal Voriconazole which gave me arthritis in all my joints and disregulated my blood sugar controls to hypoglycemia. Covid jabs, monoclonal antibodies, PCR tests and Paxlovid are ALL Emergency Use Only which means not proven to be safe or effective. Beware.

    1. “Half of Americans Don’t Want Latest COVID Shots” That would probably be the same half that refused them in the first place.

    2. And, those fluoride drugs also cross the blood/brain barrier and lead to dementia. There are so many thousands of us who continue to suffer from a variety of Fluoride based drugs. It is abominable!

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