Friday, December 13, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


New Movie Highlights Young People Who Died After Getting COVID Vaccine

The Department of Justice is posting a new jobs ad looking for eight new attorneys to defend the federal government in vaccine injury cases. More and more people are finding the courage to try to challenge the drug companies, which is nearly impossible, but also the federal government for forcing these [COVID-19] vaccines on us without the proper disclosures, without the proper risks, and ultimately without informed consent. It’s a herculean effort to get past all of the roadblocks that the government put up long ago to try to prevent these kinds of lawsuits.

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One Response

  1. What company has ever not actively tried to escape accountability in the damage they’ve inflicted? Remember in the Factor 8 scandal when Bayer knowingly infected all those people with HIV and nobody was held accountable for it? Or all the paralysis caused by DDT but instead blamed on poliovirus. Etc etc. We simply cannot ever, even once, count on industry or government (who are almost always in collusion) to protect our health even from the problems they themselves force upon us.

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