The United States is seeing an increase in infant deaths. That’s the headline from a new report from the CDC. It says there’s been a year to year increase in the infant mortality rate—the first in about 20 years. The report caused concern at the CDC. They’re worried that the back to back increase might become a trend. … Losing a child is a terrible grief that more and more parents are experiencing in the U.S., according to new data from the CDC. The report shows the infant mortality in 2021 was 5.44. In 2022, it was 5.6—a three percent increase.
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6 Responses
They’re going to blame it on lack of vaccines.
Still denied, but the covid shot causes higher cross the board harms – higher miscarriage rate, higher sids, higher rate of cancer . . . excessive death rates in all ages up – but higher proportional increase in children . . . (all cause mortality up in 2021 (year of shot) not in 2020 (year of covid) and still rising ’22, ’23
The elephant in the room that many Doctors still deny – mass psychosis opp.
A healthy immune system does not need vaccines – real evidence based comment!
Mothers, protect your children . . . . . . . . from your doctors.
This calls for a massive legal action against the gov / pub health: US is the only developed nation that forces vaxes on infants less than 2 years old. I’m not a parent, so I don’t know how many vaxes – under age 2 in the US – that is. But if no one can successfully file claims for Covid damage regardless of age, our gov NEEDS to be sued. Congressmen need to understand that their investments in Big Pharma could spell disaster if they continue to ignore their vax-damaged, vax-dead constituents. Some of their vax-damaged constituents were investors before their vax demise precluded working altogether. Killer vaxes need to be deleted.
Where do we begin?