The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is refusing to release information it has collected on cases of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the membrane around the heart) following administration of messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID-19 bivalent shot. The bivalent shot has been replaced this year with a new mRNA monovalent COVID booster shot that Pfizer only tested on a small number of mice, while questions about heart inflammation following the previous bivalent shot remain unanswered.1
Although the CDC has reviewed the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reports of inflammatory heart conditions in order to meet with advisors about updates to the product, the agency refused to share the data with members of its Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), which met on Sept. 12, 2023 to discuss COVID booster recommendations.2
Rather than discuss updated data, the CDC instead referred to data collected from a seven-week study that was conducted prior to October 2022, which showed only nine cases of myocarditis and pericarditis. A CDC spokesperson acknowledged that the agency had more recent data, but would not be sharing it with the public. “When appropriate, the updated safety data will be published,” the spokesperson said.3
According to the Epoch Times, Kim Witczak, a drug safety advocate for the nonprofit Woody Matters of Minneapolis, Minnesota countered:
I am tired of the CDC and FDA deciding what information the public needs and doesn’t need. This is precisely the information that parents need to have especially when there are still schools and activities mandating these shots. This is evil playing out right before our eyes.3
During last month’s ACIP meeting, the data presented by the CDC and partners were supposed inform ACIP members determining which groups of people would receive recommendations to get the new monovalent COVID booster shots. Data from the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD), a closed CDC-operated database that covers a significantly smaller population that VAERS, was presented and only showed two cases of myocarditis associated with the bivalent COVID shots.
According to an Epoch Times search of VAERS data, there were 98 reported cases of myocarditis, pericarditis, or myopericarditis following bivalent booster shots as of the beginning of September 2023. The younger population appears to be faring worse after the shots. Thirteen of these reports were filed on behalf of people between the ages of 18-29 and five were reported for people 6-17 years old.
Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) questioned the CDC’s presentation that lacked relevant data and commented:
The CDC has acknowledged that heart inflammation is a complication of mRNA COVID-19 shots and, yet, the only published data released by CDC officials about that complication is a seven-week study that ended on Oct. 23, 2022. Where is more specific myocarditis/pericarditis data related to bivalent COVID shots for the past 10 months?4
After the CDC’s presentation, Oliver Brooks, MD, chief medical officer at Watts Healthcare Corporation in Los Angeles, California, said, “Feel good about the fact that in the bivalent we saw no signal from myocarditis.”1 It is easy to feel good about cherry picked information when the truth is hidden.
COVID Bivalent Shots Were Approved Without Testing in Humans
The original mRNA COVID shots, which are no longer available in the United States, were monovalent. The updated booster shots, first introduced in September 2022, were bivalent. The original COVID shots contained the spike protein from the original strain of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, while the bivalent shots contain both the original spike protein along with spike proteins for Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants.5 The new monovalent COVID booster shot formulation being given in the U.S. today targets the Omicron XBB.1.5 strain.6
The VAERS reports filed after the introduction of the COVID bivalent shots in September 2022 have added importance as the shot was introduced and recommended for widespread use with zero safety and efficacy studies conducted on humans in clinical trials. The only safety and efficacy testing of the bivalent shots prior to FDA authorization was conducted on eight mice.7
A CNBC article published in August 2022 described the lack of human trials evaluating the safety of the bivalent mRNA COVID booster shots:
Both shots have yet to complete human trials. The FDA based its decision off real-world evidence of existing COVID vaccine safety, plus clinical trial data of earlier bivalent vaccines targeting older forms of Omicron and current lab data on the BA.5 shot in mice.8
John Moore, PhD, professor of microbiology and immunology at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City wrote:
To rely only on mouse data (for authorization) would be unprecedented in my knowledge and would certainly raise eyebrows. It doesn’t mimic the human situation.9
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Click here to view References:1 Baker A. FDA Approves new mRNA Monovalent COVID Booster Shots, But Pfizer Only Tested Mice. The Vaccine Reaction Sept. 25, 2023.
2 Stieber Z. CDC Refuses to Release Updated Information on Post-COVID Vaccination Heart Inflammation. The Epoch Times Sept. 23, 2023.
3 Ibid.
4 Stieber Z. CDC Refuses to Release Updated Information on Post-COVID Vaccination Heart Inflammation. The Epoch Times Sept. 23, 2023.
5 Katella K. Comparing the COVID-19 Vaccines: How Are They Different? Yale Medicine May 22, 2023.
6 Baker A. FDA Approves new mRNA Monovalent COVID Booster Shots, But Pfizer Only Tested Mice. The Vaccine Reaction Sept. 25, 2023.
7 Cáceres M. Safety and Effectiveness of New COVID Bivalent Boosters Based on a Study of Eight Mice? The Vaccine Reaction Sept. 12, 2022.
8 Constantino AK. CDC head Dr. Walensky on fast-tracking new omicron-specific boosters: The consequences could be worse ‘if we wait’. CNBC Aug. 31, 2022.
9 Staff Reporter. FDA authorizes new COVID shot boosters without proper testing. The Desert Review Aug. 31, 2022.
7 Responses
What do you expect from a criminal organization?
Do these people have any sense of what is right and wrong…What the cdc,fda,nih do is unconscionable…Let ‘s call it what it is. ” Crimes against humanity” Nobody with a sense of honor and integrity could do what they do… Old glory is flying low!!
Make a choice. Do not get the vaccine. Contact your elected congressional representative and point this out. This is outrageous to be treated this way.
They refuse to release the information, because the information proves the shot will kill you. In fact, whatever shot they start telling you is “safe and effective” will kill you. So don’t listen to the CDC, the FDA, Creepy Joe Biden, or any other Democrat. They tried to kill a lot of Americans last time, and had significant success at it. Don’t let them kill you this time.
I genuinely wish people would take this out of a bipartisan lens. This is a health issue and needs to be looked at solely from a health perspective. It is crimes against humanity and the companies that made the vaccines and the CDC and FDA are the ones that need to be held liable. But please drop the political posturing that it’s one party’s fault or the others. Doesn’t help anything.
I wonder if this is true? They are putting synthetic covid in our water and foods?