Wednesday, February 05, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


CDC Recommends SIX Vaccines During Pregnancy But Fewer Women are Complying

CDC Recommends SIX Vaccines During Pregnancy But Fewer Women are Complying

Fewer women in the U.S. are complying with CDC recommendations to get vaccinated during pregnancy according to a report about an Internet panel survey published on Sept. 29, 2023 in the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR). CDC officials analyzed data from the survey assessing the uptake of influenza, Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis) and COVID-19 vaccines among women pregnant during the 2022–2023 influenza season. They found that more women are resisting recommendations by public health officials and doctors to be injected with multiple vaccines during pregnancy.1

For the past three years, CDC officials have recommended that pregnant women receive five vaccines, including influenza, Tdap and COVID. As of September 2023, that recommendation has been expanded to six vaccines with the addition of a new respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine.2

In September 2023, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) added the RSV vaccine to the CDC’s guidance for pregnant women. The RSV vaccine is to be administered during weeks 32 through 36 of pregnancy.3

Neil Silverman, MD, a maternal-fetal medicine specialist at UCLA Health in California said:

We are meeting more resistance than I ever remember. We didn’t get this kind of pushback on this scale before the pandemic. Now all vaccines are lumped together as bad.4

Doctors Say More Pregnant Women Hesitant, Don’t Want to Talk About Vaccination

The Internet panel survey to examine vaccine coverage among pregnant women was conducted during the period Mar. 28–April 16, 2023 among women 18–49 years old who reported being pregnant at any time since Aug. 1, 2022 through the date of the survey. Among 17,931 women, who entered the survey site and answered the screening questions, 2,588 were eligible and 2,349 completed the survey.5

Among 1,814 pregnant women during October 2022–January 2023, 47.2 percent reported receiving an influenza vaccine since July 1, 2022, compared to 57.5 percent who got their flu shots during the pre-pandemic 2019-20 season.6 7 Just  55.4 percent of women with a recent live birth received the Tdap vaccine.8

Denise Jamieson, MD, vice president for medical affairs at the University of Iowa Health Care and spokesperson for the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) commented on the number of pregnant women getting the Tdap vaccine saying, “Tdap is just barely recovering from pre-pandemic levels.”9

COVID vaccination coverage was assessed among 1,252 women who were pregnant at the time of the survey and received one of more doses of a primary series and received a bivalent booster dose before or during the current pregnancy. Among 1,252 pregnant women, 64.9 percent reported having received one or more COVID shots; 58.7 percent reported having completed the primary COVID shot series, and 27.3 percent reported having received a bivalent COVID booster shot.10

The number of respondents who reported being very hesitant about receiving influenza and Tdap vaccines during pregnancy increased significantly during 2022–23 compared to 2019–20. During 2022–23, 24.7 percent of women reported being very hesitant about influenza vaccination during pregnancy compared compared to 17.2 percent during 2021–22 and 17.5 percent during 2019–20. During 2022–23, approximately 19.8 percent women reported being very hesitant about Tdap vaccination during pregnancy compared to 14.7 percent during 2021–22 and 15.1 percent during 2019–20.11

Commenting on vaccine hesitancy, Linda Eckert, MD, an obstetrician gynecologist at the University of Washington said, There’s a bias that some patients have, more than they used to, about how they feel about a vaccine.” She said that when she now recommends a vaccine to her patients, they respond with, “I’m not going to talk about it”.12

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Click here to view References:

1 Razzaghi H. et al. Influenza, Tdap, and COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage and Hesitancy Among Pregnant Women — United States, April 2023. MMWR 2023; 72(39): 1065–1071.
2 Edwards E, Weaver J. As the number of vaccines for pregnant women rises, so does vaccine hesitancy. NBC News Oct. 17, 2023.
3 U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC recommends new vaccine to help protect babies against severe respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) illness after birth. Sept. 22, 2023.
4 Edwards E, Weaver J. As the number of vaccines for pregnant women rises, so does vaccine hesitancy. NBC News Oct. 17, 2023.
5  Razzaghi H. et al. Influenza, Tdap, and COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage and Hesitancy Among Pregnant Women — United States, April 2023. MMWR 2023; 72(39): 1065–1071.
6 Ibid.
7 CDC. Association of vaccine hesitancy with maternal influenza and Tdap vaccination coverage – United States, 2019–20 to 2022–23.
8 Razzaghi H. et al. Influenza, Tdap, and COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage and Hesitancy Among Pregnant Women — United States, April 2023. MMWR 2023; 72(39): 1065–1071.
9 Edwards E, Weaver J. As the number of vaccines for pregnant women rises, so does vaccine hesitancy. NBC News Oct. 17, 2023.
10 Razzaghi H. et al. Influenza, Tdap, and COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage and Hesitancy Among Pregnant Women — United States, April 2023. MMWR 2023; 72(39): 1065–1071.
11 Ibid.
12 Edwards E, Weaver J. As the number of vaccines for pregnant women rises, so does vaccine hesitancy. NBC News Oct. 17, 2023.

20 Responses

  1. For how many years we have heard: “don’t drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes if you’re pregnant”. But go ahead and get all these shots. These shots are completely safe!! CDC has lost the LITTLE credibility they had. The doctors who are repeating the CDC’s recommendations to their pregnant patients are no better

  2. CDC should be called “Center for Disease Propagation.” Finally, some women are waking up from their slumber and realizing chemicals and heavy metals, DNA and poisons should not be put in their babies.

    1. Yeah, sure. When do you suppose the supposedly intelligent humans will apply the same logic to the heavy metals and genetically modified substances which occupy the majority of space in their refrigerator and pantry cabinets? You see, it’s all about conditioning. I remain profoundly disappointed that so many safe food advocates continued to take vaccinations and accept more wireless devices into their homes. They do so because they’re just following trends, and don’t actually understand the risk or the science, they live in a sea of chemical and radiological exposure, how important it is to mitigate personal exposure on multiple fronts. The supposed food safety advocates spent a fortune on non gm verified foods, only to inject similar substances directly into their veins. There is little hope for all these prospective mothers, because they’ll just turn around and irradiate the babies in the womb with their Sprint and Verizon phones, and consume just as many heavy metals with their General Mills cereal brands. Top that off with a glyphosate Pepsi Cola offering and voila! Medical customers for life. The ever expanding vaccination schedule is but one minor piece of the puzzle.

      1. The matrix is a maze. Many will never find the exit. Thank you for pointing out some of the disconnected “thinking” so prevalent among us. I am sympathetic — the web of lies makes a very strong net.

  3. This is good news! These vaccines, all of them, are poison! Vaxx injury is at an all-time high, and vaxx-related mortality is too!
    Just say NO to this depopulation program!

  4. Oh more medical trickery and wizardry to distract the masses. How they feel about the vaccine… Because the status quo is how people feel about the product, and never ever under any circumstances acknowledge or even hint that they’ve been wrong on vaccine safety this entire time. As long as you feel good about vaccines, that’s all that matters. Great ending. How about some statistics on how many of the hesitant women have had negative outcomes with pregnancy and vaccinations in the past, how many may know others whom have had negative outcomes under similar circumstances, if this was their first pregnancy, etc. This alleged scientific study does not parse much important data. And does anyone care to explain why among seventeen thousand survey participants, they had to disqualify fifteen thousand of them? What’s the percentage on that one? Lies. Damned lies. And statistics. These people are not experts. This is not science. The covidians are really scraping the bottom of the barrel these days to resort to this sort of faux journalism meeting quasi scientific statistical analysis. Who’s still buying this?

  5. took nothing during any of my 3 pregnancies, including shots. dont see anyway it would be possible to foresee negative outcomes accurately-just too complex a system to do so. if they are genuinely concerned, let them work on better prenatal care, and infant and childbirth mortality, things the u.s. is crap at

  6. Do not comply your baby will be just fine with the mothers immunity building blocks of life!
    breast milk WITHOUT the spike protein! or the sv40 vector or the contamination!!
    Thank God women are finally waking up. We are all perfectly designed just as God made us.
    Do not comply
    the devil has the reigns but we shall prevail
    the truth is coming to the light
    stay free!!

  7. All should refuse this horrible nonsense and harm to themselves and their babies. Do your research especially the year 2009. This would have been viewed, as unethical before the disgusting fiasco of 2009. Shame on the medical establishment for furthering the murder of the unborn and harm to their mothers.

  8. I was told by my OB doc during the 1980’s: cut caffeine intake, reduce sugar, no OTC meds full stop, no Tylenol no exception, eat fresh foods, add beef liver to your diet for iron, psyllium added to water for constipation once a day, only recommended pregnancy vitamins. No vaccines, no shots until after birth and breastfeeding ceased. Nothing changed for many years. Every OB doc recommended the same unless certain women had specific health conditions. So much care was taken to ensure the birth of healthy babies and healthy mothers.

    1. You are so right and then came along 2009 and they began the unethical experimental inoculation of women with the Swine Flu shot. We saw a horrendous number of miscarriages that year.

    2. Same here, keiko. Just 20-24 years ago, when I was pregnant with mine, vaccines were an absolute no-no during pregnancy. Suddenly, not only are they safe, but they need SIX? Unbelievable.

  9. All my children are completely unvaccinated. Thank God! Has anyone ever even heard of a person regretting NOT vaccinating? I think it’s only the opposite, every time.

    1. That’s great your children are fully unvaccinated. Vaccines are a culprit of myriad of health issues in the long run. FYI, please be aware health officials secretly plan to vaccinate kids at a doctor’s office or school behind closed doors without parental consent. Be very firm and vigilant.

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