Friday, May 03, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


The Invasion of False Science Into Medical Schools and Medical Journals

So, unfortunately, I think one of the problems with medical training is they’re not actually training doctors to be critical thinkers but to sort of accept whatever is the wisdom of the day. So then, you want to look at where does the wisdom of the day come from, and you think all the doctors are probably reading medical journals and looking at the methodology section and the data… That doesn’t happen. They’re lucky if they glanced at the abstracts. So often, the abstracts are spun, they’re not actually consistent with what’s in the data.

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5 Responses

  1. These doctors, even if it’s on their own dime, also need to take nutrition courses. Joe Mercola and David Brownstein did and so did most of the orthomolecular and functional medical doctors. After this C19 fiasco, I will never go to a doctor who doesn’t know nutrition, at least somewhat. As they say, if you use nutrition for health, you don’t need medicine.

  2. One must also remember that Medical Doctors are not generally selected for entry into medical school based on their ability to question authority, think independently or venture “outside the box.” It is a fair assessment that future doctors improve their admission chances by straying in line, competing with (and sometimes sabotaging) their peers, getting high marks in courses that ask them to unquestioningly memorize “facts” and regurgitate that information for exams. High GPA’s are a must, as are performances on standardized exams. So, we already have a population of doctors who were selected because they demonstrate high levels of compliance with medical authority. This is not the crowd that is likely to question the narrative.

    1. Dr Whitmont, what would you say about the role of what are considered accepted treatment protocols that heavily lean towards Pharma solutions when it comes to such things as malpractice insurance? It seems like that would be a big driver in keeping doctors coloring within official established lines. Also hospitals might also be afraid of litigation for allowing doctors to actually have a place in patient health and wellness if it strayed out of the box imposed by organizations such as the AMA as well as the gov watchdog agencies.

  3. Physicians will soon be redundant since A.I. already does a better job of diagnosis than most physicians. Since treatment protocols tied to diagnosis have become compulsory, and every one with the same diagnosis is treated alike (one-size-fits-all), there is no need for physicians who simply comply with bureaucratic imperatives.

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