Sunday, January 19, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Outcry to the World from Israel | Ilana Rachel Daniel

It’s called the Green Passport. We’re not told to wear it, but what they have done is they have, essentially, overnight created a second-class citizenry—a true medical apartheid that is disallowing healthy, law-abiding, tax-paying citizens from entering their place of culture if they do not participate in this experiment. It’s that simple We literally have been told that there are people who’ve been kicked out of their choirs, out of their pools, out of their gyms. I don’t know who’s going to hear the message we’re saying. I don’t know what is going to become of it. I know that there is no other option than to give every fiber of energy and strength into battling this, because there is no other option.

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74 Responses

  1. This is no different to what Hitler did with the Yellow Star to segregate my own people as Jews, making them into lower class citizens that could be treated as only Hitler saw fit to treat them.

  2. Brilliant but scary. Thank you Ilana for your bravery in speaking the truth. This is beginning to slowly happen in the US as well. I know many people who feel as you do, but we feel powerless to change anything. Everything is being censored across the board. We feel hopeless.

  3. i agree with Ilana but I don’t know how you fight it. I am a nurse, working in the U.S. 90% of individual’s at hospital health network voluntarily received this vaccine. People in the community are lining up for the vaccine. They are all so brainwashed and if you try to give them the facts they parrot the reason, to receive the vaccine, from what they hear on mainstream news media. It is so disheartening, not only with the vaccine but in other critical polical areas. It brings tears to my eyes to see, not only the U.S. declining in the aspect, but the world.

  4. Please tell llana to listen to a video by dr Tenpenny about how the vaccines works and how it will eventually kill you.

  5. Funny how you don’t hear much about asymptomatic people not being contageous. They experimented on 10 million people and couldn’t find one case of transmission, not one. And we are supposed to get vaccinated (using the term loosly) when if contracted we have a 99% chance of recovery? Is the world mad?

    1. With your 99 percent recovery rate, what happens when you infect one whose chance of recovery rate may be in the 20s or 10s, because of age or underlying causes. That’s why we can’t see past our noses, when we only think of our selves.

      1. That’s exactly why those with underlying conditions and are at high risk should be the ones to be vaccinated to protect themselves. The vaccines doesn’t protect others it protects the vaccinated from severe illness so if a high risk person is vaccinated they shouldn’t have to worry.

      2. Please, Agatha, if one person gets covid, there are other proven therapies that work and avoid death as the outcome. Do your homework and stop accepting the popular false narrative. Stop promoting fear!

      3. That’s why you stay HOME when you’re sick. And use common sense to stay away from Grandma until you are 100% recovered. There’s an Rx and also Hydroxychloraqine.(sp) ~and at least a 95% chance of survival. When one gets a headache, they take something for it. IF you get cv19, take something for it… and stay home just like any other time you’re sick.

      4. no , those people are in medical care already, that we are paying for . And, with the majority it is their own refusal to wake up to the plague of ill health around them and start taking care of them selves that has made them high risk . please think things through more . Maybe start by going to dr Shiva Aaduria’s site and watch his world leading teaching on the immune system . the problem is 80% of people still have their heads well buried in the sand .

      5. Agatha please consider this; what is the benefit of all the healthy younger family or friends to be injected with a substance that is not a vaccine and carries a documented risk of auto immune disease, heart failure, fetal death and even death from a covid virus(of which there are over 200)contracted in the future even months or even years in the future. This is an unproven treatment for an infection that has a 99.89% recovery rate with known therapies for both early and late infection; just like a flu virus. The at risk elders should be given hydrochloroquine or ivermectin as a preventive and it works in spite of the political football that has made it hard to get. I take one of these and I am 73 yrs. No to shots!!!!

  6. Great informative video by Ilana Rachel Daniel. Unfortunately every word she says is true…but you know Deb Tavares had been screaming, screaming, for years about the Globalist Plan…Agenda 2030; never thought it would happen in my life…and Here it is…but you know…it truly is up to the sleeping Public…we the People to say NO!!

  7. We are living during a World Wide Pandemic. The virus is out of control, not letting up. The consequences of contracting the virus can be deadly, make you very sick, make you moderately ill, or not ill at all, and you carry the virus and spread it.

    The vaccine is giving us the only glimmer of hope, sure it is experimental, but so is COVID. COVID is like playing Russian roulette. You never know who or what the level of infection will be.

    The vaccine is not negatively affecting nearly as many people and the disease. It’s an “ounce of prevention”. Who would have liked to get polio? or Smallpox? or Tetanus? or many other things we have vaccines for. Some people are going to die from eating a peanut. Some people are going to die from the vaccine.

    I have taken my chances with the vaccine, I am nearly 70 years old, I have not had any adverse reaction to the 2 doses of Moderna.

    We are in a state of hysteria, afraid of the virus and afaid of the vaccine, afraid to go out, going crazy trying to stay home. Our governments are trying to protect as many people as possible, some do it better than others.

    Make your choice and live with the consequences.

    1. Oh you are so wrong on every account regarding what you said…Covid has a 99.9% survival rate for people under 70. People in your age bracket it is a 99.5 % survival rate. There are cheap and inexpensive treatments for COVID-19 but you fail to mention either one of these ‘facts’. A person your age if suffering from a co morbidity issues (like diabetes, cancer, lung diseases, diabetes or an auto immune disease), you should just stay home and stay home for the rest of your life. There will be more coronaviruses coming down the road, and your ‘Covid ‘shot’ will not protect you from those variants of Coronavirus! The manufacturers of these ‘shots’ say in the ‘manufacturers insert’ that they will not necessarily protect you from getting the Virus, but may lessen your symptoms! (But I don’t imagine when you got your experimental ‘shot’ you were given that information.) I’ll take a coronavirus exposure any day, rather than getting this experimental ‘injection’ known as the ‘Covid Vaccine’ and permanently maim my immune system and cells!

      1. God Bless You for speaking the truth. How difficult is it to….
        1. Use good hygiene
        2. Use good manners and cough into the inside of your elbow
        3. Stop eating junk and get healthy
        4. If you get sick – anytime you’re sick – Stay Home! (duh) And stay away from Gma until you’re 100% again
        5.Know that there are meds for cv19…
        6. Smile when you’re over it
        7. Don’t vax when you’re pregnant (many miscarriages/still borns already)
        8. Don’t vax the children, or anyone, especially the babies.

      2. Right, because even if we for arguments sake pretend the virus exists and does in fact cause disease. You have 10 trillion immune cells and 140 trillion microorganisms that work together to control pathogen infection, not to mention vitamin C and glutathione function.

        So, that is infinitely more effective in fighting pathogens than a shot THAT DOESN’T EVEN CONTAIN SARS COV 2!!!

    2. “Some people are going to die from eating a peanut. Some people are going to die from the vaccine.”

      Some people will die from the vaccine? You confirm that, correct?

      Then who gets to choose who dies and who doesn’t die from the vaccine? You? Me? Joe Biden?

      Are you willing to be the one to pull the trigger where a perfectly healthy person is dead because “some people will have to die” so others may live?

      Who chooses?

      FYI, people dying from peanuts are the result of vaccines. So, keep talking…

  8. This orchestration particularly maliciousness and egregious in view of the Holocaust and Geneva Conventions (Why is there not more outrage and pushback in this community?) The timing conspicuously coincides with the passing away of the last of the Holocaust survivors and WWII Veterans (all of whom would vehemently resist this experimental overreach wherein the “vaccinated” bare all the liability and risk.) The GREAT (GLOBAL) RESET now in play is designed to REIMAGINE and transform our world into a “surveillance state”, that will deprive every single human being of their bodily and health sovereignty, as well as freedom of assembly, travel, and religion (to name only a few). Contact Tracing, DNA capture, and 5G are part of the surveillance infrastructure (not to stream a movie in less than a minute or to facilitate driverless cars). WAKE UP! SMART technology and BLOCKCHAIN are the NEW TOTALITARIANISM. Why are our elected officials, at every level of government – in America and around the globe – NOT resisting these treacherous and treasonous overtures? WE THE MANY MUST UNITE AGAINST THIS TYRANNY that has infiltrated every aspect of our lives (governmental agencies and institutions, academia, “philanthropy”, NGO’s, WHO, EMF, UN, mainstream media, the list goes on and on). The single most important action each of us can take is to exercise our right to REFUSE these novel and experimental mRNA vaccines that carry untold short and long term consequences to our natural immunity, including DEATH.

    1. “Why are our elected officials, at every level of government – in America and around the globe – NOT resisting these treacherous and treasonous overtures?”
      Perhaps you’ve not been paying attention…..

  9. You MUST defend your human rights to control what is put in your body, and please know that there are many people around the world that support your actions !

  10. Covid-19 vaccines do not prevent you from getting Covid, or stop you passing it on when you get it. Pfizer’s 95% efficacy is a sham. Check out Dr. Reid Sheftall Truth in Science – YouTube Don’t Get the Vaccine Until You See This! PART 1 – YouTube.

    The vaccine will only give you less than 1% better chance of not getting serious symptoms from the Covid virus!

  11. Initially we were told that 70 to 80 % of the Covad problem was coming from the elder care homes, at least in my area. Now we’re told that everyone needs to be vaccinated. So why isn’t the spread of Covad being controlled if we can assume that everyone in the elder care homes, including those who work there have been vaccinated? And why isn’t rapid testing being promoted instead of mass vaccinations? Could it be because there’s a far greater financial incentive to the pharmaceutical companies to sell us vaccinations instead of just testing people? Now we’re facing intimidation if we don’t take the shots.

    1. If 80% of the problem is “elder care homes”, then it is time to look at WHAT is going on in those homes.

      Are they unvaccinated? No.
      Are they poorly fed? YES
      Are they on massive amounts of toxic drugs? YES
      Are they exposed to mold and deadly mold toxins every day? YES

      Now, add:

      Are they now isolated from their families? YES
      Are they vilified for being older, since they are now “disease carrying” vermin? YES
      Are they being literally starved to death now? YES

      So, how, again, is this all the cause of a virus that no one can find?

      I’ll wait for someone to answer this.

      BTW, no virus is remotely as dangerous or contagious as C Difficile, the single most contagious and pathogenic organism on earth. Everyone has it. You, me, everyone we know. It is a spore forming bacteria. 500,000 new confirmed cases of infection are found every year in the US, with no known cause other than *antibiotics* causing it. 30,000 people die a year from it in the US, and it is the #1 killer in the world via extreme diarrhea and dehydration.

      Tell me, where is the outrage for this? For decades C Diff has killed everyone, including perfectly healthy people. Where is the vaccine? Where is the lock down policy? Where are the masks?

      But we are supposed to be all worried about a virus no one can find when we know for a fact that this form of bacteria is as dangerous as it is and nothing has been done about it? I wonder how many “COVID” cases were really just C Diff. Didn’t we hear that diarrhea was a symptom? Well…C Diff causes diarrhea and respiratory illnesses as well.

      Time to wake up, folks, and start reading up on microbiology and biochem instead of watching CNN and thinking you know everything. And the CDC is not a government authority NOR are they a legitimate scientific institution. So, stop being sheep and wake up.

      1. You are an intelligent, thinking human!!! Wow!!! I thought I was alone!!! I understand and agree with every detail you give here. My head hurts from all these genuinely stupid, ignorant, lazy followers. No common sense! No critical thinking! No concern or foresight of what is coming down the pipe. No regard for others, BECAUSE they are ignorant. Sad, sad, sad. It doesn’t need to be this way.

  12. So sorry to hear this Ilana. Heard you on the High Wire & the emotion in your voice was sad ?. I won’t be taking the vaccine in Massachusetts, don’t believe in them, we all need to fight for Our Constitutional Rights. If you can get it there is a great show on the radio. WRKO Jeff Kuhner Show, it’s here 6 to 10am weekdays. Get app & can listen to podcasts. They are immediately after the program. Good luck stay safe ^ be Brave. Denise Heeder [email protected]

  13. I’m not a danger to vaccinated people if I don’t get the jab, only to other unvaccinated people, and that’s our choice.

  14. Did watch the video in its entirety and it is gut wrenching. I am really so upset that I find it hard to write a civil comment about all that is going in Jerusalem and the entire world! There was one takeaway that lLana Rachel Daniel said that makes sense especially in times like this, she said, “we all have to come together because really this is how we win”! Words well spoken and absolutely true. So, I guess it’s time to become part of a movement or start one and tell these nefarious forces that I have had enough and that I am not going to take this type of tyrannical control any longer. End of conversation, for now and I will say this, you have not heard the last word from me!

  15. What is wrong with Israel? They are participating in their own holocaust doing it to their own people? Somebody needs to intervene

  16. The State of Israel tells its ‘unvaccinated’ subjects the requirements of their Nu-Normal ‘existence’ are not Mandatory – but their rights to school examinations, workplace employments, to mingle with fellow humanity etc has suddenly vanished with their ‘non-compliance’ to being Biologically Raped with trash Pharmaceutical ‘experimental’ compounds … That is in-your-face ‘Orwellian DoubleTalk’ of mind boggling stupidity from their Criminal State. How Israel of all places can impose Fascist dictates upon their own people with a horrific preceding history beggars belief. The same toxic existence is being formulated here in Australia by Pharmaceutical controlled Medical, Media and Political mouthpieces. Vax-Ism Dogma is the new ‘Religion of Belief’ for the feeble minded.

  17. The scary thing is this is happening right here in the US as well. Here in CA the vaccinated have been told they are allowed to congregate indoors with other vaccinated individuals without masks. Those of us who refuse vaccination are not allowed to be without a mask, indoors or out. It’s completely out of hand.

  18. It makes no sense to have these passports or to make the vaccine mandatory to do anything. If you have the vaccine apparently you are “safe” from Covid-19 so the only ones at risk are the ones who don’t take the vaccine. What about people who have severe allergies to medicines and know that they risk having an allergic reaction to the vaccine? Everyone needs to listen to Dr. Vanden Bossche’s recent interview. He is pro vaccine but said not with Covid-19. DuckDuckGo him and read his recent interview, its informative and objective. Stay safe everyone. I live in the USA and always thought ISRAEL was where I would go if I didn’t stay here. Well I won’t go to ISRAEL with they type of tyranny that is going on there. We hear you. How can we help?

  19. I don’t believe it was an accident that this Green Pass Plan was started in Israel. We have to wake up and realize that they are abusing our trust of the Jewish concerns of health, community, social justice, and overall liberal leanings. This is just one more form of anti-Semitism. Then it will be turned against us when people everywhere start getting sick and dying from these shots—they’ll blame the Jews.

  20. Incredible !!! What is happening now in Israel will happen in every country. It is a matter of time, but everything happens quickly. Look at all the countries, under the pretext of the so-called “pandemic”, the population is increasingly humiliated, the police beat and attack people on the street in front of everyone. These methods of intimidation were successfully used by both communists and Nazis. Goodbye democracy … Goodbye human rights.

  21. Oh my God, This is what we were warned about a year ago. The Global “Elites” are pushing their Naziism on all of us.

  22. Comment to Gina Davis: I agree that all one can do is “make your choice”, but there are effective treatments for COVID, such as the protocols developed by the FLCCC Alliance and others. As a biophysicist (Ph.D 1978) who has read some of the published research papers, I am skeptical about how much we really know about long-term effects of the mRNA-based so-called vaccines. Reading the recent plea to the WHO from vaccine developer Geert Vander Bossche also gives me pause. He provides evidence that applying vaccines, which were made for prophylaxis, in the middle of an outbreak may be a really bad idea.

    1. Now there’s a rebuttal to Bossche’s letter. In it the researcher says he has a “not so hidden agenda” for more vaccines because he says natural immunity will not be sufficient to kill the mutated viruses. Viruses mutate! Our natural immune systems have been taking care of many viruses for a very long time. Watch this if you have a chance.

  23. The only one benefiting from an mRNA “vaccine” is the vaccinated individual, since all they are designed to do is lessen clinical symptoms associated with the S-1 spike protein. Since you’re the only one who will reap a benefit, it makes no sense to demand you accept the risks of the therapy “for the greater good” of your community

  24. The only one benefiting from an mRNA “vaccine” is the vaccinated individual, since all they are designed to do is lessen clinical symptoms associated with the S-1 spike protein. Since you’re the only one who will reap a benefit, it makes no sense to demand you accept the risks of the therapy “for the greater good” of your community
    Since mRNA “vaccines” do not meet the medical and/or legal definition of a vaccine, marketing them as such is a deceptive practice that violates the law that governs advertising of medical practices
    SARS-CoV-2 has not even been proven to be the cause of COVID-19. So, a gene therapy that instructs your body to produce a SARS-CoV-2 antigen — the viral spike protein — cannot be said to be preventive against COVID-19, as the two have not been shown to be causally linked.

  25. Did Israel forget its own history? Wearing the star of David to single them out? People should have a choice to their own body. Vaccinated people are safe now right?

  26. I read the article’s claims and have done the math. One can believe it or not, but here are my calculations.

    1) As of 3/15/2021, the Centers for Disease Control report 2.67 Million confirmed deaths worldwide from COVID19 based on reports from all reporting nations.
    Note “A”: [i] Not all nations have reported
    [ii] Not all COVID-related deaths have been attributed to COVID. In some cases, people in third world nations are unable to get care and die at home where gov’t agencies are simply unable (insufficient staff/resources) able to channel complete death tallies.
    [iii] Mortality rates are higher in some places than others, again based on a society’s wealth/capacity to successfully treat otherwise salvageable infections.
    [iv] Infection rates similarly vary enormously with the world’s poorest forced to interact with others in pursuit of sustenance in dense urban areas must go into crowded spaces even when they know they’re infected and risk infecting others.
    The aggregate of these factors means that the actual number of mortalities is far higher than the “official” figure of 2.67 Million. Some say 50% higher; others twice as high. The fact is, we don’t know with any precision, but we DO KNOW that the 2.67 Million figure is a low number.

    BUT, to avoid speculation of the actual number of deaths, I’ll simply go on with the unabashedly low “official” figure of 2.67 MILLION dead as of MONDAY, 15 March!

    2] The material you sent me made the so-called “knowledge” claim that this disease kills ONLY 0.1% (one-tenth of 1 percent) of infected people.
    So, here’s the math:
    If 2.67 Million deaths were (in fact) represent just 1/1oth of 1% (.001) of the total number of infected people,
    than the total number of world-wide cases would be:
    2,670,000 (x) 1000 = 2,670,000,000 (2 BILLION 670 MILLION) total infected humans worldwide.

    3) I’m sure you’ll agree that it is preposterous to suggest that over a third of the world’s population has been infected (and, remember that the 2.67 Million confirmed deaths is an undercount), but if the claimed death rate for COVID-19 were truly just one-tenth of one percent, that 2.67 BILLION infected number would be the mathematical extension of such a claim.

    So, with all due respect (and you know how much I respect and love you, someone has distorted the truth to promote some agenda (whether economic or political, I haven’t a clue) and is lying to deceive all he/she/they can to convince folks around the world of a great conspiracy.

    As a retired hospital chaplain and as a former EMT who directed a 65-person volunteer ambulance corps and as a Jew committed to both emet and emunah, it’s my unpleasant responsibility to do your own math with whatever Israeli COVID-19 death figure you trust and calculate the math. For only our free will to personally search out truth can protect us. It would break my heart to hear that you (or any whom you love) contracted the virus because of misplaced fear of the vaccine or because of falling victim to dishonest fear-mongerers.

    Finally, to be fully transparent, I acknowledge that taking any medication or any vaccine is not 100% risk-free. There have been and will be real cases of death or injury among vaccine takers. And there will be deaths and injuries whenever the IDF goes into battle to protect Israel. And there will always be (both pre & post COVID) hospital deaths amongst patients undergoing treatment. But just as this fore-knowledge of the risks of battle won’t prevent the IDF from protecting you, and patients needing treatment won’t stop going to hospitals even though there’s always risk of hospital-acquired infections, so, too, must we understand that the risks of this mutating virus far outweigh the risks of vaccination.

    Please protect yourself!!
    Chap. Matthew Shulman (Groton, CT, USA)

    1. Matt, everything you said is wrong.

      every word of it.

      Because it is predicated on the falsely accepted notion that this “virus” was isolated and that it is the cause of ANY disease. None of the “COVID” infections have shown any evidence of a physically infective viral agent. Not. One.

      PCR testing doesn’t count.

      Viruses don’t mutate. Mutation denotes adaptation. Only living things adapt. Viruses are not alive. I repeat. VIRUSES ARE NOT ALIVE.

      And it would break my heart to see your grandkids get the shot and one of them died, and you were sitting there trying to explain why this was a justified death.

      You don’t speak of biochemistry. You speak of “stats” that are and have been manipulated from the getgo. COVID19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019 or #19) has not been under reported. It has been OVER reported, 100%. Why? Where is the viral isolate? Without it, there is no proof it causes a disease. Without that, everything that stems from it is a lie.

      No virus, no COVID, no vaccine needed.

      The fact that you are a chaplain and you support something that comes dangerously close to “The Mark Of The Beast”, makes me hope that your messiah comes back soon and makes you see the light. No self-respecting christian would support ANY sort of branding. You do, and that makes you…evil.

    2. I suggest to rethink your calculation: 2.67 million died worldwide out of 200 million infected, roughly 1.5%. Assuming 7 billion worldwide population Covid caused death of 0.05% people.
      95% of those people are 65+, so in age group up to 65 we have so far 0.005% deaths (worldwide). At the same time, we observe at least 10 times more deaths from smoking tobacco or alcohol.

  27. Yet right now Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is apart of making some very dangerous mistakes regarding vaccines, the issue of not allowing unvaccinated people to go into shops, restaurant’s and more besides, along with the issue of Green passports to all vaccinated residents of Israel without any in depth study of any vaccines, least of all the Covid19 vaccines or their ingredients, their intentions of use and more. The fact that you are segregating our own people in our own homeland no differently that what Hitler did in WW2, which was said would never happen ever again, yet here we are, history repeating itself right before our very own eyes.

    In fact it’s so bad that you’re allowing the enemy of the pharmaceutical industry to destroy our own people from within their own walls, while the surrounding enemies on one’s boarders are waiting patiently to make their next move.

    Little our own race is willing to realise is that scripture speaks against man made medications of any kind and particularly within our own Tanaka, not just within the New Covenant which most of our fellow Jews will not even entertain the idea of reading. Yet Jeremiah Chapters 30 and 46 from within Tanaka teach explicitly clearly that there is “No Man” that can or will create a medicine that can cure anyone of us and the Tanaka is what my fellow Jews say they are adamant in following and keeping to the letter. Sadly I don’t see that.
    Scripture also teaches that Israel should be a light to the rest of the world, yet this behaviour is not showing the rest of the world light, nor the wrongs to how they are treating our own people.

    Bracelets to track where people are, so that they don’t go into parts of their culture if they have not taken those experimental dangerous vaccines. This is beyond sickening and outside of everything Yeshua taught to All of ourselves as His Chosen People and I am completely disgusted by it. So from this agenda, No, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is now not turning out to be, not even close to being the best or greatest Prime Minister Israel has ever had, neither has he ever been as we thought he was and his current behaviour is totally outside of our own Tanaka. This behaviour is no different than what Hitler did to our own people before Hitler masacured billions of our own and our own ancestors.


  28. There is a statement that can be made without speaking.

  29. Thank you Ilana for bringing this scandal to the attention of the world. I hope people will realise how much damage the vaccine is causing. It destroys your immunity. It will only protect against a couple of specific variants, not mutations that will very soon hit us with a vengeance. Mass vaccination is not supposed to be done during a pandemic. Vaccinated people have destroyed their immunity to future Corona variants. At least save the children.

  30. Healthy people can manage to fight this particular Seasonal Flu Pathogen, known as Covid-19 with astonishing success this is an important “FACT” based on history and evidence to date. The average age of death from Covid in the UK as we enter our second year of lockdowns is approx. 82.2 to 82.4 Years of Age a relevant “FACT”.
    What is wrong with people, are they really so unable to to question orders.
    Regards Vulnerable Individuals, fantastic news as they have been helped with their failing immune system, however, why are people allowing “Fear and Brainwashing” as the tool to adjust their healthy bodies Innate Immune System ? on evidence to date ?
    Healthy Adults and Children with a normal Innate Immune System and the ability to Arm Anti bodies and Attack when necessary are successful with this pathogen. “FACT” Has the world went Insane. What statistics are healthy people wanting to fight Apathy. Why are they selling their healthy Immune System to Politicians, and Pharmaceutical Companies, in a EXPERIMENTAL TEST. The world has become even more insane due to controlled propaganda and some sick agenda to a few that behave like physocopaths and believe the World is theirs. Remember History, its normal evil human behaviour and Prevention against Crimes Against Humanity seem to be the weakness link here. Maybe people should remember the highest crime is that of Crimes Against Humanity. Focus on the Lockdowns and the damage they have caused. This is about Control and Money, reaching 82 years of age is enough, what is the end game here, who wants to look like a lizard from a Lab. We cant live forever. Please stand up and “SAY NO MORE LIES” regarding Healthy Individuals and enjoy your world, its a short visit, protect it and your loved ones.
    Tools used for lockdowns were PCR testing and Asymptomatic Infection. Google Whooping Cough New York Times 22 Jan 2007. No new evidence… was ever confirmed… to the state threat level was greater with regards to this form of Pathogen than pre 2019 it was all speculation. What do people need to help them. Grow up and fight the lies and protect your Immune System until we need medicine. How you register deaths and what the Lockdowns has done in stealth to healthy families, you will need more than medicine for our Apathy and inability to look at both side of the evidence as required in Law. Before the Lockdowns Year 2019 (530841 deaths) 2018 ( 541589 deaths). in the UK England Wales.
    Remember what they did with the Vulnerable in Care Homes and the real damage caused by the Lockdowns in the NHS maybe it will be relevant and important when the Stats come out for 2020. Reiner Fuellmich and the Covid Investigation Committee (CIC) in Berlin will help everyone understand very soon, when criminal cases fall to mirror those of Neuenburg and as explained by many these could be even worse. Let me ask everyone that is healthy, now the Vulnerable are protected by this new miracle as Mr Bill Gates Explains with a smile, what damaged you and your loved ones that had good health more, was it the Covid-19 Pathogen?, or as we all enter into the second year of Lockdowns, was it the lockdowns?. Only you will know. If the answer is the latter, don’t adjust your Immune System until the Criminal Investigations are Complete by the CIC in Berlin and the Lawyers that are integrated throughout the World dealing with the evidence under investigation.

  31. Healthy people can manage to fight this particular Seasonal Flu Pathogen, known as Covid-19 with astonishing success this is an important “FACT” based on history and evidence to date. The average age of death from Covid in the UK as we enter our second year of lockdowns is approx. 82.2 to 82.4 Years of Age a relevant “FACT”.
    What is wrong with people, are they really so unable to to question orders.
    Regards Vulnerable Individuals, fantastic news as they have been helped with their failing immune system, however, why are people allowing “Fear and Brainwashing” as the tool to adjust their healthy bodies Innate Immune System ? on evidence to date ?
    Healthy Adults and Children with a normal Innate Immune System and the ability to Arm Anti bodies and Attack when necessary are successful with this pathogen. “FACT” Has the world went Insane. What statistics are healthy people wanting to fight Apathy. Why are they selling their healthy Immune System to Politicians, and Pharmaceutical Companies, in a EXPERIMENTAL TEST. The world has become even more insane due to controlled propaganda and some sick agenda to a few that behave like physocopaths and believe the World is theirs. Remember History, its normal evil human behaviour and Prevention against Crimes Against Humanity seem to be the weakness link here. Maybe people should remember the highest crime is that of Crimes Against Humanity. Focus on the Lockdowns and the damage they have caused. This is about Control and Money, reaching 82 years of age is enough, what is the end game here, who wants to look like a lizard from a Lab. We cant live forever. Please stand up and “SAY NO MORE LIES” regarding Healthy Individuals and enjoy your world, its a short visit, protect it and your loved ones.
    Tools used for lockdowns were PCR testing and Asymptomatic Infection. Google Whooping Cough New York Times 22 Jan 2007. No new evidence… was ever confirmed… to the state threat level was greater with regards to this form of Pathogen than pre 2019 it was all speculation. What do people need to help them. Grow up and fight the lies and protect your Immune System until we need medicine. How you register deaths and what the Lockdowns has done in stealth to healthy families, you will need more than medicine for our Apathy and inability to look at both side of the evidence as required in Law. Before the Lockdowns Year 2019 (530841 deaths) 2018 ( 541589 deaths). in the UK England Wales.
    Remember what they did with the Vulnerable in Care Homes and the real damage caused by the Lockdowns in the NHS maybe it will be relevant and important when the Stats come out for 2020. Reiner Fuellmich and the Covid Investigation Committee (CIC) in Berlin will help everyone understand very soon, when criminal cases fall to mirror those of Neuenburg and as explained by many these could be even worse. Let me ask everyone that is healthy, now the Vulnerable are protected by this new miracle as Mr Bill Gates Explains with a smile, what damaged you and your loved ones that had good health more, was it the Covid-19 Pathogen?, or as we all enter into the second year of Lockdowns, was it the lockdowns?. Only you will know. If the answer is the latter, don’t adjust your Immune System until the Criminal Investigations are Complete by the CIC in Berlin and the Lawyers that are integrated throughout the World dealing with the evidence under investigation.

  32. Dear Llana Rachel Daniel, after listening to your concerns regarding the vaccine I no longer feel alone. I am a 67 year old female who cannot accept it due to a very strong gut feeling. My father and all his family were in the Army, Navy, Royal Airforce etc during WW2 and my father was a 17 year old boy when he helped people who were in a concentration camp. The experience never left him and he suffered depression. My Grandfather was a survivor of a Japanese Prisoner of War camp, also injured mentally and physically, my father’s brother Lesley died in a Japanese Prisoner of War camp, his Uncle George was shot and thrown into a bog. My Great Uncle Robinson Nicholls was shot down in his airplane on his way back from Germany. All these thoughts have come back to me and we have to remember those who fought for our freedom. Weapons are not being used as such but this is on another level. Bless you all.

  33. Hey, my body- my choice!
    Me and mine say HECK NO to your deadly cocktail.

    Covid was created as a means to get this concoction into “the masses” – too many of us for the new world order.

    Today is the day of salvation- believe in the Lord Jesus Christ- the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

  34. this is inhuman on a another level, I am very disappointed that the Gov chose this route knowing from whence he has come, this company has tried this with Brazil and in return they wanted their military how does a Pharma get to be in this power seat to negotiate infrastructures and securities? Brazil declined how did Israel take the bait no wonder they are panicking as they need to get the numbers up so they don’t lose whatever they negotiated with pharma, the company supplying the vac need to be called out and the Gov should sued, cohesion in any form is abuse, mentally, physically and practically. this is under atrocities to humans.

  35. Ilana, I provide a link to a document I posted a few days ago regarding SARS-CoV-2 which you find much is about what you indicated.

    In my view, PM Scott Morrison reflects more being NAZI “Führer”, then to represent the interest and wellbeing of Australians, and others including the TGA, seem to be following his mantra. We need more Members like Craig Kelly to speak up.

    This document can be downloaded from:

    By us all spreading the word we can become a force to reckon with even so we all remain individuals in our own rights.

  36. Hello Ilana, This is such a powerful story. My name is Thomas McDow from the United States. I’m fighting for our freedom here, and not nearly as bad off as Israel. However I believe you when you say it will come here. The green passport!
    We already have signs of it coming.
    However as a concerned human being, is there anything I can do for you?
    My email
    [email protected]

  37. Ilana, you are right – we are larger in number than these megalomaniacs around the globe trying to control us. We must stick together and fight back with economics. We boycott businesses that require “passports”, we inundate politicians with calls and emails, we stage protests – whatever we have to do to show we will not be controlled or intimidated.

  38. What is wrong with people? Can’t they see what is happening right before their eyes? I have to be careful what I say and whom I talk to, as I will lose my housing in the home of a die-hard Democrat who sees all of this as a political issue, rather than a human rights and constitutional issue. I asked a grade school teacher, “If this virus is so deadly and contagious that I have to wear a mask every time I go out to protect myself and others, why in the HELL is there even ONE homeless person still walking around?” This Einstein replied, “They just haven’t gotten it yet.” AFTER A YEAR?!!!! WAKE UP HUMANITY!!!! THIS WAS ALL PLANNED BY BILL GATES AND HIS CRONIES!!! STOP BILL GATES, WRITE YOUR CONGRESS PEOPLE!!!

  39. How many of the people making comments have actually seen the suffering and death caused by this virus (and I don’t mean only the old folk), i’m guessing not much, but yet the numbers are there. What would humanity do without vaccines ? would we even survive into the 21st century ? Ilana Rachel Daniel is a wannabe politician, as so I would stop to ponder as she gets her 10 min camera time. My advice…go speak to medical staff, the ones that have seen firsthand what this virus does to the human lungs and body before deciding to take this vaccine or not.

  40. Their scheme is to turn the very concept we have of “Health” on its end, where “Health” would mean, not a body naturally functioning to its own full potential, but a body that is augmented by vaccines, and then who knows what else in the future. So “Health Passport” = a body that has received the currently required augmentation and thus the individual is afforded a passport to the rights and freedoms of society.

    It seems they feel it is necessary for there to be free will consent to this change of the concept of “Health” since if it forced through the government mandating vaccination, then it won’t be fully incorporated into people’s own belief system. But of course this doesn’t stop them from making it very hard to live, w/o having agreed to be vaccinated.

    It’s like the very prophetic vision George Orwell expressed in his book, “1984” where the Ministry of Truth was actually one of lies, where they changed the official version of history to suit each change of government policy. Truth (like Health) no longer existed as an absolute, but became relative — to whatever the government said it was.

    In the case of changing the concept of Health to a relative one, this would be a necessary step towards Transhumanism whereby we would no longer have rights to our own body, and which can already be seen to be happening through the experimental gene therapy which they call a “vaccine” and which installs patented, proprietary genetic codes into our own DNA.

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