Sunday, February 09, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Woman Dies Immediately After Getting COVID-19 Vaccine in Virginia

Drene Keyes (left)

A 58-year-old mother, grandmother and minister died on Jan. 30, 2021 in Tappahannock, Virginia less than an hour after receiving the first dose of Pfizer/BioNTech’s experimental messenger RNA (mRNA) BNT162b2 vaccine for COVID-19. After getting the shot at a clinic in Warsaw, VA, Drene Keyes (left in photo) waited the recommended 15 minutes to make sure she did not suffer any immediate side effects of the vaccine.1 2 3 4

Epinephrine and Oxygen Had No Effect on Sudden Adverse Event Following COVID-19 Shot

Keyes’ daughter, Lisa Jones, said a co-worker recounted that, after leaving the clinic, her mother was “trying to get in the car and said ‘something’s not right.’” Keyes began having trouble breathing and started vomiting. She returned to the clinic where a doctor administered a shot of epinephrine in one of her legs and a second shot of epinephrine in an arm. Keyes was also given oxygen.2 3 4 5

Jones said:

They tried to remove fluid from her lungs. They called it ‘flash pulmonary edema,’ and doctors told me that it can be caused by anaphylaxis. The doctor told me that often during anaphylaxis, chemicals are released inside of a person’s body and can cause this to happen.4

Anaphylaxis is a known side effect of many vaccines,6 including mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.7 8 9 The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevenntion (CDC) states that, “Anaphylaxis, an acute and potentially life-threatening allergic reaction, has been reported following vaccination with Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.” Symptoms of anaphylaxis include respiratory distress (shortness of breath), vomiting, abdominal pain/cramps, dizziness/fainting, acute change in mental status, hives/itching, swelling of lips, tongue, mouth, face, extremities and more.10

Virginia Health Commissioner Does Not Believe Sudden Death Was Related to COVID-19 Shot

While an official cause of death has not been determined, Virginia health commissioner Norman Oliver, MD said he did not believe Keyes died of an allergic reaction to the vaccine. “Preliminary findings indicate that the cause of death was not anaphylaxis,” Dr. Oliver said.3

Dr. Oliver added:

We can confirm that the death occurred within hours of having received the vaccine, but that is not evidence of it being related. We are currently investigating and do not yet know the cause of death.3

Danny Avula, MD, who is director of the Richmond City and Henrico County health departments and Virginia’s vaccine coordinator, said, “They’re looking for patterns, they’re looking for a causation versus just a correlation based on time.”5

According to a news report, the sudden death of Drene Keyes has been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) by the Virginia Department of Health (VDH).2 The U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states that, “VAERS accepts reports of adverse events that may be associated with U.S. licensed vaccines from health care providers, manufacturers, and the public.”11

Jointly operated by the FDA and CDC, VAERS was created by Congress under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 in response to growing public concern about the safety of whole cell pertussis vaccine in DPT (diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus) and other childhood vaccines.12

VA Chief Medical Examiner Declines to Conduct Autopsy After COVID-19 Vaccine Related Death Citing “Public Health Concerns”

As of last week, the cause of Keyes’ death had not been determined. A news report noted that the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of Virginia had informed Jones that it had no plans to perform an autopsy on her mother. Jones reportedly said she was told that the state would not do a full autopsy “due to public health concerns.”1 5 13

According to Jones, her mother had underlying health conditions, including diabetes and obesity, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.s.5 Jones told one reporter that she feels more tests should have been performed before her mother’s body was released, adding “I think there is a lot we don’t know on how the vaccine works in people with underlying health conditions.”13

Before the FDA granted Pfizer an EUA to distribute its experimental mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, Phase 2/3 clinical trials enrolling about 43,000 participants were conducted by the company, of which about half received the experimental vaccine and half received a placebo.14 Most trial subjects were healthy and between the ages of 18 and 55 years old, while more than 80 percent were white and less than 10 percent were black. About eight percent of the participants in Phase 2/3 clinical trials had diabetes and half of them received the vaccine.15

Click here to view References:

1 WTVR CBS 6. No autopsy performed after Gloucester woman’s death minutes after receiving Pfizer vaccine. YouTube Feb. 16, 2021.
2 Fox 5 NY Staff. Virginia woman dies hours after receiving Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Fox 5 New York Feb 6. 2021.
3 Li DK, Britton B. Virginia woman dies shortly after Covid vaccination, though no link has been found. NBC News Feb. 5, 2021.
4 WBRZ Staff. Virginia woman experiences anaphylaxis, dies within hours of receiving Pfizer vaccine. WBRZ Feb. 4, 2021.
5 Sauers M, Martin S. Gloucester woman’s death after coronavirus vaccination is being investigated. The Virginian-Pilot Feb. 4, 2021.
6 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Vaccine Injury Table: Anaphylaxis. Mar. 21, 2017.
7 Clark T. Anaphylaxis Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Receipt. COVID-19 Vaccines Work Group of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Dec. 19, 2020.
8 Fisher BL. Over 3,000 “Health Impact Events” After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinations. The Vaccine Reaction Dec. 22, 2020.
TVR Staff. Patient in Georgia, Health Worker in New York Suffer Anaphylaxis After Getting Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. The Vaccine Reaction Dec. 28, 2020.
10 U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Interim considerations: preparing for the potential management of anaphylaxis after COVID-19 vaccination. Feb. 10, 2021.
11 U.S. Food and Drug Administration. VAERS Overview.
12 TVR Staff. Only One Percent of Vaccine Reactions Reported to VAERSThe Vaccine Reaction Jan. 9, 2020.
13 Donovan C. No autopsy performed after Gloucester woman’s death minutes after receiving Pfizer vaccine. WTKR Feb. 16, 2021.
14 U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRPBAC) Dec. 10, 2020.
15 Ibid. Table 5: Demographics and Other Baseline Characteristics Phase 2/3 Safety Population. Pg. 22

77 Responses

  1. There will be more tragic deaths by coincidence in people who hve taken this shot:

    “He got the vaccine yesterday morning, had a headache after so he laid down to take a nap and he never woke up.”

    Lareb: 35 reports of deaths after vaccination corona vaccines:

    Former Detroit TV Anchor Karen Hudson-Samuels Suddenly Dies One Day After Being Injected with Experimental mRNA COVID Shot

    46 Nursing Home Residents in Spain Die Within 1 Month of Getting Pfizer COVID Vaccine:

    More startling stats at the children’s defense link above.

    MSM not reporting any of this and many blogs are censuring. Reminds me of the censuring that occurred during the 1918 Flu epidemic and the fact that the only country that wasn’t censuring the facts was Spain which is why they got settled with the title the 1918 Spanish Flu even though the flu originated in the US.

    1. I agree. These stories are intentionally hidden from MSM. I made an account on TikTok recently and put up a story about a CNA who worked at a nursing home who made a video about 14 of the residents dying after taking the vaccine. His testimony is very heartfelt and loving. The post grew very quickly and many other CNA’s began posting the same thing is happening at the nursing home they work at but no one is listening. I was banned from Tiktok after 6 days (they took down and closed everything) but I learned a lot and told everyone to pass it on. I’ll probably do it again knowing I’ll be kicked off but can reach many others quickly.
      I hope more people research and understand this is a genetically modified vaccine. It damages your DNA. It’s not in any way designed to help you or keep you protected. Hopefully the family members of the many elderly dying and others who are dying from the vaccine start making some noise. The vaccine makers and all those involved will never take responsibility for those deaths. WE have to PROTECT all humans. We control this destiny with what we allow. Not someone else.

      1. Hi–

        You say “this is a genetically modified vaccine. It damages your DNA.” Could you, please, say more about that?

        And I wonder if you could elaborate on your statement that “It’s not in any way designed to help you or keep you protected”?


        1. Seriously, are you incapable of doing research? There are several doctors who are warning about the virus. Check out Dr Simone Gold, Dr Stella Immanuel, Dr Lee Merrit, Dr Sherri Tenpenny. Any internet search of vaccine adverse reactions will provide plenty of info on what the vaccine does to the body. Or you could continue to be passive and do what the MSM tells you to.

          1. Seriously. I just looked up each of the names you mentioned. They are all anti-vaccine right wing deniers. Not very open minded or reputable sources. One is an osteopath! You don’t make a very good argument. I’m just looking for truth here. Not rhetoric.

        2. Don, I think this may give you some insights. Dr.Teresa Deisher is one of the country’s foremost authority on DNA. She is an expert in insertational mutagenesis – the process by which foreign DNAs can enter the nucleus of the cell and become inserted into a person, or animal’s genome. This article will be helpful.

          What is the Likelihood That SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccines Will “Alter Our DNA”? Should You Be Concerned?

          Also read some of the links in the comment section. They are also informative.

          “It’s not in any way designed to help you or keep you protected”?

          Description of the shots vary frequently. The makers have said it is unknow if the shots provide immunity and if they do they, the manufactures don’t know how long that would last. They have also said they don’t know if the shot prevents transmission because of viral shedding. Vaccines are supposed to confer immunity and prevent transmission. After getting the shot people are told to continue wearing mask & social distancing. So, one must ask themselves what’s the point? I’ve read in several articles that the shot doesn’t prevent a person from being infected (it’s never proven to) it just shortens the duration of the illness if the person is infected-although that hasn’t been proven. The new J&J shot currently in the process for emergency use is said to shorten the duration of the illness if one is infected.

          As for efficacy, Moderna & Pfizer will not release the Raw Data to independent scientist to securitize how they got the numbers they are publicly hailing. J&J says their shot has a 66% efficacy rate whereas a month ago it was 42.3%-among people 60 & older with underlying conditions. What changed?

          Bottom line, this shot is not FDA approved, testing was only 8 weeks. Out of half a million people that offered to be test subject they ended up with a little over 40,000 of the healthiest people in the US, no one over the age of 50, no pregnant women, no children and very few people of color. It would be in your best interest not to put too much stock in what the media is reporting because they are funded by pharma. There are several good blogs that are reporting internationaly the effects of the shots on people:

          Vaccine Impact:
          The Defender:
          COVID 19 Vaccine Side Effects:

  2. This is the epitome of cognitive dissonance on the part of the doctor — ‘death is not related to medical procedure given minutes ago’. Until nurses and doctors and insurance companies and drug stores and pharmacists and anyone and everyone promoting vaccination are held personally accountable, this genocide will continue.

    Wake the f up people! Vaccines have NEVER been proven safe or effective. NEVER! Just say no!

    1. I agree vaccines have not been proven safe and effective. The news mainstream media is a big garbage. Yes, they need to say NO if they’re not wanting experimental covid vaccine. And we aren’t a guinea pig, end of story.

  3. I think they know exactly what the adverse effects are and it’s doing precisely what they want it to. It’s a depopulation method and it’s totally working. So many elderly have died very shortly afterwards. It’s ironic. They tell you all this stuff(masks, social distancing, vaccines) is all to ” save grandma” yet the vaccines are killing the elderly in huge numbers.


  5. The reason they do not want to perform a thorough autopsy on Ms. Keyes body is they do not want to connect her death with that shot. If they were truly confident that the shot was not causal in the death they would be more than willing to do the necessary procedures to prove it.

  6. There should have been an autopsy! I bet if the Keyes woman had been white, she would have gotten the autopsy. These vaccines are not perfect. We should learn more when ? something goes wrong.

  7. Do you believe the risks outweigh the benefits then? Are you suggesting people not get the vaccine? I know there are people injured as well as people who die as a result of vaccines. Don’t we need the vaccines to help end this pandemic? Do you think more tests and trials should be done while still vaccinating people or are you thinking vaccine administrations should be paused until more research is done? I’m just having a hard time deciding what to do and trying to figure out other people’s reasons behind not getting them now.

    1. Hi Sara, it’s so important for you to do your research about the mRNA experimental biologics being injected into the public. This is a Medical Experiment not designed to “end the pandemic”. It will hopefully lessen the symptoms of the illness. That is all. Those of us who have diligently studied the information from reliable sources aka scientists & MD’s who have no financial gain in this & have put their reputations, lives & careers on the line, are prepared and know how to practice prevention & treatment of symptoms. I won’t be signing up in this lifetime, to participate in a global medical experiment designed to make Fauci, Gates & all the Big Pharma cartel rich beyond belief at our expense.

    2. If this many people died in a plane crash they would stop all flights and do an investigation. Indeed Boeing just suspended all 777’s after the recent engine failure. VAERS has reports of more adverse effects than just deaths. If you have been successful protecting yourself over the past year using standard public health protocols why not continue. After all, once a vaccine is injected it can’t be removed. You can take off a mask.

    3. If you have been getting your information from the TV news, no wonder you are confused. Everything about this entire pandemic is questionable…the cases, the CPr testing, the death count as deaths are permitted to be covid deaths if they are “suspected” of being such (CDC March 2020), the conflicting advice from the medical experts, the fact that no virus has been discovered, the vaccines were made using computer algorithms that simulated what they thought the virus might be, we still have to wear masks and distance after getting the shot?? Read the trial protocols and they say these vaccines are not intended to stop the spread of any disease or save lives. Are you sure you can trust pharma to scramble your RNA/DNA and get it right and not harm you in the long term for life? If you are getting the shot out of fear of dying from Covid, you must assess your risk according to your age and other medical issues you may have.

    4. Sarah, I understand you doubts and questions.
      My first question to everyone is why are we vaccinating against a ‘virus” with a 99.7% recovery/survival?
      You are more likely it appears to die from the vaccine than from the illness. And the vaccine is only reported to have a 66% effectiveness and only against the symptoms, not transmission.
      So your questions are very valid.
      Absolutely more tests and trials need to be done.

    5. As for the pandemic, it’s an absolute hoax—it is impossible for anyone either living or dead to have Covid-19 because there is no diagnostic test that can indicate a positive result. PCR, (Polymerase Chain Reaction) (nasal swab test) has been used from the very beginning in Wuhan, China, when the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the first “case” of Covid-19. The criminal WHO, has faked it from the very beginning and this test is still being used around the world today. Before it started, Prof. Christian Drosten of Germany “manipulated” PCR to make it appear that it could diagnose Covid-19, and he created a paper saying so—the Corman/Drosten study. However, 22 world-renowned scientists reviewed that study and found 10 significant errors here:
      Now more about PCR—which is the key to understanding this. Kary Mullis invented PCR and won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993, and its purpose is in manufacturing—it cannot diagnose any medical condition—I’ve seen him say this—“it cannot tell you when you’re sick, it can make a lot of copies out of something.” Kary Mullis died in August of 2019, and just about 3 ½ months later the hoax started—they knew that Mullis would blow this hoax wide open and waited until he died.

      PCR can detect infection, but it cannot tell if the infection is live or dead. It also runs in cycle thresholds–the higher the cycles, the more it can pick up a molecule of an old infection (or live) that means nothing. The WHO from the very beginning recommended high cycles at ct45 because they wanted massive numbers of “cases and deaths” to support their pandemic hoax. Someone with infection from a cold or flu would test positive even at low cycles, but PCR cannot tell what the infection actually is.

    6. Hi Sarah, check out America Frontline Doctors. It’s a great resource. I’ve been heavily researching vaccines for the past three years and I have not found one that is worth the risk. I would not take this experimental vaccine because of the risks. Some of the ones we know about include infertility, convulsions, Bell’s palsy, anaphylaxis, autoimmunity, the risk of intelligence being harmed and death. The sequence of the synthetic mRNA contains proteins that are a part of our genome. If we take the vaccine and form antibodies against the mRNA, I do not see how we would not produce autoimmunity, meaning that the naturally occurring proteins (e.g. syncytin-1 in a woman’s placenta) will be attacked by the antibodies.

      To really protect yourself, take Vitamin D3 (roughly 5000IU daily), vitamin C and zinc. This will keep your innate immune system strong and capable of producing natural immunity which is far more intelligent than a man made toxic vaccine.

    7. Why would anyone take an experimental gene therapy for a disease that has a 99.9% survival rate and is treatable and preventable?

    8. We don’t need a vaccine to end this. There actually is no medical pandemic. Death rates are comparable to the flu. It’s all media propaganda and fear tactics. 99.9…% survival rate. Experimental RNA “vaccine” (which it really doesn’t fit the definition of a vaccine, it’s not injecting the virus but RNA) has never been used before in humans and no long-term testing has been done. There is a possibility that it will cause genetic modification. Previous RNA “vaccines” tested on animals caused pathogenic priming. Basically, the animals took the couple of doses of the injections ok, but then when exposed to the virus (that they were supposedly being vaxxed against) later in the wild, many of them had severe autoimmune reactions and died. Many doctors think this is a possibility in humans. Our immune systems are meant to handle these things on their own. You just have to feed your body the right things to have a healthy immune system. Make sure you have optimal vitamin D levels. Eat healthy organic foods to get all your nutrients naturally, and your body will work for you. Viruses are not our enemy. They actually have a purpose. Dr. Zachary Bush explains the microbiome and viruses quite well and in depth. Viruses are there to help cleanse our bodies of toxins or serve some purpose to try to bring us back into homeostasis. Some other docs I would recommend in this topic: Thomas Cowan, Andrew Kaufman, Carrie Madej, Simone Gold, Dolores Cahill,
      And many more.

    1. Jim, the key word in your question is “saved”. The experimental biologic which is not a “vaccine” humans have ever been injected with before, was not designed to “save” anyone. Period. This Medical Experiment which has not been licensed, is something that will hopefully lessen the SYMPTOMS of the illness, should you get it sick with CV. That’s it.

    2. No proof anyone ever saved by the vaccine. 1,100 deaths so far and 12,000 serious adverse events. Does not even fit the definition of vaccine according to CDC. It is a biotech synthetic DNA changer enveloped in nanoparticle polyethelene glycol that WILL permanently alter your immune system with no idea what the long term side effects [possible autoimmune disease from over stimulation] never mind the short term. In the last 20 years every time they tried this technology on animals they ALL died when they encountered the real virus from a cytokine storm. Does that make it any clearer for you?
      Make sure your vitamin D levels are OPTIMUM, take A,C and zinc. If you can’t get Hydroxyquinoline ; over the counter Quercitin will put zinc in your cells. Also Ivermectin wormer is preventative as well.

    3. The vaccines have not previously been in trials to ascertain how many people might be saved from dying of Covid. This is completely unknown and there is absolutely no proof that these gene altering therapies will do anything other than possibly mitigate mild cases in HEALTHY PEOPLE…who were the only type of people used to make the final decisions in moving forward with using these potions on the general public.

    4. Can you add, sir? 99% recovery rate of getting this flu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      66% effectiveness ONLY AGAINST REDUCING ONE FFING SYMPTOM!!!!!
      M-I-N-D C-O-N-T-R-0-L

  8. It is so amazing to read so many incidents and hear that the vaccine was not the cause of someone’s death when before the vaccine the person was well. Yet, if one gets sick right now they immediately attribute it to Covid 19. It’s amazing how they use science to pick and choose what is convenient for their pockets! It’s scary what is going on but scarier because many are falling for the lies and just following without doing their own research. You do not need to be a rocket scientist to follow the path to money in this pandemic.

  9. Yessireebob, we have VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Of course they won’t be finding any ‘adverse stuff’.
    Then there’s the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of Vieginia. Sounds important. They however, have no plans of doing an autopsy “due to public health concerns”. What? What does that mean? Isn’t that what he’s suppose to do, prevent health concerns? If this vaccine caused this death, that’s a health concern. Right? Do they have dimwitted examiners in Virginia or what? What is wrong with people? Are we living in the Twighlight Zone or did Virginia move there and they never told us?

  10. This vaccine should be offered on an open market by private doctors. The government should not be involved. Government should give it to doctors and stay out of any more involvement. A private doctor could research and recommend it -or not – to his private patient. The bureaucracy of government will only be tyranny – without choice.
    We need to return to capitalistic medicine where only the doctor and patient are involved.

    1. “A private doctor could research and recommend it -or not – to his private patient.”

      A Doctor researching a vaccine is unheard of and career suicide. Doctors are terrified of being what has been termed “Wakefielded” by the medical cartel as well as the media.

  11. Clearly we should all be concerned and demand answers. I do not understand why they refuse to do an autopsy on Drene Keyes. This makes no sense especially since her own family wants it done and at this point it is not ethical not to do so!!!

  12. “Preliminary findings indicate that the cause of death was not anaphylaxis,” Dr. Oliver said.

    So how did he determine that if they didn’t do an autopsy??? These people think the average citizen is just plain stupid. In fact, it makes them look stupid and totally devoid of credibility.

    “We can confirm that the death occurred within hours of having received the vaccine, but that is not evidence of it being related. We are currently investigating and do not yet know the cause of death.”

    Excuse me, it was not within hours. It was within minutes as she was going to her car when she became severely ill, immediately after the injection. It sounds like they struggled to help her recover and not die to no avail. So don’t make it sound like it was just some coincidence that happened hours later. I hope that her family sues the s*it out of these doctors for defamation if nothing else. I know they can hide behind their liability fortress, but someone needs to fight back. This has got to stop now! May she RIP.

  13. Please push for autopsy. They try to say it is not related to the vaccine but then refuse to do an autopsy…. vaccine side effects will get swept under the rug unless people push to have these things investigated and exposed.

  14. It is appalling and alarming about these deaths occurring suddenly after receiving this “vaccine”which is a shot that has chemical components that alter the DNA of human beings and destroys the immune system!!
    CDC and WHO and all Big Pharmaceuticals are not sympathetic to human lives at all! In fact it’s all about monetary gains and population control!!

  15. “the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of Virginia had informed Jones that it had no plans to perform an autopsy on her mother. Jones reportedly said she was told that the state would not do a full autopsy “due to public health concerns.”

    This is like something in a horror movies. Are they concerned that people will decline the vaccine if they know the truth? How many people will have to die before the vaccine becomes a “concern”, or will it take the death of the liberal advocates of this poison to get attention. I am appalled, truly appalled. You die trying to stay healthy. I am also very sad that lives are less important than trying to prove that the vaccine is the world’s savior, not that it even prevents a person from contracting it or passing it on. I pray that our Savior will come quickly!!!

  16. I am allergic to Metabifulfites which epinephrine has in it. I carried an epi pen for years until they added preservatives. My allergist told me I would have killed myself if I had used the pen. I watch out at the dermatologist and the dentist. I don’t go out to eat any more. Please be careful
    everyone. No Covid shot for me!

  17. And folks are moving full speed ahead to force this euthanasia agent on the entire human race. I haven’t heard of any considerations being discussed about this cocktail being given to people with health issues and/or those who take daily prescription medications. I haven’t even heard of any discussions about ending the madness with this covid19 vaccination program. Not hearing any suggestions from the MSM about people taking antioxidants or medications that can beat covid19 either. Not that I ever expected to.

  18. Of course an obvious death due to the vaccine is ruled “not related to the vaccine,” and a coincidence; but thousands of deaths that were not from Covid but occurred in people who tested positive for Covid were legally attributed to Covid. Thus the hypocrisy is on full display. Dying within hours of getting the vaccine could not possibly be from the vaccine, but dying with a positive Covid test is ALWAYS a covid death. They can only control us by driving up the numbers of cases and deaths and instilling fear to drive people to the vaccine; they cannot admit that the vaccine causes death because that would keep people from lining up for the vaccine like good little lemmings and would hurt their profit margin and their ability to control the unthinking masses.

  19. To add to my statement, it makes me sick that people are furious about deaths from Covid, but have stated that deaths from the vaccine “are to be expected” and are considered “collateral damage.” That is EVIL!

  20. Fauci, Gates, Moderna, Pfizer and all the others who distribute and make money from this toxic experimental medical device are murderers and liars and will be punished in the highest court. And that’s not on the Earth.

  21. Wow. This is UNbelievable! Yet All I can do is sit and watch abject Terror at the number of victims this POISION is taking out! My 54 y.o.partner is an R.N. at a LTC facility. He’s currently Q.A. but he’s been asked to take the A.D.O.N. ..
    Maybe. He VOLUNTEERED to be the first employee there to get that jab.
    We are at the point to where I can’t say anything about it. He gets that angry and hostile about it. I WILL NOT be taking it, nor my daughter. Let me tell you a lil history about this individual..
    He’s Deathly ALLERGIC to Most All local anesthetics, can’t tolerate any kind of “caine” at all! Allergic to dust, pollen, cats, insects, and even TEA for the Love of Pete! I absolutely begged him Not to do it because they don’t know what the long term side effects will be, technology has Never been used before! They did Start animal testing, but when the animals were then challenged, they DIED so then these idiots say screw it, SKIP the animal trials! Last but certainly not least, The Manufactures/Dr.s/nurses, clinics etc, administering this injection have Complete IMMUNITY from prrosecution! And remember, the super secret govt vax court won’t pay either!!
    His was _Moderna_ given in 2 doses. The First was 1/.9/21 & second 2/9/21.
    Now I’m just sitting here watching, waiting. Waiting for what I feel in my heart is coming.
    I truly did beg this person..but I was told to S.T.F.U. about it. He’s showing s/sx of allergic reaction..itching, c/o aches in unusual places and the places that always ache are getting worse..quickly. I believe whatever they put in that nasty shot accelerates the “pre-positioned” disease processes the individual already has (but may not be aware of it..yet!).
    King Yeshua.
    May The Most High comfort her family and bring Peace and Love to them!

  22. I am heartbroken to read this story about Ms. Keyes!
    The family should demand an autopsy or get one done by another forensic physician. It is outrageous to automatically blame something other than the vaccine without testing. Completely irresponsible!
    This vaccine is still “experimental” according to the FDA because not enough study has been done.
    Actually, it may be better to have an autopsy performed by someone not associated with the government. Get an attorney if no one will do anything.
    Prayers go out to this family for healing.

  23. I thought an autopsy was mandatory if someone dies for unknown reasons…to be sure nothing “shady” was done to the person.

  24. I’m not a doctor but I am interested to know did those on placebo later get tested to determine if they had antibodies?

    Why wouldn’t a full autopsy be conducted?

  25. “Out of tens of millions of vaccinations, if a small number die from it, how many end up being saved by vaccination?”

    The above is a comment in this comment thread. It’s not my intention to single out the person who wrote this or to be mean-spirited in any way. But this is a common example of the very dangerous thinking that is occurring. In the US the survival rate of those who have been infected with SARS-Cov-2 is something like 99.6%. The survival rates vary by country but they’re all very high. It seems a small number of already- unhealthy people are dying. Despite the reports that only a slightly higher number of people are dying with covid than with seasonal flu, we’ve locked down most of world, risked everyone’s mental/emotional/spiritual/physical health, polluted the planet with masks and gloves, etc., all for what? To save a few lives, right?

    Now the argument in favor of the vaccine is, well we’ve got to expect some injuries and deaths from the vaccine. What? Please… if you don’t readily recognize the hypocrisy here, keep working on it.

    (Written with love and the hope that we all become aware of the insanity that’s occurring.) Thanks for reading. Best wishes to you.

  26. I ran a Fibromyalgia support group for 13 years. Three women there ( 2 nurses) were forced to get the Hepatitis B vaccine. They became chronically ill, could not work. My grandson ( totally breast fed) developed severe GI problems at 4 months of age following the second Rotavirus vaccine ( 2013) He did not poop for 22 days.
    I tried to report the latter case to VERS, but the pediatrician said it was ‘normal’ ( all the breast milk was being absorbed). And she would not give me the lot # or vaccine info.
    Point is : Severe vaccine reactions must be very common. They are not reported.

  27. It seems that if you raise doubts about taking the vaccine, there’ll be a Chief Medical Health Officer, at least in Canada, to report on new, faster spreading variants of the virus. Now we hear on the news in Vancouver that someone caught a new version of the virus at a so called “trivia night” and then it pops up at a children’s daycare and then a few more schools in the area. And the average guy has no way of verifying any of this information. And your friendly local politician isn’t likely available to answer your questions. They’d just defer you to the Chief Medical Health Officer even if they were available.
    Maybe our useless prime minister is doing us all a big favour with his slow roll out of the vaccine in Canada.

  28. A lady at church was just discharged with mini-strokes. If she didn’t get the vaccine I’d be surprised. Most of the people that attend church are all into vaccines and modern medicine.
    They talked my aunt into getting the moderna vaccine. Other than dementia she’s in perfect health. If she suddenly dies or has strokes, I wouldn’t be surprised it was the vaccine.

    1. What church is Jenny talking about? Most Christians are NOT into vaccines and modern medicine! Jenny should not paint everyone with the same brush, unless she knows “everyone”.
      I’m assuming Jenny belongs to this church, or she couldn’t make this assumption, in the first place! Most people, in my church, use natural healing methods to stay healthy! Nobody in my church has, or had Covid!

      1. Good for your church, Virginia. But it doesn’t seem to represent the norm. Many of my church-going friends have been excited to get the vaccine, blinded by the steady stream of propaganda fed by the MSM and the government. The fear over Covid has been successfully whipped into a frenzy. Don’t go out. Wear 2 masks. Get the vaccine. If people would do one iota of research, they’d see that there’s a lot of things to question about the virus, the futility (and harm) of wearing masks, and the potential deadliness of the vaccine. But most people blindly go along with what they’re being told. It’s like brainwashing for the masses.

  29. I’m not taking the shots. Instead I’m doing a hydroxychloroquine, Vit. D & C and Zinc prophylaxis that’s been proven extremely safe and effective.

  30. Hi Sarah! The fact about these Covid vaccines is that their only positive is that they may possibly reduce the symptoms if someone happens to get this strain of Covid. (Just like the regular flu vaccine.) This vaccine does not keep a person from contracting the virus or from spreading the virus. It only POSSIBLY reduces the severity of the symptoms…if you even get it at all. So why risk your health for a vaccine that really doesn’t stop the virus when you most likely won’t even get the strain of this particular vaccine. So misleading and so useless…

  31. Someone asked about the risks of the vaccine being worth it because so many lives will be saved. I ask, How many lives?? These vaccines were never shown to stop infection or transmission. Only now are they collecting data to see if they will do what the legal definition of a vaccine says they will do. In the mean time, people are risking unknown effects of these experimental genetic modification products, while the CDC recently admitted that 94% of COVID deaths over the past year were actually due to pre existing conditions and primarily COVID as cause of death. So 6% of 500,000 is 30,000 deaths. Less than a typical flu season. So, yes, I think that not taking the vaccine is a good idea and that more people are likely to die from the effects of these vaccines than from COVID.

  32. Jim, same point can be made for getting covid and only .04% dying. This covid experimental treatment was never produced by big pharma to cure the virus, only soften your covid symptoms and it does not prevent transmission. Long term effects? Need to give this experiment many years to determine. So the shot is really not eliminating this virus, only making all those rushing to get it, guinea pigs (sorry, great volunteers) in the next phase of this trial. Proof…they are told to continue to wear a mask, social distance…yada yada.

  33. This is so sad and not one person in the mainstream medical community or media will take any responsibility. Instead of waiting 15 minutes, which is a joke, it should be 15 weeks or months. Strange that no deaths after getting the injection are said to be related to the gene altering therapies…it’s always the cop-out that it must be something else. For this lady, 58 years old…it was something else?

    Despite what the medical experts claim, there has to be an exact reason(s) why this woman died so suddenly after getting the injection. None of these pretend medical experts will stand up and tell the truth because they are scared senseless of big pharma. This has actually gone on since the 1950’s as doctors refused to tell the truth about the safety and efficacy and effectiveness of vaccines, They have been bullied by the AMA, pharma, FDA and CDC.

    Not buying it for a second that the gene therapy potion is not responsible and never agreeing to get ANY vaccine as I have not since the fake Swine flu of 1976. And the Vaers system is useless since it is voluntary. I would guess the death rate is likely 10-20 times what is reported.

  34. What church is Jenny talking about? Most Christians are NOT into vaccines and modern medicine! Jenny should not paint everyone with the same brush, unless she knows “everyone”.
    I’m assuming Jenny belongs to this church, or she couldn’t make this assumption, in the first place! Most people, in my church, use natural healing methods to stay healthy! Nobody in my church has, or had Covid!

  35. Unbelievable. Even the pro vaxxers have to see. Eventually, this is not just a coincidence. Even those with chronic health conditions don’t just keel over and die. For the love of the Almighty Yahweh. Deliver Your people.

  36. This is just the beginning for this vaccine.
    I see that the real damage will be the long term health effects not yet seen.
    This was too rushed and is not saving those dying now because they are not looking to treat and heal the sick.
    The health authorities are ignoring any treatments other medications to overcome the disease and putting all their eggs in a vaccine basket.
    In the end this will be a tragedy for the US people.

  37. That is the sick thing about it, forcing people to stay away from each other locking people down stopping socialising all the the crap comes with this ‘covid pandemic’ meanwhile they are moving full steam ahead with culling the people which in turn creates more numbers which in turn they are blaming the general public and pandemic for and if you dare to be fed up with the situation IT’S YOU THAT IS MURDERING PEOPLE!! WEAR YOUR FACE DIAPER STAY AT HOME AND DON’T QUESTION ANYTHING YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD!!

  38. An autopsy was not done because of “public health concerns”?! That is EXACTLY why the autopsy has to be done. Same thing happened with Hank Aaron.
    The only concern the coroner has is losing his job if he finds the truth as to what caused her death and then publishes it if it goes against the propaganda that the vaccines are safe. He would be removed so fast in the spirit of silencing misinformation.
    At least her daughter didn’t still encourage people to get the vaccine like the one spouse whose husband died days after getting it and recognized that he died due to the vaccine.

  39. “When you hear hoof beats on the plains, think of horses, not zebras”! Spoken to me by Dr. Tinsley R. Harrison, Distinguished Professor of Medicine Emeritus, University of Alabama in Birmingham, College of Medicine.

  40. VAERS was created as the only means to seek compensation from a vaccine injury after pharmaceutical companies were given complete immunity from liability. When money is awarded it is NOT the vaccine manufacturer that pays…it’s our own government. The CDC/FDA/government is represented by a DOJ lawyer while the injured party has to hire their own attorney. Only about 1% of cases of alleged vaccine injury ever make it to court. Does this sound like justice to you?

  41. But now for a laugh, and I couldn’t help but laughing when I read it, to quote a comment by marie:

    “Why would anyone take an experimental gene therapy for a disease that has a 99.9% survival rate and is treatable and preventable?”

    Why indeed. This sums it up nicely. Entire plandemic is just the beginning of the new world order. We’re going to see far, far worse tribulations by the totalitarian one world government in a program of social control, forced dehumanization, and climate change depopulation. You need only look at who is saying this stuff. These promoters of the “vaccine” are same proponents of abortion, transsexualism, homosexuality, anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-fascism, anti-Christ. Oh wait, anti-Christ? Where have we heard that before? Probably nowhere, because these are true Jesus-deniers. Even some of the demons acknowledged that Jesus was God. But these people believe everyone goes to heaven, that all religions are equally true, that big government will solve every problem in our horrible, terrible world, and that no one will ever die of anything ever again if you wear your damn mask and shut up for the rest of your lives. Remember, you will own nothing… and you WILL be happy – their words, not mine, the globalists have been quite clear about their anti-human, anti-Christ agenda.

  42. What happens when the rest of us receive blood from all these altered DNA folks. Has any one looked into the possible problem of these experimental biologicals tainting our blood supply?

  43. I was horribly harmed by doctors who told me what they were doing was safe, when in fact I hav been left disabled in agony with complication after complication. I went in there healthy and came out sick and disabled, barely able to walk with my health and my life destroyed. I will NEVER TRUST the word of a doctor again. I love the above comments because they they are not brainwashed doctors and nurses who discredit anyone who says anything negative about the vaccine, etc.. I’m sick of them calling me names when I spent years researching the dark side of medicine. The harm so much of allopathic does to unsuspecting people, and the way doctors pushed me into drugs, tests and procedures that were not only unnecessary, but has done far more harm than good.

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