Wednesday, February 12, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Volunteer in India Develops Encephalopathy and Sues

main with headache

A 40-year old business consultant in India, who volunteered to be a participant in clinical trials of the experimental COVID-19 vaccine (Covishield) created by AstraZeneca and Oxford University is suing Serum Institute of India (SII), which is producing the vaccine in India, for 50 million rupees ($680,000) after he developed acute encephalopathy (brain dysfunction) within 10 days of vaccination. According to Science Magazine, Serum Institute has denied the vaccine caused the encephalopathy and is countersuing the trial volunteer for up to 1 billion rupees (over $1 million) for “reputational damage.”1

Hospitalized for 15 days, including eight days in the intensive care unit, the acute encephalopathy left the vaccine trial volunteer “totally disoriented,” and unable to recognize close relatives. According to the New Indian Express, the law firm representing the Covishield trial volunteer said, “our client’s wife states that he is still not stable, has severe mood swings, has problems comprehending and focusing on things, and is finding it difficult to even do simple routine things like making online payments, leave alone focusing on work-related matters.”2

The Hindu reported that the Covishield trial volunteer was enrolled for the third phase of the human trial at India’s Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai. His wife said that the multiple “categorical assertions”—made in the participant information sheet—that the vaccine was safe and did not cause serious reactions had “convinced him” that it was “safe.” He signed the ‘Informed Consent Form’ on Sept. 29, 2020 and, after being tested for antibodies against COVID-19 to rule out prior infection, he was vaccinated on Oct. 1.3

The Hindu reported:

Ten days after the shot, he complained of a severe headache, followed by vomiting that confined him to the bed for the rest of the day. His wife, according to the legal notice, said there was a total “behavioural change” in her husband and he seemed unaware of his surroundings. “He showed irritation towards light and sound, and was resisting any effort to make him get up from bed,” the notice states. He was taken in an ambulance to the emergency ward of the Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Hospital.

Serum Institute of India Denies AstraZeneca/Oxford’s COVID-19 Vaccine Caused Brain Damage and Countersues Now Disabled Trial Participant

In a Nov. 29 statement, SII acknowledged that the volunteer did receive the AstraZeneca/Oxford COVID-19 vaccine and not a placebo but stated that, “there is absolutely no correlation with the vaccine trial and the medical condition of the volunteer. He’s falsely laying blame for his medical problems on trial. It is evident that the intention behind spreading of such malicious information is an oblique pecuniary motive.”4

Upon discharge from the hospital, the summary stated that the patient had been treated for an “acute encephalopathy.” It was also noted that he had a Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D deficiency, as well as a “probable connective tissue disorder.”5 The hospital’s institutional ethics committee reportedly concluded that the acute encephalopathy was not caused by the vaccine, however further details about the case have not been released to the public by SII or the government.6 7

After Severe Adverse Event, Serum Institute Failed to Pause Clinical Trial of AstraZeneca/Oxford COVID-19 Vaccine

The AstraZeneca/Oxford COVID-19 vaccine trial participant has alleged that during his month-long severe adverse event following receipt of Covishield, SII and government officials in India did not get in touch with him for a follow-up, which his attorneys reportedly said is against standards of the World Health Organization (WHO). Apart from financial compensation, the patient has sought to stop the vaccine from being licensed, maintaining that, “the testing, manufacturing and the distribution of the vaccine should also be stopped immediately.”8

Science Magazine quoted Thekkekara Jacob John, a retired virologist, as saying that “Done properly, the investigations into a serious adverse event could have been done in just three days. If they were not sure, the study should have been halted and the public informed.”9

Serum Institute is producing one billion doses of Covishield for distribution in India and CEO Adar Poonwalla told reporters during a Nov. 28, 2020 press briefing that there were “zero hospitalizations’ among Covishield trial participants. He said:10

In a world today, everyone is questioning vaccines and vaccine hesitancy, you know [and] we should collaborate together and the media, manufacturers, government of India, and everybody to send the right messaging out and not spread any panic or negative news unnecessarily without getting down to the facts. It’s only when the facts have been confirmed should we send out any messages because we don’t want to build doubt in the minds of people today, especially in a time of pandemic, and have a situation where vaccines are available, you know, but some people are hesitant to take them because they’re a bit unsure or skeptical on the safety, etc. etc. So I feel that we should only put out messages that are properly confirmed, you know, in terms of the fact checking from the Ministry of Health and the manufacturers before we put anything out and create any negative panic around vaccines because we need to project the power of vaccines and how they can save and protect our lives and our children. Thank you.

Astra Zeneca/Oxford Temporarily Halt COVID-19 Vaccine Trial in September After Severe Neurological Reaction in UK Trial Volunteer

Several months ago, on Sept. 8, 2020, AstraZeneca announced it had voluntarily suspended Phase 3 clinical testing of Covishield after a female participant in a United Kingdom trial developed transverse myelitis (inflammation of the spinal cord) after being injected with the vaccine.11 Four days later, AstraZeneca released a statement that it was resuming the trial in the U.K. after confirmation by the Medicines Health Regulatory Authority (MHRA) (Britain’s equivalent of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration) that it was safe to do so.12 No further details were provided.

Transverse myelitis involves inflammation of the spinal cord, which carries signals to and from the brain through nerves that extend from each side of the spinal cord and connect to nerves elsewhere in the body. Symptoms of transverse myelitis include pain that can be sharp or blunt and may shoot down arms and legs or wrap around the trunk or chest; sensory problems such as tingling, numbness, pricking, coldness, burning and sensitivity to touch or temperature; weakness in the legs and possibly the arms causing loss of balance, difficulty walking, and loss of function, which may develop into paralysis; bladder and bowel problems such as constipation, incontinence, or frequent need to urinate; and sexual dysfunction. These problems may develop suddenly over a period of hours, or over days or weeks and healing can take months to year or result in permanent damage.13

The Astra Zeneca/Oxford University COVID-19 vaccine (ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 or Covishield) is a genetically engineered viral-vectored vaccine using a replication-deficient chimpanzee adenovirus that infects and causes respiratory symptoms in chimpanzees and contains the genetic material of the SARS-CoV-2 virus spike protein. Covishield vaccine induces production of the coronavirus surface spike protein, priming the immune system to prevent COVID-19 disease.14

As reported in The Vaccine Reaction, preliminary results of Phase 1 and Phase 2 Covishield trials were published in The Lancet in July 2020 and up to 70 percent of participants experienced adverse reactions:15

Fatigue and headache were the most commonly reported systemic reactions. Fatigue was reported in the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 group by 70 percent of the participants, who were not give paracetamol [acetaminophen/Tylenol] prior to vaccination, and in the MenACWY group by 48 percent of the participants without paracetamol. Headaches were reported in the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 group by 68 percent of the participants without paracetamol and 61 percent with paracetamol and in the MenACWY group by 41 percent of the participants without paracetamol and 37 percent of the participants with paracetamol.

Other systemic adverse reactions were common in the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine group: muscle ache—60 percent, malaise—61 percent, chills—56 percent, and feeling feverish—51 percent. In the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine group, 18 percent of participants without paracetamol and 16 percent of participants with paracetamol reported a temperature of at least 100.4°F, and two percent of patients without paracetamol had a temperature of at least 102.2°F. In comparison, less than one percent of those receiving MenACWY reported a fever of at least 100.4°F, none of whom were receiving prophylactic paracetamol.

Encephalopathy a Long Recognized Vaccine Reaction

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, encephalopathy is a “diffuse disease of the brain that alters brain function or structure” and is marked by an altered mental state.16 Acute encephalopathy can develop after viral or bacterial infections, exposure to toxins (solvents drugs, radiation, paints, certain chemicals and metals), physical trauma, metabolic or mitochondrial dysfunction, lack of oxygen or blood flow to the brain, brain tumor, or vaccination and can occur alone or in conjunction with or after brain inflammation (encephalitis).

Encephalitis, encephalopathy and Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM) have long been recognized as severe complications of different types of vaccines that can develop within days or weeks of vaccination.17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Symptoms of encephalopathy or encephalitis, including autoimmune encephalitis when the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks brain cells,30 31 can include:

  • fatigue/lethargy;
  • unconsciousness;
  • seizures (involuntary twitching, jerking);
  • loss of memory and cognitive ability;
  • inability to concentrate;
  • muscle weakness;
  • tremor;
  • trouble with balance, swallowing, speaking or seeing;
  • personality and behavior changes.

Encephalopathy, as well as encephalitis and ADEM, are adverse health outcomes listed on the Vaccine Injury Table of the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) created under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986.32

Reporting Vaccine Adverse Events to VAERS

All adverse events following vaccination, especially those involving trips to the emergency room, hospitalization, permanent injury or death, by federal law are supposed to be reported to the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) operated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).33 One federally funded report published in 2011 found that less than one percent of vaccine adverse events are reported to VAERS.34

If a doctor, nurse or other vaccine provider refuses to make a vaccine reaction report to VAERS, the person who was vaccinated or a parent or other family member may make the report.35

Click here to view References:

1 Kumar S. ‘Malicious and misconceived.’ Indian vaccine producer hits back at complaint from trial volunteer. Science Magazine Dec. 2, 2020.
2 Omjasvin MD. Alleging side-effects from Covishield vaccine trials, Chennai-based volunteer seeks Rs5 crore compensation. New Indian Express Nov. 29, 2020.
3 Desikan S, Koshy J. ‘Covishield’ vaccine volunteer sues Serum Institute of India, Oxford Group over ‘adverse reaction.” The Hindu Nov. 28, 2020.
4 Omjasvin MD. Alleging side-effects from Covishield vaccine trials, Chennai-based volunteer seeks Rs5 crore compensation. New Indian Express Nov. 29, 2020.
5 Desikan S, Koshy J. ‘Covishield’ vaccine volunteer sues Serum Institute of India, Oxford Group over ‘adverse reaction.” The Hindu Nov. 28, 2020.
6 Ibid.
7 Kumar S. ‘Malicious and misconceived.’ Indian vaccine producer hits back at complaint from trial volunteer. Science Magazine Dec. 2, 2020.
8 Omjasvin MD. Alleging side-effects from Covishield vaccine trials, Chennai-based volunteer seeks Rs5 crore compensation. New Indian Express Nov. 29, 2020.
9 Kumar S. ‘Malicious and misconceived.’ Indian vaccine producer hits back at complaint from trial volunteer. Science Magazine Dec. 2, 2020.
10 YouTube. Serum Institute of India (SII) CEO Briefs Media on PM Modi’s Review of Covishield, Assures ‘India to Get Vaccine Before Europe.’ Nov. 28, 2020.
11 Feuerstein A., Covid-19 vaccine trial participant had serious neurological symptoms, but could be discharged today, AstraZeneca CEO says. STAT News Sept. 9, 2020.
12 AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine AZD1222 clinical trials resumed in the UK. Sept. 12, 2020.
13 University of San Francisco. Transverse Myelitis USFC Health Dec. 22, 2019.
14 Carlson R, Reiter D. AZD1222 SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine. Precision Vaccinations Oct. 23, 2020.
15 Cáceres B. AstraZeneca Halts, Resumes COVID-19 Vaccine Trial After Serious Neurological Event. The Vaccine Reaction Sept. 14, 2020.
16 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Encephalopathy Information Page. Mar. 27, 2019.
17 Croft PB. Para-infectious and post-vaccinal encephalomyelitis. Post Grad Med J 1969; 45: 392-400.
18 Miravalle A, Roos KL. Encephalitis Complicating Smallpox Vaccination. JAMA Neurology 2003; 60(7): 925-926.
19 Hemachudha T, Griffin DE et al. Myelin Basic Protein as an Encephalitogen in Encephalomyelitis and Polyneuritis Following Rabies Vaccination. NEJM 1987; 316 (7): 369-374.
20 Steinman L, Weiss A et al. Pertussis toxin Is required for pertussis vaccine encephalopathy. Proc Natl Acad Sci 1985; 82(24): 8733-8736.
21 Institute of Medicine. DPT Vaccine and Chronic Nervous System Dysfunction: A New Analysis. Washington, D.C. The National Academies Press 1994.
22 Huynh W, Cordato DJ, Kehdi E et al. Post-vaccination encephalomyelitis: literature review and illustrative case. J Clin Neurosci. 2008 Dec;15(12):1315-22.
23 Weibel RE, Casserta V, Benor DE et al. Acute Encephalopathy Followed by Permanent Brain Injury or Death Associated with Further Attenuated Measles Vaccine: A Review of Claims Submitted to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Pediatrics 1998; 101(3): 383-387.
24 Ward KN, Bryan NJ, Andrew NJ et al. Risk of Serious Neurologic Disease After Immunization of Young Children in Britain and Ireland. Pediatrics 2007; 120(2): 314-321.
25 Maeda K, Idehara R. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis following 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccination. Intern Med. 2012;51(14):1931-1933.
26 Machicado JD, Bhagya-Rao B, Davogustto G, McKelvy BJ. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis following seasonal influenza vaccination in an elderly patient. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2013 Sep;20(9):1485-6.
27 Rogalewski , Kraus J et al. Improvement of advanced postvaccinal demyelinating encephalitis due to plasmapheresis. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat 2007; 3(6): 997-991.
28 Stone MJ, Hawkins CP. A Medical Overview of Encephalitis. Neuropsychol Rehabil 2007; 17(4-5): 429-449.
29 Pellegrino P, Carnovale C, Perrone V et al. Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis Onset: Evaluation Based on Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. PLOS One Oct. 18, 2013.
30 National Institutes of Health. Autoimmune Encephalitis. Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center Oct. 26 2017.
31 Wang H. Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis and Vaccination. Int J Mol Sci 2017; 18(1): 193.
32 HRSA. Encephalopathy, Encephalitis, Acute Dissemination Encephalomyelitis. Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Vaccine Injury Table. Mar. 21, 2017.
33 DHHS. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Two Ways to Submit an Online Report to VAERS. Also Online VAERS Reporting Demonstration. July 2017.
34 Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc. Electronic System for Public Health Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. AHRQ 2011.
35 National Vaccine Information Center. Vaccine Reporting Systems: You Have Options!

11 Responses

  1. “Upon discharge from the hospital, the summary stated that the patient had been treated for an “acute encephalopathy.” It was also noted that he had a Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D deficiency, as well as a “probable connective tissue disorder.” The hospital’s institutional ethics committee reportedly concluded that the acute encephalopathy was not caused by the vaccine, however further details about the case have not been released to the public by SII or the government.”

    Gee, suddenly vitamin deficiencies are “noted”? And a “probable” connective tissue disorder the big fish pull out of their hind end as a wild guess for the acute encephalopathy?

    Deep Pockets counter-sues Unwashed Masses. Are you able to guess which wins?

  2. “…his wife said that the multiple “categorical assertions”—made in the participant information sheet—that the vaccine was safe and did not cause serious reactions had “convinced him” that it was “safe.”” How can any company make that assertion in a trial whose purpose is to determine it’s safety and efficacy? I would think that signing the informed consent was basically telling the company that you know there are risks and you are willing to accept them for payment. Maybe the participant was told one thing by a company rep but the form said something different.

  3. No surprise that pharma is going to squelch anything negative about their poisonous vaccines, not with multi $$billions on the line. Since these vaccines have not been adequately tested, there may be severe reactions over thousands of doses and we won’t hear about it or know about it for months or years, if ever. This is why they want to vaccinate everyone so fast…not to stop the fake pandemic, but so that if there are several major negative reactions, the majority will have been given the poisons already. And then governments, fake medical experts and pharma will say SORRY, we didn’t know our vaccines were troublesome…we’ll do better next time. All volunteers should be paid $100,000 just for trying out these monstrous evils.

  4. good luck with sueing you idiot, didnt you know they really hiked up their indemnification begging government to not allow this. Moral of the story do your research before you volunteer for anything especially from Pharma.

  5. Informed Consent has long been an oxymoron when it comes to anything in the pharma industry ESPECIALLY SO A SUPER OXYMORON with respect to ANY VACCINE TRIALS!!!
    Absolutely Nothing is known about a developing vaccine in which NO INFORMATION EXISTS to Inform the volunteers in the trial.
    Usual INFORMED CONSENT is when a doctor tells you 4-5 of the negative outcomes of a drug,… when the drug INSERT SHEET lists no less than 50-75 possible adverse reactions and often more than 100 possible side effects!!!
    Wake up people and do your own research and demand TRUTHFUL transparency.

  6. Well said Bob and Jo. Super well articulated article. Most people do not know the side effects are written on packaging insert of existing vaccines even well after they have less severe reactions. VAERS is a joke. So under reported and the odds of accrual reporting are far less than anyone obtaining compensation. Good news they are not trying to kill us, bad news, only create life long clients. Only now with added irreversible damage as well as tracking capability. Those questioning have great intuition, those refusing the vaccine intelligence. 1999 when I allowed my child to be damaged, the information wasn’t shared as it is today.
    Still they will line up…Good times.

    1. The most pronounced effects will be felt generationally, as the people whom took the RNA resequencers become literal genetically modified organisms themselves, passing those traits down the line. If they are the lucky few still capable of reproduction. Beware of these false news stories saying the rna resequencing happens downsteam of the genetic code, that’s now how genetics works. When a cell is reprogrammed, it can pass the traits back upstream which is a normal function of genes, to read and adjust to cellular responses based on activity downstream. That’s before you even get to the question of environmental toxins, bio accumulation of said toxins, and the synergystic effects of all vaccines and toxins together, a study never once performed anywhere ever. They test these things individually then claim general safety for all such products even when taken together. People with swollen brain and nerves, tissue cohesion issues, they are likely to have had notable bio accumulation of heavy metals and other difficult to bio cleanse toxins already. Of course these things are not a real problem, because if you don’t test or make observational study efforts for something, you do not have to recognize or acknowledge if those things may have influence or measurable effect when stacked over other substances and procedures introduced later on. It’s easy to pass those research challenges over, because ‘the government’ has already proclaimed their safety. Simply ignore the organic food movement. I mean, it sort of defeats the purpose to be an organic non gmo food eater, then volunteer to become a living gmo human on the other hand. Can you imagine if the traits of genetically modified foods passed to the consumer of the food? Well, that’s what an rna resequencing vaccine does in fact, it passes a new trait to the host. These companies have stabbed at RNA resequensers for a long time, decades. The RNA resequencing vaccines primary industrial use today is sterlization of farm animals.

  7. Just imagine what’ll happen when this is given on a global scale. People will become very sick and some will die, and then the media will spin it like a record that the people caught it from some unvaccinated person, and the witch hunts will go into overdrive. Of course the vaccine works, and pigs fly.

    If the ‘experts’ started telling the sheeple that the sky was purple with green dots, after repeating it for a few months people would start to “see” it.

  8. No means no. We do not accept any vaccine products what so ever.

    Pressure for us to consume them will be considered an assault on our liberties and persons.

    Any effort to deny citizens whom do not take the vaccines, access to vital governmental programs and other regular social functions is a clear case of taxation without representation and discrimination based on viewpoint.

    Volunteers get what they deserve for being so damned ignorant in the first place. One man can not go against monolithic monopolized corporations whom rackateer collude and coerce people along the way.

    Our only solution is to say no, and either fight or flight if these corrupt companies use the force of government to try and force our consumption of their patented proprietary for profit products. We opt out on principal.

    Most have already developed immunity to covid 19 because it spread so swiftly through the entire world. These supposed experts have not yet even found a way to test for long lasting immunity of this, but somehow we’re supposed to believe we must have a vaccine? They’re focusing on forcing vaccines before they even come up with a reliable test to see if people even need the vaccine or not, having been exposed or not, having antibodies and other cellular memory signatures indicating they’ve already been exposed and are therefore immune and protected, or not. Ship of fools. This vaccine is a good thing in the big picture and longer term, it will cull millions and perhaps billions of people incapable of critical and independent thinking from this planet.

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