Saturday, February 15, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Only Half of Americans Polled Say They Would Get COVID-19 Vaccine

a couple sitting with their arms crossed

In a poll conducted for CNN during Oct. 1-4, 2020, the Pennsylvania-based market research firm SSRS found that 51 percent of the 1,205 Americans surveyed said they would try to get a COVID-19 vaccine if it were widely available at a low cost, 45 percent said they would not and four percent had no opinion. Sixty percent of respondents 65 years of age and older said to they would get a new COVID-19 vaccine, while 49 percent of those under 45 said they would try to get vaccinated.1 2 3 4

Poll responses also varied depending on gender and race. Of the men surveyed, 58 percent said they would try to get a COVID-19 vaccine, while only 45 percent of women said they would try.1 2 3 4

CNN polls conducted in May and August showed 66 percent and 56 percent respectively of those surveyed said they would try to get a COVID-19 vaccine, reflecting a steady downward trend. The May and August polls also shows that the percentage of respondents saying they would not try to get a COVID-19 vaccine has steadily increased. In May, 33 percent of those polled said they would not get a COVID-19 vaccine, while in August the percentage rose to 40 percent.5

Other Polls Have Shown Even Less Interest in Getting COVID-19 Vaccine

Other polls conducted by other market research firms on behalf of other news outlets have shown even less willingness on the part of Americans to get a COVID-19 vaccine. In a poll of 2,493 U.S registered voters conducted last month for CBS News, pollster YouGov found only 21 percent of of those surveyed said they would get a COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available, even if it is offered for free.6

Consistently, “the number of Americans willing to get a new vaccine against COVID-19 has been falling since polling began,” noted staff writer Kate Raines of The Vaccine Reaction in a recent article.6 Raines wrote:

In April/May, a poll of 1,056 adults conducted by the Associated Press’s NORC Center for Public Affairs Research showed that 49 percent said they planned to get vaccinated as soon as a vaccine was licensed, 20 percent said they would not get the new vaccine and 31 percent were unsure. Morning Consult poll numbers from May showed an even higher number of respondents planning to get a new vaccine: 59 percent among 2,200 surveys of U.S. adults, with 14 percent saying they would not want the vaccine and 22 percent unsure. By late July, polls showed the number of people who would accept a newly licensed COVID-19 vaccine had dropped to 32 percent, with 17 percent against taking any coronavirus vaccine approved this year and 51 percent taking a “wait and see” stance.6

Polls indicate that many Americans are concerned about safety, while others are not sure a COVID-19 vaccine would protect them from the mutated coronavirus.6


3 Responses

  1. Count me is the NO WAY EVER camp. I will not get ANY vaccine for ANYTHING. Haven’t had any in over 40 years and I am healthy and out of the medical mafia’s grip.

  2. I’m in the no way no how group. Vacs have all kinds of unadvertised components and who knows what they could put in them to play with our bodies. Not gonna.

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