While much of the world is focused on coronavirus, there is another illness on the rise here in Canada. Researchers from McMaster University found that at least 13 people have had scurvy in the last nine years just in the city of Hamilton, Ontario alone. More than 50 other people had low vitamin C levels. This is a disease we associate with the 15th century or with pirates. How does someone get scurvy? Most of the individuals in our study were individuals who were socially isolated or impoverished and had poor access to fruits and vegetables. But there was also another subset of individuals who suffered from alcohol use disorder. Those individuals don’t often consume a lot of fruits and vegetables, which puts them at risk for vitamin deficiencies, and individuals who’d undergone geriatric surgery so, in those cases, were bypassing the digestive tract and they have trouble absorbing nutrients as well.
3 Responses
It has been suggested that aged care facilities may have numbers of people suffering early signs of Scurvy, and some infants may also exhibit early signs of Scurvy, both mainly due to lack of availability of Vitamin C. The source, an Obs/Gyn and GP pointed out that few modern MD’s would be tuned up to recognize what is generally accepted as a very difficult condition to identify in its early state. One more case of prevention is far better than cure.
“Linus Pauling: Heart Disease is a Chronic Scurvy Condition
Linus Pauling was unquestionably the greatest scientist of the twentieth century. All of modern biochemistry and molecular biology chemistry is based on Linus Pauling’s work, especially his discovery and elucidation of the chemical bond. Pauling is the only scientist to be awarded two unshared Nobel prizes. Pauling’s later years were devoted to study of heart disease, and in 1989 he published “A Unified Theory of Human Cardiovascular Disease,” in which he states that atherosclerotic plaques in heart disease are actually part of a repair process, to repair the arterial damage caused by chronic vitamin C deficiency. (15) In essence, Pauling said that heart disease is a manifestation of chronic scurvy, and atherosclerotic plaque is a mechanism evolved to repair or patch blood vessels and arteries damaged by chronic vitamin C deficiency. Linus Pauling also said that atherosclerotic plaque formation can be prevented or reversed with vitamin C, lysine and proline. These are nutritional supplements available at any health food store for a few dollars.”………
“Linus Pauling Protocol for Prevention and Reversal of Heart Disease
1) L-Ascorbate (Vitamin C) 5-6 grams a day in divided doses
2) L-Lysine 5 grams a day in divided doses
3) L-Proline 2-3 grams a day in divided doses
4) The Tocotrienol form of Vitamin E. ”
Yes the protocol works and it only takes a month or two of supplementation. Some may need higher doses of ascorbate though.
Being this article is about Canadians, this is interesting:
“The Cure for Heart Disease: Condensed
By Owen R. Fonorow, Copyright 2004
Cardiovascular Diseases Those few species that fail to synthesize ascorbic acid (vitamin C) are prone to a form of ‘heart disease’ that is not prevalent in other species. The theory that Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) is related to a deficiency of vitamin C was first proposed by the Canadian physician G. C. Willis in 1953. He found that atherosclerotic plaques form over vitamin-C-starved vascular tissues in both guinea pigs and human beings. In 1989, after the discoveries of the Lp(a) cholesterol molecule (circa 1964) and its lysine binding sites (circa 1987), Linus Pauling and his associate Matthias Rath formulated a unified theory of heart disease and invented a cure. Vitamin C and lysine (and proline) in large amounts become Lp(a) binding inhibitors that restore vascular health and are patented to destroy atherosclerotic plaques.
Chronic scurvy. Heart disease is a misnomer; the underlying disease process reduces the supply of blood to the heart and other organs leading to angina (“heart cramp”), heart attack and stroke. The disease is characterized by scab-like build-ups that grow on the walls of blood vessels. The correct terminology for this disease process is chronic scurvy, a slower form of the classic vitamin C deficiency disease.
The hypothesis that CVD is an ascorbic acid (vitamin C) deficiency disease was first conceived and tested in Canada. Willis devised a method of photographing plaques with X-rays and observed that atherosclerotic plaques were not uniformly distributed throughout the vascular system; rather these “blockages” are concentrated near the heart, where arteries are constantly bent or squeezed.
Another Canadian, Paterson, had found that the tissues of heart patients were generally depleted of vitamin C, and it was well known that vitamin C is required for strong and healthy arteries. Willis reasoned that only the mechanical stress caused by the pulse could explain the typical pattern of atherosclerosis. To Willis, the body was laying down plaque precisely where it was needed in order to stabilize the vascular system. ” ……..