Monday, February 17, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Intranasal COVID-19 Vaccine May Be More Effective Than Injected Vaccines

hand holding a nasal vaccine

There are more than 150 experimental COVID-19 vaccines under development around the world, all of which are being designed for intramuscular injection.1 Some researchers are investigating whether the conventional intramuscular injection route is less effective when using vaccines to prevent microbial infections that invade the respiratory airway like SARS-CoV-2.2

Avery August, PhD, an immunologist at Cornell University, said, “When we take apart and present pathogens in a way that the immune system doesn’t naturally see them, it’s not as ideal.” He adds, “You run the risk of not generating the right immune response.”3

Researchers are now exploring the option of developing an intranasal mucosal vaccine to prevent COVID-19.4

Why An Intranasal Vaccine for COVID-19 May Be More Effective

Researchers concerned about the potential ineffectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines administered intramuscularly speculate that a vaccine administered nasally would generate a stronger mucosal response and more protection against the acute respiratory infection caused by SARS-Cov-2.5

Researchers explain that many pathogens enter the body through the mucosa—the tissue that lines the nose, mouth, lungs and digestive tract—and trigger an immune response in that particular area of the body. Intramuscular vaccines are believed to do a poor job of triggering mucosal immune responses and must instead rely on immune cells mobilized from elsewhere in the body flocking to the mucosal tissue sites of the infection.6

Sarah Gilbert, PhD, vaccinologist at Oxford University in England, spoke on intranasal vaccines and said, “This takes the vaccine itself right down into the lungs where it can access the same tissue that would be reached by the virus infection.”7

Roadblocks in Developing an Intranasal Vaccine

There are several challenges to developing intranasal vaccines and developing vaccines that more effectively induce mucosal immunity has been challenging for researchers.8 For example, the live virus FluMist nasal spray vaccine licensed in the U.S for influenza contains an attenuated influenza virus and is believed to be more effective than inactivated injected influenza vaccines given intramuscularly in young children. However, the same influenza nasal vaccine has shown to be ineffective in adults.9 The live oral polio vaccine (OPV), which is used in other countries, has been linked to polio outbreaks when the attenuated virus in the product mutates and becomes pathogenic, causing vaccine strain polio paralysis in the person vaccinated or someone who comes in contact with a recently vaccinated person’s body fluids shedding the virus.10

Anna Durbin, MD, infectious disease researcher at John Hopkins University said that designing a mucosal vaccine with less risky ingredients such as inactivated viruses would make the nasal vaccine too weak to stimulate a long-term immune response. She states, “You want the vaccine to be strong enough to get in and do what it needs to do, but it can’t cause a lot of symptoms. It’s a really difficult balance.”11

Five Pharmaceutical Companies/Universities Developing Intranasal Vaccines

Currently, there are five pharmaceutical companies and universities in the U.S, Canada, Netherlands, Finland and India that are working on an intranasal vaccine for COVID-19, which the companies hope will offer protection at not only the mucosal site of the respiratory tract but also the intestines and genital tract.12

In the U.S, a biopharmaceutical company called Altimmune , in collaboration with DynPort Vaccine in Maryland, has developed an intranasal COVID-19 vaccine candidate known as AdCOVID. Researchers at the University of Waterloo in Canada are developing a DNA-based vaccine candidate that can be given via intranasal administration. Dutch research and development vaccine institute Intravacc, Wageningen Bioveterinary Research and Utrecht University are jointly developing an intranasal vaccine that uses a Newcastle disease virus (NDV) vector.13

Researchers at the University of Eastern Finland and the University of Helsinki are developing a COVID-19 vaccine that will be administered as a nasal spray using gene transfer technology and an adenovirus carrier. Bharat Biotech in India in collaboration with University of Wisconsin–Madison and vaccine firm FluGen, has also developed ‘CoroFlu’, a one-drop COVID-19 nasal vaccine.14


1 KuWu K. You’d Rather Get a Coronavirus Vaccine Through Your Nose. The New York Times  July 14, 2020.
2 Ibid.
3 Ibid.
4 Ibid.
5 Fonrouge G. Coronavirus vaccine may be stronger through nasal spray. New York Post June 23, 2020.
6 See Footnote 1.
7 See Footnote 5.
8 See Footnote 1.
9 See Footnote 1.
10 Ibid.
11 Ibid.
12 De A. Explained: How will Covid-19 nasal vaccines work, which firms are developing it? Indian Express July 16, 2020.
13 Ibid.
14 Ibid.

5 Responses

  1. Look into

    Hydrochloroquine (probably spelt wrong by me) is a medicine taken along with Zinc that stops the replication of viruses and breaks down the very mechanisms these viruses need to be built. It is safe and effective shown through years of data, has been given to children and pregnant women, nursing women besides adults with little to no side affects or harm. All the countries that use this medicine as a weekly regime for Malaria have not been affected by Coronaviruses or COVID-19. Vitamin D, C and Zinc should be taken every day. Wonder why we, the American people, aren’t being told this? Ask those who benefit from Big Pharma? Who gets a cut from each vaccine given? If America knew that the medicine kills VIRUSES, there would no longer be a need for vaccines. Imagine the amount of money lost…. Look into it. Don’t take my word for it. There are tons of research studies done for over the past 20-50 years on hydrochloroquine The science is there.
    I will not be getting any kind of vaccine because I know there is a treatment out there that works. Ask for the protocol of hydrochloroquine to be given to you/ in fact demand it!

    1. Hydroxychloroquine as been shown to cause cardio-vascular problems in some people and it’s not know who will have problems. It has also been show to cause anemia in people of African American and people of Mediterranean descent and unless they know they have that gene deficiency-it’s a shot in the dark. One of the reasons that people who want vaccine choice, vaccine info full disclosure and testing developed to determine who may have a adverse reaction to vaccines applies here with this drug. As a person who has spent the better part of 15 years working on regaining my health from adverse side effect from so called safe drugs that have been on the market for decades, I would not take this drug nor would I take a vaccine for the same reasons.

  2. Unfortunately if you are in USA ; Dr Fauci has put a stop to our doctors’ ability to prescribe it . They will let people die so we will be begging for a vaccine. Back when the fake H1N1 “pandemic” [only declared because Julie Gerberding ,head of the CDC, changed the parameters and then went to work 6 months later for Merck ;who made the vaccine] was beginning there was a video I saw that was shortly removed that showed a bunch of Big Pharma types meeting to discuss how they were going to withhold the vaccine long enough so people would think there was a shortage and be demanding it & not caring how well it was tested. Instead the H1N1 shot in UK gave 200 children NARCOLEPSY and many others were injured. The shot we got in USA caused hundreds of miscarriages in all three trimesters. They also tried to make it mandatory in Germany but the common people found out that the government & aristocrats were not getting the Squalene adjuvant that had caused many many bad side effects; but they would get it. There were nearly riots and no one showed up for the shots.

  3. Aug 3, 2020 Vaccine Tyranny – Will You Take Bill Gates’ Shot?

    They are rushing through a Covid vaccine at a blistering pace, while granting immunity to big Pharma for any damage it might do to the American people. They are lowering the minimum effectiveness level to 50 percent – like tossing a coin.

  4. Hydroxychloroquine as been shown to cause cardio-vascular problems in some people and it’s not know who will have problems. It has also been show to cause anemia in people of African American and people of Mediterranean descent and unless they know they have that gene deficiency-it’s a shot in the dark. One of the reasons that people who want vaccine choice, vaccine info full disclosure and testing developed to determine who may have a adverse reaction to vaccines applies here with this drug. As a person who has spent the better part of 15 years working on regaining my health from adverse side effect from so called safe drugs that have been on the market for decades, I would not take this drug nor would I take a vaccine for the same reasons.

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