Sunday, January 19, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Former CDC Director’s Net Worth Estimated at $13.5 Million

Julie Gerberding

Julie Gerberding, MD, who served as director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from 2002 to 2009,1 2 and joined Merck & Co. as president of Merck Vaccines division in January 2010,3 4 recently sold 102,073 shares of her Merck stock for approximately $$9.119 million. This represented just under half of her shares in the company.5 6 7

Following the transaction, which was completed on Jan. 13, 2020, Dr. Gerberding still owns 106,099 shares of Merck stock worth about $9.478 million.7

Dr. Gerberding, who has been Merck’s executive vice president and chief patient officer for strategic communications, global public policy and population health of Merck since July 2016, also serves on the Board of Directors of health information technology firm Cerner Corporation.8

On Aug. 22, 2019, Dr. Gerberding sold $569,389 worth of shares in Cerner. Prior to that, she sold $1.9 million in Merck stock on Nov. 7, 2018, $594,930 of Merck stock on May 15, 2018, $5.6 million in Merck stock on Nov. 7, 2016 and $2.3 million in Merck stock on May 8, 2015.9 10

Dr. Gerberding has been estimated to earn about $2.5 million a year as an executive at Merck.11 12 Her net worth has been pegged at $13.5 million or more.13 Not bad for someone who earned an annual salary of $207,000 as the head of the CDC at little over a decade ago14—a period during which Merck produced 14 of the 17 vaccines now recommended for children by the CDC and nine of the 10 vaccines recommended by the agency for adults.15

It is this extremely lucrative relationship with a company that made so many vaccines recommended by an agency Dr. Gerberding oversaw for so long that has led to concern about the undue influence of Merck and other pharmaceutical companies on the CDC. The revolving door that exists between the pharmaceutical industry and federal agencies with legal responsibility for overseeing vaccine research, development, licensing, policymaking and promotion, as well as providing oversight on vaccine safety, has been the subject of much discussion by consumer watchdog over the past four decades.16

If a CDC director can expect to leave the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), walk through the revolving door and within a year land a job with a pharmaceutical company earning 10 times the government salary plus get generous stock options and become a multi-millionaire, then it is reasonable to question the integrity of the decision-making process of high ranking employees at the CDC. It is also reasonable for the public to call for an end to the revolving door between HHS and industry.


1 Roos R. Julie Gerberding named director of CDC. Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy July 3, 2002.
2 Evans D. CDC Director Gerberding resigns, leaves behind a controversial legacy. Facing South Jan. 14, 2009.
3 Reuters. Former CDC head lands vaccine job at Merck. Dec. 21, 2009.
4 T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Julie Gerberding, President, Merck Vaccines. Harvard University.
5 World  Julie Gerberding sells $9.1M Worth Of Merck & Co. Stock. Feb. 6, 2020.
6 Kennedy RF. Merck’s Vaccine Division President Julie Gerberding Sells $9.1 Million in Shares—Is She Jumping Ship? Children’s Health Defense Feb. 5, 2020.
7 Press Release. Merck & Co., Inc. (NYSE:MRK) EVP Julie L. Gerberding Sells 102,073 Shares of Stock.
8 Cerner. Julie L. Gerberding, M.D., M.P.H.
9 wallmine. Complete history of Julie Gerberding stock trades at Cerner and Merck & Co.
10 Namely Liberty. Former CDC Director Julie Gerberding’s Stock at Merck.
11 Bolen T. CDC Continues to Withhold Information Regarding Thimerosal in Vaccines. Health Impact News 2011.
12 Merck & C.
13 wallmine. Julie Gerberding Net Worth. Jan. 15, 2020.
14  Sun LH. CDC director’s salary now set at $209,700 instead of $375,000. The Washington Post May 8, 2018.
15 Timmerman L. Merck’s Julie Gerberding, Former CDC Director, on the Future of Vaccines. Xconomy June 24, 2011.
16 Fisher, BL, Wrangham TK. Public comment submitted on behalf of the National Vaccine Information Center to the National Vaccine Program Office (NVPO) on the federal vaccine safety system. June 6, 2011.

11 Responses

  1. Julie Gerberding is the one who oversaw the 2004 MMR autism study that Dr. William Thompson said was fraudulent. He was one of the four CDC scientist who conducted this study. He became a whistleblower in 2014 when he admitted massive amounts of data were destroyed due to her orders. He secretly kept 10,000 documents which he turned over to Senator Posey but no hearings have ever been conducted. It was on the basis of that study that the claim is made there is no relationship between the MMR and autism. Much of the data that was discarded show the increased risk of autism in the black population of male infants if they receive the MMR vaccine before 3 years old. So they have made the recommendation that all children starting at 18 months. It was on the basis of this study that over 5,000 claims we’re just missed in Vaccine Court for autism caused by the MMR. This study was given a national award and is still cited when the argument is made for the fact that MMR does not cause autism. This is a crime of the highest nature! How does this woman sleep at night? The fact that there has never been a hearing on the whistleblowers information shows the extreme power of Big Pharma. The HHS, CDC, and EPA have sold their souls. They are bought and paid for by industries such as this. Untold suffering and death is the result. The stringent monitoring and study to improve the safety of vaccines mandated by the 1986 vaccine law has never been done and I’m sure it never will be. But let’s all remember as the mandatory vaccination laws move forward, vaccines are safe and effective and there is a growing body of evidence to prove it. Right!?

  2. One of the foremost pharma criminals in the USA, that deserve to spend the rest of their lives in a prison cell, far away from the millions Merck showered upon her for a job well done.
    I am 65, and have never been so disgusted in this country. The crimes are endless, because we have no functioning justice system in this country. So many crimes go unpunished, such as this woman’s term at the CDC, where she actually was working for Merck, while being paid by the taxpayers’ she was screwing over.
    Corporate greed and criminality is/has destroyed this country, and none are more guilty than the pharmaceutical industry, and the criminals within.
    If this isn’t organized crime, then I don’t know what is.

  3. I’d be curious if their children and grandchildren are being vaccinated knowing what they KNOW! or they EXEMPTED?? That needs to be looked into.

  4. Not good work at all, its terrible all the deaths and injuries to fill her pocket i hope it eats a hole in her but of course it wont they are all psychopaths, you have to be a special type of nasty to do stuff like this knowing what they know and trust me they know that is why they dont vaccinate themselves or their families.

  5. “I have heard of many tragic cases of walking, talking, normal children who wound up with profound mental disorders after vaccines.” Rand Paul

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