Monday, January 13, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Harvard Lawyer’s Vaccine Injured Son

I’m also a proud father of a severely vaccine injured child. I’d like to tell you, a minute or two, about my boy. He was our first-born, perfectly healthy at birth, hitting all of his milestones. As first time parents, we were very conscious about hitting all of his pediatrician visits and staying on schedule. At four months, we took him in for his scheduled dose of vaccines. That evening, we took him home. He had a 104 degree fever. He screamed unconsolably for several hours and vomited, he had never been sick before. Shortly thereafter, he started having seizures. We rushed him to the hospital where they started him on a drug called phenobarbital which controlled the seizures.

Note: This video is of George Fatheree JD testifying before the California Assembly Health Committee hearing in opposition to SB277 on June 9, 2015. Sitting next to Mr. Fatheree is Allison Folmar JD with who also opposed SB277. 

32 Responses

  1. This was so disturbing to hear. This poor family, and so many like this. I know several! This is not uncommon. I did not vaccinate my children and I, too, was called every name in the book by at least 3 pediatricians. When challenged by the doctor on my decision I would ask this question, ” if something goes wrong and my baby is harmed by this vaccine, who is responsible for their care the rest of their life?” The answer was always the same…””you are.” So I refused. No regrets like this poor father and so many others like him.

  2. I am so sorry for you and your son. How would a new parent know? Before I started having children, I began researching any topic that had to do with children, one being vaccinations. After everything I read, I vowed to never vaccinate my children. In order to support our way of life, we moved close to a community of like-minded families that supported one another. It is very difficult to go against the status quo.

    1. What area is that? I find it hard to live among my neighbors here in IL. Can’t wait to move. I’m a organic chemical free mom so hard to find like minded individuals, before the virus of course. Stay safe 🙂

  3. I am so sorry. My heart breaks hearing you speak for your family about your vaccine injured son.You are right that not all children should receive vaccines as we are all made differently with some of us not being able to handle certain medications, vaccines etc… I’m praying that you and your family have all the help you need for your son. Please continue to advocate for your child and help others to know about the severity of vaccine injuries.

    1. Michael, as infuriating as it is, Vaccine makers are immune to prosecution. So you know the agencies: FDA, CDC, NIH, EPA, USDA, FTC, and the worst, FCC, though created to protect us, are all corrupt.The FDA, CDC, NIH, receive kickbacks from the drug cartel. The FDA gets 45% of its funding from the drug cartel, the CDC makes 2 billion yearly from sales of Vaccines, and the NIH holds patents on drugs so they too get money returns. NVIC, and a few , very few, doctors and practitioners stand tall and present peer reviewed studies that can be found on Pub and are attacked, slandered, and for some, their homes and businesses burned down. The FDA has this criminal regulation called the Perscription Drug user fee act. This bill as it states generates income for the FDA or payoff when drug companies bring a new drug to market. The wheels have been greased, rules relaxed or conveniently not read, and the approval process quickened. As idiotic as it sounds, it is the drug companies who present their own safety studies. This is not absurd but a criminal action which maims and kills many children, seniors, pregnant mothers, and adults. Please stand tall and as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. states, people must become activists for the integrity of our Democracy is under attack and the power of big money difficult but not impossible to defeat. Please tune into my radio show, Be The Change, on the Pyramid One network on August 14, 3 PM Pacific or 6 PM Eastern for my guest will be Barbara Loe Fisher the co-creator of NVIC. A month ago I interviewed Dr. Meryl Nass, an Anthrax expert and Anthrax Vaccine expert. Soldiers are severely injured by Vaccines and refused their human right for informed consent. When 30% and more of enlistees come down with debilitating and disabling symptoms, they are denied VA assistance with the Military denying that their sudden and inexplicable disability is even remotely related to the poisons in Vaccines. The science has been manipulated and even lied about. Newborns are now injected with their first Vaccines when at this new to the world age that they do not have a working immune system yet. This is craziness and a criminal act. When I was a kid in the sixties there were 3 Vaccines and now there are 17 and 72 shots by age 18. Did you know that the Gardasil Vaccine gives you Herpes and Cancer? Now out of greed, the chemical company, possibly Merck, wants to inject both girls and boys from age 9 to 43. Did you know that the Measles Vaccine makes the one injected contagious where they infect others. Those injected are not immune to the Measles wild type and can get measles even though they are infected. New York, California, and starting in Florida, is legislation to remove freedoms from citizens and for the State to gain control over the child and forced them to be injected against the will of their parents. The complicit and criminal American Medical Association, AMA, is moving to allow 12 year olds to decide for themselves if they choose to get these poisonous injections if they want. This is Absurd for Vaccines have never proven to be safe , side effects horrendous and life diminishing, and greed and power the motivation for this chemical poisoning. Currently the Vaccine industry makes 30 billion yearly and in another decade, this will rise to 60 billion as people especially children, pregnant mothers, and seniors, suffer with permanent neurological, gastrointestinal, physical, and circulatory distress and ill health. Please stay in touch with NVIC, RFK Jr. and his Children’s Health Defense, and their tens of thousands of peer reviewed studies accumulated from pub, from Dr. Joe Mercola, like the CHD, compiles peer reviewed studies to educate the public and to my show, Be The Change, on the Pyramid One network. Michael, we cannot know all this and do nothing. Your children, children worldwide, pregnant females, seniors, and the average adult must know all about Vaccines , what is in them, and the irreversible damage that can happen to many. The real issue here is true uncoerced and nonbullied informed consent as one would assume in a Democracy. Dr. Randall George Nozawa

      1. Very informative, I’m 29 years old and a mom to a 4 year old and you opened up my eyes. I have not vaccinated her and never will. I will research everything you said. If you want to share anything else please do.

    2. My heart broke for this Lawyer when i watched his testimony about his Vaccine Injured Son! ?? My daughter is also Severely Vaccine Injured since September 2005! She was given the MMR Vaccine (3in1 Vaccine), DTaP(3in1 Vaccine) and HIB Vaccine, 7 Vaccines at once! She was perfectly healthy before Vaccines, 95% on all charts! With in 1 hour, High Pitched Screaming for 6 hours, Explosive Diarhia, Fever 105 degrees, Head Banging! Doctor said it was normal! Next day the Beautiful Sparkle in her Eyes was gone! 1 year later diagnosed; NonVerbal Autism, Severely Intellectually Challenged, Seizures, Auto Immune, Gut Disorder, Gross Motor Skills Deficit, Etc, Etc! ALL BECAUSE OF VACCINES! They Distroyed Her Brain and She is Not the Only One This Happened To! There are over 2 Million Children Diagnosed With Autism In the USA Alone, This Is An Epidemic! Our Government Ignores Us! Our Medical System Ignores, Offers No Help For Our Children! They Are All Bought $$$ By Pharmaceutical Companies! Our Childrens Health In This Country Is Of Epidemic Proportions! We Have The Sickest Generation Of Children Ever In History!

  4. Same thing happened to my 10 lb dog. He got 2 – 3 yr shots and within 5 hours he had seizures which progressed to 4 a week and the vet put him on pheno. We had him for a year and he had never had a seizure before

  5. That has happened to WAY too many children. The Pharmaceutical companies wield entirely too much power over untested vaccines.
    Drugs require much testing.Vaccines require none. And we pay for it.

  6.  Will he use the vaccine injury compensation program (VICP) created under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 to help this loss?

  7. This battle will be won, for your son, as well as for others on our knees. Blessings to you and your family.

  8. Please join RFK jr in the Children’s Health Defense. He could use a man like you to help our children.

  9. I hope his son is well now. If he isn’t maybe he will take him to be seen by Dr. Rashid Buttar, who recovered his own son from autism symptoms & is now a brilliant, healthy young man.

  10. If I could met with these parents in person……..I would give them a Big Hug….and say how sorry I am for them………it is heartbreaking what happened to their son. Luckily, their daughter has not been Vaccinated…….and is healthy. Way back in the late 70’s when my son got Very Ill from his Vaccines………he said “no more for him…… is why, and explained the ingredients and what can Sometimes happen”. He was never Vaccinated again. But I also remember when Doctors would Not Vaccinate children who were even sick with a Cold. One of my friends child was sick with the flu – but the Pediatrician said it was “safe to Vaccinate her”……….and that child ended up being severely brain damaged……….I saw her when she would just walk in circles and not speak. Still I can’t get that imagine out of my head, and how Normal she was before that round of Vaccines…… the 90’s.

  11. When deciding if you believe vaccines are harmful, you must ask yourself why the companies making these vaccines are not responsible for vaccine injuries
    and why the government has a fund that has paid out BILLIONS for vaccine injuries. I wonder who funds this? We probably do. But yet these doctors have no problem injecting these poor children and if they’re not vaccinated they can’t go to school. It’s all a big money grab, just like the cancer industry. Our government doesn’t give a crap about us. If they did would be protecting us instead of lining their pockets with Big Pharma money.

  12. I’m so sick and tired of people saying that some people can’t do vaccines because of a genetic predisposition!! Seriously. This puts the blame on people instead of where it belongs, on the vaccines/poisons. Why don’t people say it like it is, that the vaccines are harmful and often fatal? It’a akin to ramming a bat to someones’s head and saying their head wasn’t strong enough to take the blow. Really? Might it not be the person swinging the hard bat? Infuriating!

  13. I am so sorry for your little boy and for the devastating impact on all who know and love him. I would recommend you check out Professor Chris Exley at Keele University and you tube if you haven’t already done so.

  14. My heart broke for this Lawyer when i watched his testimony about his Vaccine Injured Son! ?? My daughter is also Severely Vaccine Injured since September 2005! She was given the MMR Vaccine (3in1 Vaccine), DTaP(3in1 Vaccine) and HIB Vaccine, 7 Vaccines at once! She was perfectly healthy before Vaccines, 95% on all charts! With in 1 hour, High Pitched Screaming for 6 hours, Explosive Diarhia, Fever 105 degrees, Head Banging! Doctor said it was normal! Next day the Beautiful Sparkle in her Eyes was gone! 1 year later diagnosed; NonVerbal Autism, Severely Intellectually Challenged, Seizures, Auto Immune, Gut Disorder, Gross Motor Skills Deficit, Etc, Etc! ALL BECAUSE OF VACCINES! They Distroyed Her Brain and She is Not the Only One This Happened To! There are over 2 Million Children Diagnosed With Autism In the USA Alone, This Is An Epidemic! Our Government Ignores Us! Our Medical System Ignores, Offers No Help For Our Children! They Are All Bought $$$ By Pharmaceutical Companies! Our Childrens Health In This Country Is Of Epidemic Proportions! We Have The Sickest Generation Of Children Ever In History!

  15. It is way too often we hear if babies and children being vaccine injured and even causing death. I researched vaccines and came to the conclusion to never vaccinate our children. They are very healthy and would never inject poison into their bodies. I pray and hope that all parents start listening to themselves and not be forced by greedy doctors. We live in NY and our religous rughts and parental rights are being taken away from us. This is all part of the government to control us. Please eake up everyone and stand up for your constitutional rights!!! Please join RFK Jr and Children’s Health Defense Fund to stand up for uour rights and the truth! We will NOT comply to mandated vaccines.

  16. as a child I received the small pox vaccine and none others since 1946 and I have been perfectly healthy, my father was chiropractor and very suspicious of medical vaccines including the polio vaccine and flu vaccines, time has proven him correct even though it was his good intuition without scientific evidence, now this evidence exists. My advice to parents is to severely limit the number of vaccines , your children will be healthier, and childhood diseases are not a disaster and probably help restore and strengthen childhood and adult immunity.

  17. My mother in law got a flu shot every year, and got the flu every year. I have never had a flu shot, and at 63 have only had the flu 2 or 3 times. It wasn’t a bad deal, twice I got to miss Thanksgiving dinner with the inlaws, stay home, watch videos and eat soup. To hell with the shots. The only one I would ever consider taking (had it 60 yrs ago) is the killed polio and then only if there are real documented outbreaks. What can you expect from Big Pharma, most of them were the German chemical companies that made gas warfare in World War I. Greedy barbarians all.

  18. It breaks my heart to hear about these poor parents and their innocent babies maimed by these poisons called vaccines!

    Why don’t people STOP GOING TO PEDIATRICIANS, go to Chiropractors, Naturopathic Doctors and Family practice physicians instead of pill peddling pediatricians!

    Robert S. Mendelsohn MD was absolutely correct in his assertions about pediatricians. He said they should go out of business!

  19. I think pediatricians are DANGEROUS to children. Especially those who pressure parents and you know they know good and well that vaccines harm. They know that there is causation, but won’t document it. It’s absolutely sickening and why I would never move to a police state like California. Matter of fact, I don’t even want to vacation in a place like that.

  20. My heart just bleeds for any parent best by autism brought on by the neurological damaging vaccine bombs injected into our newborns. My son mirrors the same circumstances after the vaccines..he spiralled downward and still haven’t recovered..keep fighting the battle isn’t over..may God comfort you and punish the evil greedy pharmaceuticals to the nth degree

  21. My heart breaks to hear of others damaged by these neurological damaging time bombs. My son mirrors this father’s dilemma. He went through the same thing, but not quite as severe. He regressed quite noticeably. He is still afflicted with the after effects of the poisons associated with these vaccines. No one should be injected at any age with these untested chemical laden poisons

  22. I have an almost exact similar story from my own son, Miles. Bad reaction to a DPT and then the doctor actually convinced the mother while i was out of town to ignore my concerns and give him his second shots @ 7mo..

    Sadly, my son suffered exactly the same long and tragic life as his seizures would never go for more than a day or 2..

    Finally, he died last Nov 8, 2018..

  23. Sadly the same thing happened to my daughter, my mother was old school and took her without my permission ignoring my concerns, they gave her 4 shots in one visit, and she regressed substantially, all of the sudden she stop talking , & no longer walk, I used to cry when I saw my baby drag her self like an injurel animal through the floor & when she try to stand up after few step used to constantly fall like she didn’t have uper body strength, at 4 years old was not talking normally for her age, and had motor skill issues.It took therapy, & years to recover,I stopped all the immunizations, and let her body heal naturally and gett rid of all the toxins she accumulated, I was able to get a religious exemption for the school, and she flourish became a straight A student, math honor roll, basketball. She rarely get sick with anything, Now with the sudden change in the law, I am lost scare, I am so tired of fighting, I am so exhausted of fighting this giant, they won!, I am destroy!. I haven’t been able to eat sleep, I am a single mom who works full-time, I can not afford to homeschool, I wish I could run away from New York but I can’t, I feel like a trapped animal with a gun against my head. I live in the Bronx there is no support groups, I am panicking, I don’t want my beautiful little girl to go through that again, I don’t want her to suffer again!

  24. Hi Lisa, sorry to hear about your situation. Are there any support groups in your area? Can admin please help. Are you sure you can’t switch jobs to another state? I have a 4 year old daughter so I understand the love for your child. Please don’t vaccinate. Maybe your mom can help now seeing what it did to your daughter in the past?

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