Friday, July 26, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Eight Chinese Babies Die After Hepatitis B Vaccination

There are calls within China for tough action to be taken after up to eight babies died following vaccination against hepatitis B. As investigations continue, authorities already suspended use of the vaccine at the center of the scandal produced by the Chinese drug manufacturer BioKangtai. Only a few areas bought this vaccine, says this official, seeking to reassure parents about the government’s immunization program. We’ve asked them to report the number of these vaccines used. We also monitor if they have a bad reaction. So far, there’s none. The firm says it’s testing the batches in question but insists it rigorously followed safety rules. After several scares, many Chinese people are suspicious that the government tries to cover up bad news about health problems, despite assurances of transparency.

7 Responses

  1. japan has some teen girls die during vaccination for HPV, and an island chain had two babies die the same day during a vaccination push.

    All vaccines contain glysophate; this known cancer-causing substance is found on our soil and pplants due to over-use of Roundup. Pig carcasses, in which vaccines are grown, also contain this substance…giving every vaccine the ability to give people cancer in the vaccinated person’s future.

    The pertusiss (sp?) vaccine is only given as an aption in England, Sweden, and other countries; doctors may or may not recommend their patients or their kids to receive it…that is ther RIGHT as physicians. Whereas vaccinaton for this and other conditions is MANDATORY in America and doctors in America are paid extra for each and every vaccine they give, making it hard for some to advise against any vaccine being skipped by their patients.

  2. I have been diagnosed with hepatitis B. My HBsAg is positive. HbE is negative and anti-HbE is positive. HCB is negative. Viral load is 7466 IU/ml, and copies/ml is 43452. My symptoms was deep pain in my stomach that i can’t even stand up straight. Second, i found out the yellow colour in the edge of my pupil. Third, loss of appetite to eat. Early this year she started on organic/natural HBsAg treatment from Best Health Herbal Centre (ww w. besthealthherbalcentre. co m). The treatment worked very effectively and all my symptoms simply disappeared completely after 6 weeks of usage and My family doctor confirmed am HBsAg negative. I hope this information will spread.

  3. They followed safety rules? Don’t you get it??? There are no safety rules when it comes to vaccines! It’s a crap shoot! Babies are going to die because not everyone handles the toxins the same way. THAT’S what makes vaccines so dangerous and why they should NEVER be mandatory!

  4. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in October 2012, at the age of 44. I woke up one morning with numbness in my lower back and legs, I couldn’t feel my feet touching the floor. I saw my doctor and had an MRI to see if I had a disc problem, it was negative and she told me she feared MS. I was sent to a neurologist, had two more MRIs, and was told that night that I have four lesions on my spine MS. I tried every shots available but nothing worked. In 2015, my neurologist and I decided to go with natural treatment and was introduced to Organic Herbal Clinic natural organic MS Herbal formula, i had a total decline of symptoms with this treatment, the numbness, terrible back pains, stiffness, body weakness, double vision, depression and others has subsided. Visit Organic Herbal Clinic official website www. organicherbalclinic. com This treatment is a breakthrough for all suffering from Multiple sclerosis, i am strong again!

  5. The pertusiss (sp?) vaccine is only given as an aption in England, Sweden, and other countries; doctors may or may not recommend their patients or their kids to receive it…that is ther RIGHT as physicians. Whereas vaccinaton for this and other conditions is MANDATORY in America and doctors in America are paid extra for each and every vaccine they give, making it hard for some to advise against any vaccine being skipped by their patients. Avec le miel de jujubier ou le miel de socotra

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