Thursday, February 13, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Angelica Black’s Vaccine Injury

She was three months old. She was developing fine and everything was typical before. She went down for naps, she was actually singing and cooing and playing with us and smiling and laughing, and the next time we saw her she was limp and not breathing. Despite everyone’s thoughts that, usually, most reactions happen quickly, hers took three days. On the paper I signed in the doctor’s office, it says watch for 24 hours for these symptoms, her symptom was never listed, and I thought after the 24 hours I was fine. So, I mean, I was pretty shocked when something happened. She still has a rare seizure disorder. She has multiple type seizures all day and all night, and she is labeled with cerebral palsy, which is just a catch all for a brain injury.

13 Responses

  1. I feel for your daughter and your family, Angelica. But in terms of demonstrating to the public the effect vaccines can have, it would be important to include what vaccine your daughter received, what symptoms she developed (was there anything besides ‘limp and not breathing?’), and perhaps even before/after photos. Because it so difficult to convince non-believers that vaccines can cause problems, it is super important to present complete information.

    1. This is a terrible tragedy, but not uncommon these days.
      All those Believers need to wake those up around us.
      Living in California, I’m facing a mandatory vaccinations for both my children. I’m simply going to homeschool them.
      Please get past that you believe our country is supposed to protect us and protect yourself!

  2. I have not vaccinated my son at all due to the ever increasing media hype over the dangers of vaccines, plus some parents and grandparents I personally know who have blamed a vaccine after their children were diagnosed with Autism.

    However, to be fair to those of us who feel we are being manipulated by one organization after another on both sides of the issue, I would have to agree with Lisa’s previous comment. Details, details, details. I am surprised that this website would post an article like this without supplying more information. It makes me distrustful when items are created with such hype and are an emotional plea to believe one side. It is difficult if not downright impossible to know who is telling the truth anymore.

    This is not a negative statement against this particular family, I am sure they have endured much suffering. But I am afraid Lisa has a good point. Please post articles that contain more complete information and don’t just appeal to our emotions.

  3. My friend’s son had seizures, she said 16 a day! And after he was given homeopathic doses of the vaccine cartridge with the remnants of the vaccine solution in it, the seizures stopped, and he’s a fine grown up boy now!

  4. Just look at the insert that comes with the vaccines stating that it can cause Guillain Beret brain damage and death and most of these vaccines the inserts States this. Which means they are not 100% safe .The supreme Court of the United States said that they are unavoidably unsafe. Two of my stepkids, fully vaccinated sometimes have nosebleeds ,unexplained ,both have asthma and one had abdominal problems for awhile. My biological child stopped talking after the first MMR. Speech returned year later. No more vacs,for him,and we homeschool him.

  5. Problems arise when they are grown. My three children were vaccinated before I realized the dangers. We homeschooled. When my children started college, they had to have proof their vaccinations were up-to-date. If you leave the country for any reason, you must vaccinate. We adopted a baby just a few years ago. The child already has developmental delays, behavioral issues, gut related issues, and stunted growth from her birth parents’ drug usage and malnutrition from before, during and after pregnancy. She is challenged with ADD, ODD, and on the autism spectrum. Her parents were diagnosed with bipolar disorder, so there is a good chance she will too. She shouldn’t have to be subjected against our will or her own to have all the vaccinations; however, in the state we live in, there are NO exemptions! I’m sick of all the greed, medical politics, and over-reaches from the government.

  6. Problems arise when they are grown. My three children were vaccinated before I realized the dangers. We homeschooled. When my children started college, they had to have proof their vaccinations were up-to-date. If you leave the country for any reason, you must vaccinate. We adopted a baby just a few years ago. The child already has developmental delays, behavioral issues, gut related issues, and stunted growth from her birth parents’ drug usage and malnutrition from before, during and after pregnancy. She is challenged with ADD, ODD, and on the autism spectrum. Her parents were diagnosed with bipolar disorder, so there is a good chance she will too. She shouldn’t have to be subjected against our will or her own to have all the vaccinations; however, in the state we live in, there are NO exemptions! I’m sick of all the greed, medical politics, and over-reaches from the government. The government does not know what is best for our children and has no right to override parental rights. It is my right to choose what to put into my body or my children’s bodies, whether it be food, herbs, vitamins, or medicine! Slavery hasn’t been abolished; this is just a different form of it.

  7. The government does not know what is best for our children and has no right to override parental rights. It is my right to choose what to put into my body or my children’s bodies, whether it be food, herbs, vitamins, or medicine! Slavery hasn’t been abolished in this country; this is just a different form of it.

  8. I have personally seen three separate children affected by vaccinations. The parents all said their children were perfectly normal before the vaccine and all had severe reactions that resulted in permanent damage from high fevers and inflammation of the brain. One was from MMR. Other two from old DPT shots. One child was awarded 4 million dollar settlement. One recovered enough to be able to be trained as a hairstylist but he did not receive any vaccines after the first DPT and bad reaction. He suffers from extreme ADHD and learning disabilities. You may need proof but after talking with these parents about how this happened to their normal babies and what they have to live with the rest of their lives I had all the “proof” I needed.

  9. My child also became limp like a rag doll and quit breathing. I was sleep deprived during pregnancy & HAD to get some sleep so reclined with my newborn on my chest. This was after the bili blanket was done. I woke up and knew something was wrong, picked him up and then he took a big breath and firmed up. This happened a couple of times that night, then I was really scared to go to sleep. So I took him to the walk-in clinic where the doctor ordered a sleep apnea belt for him. The alarm would go off sometimes three times a night. He wore that belt for maybe three months. I no sooner sent it back then it happened again, had to put my trust in God for this child.

    Fast forward to the 2 year well exam/vaccine schedule, end of May. Filling out the questionnaire, I realized his speech had gone backward since the 18 month visit. He was no longer asking questions, wanting to know what everything was, but was barely putting two words together. The doctor put him in speech therapy where he tested at an 18 month level, lead level of 5 which later increased to 6.8 (forth child, same house). He lined up his toys, looked glassy-eyed, held his head to the side, was way too good and constantly assembled and re-assembled Trid interlocking shapes.

    I heard about a doctor treating a lot of kids with autism, out of state, out of pocket. In August he started on liver D-tox and chelate, big pills and emptied capsules wrapped up in a thin tissue like a Tootsie roll, tucked under the edge of his diaper all night on the left, three hours during the day on the right. (His potty training had also gone backward.) He received brain balancing with a flashing red light once a week and neck adjustments. His appetite increased, especially wanting more protein and he gained weight. His personality changed, no longer being docile and wanting few naps. It was like he woke up, constantly getting into things. His speech exploded and he was discharged from speech therapy in September at his age level. The lead level had dropped to 3.3. Occasionally I would notice something not quite right and took him back for neck adjustments and flashing red light treatments.

    All vaccines have been refused since his two year exam no matter the pressure and guilt they try to lay on. My conscience won’t allow me to harm my child. He had two years of functional medicine intervention and now continues with Nutrition Response Testing. I homeschooled him for preschool teaching him Hooked on Phonics. Then he went to public school for kindergarten, with cold lunches. In 21 years of teaching she had never seen such academic progress. Thankfully his doctor had signed a medical exemption. During the summer of 2018 I gradually reintroduced gluten into his diet after five years. For third grade he finally got hot lunch including the milk (raw goat milk otherwise). He surpasses all projections in Measures of Academic Progress (MAP testing results) in math and is reading at a fifth grade level.

  10. Am praying for you and your family. My granddaughter who is 5 has never been vaccinated but her mom and dad get “bullied” every time they go to doctor. I want to homeschool her but her dad wants her to go to public school. I cringe but I’m not in charge.

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