Tuesday, February 18, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Toddler in China Dies Day After MMR Vaccination

Chinese boy held by mother

A two-year-old boy with the surname Hu died on Nov. 28, 2018 in China’s Hunan province. The child lost consciousness a day after being vaccinated with the MMR (mumps, measles, rubella) vaccine at a health center in the Chinese city of Changsha (Kaifu district) and was rushed to the hospital, but doctors were not able to revive him.1

According to published reports, the boy had also previously been given vaccines for diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough) and tetanus (DPT), hepatitis B, tuberculosis, polio and Hansen’s disease.1

The boy had been diagnosed with a rare congenital lung malformation called horseshoe lung—a fusion of pulmonary tissue between the right and left lungs—2but he had undergone a health examination before being vaccinated and the exam “showed no abnormalities.”1

Chinese health authorities are investigating the case.

On Nov. 11, 2018, the Chinese government published a draft Vaccine Management Law online for public comment. The proposed legislation would allow people to sue pharmaceutical companies for punitive damages in cases of death or serious illness caused by faulty vaccines.1 3

The measure comes on the heels of a series of vaccine scandals in China involving defective DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis) and rabies vaccines.4 5


1 Low Z. Chinese boy dies after being given MMR vaccine. South China Morning Post Nov. 30, 2018.
2 Craig Hacking C, Venkatesh M et al. Horseshoe lung. Radiopaedia.
Pinghui Z. A new law could let Chinese vaccine victims sue. Inkstone Nov. 13, 2018.
Cáceres M. Defective DTaP Vaccines in China Due to “Uneven Ratio of Liquid”? The Vaccine Reaction Aug. 3, 2018.
TVR Staff. Chinese Vaccine Maker Fined a Record $1.3 Billion. The Vaccine Reaction Oct. 24, 2018.

6 Responses

  1. Pharmaceutical companies should have to pay for the problems they cause. As it is, they just rake in the money. Too bad our Congress sold the citizens of the U.S. down the river by indemnifying BigPharma. That needs to stop. China should make them pay.

  2. That child should not have had to die. My condolences to the parents…a child is the most terrible ones to loose.they take a part of your heart with them .if I were his mother I would surely hold them accountable life such as this child’s was important as well as innocent..and did not deserve this evil that was done to him.and his death should not go unpunished…to the parents of this beautiful child..start at the top of the corporate ladder not at the bottom because they will only step on you..start at the top the Supreme top and bring those evil ones down as you go.life is way too precious to let it slip away so easily..You all are in my prayers..

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